Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Uncle Joes Economy

Hallelujah, the democrats have come up with a solution to solve the economic mess they've made in America! They need to save their party before the November elections this year and it is not going to be easy with the economy even worse than that of one term president Jimmy Carter. King Barry is probably completely envious of what Uncle Joe has accomplished in such a short period of time. Of Course King Barry didn't have the advantage of a world war starting in Europe or a world wide pandemic. Barry did try to put us on a weak energy footing and he actually succeeded. He tried to put the coal industry out of business even going so far as to create a national park in an area of Utah known for producing the cleanest burning coal in the world in retaliation for that state not supporting him in his bid for the presidency. And he did that solely to injure the Utah economy. 

Unfortunately for King Barry no despots came to his aid and the American economy proved to be too strong for him to break it on his own. Alas, some people have all the luck and Uncle Joe is one of them. He stopped American production of oil, preferring to buy it from such marvelous trading partners as Russia, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. At the same time Uncle Joe presided over a panicked withdrawal from Afghanistan. The United States abandoned Afghan people who had been loyal to them for over twenty years, including many American citizens. He left tons of weaponry including artillery pieces and aircraft. He also left them an in tact base complete with airstrip. And the entire world watched as thirteen American Marines were murdered by the Taliban as the Americans ran for their lives. It was not a scene that inspired confidence in America's ability to organize militarily. So the Russians, seizing on the opportunity to help Uncle Joe destroy America, invaded Ukraine. This was a hoped for gift, but hardly one that the democrats could count on. 

What luck! The problem is that historically whenever democrats have created a problem they have been able to come up with a 'solution'. They don't know how to 'fix' a problem they didn't create and over which they have no control. This time the problem they created can only be solved by doing something they have always claimed is destroying the world. OOPS! How can they increase domestic production of oil, thus solving the inflation crisis, without admitting they were wrong to create this crisis to begin with? 

Wiley E. Coyote is constantly trying to kill the Roadrunner by trying ridiculous things that ultimately backfire on him and make his situation worse. Democrats are constantly attempting to create a ruling class in America. They don't like our system of government and when it suits them they bypass the legislative branch and appeal to the judicial branch for relief when the law is against them. Sadly there are many judges who agree with them and are eager to pass laws that cannot be passed by the legislature. This has always ultimately resulted in democrats losing ground on one side of the legislature, then the other, and finally the executive. Hopefully that's what will happen this November and ultimately in 2024 when Americans will once again repent of voting anti America, and put an American in the White House. 

Vladimir Putin's war against Ukraine is a gift that just keeps getting better and better. As it turns out Russia is a major exporter of oil and the United States thought it didn't need any oil so they stopped domestic production and began purchasing a major strategic commodity from a man who hates them. Vlad still can't believe his luck in finding such a staunch ally as the USA. Uncle Joe got on TV and said all sorts of nasty things about Russian war crimes, and started sending weapons to Ukraine to help them stop the Russian army while at the same time funding Russias financial needs by buying oil from them. When the hypocrisy became overwhelmingly obvious democrats had to publicly cut all oil purchases from Russia while secretly continuing to buy their oil, and with Putin's permission Venezuela increased its oil exports to the USA. Saudi Arabia didn't need anyone's permission so they agreed to a modest increase in production after forcing Uncle Joe to beg in front of the entire world. How stupid is that? The Russian victory so far has been mostly diplomatic; gas prices have soared, food prices have soared, food shortages are a sure thing since Ukraine is one of the world's largest producers of grain and now they can't get their product to the market, what little they have left. The Russian terrorist regime has been purposely bombing Ukraines fields to make sure their wheat never makes it to the market place. 

Democrats are in big trouble. This time they can't even create a mirage that resembles anything close to a solution. And the American people are not happy. The American people are watching the price of a gallon of fuel triple along with the price of food in their stores. And democrats are desperate. Ruh-Roh! Their problem is that this time they haven't created a problem like man made global warming or deteriorating race relations that they can pretend to solve by supporting things like solar panels and electric cars, or making speeches about racist cops who they claim are out everyday murdering young black men by the hundreds; Or even abortion, which they may or may not support, but they know an opportunity when they see one.

