Sunday, July 10, 2022

Let's talk Blue

 Democrats are blue. It is the color that identifies them on the charts. Republicans are red. That is the color that identifies them. And there have been several rulings from the Supreme Court that Republicans haven't agreed with. Obamacare was clearly a violation of the Constitution yet when it was challenged in the highest court in the land somehow they decided it was constitutional and it became the law. Did Republicans threaten to kill Supreme Court justices? No. Did they force them and their families out of restaurants when they were trying to enjoy a night out? No, they didn't do that either. What they did was accept the ruling of the court hoping that someday sanity would be restored and the law would be changed because that is what Americans do. 

That is not what democrats do. They threaten to murder Supreme Court justices, they congregate in front of their homes and demand that they rule a certain way, and they shout insults at them and their families. And a democrat Attorney General refuses to enforce the law against those activities as long as the victims are Republicans. The evidence that democrats are violently opposed to our way of life is overwhelming. They are hostile to our form of government. They would probably prefer a soft coup, a gradual takeover of the Supreme Court, Congress and the Presidency, but if they can't do it that way they will bring us down by violence of force. That is why they want to disarm us. 

President Biden is trying to use an executive order to overturn the Supreme Court ruling on abortion. He has stated that the Supreme Court was exercising raw political power and that he cannot allow an out of control Supreme Court to take away people's rights. But then, what can he do about it? Democrats may want to shred the Constitution, but so far they lack the number of people necessary to accomplish a complete take over.

That is why they decry the ruling on abortion, which did not make abortion illegal. Democrats always have to lie to win an argument, and they have to shout people down and repeat the lie over and over and at high volume, and they have to threaten violence if people don't believe the lie. The Constitution clearly states that people have a right to defend themselves against violent attack, but the democrats want to confiscate all firearms from those of us who uphold the law and believe in personal freedom. 

Those of us who own guns number in the millions and could easily mount an attack against our country if we wanted to. The problem with us is we believe in America and we obey the law. We respect other people and would rather protect them than destroy their peace. And democrats want to disarm us because they don't care about America or our way of life. They want peace, but only after they've succeeded in setting aside  our Constitution and installing a minority rule monarchy and crush our individual liberty. For a democrat peace can only be attained after we've all been beaten down to a point where we agree with everything they say.  Anyone who believes that only police officers and criminals should be armed is a danger to the foundation of our liberty. 

While they are shouting that we need to disarm America and allow the police to be our sworn protectors they are also shouting that we need to defund the police, the police are murderers and racists who shoot innocent black men on sight. Democrats are a danger to our way of life and Republicans aren't much better. Apparently believing the democrat hysteria about gun violence, whatever that is, democrats are great at creating meaningless slogans, but terrible at actually communicating, too many Republican law makers are joining the democrat fueled hype and voting to water down our Second Amendment rights. Therefore where there is no constitutional right to an abortion democrats are willing to destroy America to protect abortion. Especially democrat men who are saying, "Hey look you were great in my car, but there is no way in hell I want to be stuck paying for those few minutes of a good time for the next 18 months, I completely understand, even encourage you and support you all the way in claiming the right to  kill that baby ASAP!" And sadly women are changing from  nurturer to killer. They don't think it's fair for God to put that burden on them so they turn to a male legislature for relief and they got it. Just like that a constitutional right was discovered. High fives all around. 

There is a clearly worded right "...To Keep and Bear Arms..." It's written in plain English and its there for a very good reason. The men who wrote it assumed that guns were a near necessity when looking for food, but they also knew they were needed in the event that government officials began to overstep their authority and make laws that encroach on our freedom. They knew that men were not angels so we do need laws and they recognized that unfortunately lawmakers might someday usurp their authority and it might become necessary to defend our liberty once again when our own government officers turned against us. The spirit of the Minuteman burned hot within them and it needs to burn inside every freedom loving people. 

And democrats are slowly coming around to the idea that the First Amendment also has become a detriment to their cause. Hate Speech is another slogan democrats coined in their continuing effort to water down our rights to speak our mind. Republicans Graham of South Carolina and Kennedy of Louisiana have each said we don't want to engage in hate speech and still no one knows what that is. Evidently anyone with Jewish or Christian convictions is guilty of Hate Speech. If you are Muslim or atheist you can say whatever you want, or if you've got a couple hundred million in the bank.

And that is not the foundation this country was built upon. Most democrats want to forget that we have a system of government made up of three branches; the Executive, the legislative, and the judiciary. And they are autonomous. Each branch has it's function and as long as each branch recognizes it is not better than the other two our system works. Problems arise when one of the branches thinks it is more important than the others.

