Saturday, July 9, 2022



There's a joke going around that goes something like, "I could sure use a mean tweet and $1.99 per gallon gasoline about now!" And I never thought President Trumps tweets were that mean. There were a couple that kind of got my attention, but when I thought about the content and the reason, I had to admit that he is unconventional and direct but he really isn't mean. I was and still am a Trunp supporter. I wish we could find another Ronald Reagan, but those are all but impossible to get. If Donald Trump hadn't come along when he did Bloody Hilary would almost certainly have won the presidency. We had something like 16 uninspiring Republicans and an uninspiring democrat who was hostile to the Constitution and a woman. And at the time every Republican candidate seeking the presidency loosely supported the Constitution, but they had no real vision for our future. 

Bloody Hilary would probably have won the same way King Barry did; she would have been the First Woman President, and she would have finished the job King Barry started. By now the Constitution would have been dissolved and China would be ruling the world. Donald Trump literally saved America. In four years he reversed the decline in the Obama economy, made this country oil independent, traveled the world letting the leaders of foreign countries know that we are a valuable trading partner and ally, and letting NATO know they need to stop relying so much on the United States for their defense needs and pay their fair share of the NATO expenses. 

He persuaded China's surrogate in North Korea to stop firing missiles over Japan and talked American businesses into doing more manufacturing here. And he let Putin know that we could also be a valuable trading partner with the Russians, but probably would never be allies. He did the same with the Chinese dictator. President Trump enjoyed a unique political position; democrats hated him for not being afraid to tell the naked truth about Bloody Hilary, and Republicans hated him for winning the election. After all, they were seasoned pros and Trump had never been anything, and now he was POTUS? They were going to take it out on the president and everyone who voted for him. Being political animals they begrudgingly woke up seeing how popular he was they had to support him, at least in public. Donald Trump was elected by a cross section of voters disillusioned by both parties and that may not happen again ever. Most likely it was the portion of the democrats who voted for him that abandoned him first because 'he was so mean!' And he wasn't mean, and he isn't mean. 

President Trump appointed justices to the Supreme Court who believe in our Constitution. They read the law and live by the law. There is nothing in the Constitution that says a woman has a right to kill her unborn child. There are a lot of people who think women have that right, but it is not founded in the Constitution. If people want abortion to be legal then they have to lobby their legislators and get a 'kill your baby act' passed in their state. And some states are already doing that. Other states are outlawing abortion altogether and some are passing laws that regulate when an abortion can be performed. 

President Trump by any reasonable standard was a great president who did his best to make sure he kept every one of his campaign promises, and he did keep all of them except for one; he couldn't get the Republican legislators to help him pass a viable health care bill. He donated his entire presidential salary to various organizations and he worked about 24 hours a day and when he was awake he was working for "We The People" and no one else. 

Democrats put us through two phony impeachment proceedings for which they new they never had a case although they did convince the two wolves in sheep's clothing, Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney, and eight other nincompoops, to vote democrat and impeach a president because he didn't fit their view of what a president is supposed to look like and they didn't like the way he talked either. So Rino's will be Rino's. And now one of the Rino's wants to be the next Republican nominee for president so she's helping the democrats put together yet another fake case against Donald Trump in an effort to weaken his chances during the next presidential election cycle. 

Cheney may have a reasonable shot at the democrat nomination which she probably could do since she'd be running against a senile old idiot and a patronizing moron who can't even present a coherent thought. Against the current democrat line up a Cheney/Romney ticket would be a shoe-in. A woman for president and a re-reformed Republican for vice president. Mitt Romney used to be registered Independent and he was pro choice so he could easily become pro choice again if necessary. Not to worry though, Romney's ego would never allow him to be vice president to a girl. 

Like most democrats Liz would be a lousy president and that is never going to happen. Given the dismal state of our economy there is almost no way a democrat could win the presidency in 2024. It will be a huge upset if they don't lose both houses of Congress. Maybe Liz could win the presidency if Harris were to run again as her vice presidential running mate, but that is just too much fantasy. A white woman presidential candidate and a black woman who laughs hysterically whenever someone asks her a question she doesn't want to answer would be quite the circus. 

So yes, any Rino who plans to oppose Donald Trump for the presidential nomination in 2024 will be wasting a lot of time and money because unless we find a Ronald Reagan no one will beat Trump. He works hard and believes in the greatness of the United States of America and he doesn't apologize to anyone for our great history. He didn't bow down before dictators or other monarchs. He is a real American. He was a great president, and in 2024 he may well be elected again.

Liz Cheney? She'd make a fine democrat presidential candidate, except for her race and her stand on the preservation of human life. Her biggest asset is her undying misplaced hatred of Donald Trump. She voted to impeach him twice after listening to many days of so-called evidence that was entirely made up of statements sayings things under oath that they either knew were untrue, or had heard from other people they trusted. And now she is trying to prove that last year he led a group whose purpose was to overthrow the government of the United States. An unarmed, untrained mob was attempting to topple the US government, and President Trump was leading the charge? Nah. Liz Cheney thinks she can prove it, at least that is what she is telling anyone who will listen. 

She has joined the democrats in their efforts to prove that President Trump orchestrated an attempt to violently overthrow our government. He made a speech and he was disappointed in the outcome of the election. He did advocate that delegates vote for him even if their state had more votes for Uncle Joe. Was the election stolen? Probably. Is there any evidence to prove it? All of the evidence was destroyed as soon as it became apparent that there were some problems. Did the President advocate for violence at the United States Capitol on January 6th? No. 

A protest turned violent. The only thing rare about this one was that it was mostly Republicans and Republicans don't do that. They just don't. Now we know that the FBI had informants in the group who were supposed to stir things up and it looks like they were successful. In the history of the world how many times has an unarmed mob of less than two hundred people toppled a powerful nation. I didn't look it up but I'll bet it has never happened. The protest on January 6th was nothing more that that. 

When democrats were calling people smashing windows, looting businesses then lighting them on fire, CNN, MSNBC, and other 'news' programs said they were peaceful even if people were being murdered and the police were not allowed to investigate. Cheney wants to identify herself with that. No thanks! There was no evidence at all that President Trump should have been impeached yet she voted for impeachment twice. President Trump may be a little rough around the edges and very direct in his mannerisms and speech, but he has been one the most honest and hard working presidents in our history.

She is delusional if Liz thinks she will get the Republican nomination for President. She may not even be re-elected as a Senator.  

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