Absurdity has become the face of the democrat party. They pushed an old man with dementia for president, presumably because the unhinged members of the party like AOC and her Gang of Four thought they could control him and get him to become their spokesperson for the so-called green new deal, and abortion of course. But in their rabid zeal to destroy and punish America for all of her problems they created one that could easily get them fired. We can only hope. 

And guess what the democrats are counting on to solve their looming power problems; abortion. They are assuming that Americans don't care that they are starving to death and have to take a Transit Authority bus or train where they risk getting beaten, raped, robbed and murdered every day because the Supreme Court just ruled that abortion isn't a right covered by the Constitution and the states have the authority to regulate abortion for themselves. No more wanton destruction of unborn babies! Oh, the humanity! How could the Court be so cruel! So opposed to a woman's right to do what she wants with her own body! And I almost left out freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The democrats have discovered that there are more than two genders, and we need to create so called hate speech laws so we can punish people who are so mean that they don't believe that. Some Americans are so ignorant as to believe the obvious fact that there really are only two genders and they even have the audacity to say that in public! How could anyone be so mean and driven by hate. So we need hate speech legislation.

Uncle Joe has even created a Minister of Free Speech to make sure people who believe there are hundreds of different genders don't have to worry about intelligent people pointing out to them how wrong they are. Next they'll be telling us that a child's parent should not be involved in the health of their children and that if a twelve year old boy decides he was really supposed to be a girl, but God made a mistake so he requires gender reassignment treatment, the parents don't need to be notified. That would just add to the cruelty that the child already is enduring from his mean peers. Yes, children must be protected from their parents. Some parents object to their children being sexually promiscuous and if their daughters get pregnant there are actually some parents who are so cruel that they might not want that child to have an abortion. At least they would like a chance to discuss something that personal with their child. Some parents are just plain cruel so we have to pass laws protecting children from their parents. There are actually a lot of parents who don't want their children to be vaccinated against covid because they are afraid that it hasn't been tested enough and there could be some very negative side effects. No, that cannot be allowed. Those parents have to be subjected to severe government sanction and one of the best ways to accomplish that is by passing as many laws as necessary to protect children from their parents. We really don't need parents anyway once the children are born, at least those who survive the pregnancy, we need to let democrat bureaucrats raise our children. 

The democrat party is actually hoping that abortion is that important, and they might be right. Americans are getting stupider by the day, possibly by the hour. Who cares about runaway inflation, mass starvation, and losing the ability to go anywhere you want anytime you want in the comfort and safety of your own vehicle, when there are hundreds of thousands of babies that need to be massacred? And what about housing? What makes anyone believe they deserve their own home on an acre or more of land? That's wasteful! All anyone needs is about 900 square feet in a high rise apartment building. Virtually every single heavy hitter in the Man Made Global Warming religion tells us that it is immoral to drive what they consider a large vehicle and live in a house with a yard. And all of their pathetic gullible followers believe them. Of course Al Gore lives in a 20,000 square foot mansion by himself, drives a Cadillac Escalade, and flies around the world alone in his private jet, he's a god! He sacrificed so much to warn us about the impending doom that awaits all of us if we don't live in tiny apartments, ride bicycles, or take public transportation. His worshippers are so grateful to him for warning us all about how Americans are destroying planet earth. Without him, Barak Obama, John Kerry and a few lesser gods who live in mansions, but can only afford to travel First Class, warning us we might have ignorantly destroyed the planet, but now because of their great sacrifices we may avoid that catastrophe. Whew! We are so fortunate they care so much about the ignorant little people. It is both nauseating and exhausting. And not only that, but they will guarantee that they will never be held accountable to pay for a child they don't want because they will make sure women can all have an abortion whenever they want. They truly do care about the planet and women's 'reproductive  rights' whatever that means. 

That's what the democrats are hoping for; that Americans are so upset about states being given the Constitutional authority to pass laws governing themselves that they will ignore rising crime rates, sky rocketing fuel and food prices, so they can kill babies. I really hope they are wrong because if that is what Americans are thinking we are doomed. What we need in 2022 is a massive American victory. It can come from independents or Republicans I don't care, but we have to get democrats out of the Capitol building this year and out of the White House in 2024. The future of the country depends on it. In case there are some people in this country who haven't noticed, Uncle Joe's economy isn't Vladimir Putin's economy; it belongs to Uncle Joe and his green new deal bosses. 