King Barry famously stated that 'if Congress doesn't act, I will'. He thought he was above the other two branches and if Congress didn't pass a law that he favored he threatened to subvert the law by writing executive orders. He and his fellow democrats think it is horrible to live in a system such as ours where it can take years to get a law passed, when a king can cut through all that mess and enact a law in the morning that can be enforced the same afternoon, a much more efficient system than ours. And sometimes the legislature passes a law that violates the Constitution and then the judiciary branch becomes involved. In the case democrats are all worked up about currently, in 1972 the Supreme Court decided the Constitution allowed women to kill their unborn children so they passed a law that was binding on all fifty states making abortions legal, now after fifty years of murdering babies the Supreme Court had another chance to look at the law and they didn't find a clause anywhere in the Constitution that gives anyone the right to have an abortion so they reversed a previous decision of the Court.

Fortunately there aren't enough democrat legislators to pass a law allowing abortion so abortion will remain legal in some states and illegal in other states. And this court did not say abortion is illegal. Baby killing  remains legal in many states it just hasn't been forced on every state. So of course democrats are beside themselves with grief, especially democrat men, some of whom have gone out and scheduled vasectomies so there is less chance of getting some woman they don't really care about pregnant triggering a financial burden they don't want to carry. 

Democrats are throwing a major tantrum like most two year  olds do. They couldn't care less about the law except when they can use it to take away rights they don't think people should have. They are openly threatening the entire Supreme Court, except for the three who think baby killing is a good form of birth control. Recently Justice Kavanaugh was out having dinner at a restaurant with his family and protestors became so boisterous that they had to leave, not only do they have no regard for the law, they have no class at all. They love confusion it is their favorite state. They make up words and phrases to make their arguments such as being 'woke'. I don't know what that means and nobody I've talked to understands it either. another is 'gun rights' and 'gun crimes'. What is a gun right? What is a gun crime? Shooting and killing someone isn't a 'gun crime' it's murder. Every state has a law against murder and there are a variety of ways a person can commit murder one of which is by shooting a person dead. 

No state has a statute against 'gun crimes' it's just one more phrase democrats invented to confuse the issue. And now they've come up with 'reproductive rights'. The phrase sounds hard to define, it is very vague like is there really a law that guarantees a person the right to reproduce? I understand what it means for human beings to reproduce, it happens all the time. And I understand the word rights, that means we all have the right to do whatever democrats allow us to do, but 'reproductive rights'? That just sounds like nonsense. Human reproduction has always involved women getting pregnant and giving birth. It never covered getting pregnant and then killing the baby. To a lot of people, including me, getting pregnant before marriage is a sin, and sin should not be encouraged. I'm not in favor of shaming people, but I'm not in favor of shielding people from the consequences of their actions either. Human abortion and human reproduction are two very different things. 

One involves giving life and the other involves killing a baby. It is insanity. It is evil on a very large scale and they claim the right to kill a baby exists even in the moment the baby is born. I've held lots of newborn babies and the thought of killing them is so evil that I can barely discuss it. I'd like some democrat to let us know how old a baby has to be in order to have the right to live. I've never seen a 'viable' one year old; not by any democrat definition. There are no one year old babies that can survive on their own. There probably aren't very many four year olds who can really take care of themselves. 

Democrats would say I'm being ridiculous and I wish they were right, but they created this question. At what age can a child survive on his or her own? In my mind that is totally ridiculous, but so is killing a baby in the womb. Sexual intercourse is fun, it feels good, and we all know that if something feels good we should just do it. Robbers feel good robbing people and murderers feel good murdering people. I want to know what's the difference if the standard is 'if it feels good do it?' 

Is there another activity that could end up making us responsible for the care of another individual? Is human life sacred? Once that child has been conceived we lose some of our rights. A mother who uses narcotics during her pregnancy can be criminally prosecuted. She can kill her baby if she wants to but she can't share methamphetamine with her? Democrats are insane and it's hard to have an intelligent conversation with insane people. They're backing off from many of these laws when they realize that their insanity is showing. Most states charge the killing of a pregnant woman as a double murder if the baby dies. And if the baby dies as a result of the attack and the mother survives the suspect still gets charged with murder. I don't know how democrats reconcile that, but I'm sure it involves a tortured redefining of words and the creation of new phrases. 

In most cases in their most guarded moments of honesty democrats are forced to admit, at least to themselves, that a fetus is a living human being who has a right to live and to be cared for. In todays tortured Blue vocabulary "Babies Lives Matter!" And that is a truth I really wish they could espouse. Blue equals democrat and to them babies lives don't matter. To God babies lives matter a lot. He chose women to be His co-creators of life and at the judgement bar there may well be a discussion about that. Democrats don't understand that all life is sacred, but womanhood is perhaps the most sacred of all and right next to that is babyhood. Sadly to democrats what matters most is doing whatever it takes to feel good. To democrats asking people to be responsible for their actions is mean to the point of being cruel.

I'm miffed that democrats were able to Shanghai the color blue. Some pastel color suits them best since they rarely feel strongly about anything but doing whatever makes them feel good and taking away other people's rights. Power is what they crave, and laws interfere with the unfettered exercise of their power. Blue is for fidelity, purity, and honor and democrats are the antithesis of such high ideals. If they ever get what they think they want they will be the most miserable people on earth because once liberty is lot it is nearly impossible to get it back. 

Talk Blue? You have to understand gibberish.


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