Thursday, January 27, 2022

Damn Dems! Again.

 Anyone who claims democrats want to preserve our Constitution is delusional, completely capable of ignoring anything their party leaders say. It is truly maddening to watch democrats say they love our 'democracy' and then watch them tear down our Constitution. Not long ago they removed a statue of Theodore Roosevelt from the entrance to the Museum of Natural History because they thought it was demeaning to African Americans and Indians. It depicts Roosevelt sitting on a horse leading people from all parts of American communities. He was a president for all the people not just some of the people. He wanted everyone to become contributing members of American society and somehow democrats think there is something wrong with that. They prefer to portray America as a land divided by race and gender opposed to a land where all people work together to make the entire world a better place. They are opposed to every thing that made this a great nation. Division does not unite us. Coming together to make the world a better place unites us. 

And they are marvelously consistent. You Tube just banned any comments by Dan Bongino on their network just because they disagree with his political views. Democrats seem to think that we are stronger as a nation if everyone agrees on everything, and that one group of people gets to decide what we will all agree on. Dan doesn't think that all Americans should be forced to wear a face covering and he doesn't agree that everyone should be forced to get vaccinated against the Covid virus either. He believes in freedom and especially when those who shout 'follow the science' all over the place can't even agree on what the science is. Democrats blithely ignore the fact that the coronavirus is 99 percent survivable and that among otherwise healthy people the survival rate is even higher. 

Americans don't trust the 'science' because it isn't very scientific. In areas where people are forced to mask up they get the virus at about the same rate as people who live in areas where people have more freedom. And people who are vaccinated are still dying from the virus. And why do democrats care if Bongino voices his opinion anyway? Why are democrats always so afraid of differences of opinion. The CDC has been all over the place when announcing ways to avoid the Covid Menace. I recently attended an event at a large motocross venue, with about 45,000 people in attendance and maybe one percent of the people in attendance had a face covering on. 

But democrats have decided that it has to be mandatory. Anyone who doesn't wear a face covering is a mass murderer and should be shunned from our midst. They should never be allowed to have a job certainly and if they have a family their children should be sent to a government run orphanage where they will be safe. And the parents should be sent to re-education camps where they can be tortured, er taught until they understand what the government wants them to say. Voluntarily of course. At bayonet point. And we all know that most people when prodded by a faceless individual ramming a sharp dagger at them will 'volunteer' to do what they are told. I mean it's just common sense, and democrats are nothing if not practical. 

So democrats continue to promise people that the 'government' will take care of all of their needs from the cradle to the grave, no need to worry about unemployment like those nasty republicans do because the 'government' will make sure it is not necessary for anyone to have to work for a living. Actually that doesn't even sound very appealing to any thinking person. Don't we want to work to improve our lives and the lives of others? Isn't that what has made the USA the great nation it is today? 

Americans will continue to educate themselves and try to make the world a better place and encourage people to live in societies where people will be able to voice their opinions and share ideas, and democrats will continue to shout, "Sit Down Shut Up! Working for a living is for suckers!"  I hope this year we bring things into proper focus and vote pro America. Anyone preaching government care from cradle to grave should be fired. 

If you care about our Republic you will vote for those who value freedom of speech, and a free market of ideas instead of those who believe we need an office of the Minister of Free Speech and Education. Wake up America! Democrats say there is, but the truth is their just 'ain't no such thing as a free lunch!' 

What is a Real Woman?

  First I'm an unapologetic Christian who believes in the Creation as it is explained in The Holy Bible. I prefer the King James Version, but I've read several different versions and don't find any reason to dispute which version is best since they are all the Word of God and that is what we all need in our lives. If anyone disputes the Bible version of the Creation that's fine, just stop trying to pass laws against my belief. I read all of the other theories about how we came to be and none of them are adequate. Each theory leads to more unanswered questions that will probably never be answered so the version in the Bible is probably the best description we have of the creation of the universe and the world we inhabit. It is clear and concise and it doesn't leave any room for speculation since the Bible tells us we are infinite beings who are currently in the mortal stage of our eternal existence and at each point in our progression we will gain more and more knowledge. 

God is our Eternal Father and He knows what is best for us. Anyone who subscribes to that teaching will live a full life and achieve more knowledge than those who insist that the Bible is wrong. So what is a real woman? The Holy Bible gives us a great example with the First Couple; Adam and Eve. I'm not going to quote Bible verses. There are too many and it is not my intention to write a book on the subject, just to offer my opinion from my study of what the Bible teaches us about the role of women in our society. 

