Wednesday, July 6, 2022


 That's right boys and girls, I said it! We are talking about guns. I am not minimalizing the tragedy that occurred on the Fourth of July. I mourn with the families who lost loved ones during that celebration. This is truly the greatest nation in the history of the world. No other nation even comes close. We are generous to the point that too often we put our collective nose where it don't belong, like kuwait. And several other places; Bosnia, Lybia, Americans can't stand injustice and they try to stamp it out. Too often that means we end up wiht a bloody nose for stepping in the middle of a family fight we don't understand and we have no business joining. 

What's that got to do with guns? Nothing that I can think of except we are a nation founded upon principles of fairness, and today when people can't get along the gun is a great equalizer. They are fun to shoot too. I love trying to hit the bullseye from five hundred yards. I've never tried anyting farther than that because I don't use a scope, and with iron sights 500 yards is my limit. And for 2,000 yarders besides windage and elevation you also have to consider the earths rotation, at least that's what someone told me. That's a science in which I don't have any interest. 

Ever since I gave myself a black eye with a scoped rifle I've been very happy with lever action rifles, revolvers and shotguns. Semi auto pistols are fine, I just shoot better with a revolver. And now the debate is roiling again. Guns are bad! We have to get rid of guns in this country. That is knee jerk emotion talking. Whatever gun that evil man used couldn't possibly have killed anyone. It required a black heart and an evil mind to do that. Registering guns won't stop a black heart, and confiscating guns won't stop people from using them to kill people. 

Do people who advocate taking away our basic civil rights really believe that will stop the black market in firearms? Will Russia, China, Belgium, Brazil, and other countries who manufacture firearms stop production if the US makes it illegal to own them? Not hardly. Democrats are great gun dealers and black marketeers and that's what will happen if they ever succeed in attempting to confiscate all firearms. There are a couple hundred million unregistered firearms in the country already. And guns aren't the problem people are. We need to figure out how the kids of the seventies managed to grow up not wanting to become mass murderers but the kids of the eighties didn't. 

I've already lost a few friends for the position I have on religion. Some of those friends attend the same church I do, homosexuality is an abomination and we've taken it to new heights; allowing kids to go through gender reassignment treatments without telling their parents. High school kids don't know if they are talking to a boy or a girl. Talk about making a seventeen year old boy mad enough to kill! Parents are embarrassed and angry about their kids getting abortions and going through gender reassignment without giving them the opportunity to talk about it first. We allow men to marry men, and women to marry women, and then they adopt children and become a 'family'. Nonsense. There is a God and he has rules that he expects us to follow and if we don't there are consequences. Pretending their is no God will not make him go away. We need to embrace him and follow his commandments. We need to turn to Jesus Christ for answers to our most difficult problems, and we need to teach our children to do the same.  

Intead we teach kids that it's ok to lie because "everybody lies" and it's the same with stealing. Parents bring home staplers  and other office items from work because 'it's a big company, they won't miss something this small', and other  indescretions. Telling the boss you're sick so you can take the kids out for the day, and telling their school they are sick too. Our society is in trouble and it isn't because of guns. It's because of defective people. No children,  people don't become mass murderers because there are too many AR15's in the country. The problem is much more complicated than that. They become mass murderers because they have no conscience, they've stopped reading the Bible and trying to become better people. And we can fix that. 

So let's fix it today. Teach our children to be honest and hard working. Teach them that they may not get to live in the biggest house on the block or drive the nicest cars. They may not have a beautiful boat or their own airplane and that's ok. We need to be grateful for the things we do have, especially as Americans. We enjoy a peace and safety that no other country has. We need to thank God for the great lives we live and stop being petty.

Guns just aren't the problem. People are the problem. 

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