We elected a doddering old fool for president and the inevitable occurred; he is destroying the country. It's truly a tribute to the stupidity of the American people that Uncle Joe has a 38 percent approval rating. It should be much lower than that. A determined handful of democrats still believe in his 'vision' for our future. They can look at what's happening in America, weigh the evidence that shows the cause and still blame Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Uncle Joe inherited possibly the best economy of any other president. America was completely oil independent, the price was so low and there was so much of it nobody was sure where to store it. Inflation was less than two percent, the average price for a gallon of gasoline was $2.61. In the two years since President Trump left office the price of a gallon of gas has reached about $6.59 and inflation is close to eight percent. Not bad for 18 months. King Barry wishes he could have done that, but he lives in a mansion on the beach at Martha's vineyard, shaking every day for fear of man made global warming presumably since the oceans are about to rise and kill everybody, at least that's what he's been telling us for the last 25 years. 

Anyone who votes democrat after witnessing such a dismal performance is a special kind of stupid. That's pretty mean I know, but right now I really could use a mean tweet, 1.5 percent inflation, and gasoline that sells for $2.50 a gallon. Uncle Joe's labor boss cooked the books all he dared to bring inflation down to 7.5 percent, but even he couldn't manufacture more than a five percent rise in pay, which anyone with a job can tell you is pure fantasy. A two and a half percent loss is painful and the real gap is probably more like four percent. 

We barely survived King Barry's economy, which Donald Trump had running like a sewing machine in less than two years, we would not have survived Bloody Hilary's assault on America and it still remains to be seen if we can survive Uncle Joe's attack. 

And the point of all this is; if you love America you simply cannot vote democrat for the foreseeable future. Taking care of the planet is necessary and everybody bares the responsibility not to pollute or defile our planet in any way, but forcing policies that put severe hardships on one segment of society but not the rest is immoral and should not be permitted. Currently democrats have weakened our national defense by discontinuing oil exploration and greatly reducing the refining of local oil reserves in favor of locations in the world where the governments are hostile to America. The price of gasoline has tripled and the cost of food has almost doubled.  This has resulted in runaway inflation. No one has produced any hard evidence that man caused global warming is occurring yet democrats have succeeded in causing a world wide panic over something that even the most devoted proponent of this phenomena can only state that if certain things happen something catastrophic could occur in as little as a hundred years.

Americans really need to use their heads and trust what their eyes are telling them. Most, if not all, of these elitist millionaires and billionaires who are telling us we are causing the oceans to rise and our coasts will be under water in the very near future if we, the Middle Class, don't immediately scrap our cars and start riding bicycles to work, or using dangerous mass transit, live in mansions on or near the oceans. They drive cars that have big powerful gas guzzling engines, or electric cars that cost a hundred thousand dollars or more. They travel on private jets that consume vast amounts of fuel and contribute more pollution to our environment during each flight than a person driving a Suburban contributes in a year. 

Wake-Up! Learn how to reduce the amount of pollution you are contributing and follow those recommendations. Enjoy the good life the American economy offers. Poor people in the United States live in as good as or better housing than the middle class in Europe and Asia. And that's a fact. In those countries middle class families live in homes with three bedrooms and one bathroom. In the USA just about everyone has at least two bathrooms. A small but important fact that shows people who live in America enjoy conveniences that are often actually frowned upon in other 'developed' parts of the world. How many Global Warming elitists would be willing to move into a 900 square foot apartment?

Yet that is what they are telling the rest of us we have to do or risk world wide drought and starvation. They don't believe it, and I don't believe it either. That is one of the very few things I have in common with the Global Warming elite. I can't see that the destruction of the American economy by democrats has done anything to help clean up planet Earth. 

You have to vote pro America. You will be labelled a 'Nationalist' and worse, but don't let that bother you. Tories opposed the organization of this great nation in 1776 and they are advocating for its destruction today. The truth is that America is the greatest nation on the earth and half of its people want to downgrade it. They have no vision for their future. Professors have convinced them that Europeans are superior to Americans without offering any proof. Of course as always Americans are free to choose so if you like seeing your standard of living downgraded vote democrat and be happy! When all else fails at least they will promise you the right to an abortion. 

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