Adam and Eve were a team and they worked together as a team. They weren't in competition with each other like so many men and women are today. Eve never complained to Adam that she could work just as hard as he did, and Adam never complained that Eve just sat around playing with the kids all day. We were created with differences that are complimentary to each other and I'm not going to make a list of those either. The Bible tells us that Adam and Eve taught their children obedience to God's laws and they knew something about that since they apparently had it made in the Garden of Eden until they broke the rules and their Father made them leave to find a life where they had to learn how to do things for themselves and what a tough lesson that must have been. Eve broke the rule first, but that doesn't absolve Adam. He had a choice to make and he made the choice to remain with Eve. The whole Garden of Eden story makes a lot of people uncomfortable because it seems unfair of God to tell them to multiply and replenish the earth then tells them not to eat the only fruit in the Garden that will allow them to obtain the knowledge they will need to accomplish that task. 

A real woman is a woman who accepts her gender as it was assigned by God the day she was born into mortality. There is occasional gender confusion at birth, but that is very rare and is dealt with medically after consultation with the child's mother. For the purpose of this treatise I will assume a birth where the gender is not confused. 

A real woman will strive to learn throughout her life what her role is in society. A real woman will want to be a mother and she will want to teach her children how to be strong and productive members of their families and then their community. She won't try to be a man and she won't worry about being equal to a man in every way. She will realize her worth to her family and her society for a woman is a very special person. She will protect her identity and her role in society and she will demand respect. She won't sell herself short or allow anyone else to rob her of her role as a mother and a nurturer. She will understand that she is a child of God and she will study His teachings as she is a literal co-creator of all human life. 

She won't try to be superior to a man and she certainly won't allow anyone to tell her she is in any way inferior to any man. Men do not have the ability or the authority from God to create human life. Marvelous things can be accomplished in laboratories,  but it is a foolish man or woman that thinks they can create a human being in their lab. So called journalists once again demeaned and sensationalized the creation of human life by referring to the first successful IVF baby as a 'test tube' baby. They took a sacred and personal event and turned it into a circus. There is no such thing as a test tube baby. There is a mother and a father and a baby. 

To lower the value of human life just because medical doctors found a way to help people have children after learning that for some reason they can't produce children in the usual way is morally wrong. Louise Brown was not born in a laboratory or conceived in a test tube. Her life began in a Petri dish and her creation could not have been complete without her mother. For journalists to cheapen human life the way they did was unethical and wrong. No lab can take the place of the mother and no man can give birth to a child, not without a major restructuring of his body which has never been accomplished and probably never will. Men have an entirely different role in our society. 

We would all be better off if men realized their place in this life. They are to be protectors. Women can become anything they want. They are capable of running large companies and to some extent working factory floors, but physically they are weaker than men. Overall they are shorter and weigh less. Generally speaking they cannot lift the same amount of weight as a man can. Big deal! Who cares? Intellectually women are at least equal to any man and superior to many, if not most men. While it is true that a woman can operate a plow or run a big corporation men and women will never be completely equal. It is impossible and God did not mean for them to be equal in every single thing. Just like all humankind is not equal. 

We need to spend more time learning God's will concerning us as men and women. Why can't we ever be completely and totally equal in every single thing? I can't answer that, but I can say that in one very important thing women will always be superior to men; they can carry and nurture a baby in their bodies until that baby is ready to be brought into the world. Women also have the power although not the authority to kill that baby. Women have the ultimate power over life and death. No man can say that. What a woman is incapable of doing is protecting herself during that nine month gestation period. Most women are physically ill during their early pregnancy, they get tired and need to rest, and as the baby grows they are physically awkward. Things happen to them that I can't explain, but it's not all physical either. Mentally and spiritually they are experiencing life in a way that no man can ever comprehend and no man will ever be able to share that experience. 

And what is a woman to do with that baby after it comes into her world? The baby can't feed itself, or bathe itself, or clothe or protect itself in any way. That is why a woman must be taught from an early age the sacred role she plays in our lives and she needs to be careful about who she chooses to help her bring a child into the world. That is something a woman cannot do on her own. And the man she chooses to help with that task has to be a man who will help her take care of that baby after he or she is born. 

A real woman will recognize that she has a responsibility to learn all she can about her role in life the same as all men should. She won't measure her worth against the things men can do, she will realize her value comes from within herself. Real women are confident and strong. They need a good man to compliment their strengths, who will allow them to be women. Real women expect the man they choose to respect them and become the best they can be. They expect their men to be loyal and they pay the respect to them. 

A real woman is not a wimp or a whiner. The real woman loves who she is and doesn't want to be a man. She wants to take care of her children and if she never has any children she wants to find a man who shares her values so they can work together to make their corner of the world a better place. A real woman is priceless and she will demand respect. A real man will recognize her worth and give her the respect she deserves. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Lia Thomas

 Let's get something straight; Lia Thomas is a guy. That is the science. He can think he is a girl all day long, but at the end of that day he will still be a guy. Science is constantly evolving and we are always learning new things and challenging old ideas, but there are certain things that are simply true and cannot be changed. Adam and Eve were the first people to inhabit the earth. Adam was a man and Eve was a woman and that's the way it's been ever since. There are two genders among the human species; male and female. I'm not sure how to feel about people who are confused about that. I'm not an advocate of abusing people who claim to be transgender and I won't be abused by people in that group either. I expect to be treated with the same respect I give them. I would never force anyone to lie for me and I won't let anyone force me to lie for them. It's that simple. And I'm not the one being rude here. I'm not the one who is saying that science has been wrong about gender since the foundation of the world. 

No Henry, you can't put your pants on backwards and call yourself Henrietta. You are a man, not a woman. If you are confused about that you need mental health counseling not a surgeon. And any of you surgeons who think you can change a person's sex need mental health counseling too. It really should be illegal to commit a fraud on that scale. 

Lia Thomas' coach should be ashamed as should every one of the administrators of Penn State not to mention the leaders of the NAACP.  what a horrible thing to do to a young person. Lia is sick and he should be treated with compassion and given the mental health counseling he really needs. And what about the girls on the team? The real girls. The girls who know who they are and don't share the confusion of the coaches and administrators of that once great university? 

All of you Title Niners make me sick. I literally want to puke all over you. Democrats care about women's rights? Sure! And pigs really can fly! Title IX was passed by a democrat congress and signed into law by a Republican president (Richard M. Nixon). And in those days it was about equality for women. Today democrats want to water down women's rights by forcing them to compete against men in skirts. The whole thing is a nauseating mess. No real man wants to compete in women's sports and no real woman would ever allow him to. So what's going on in America today? Who Knows? Confusion is the rule of the day and democrats are rejoicing because confusion is their greatest ally. It was a democrat president who famously claimed that the word 'is' is subject to interpretation. No Bill, either the stain on the dress is yours or it isn't. And what a great dinner conversation that was to have with our twelve year old daughter. 

And now democrats are pushing transgenders onto everybody. I have no idea why. Transgenders do vote, but there are very few of them. If I were to guess I'd say they just want to keep on pushing the lie that they are kind. They are not kind. They are dangerous. Ronald Reagan and Tip O'neal didn't always agree, but they were civil with each other and were able to work together on several areas about which they disagreed. Bill Clinton learned to work with Newt Gingrich, but Barak Obama never saw himself as a mere president; he was the White House king and kings don't work with other people. Kings proclaim laws rights and privileges that may be imposed upon their 'subjects' at the kings pleasure. King Barry said it himself when he made the observation that "If congress doesn't act, I will!" I don't remember which of his pet projects Congress opposed, but that is their responsibility. It is the Congress that passes laws, not the king. We haven't had a king since 1776 and we fired that one. 

Anyway democrats are still at it. They claim that a 'democracy' is supposed to be 'messy' whatever that means. It sounds like disorderly or confused to me and that would be a democrats position. They love confusion. Clarity is always the enemy of of the democrat party. As we will soon learn during the 2022 midterm elections once Americans have seen the results of democrat policies they will vote for America and get rid of the dead weight in Congress and in many governors offices across the nation. Triple digit increases in violent crimes and double digit inflation are not going to be winning issues. 

And women thinking they are men and men thinking they are women are not clarifying issues. We are born as one or the other. As women are increasingly forced out of women's sports by mentally challenged men who want to be women it may become necessary for women to withdraw their support for women's sports as long as men are allowed to pretend they are women just so they can have a trophy in their cabinet. I'm not saying they should quit the team, just refuse to compete with men in women's sports. And when weak administrators begin to force women out of women's sports by kicking them off the team while supporting men on the women's team, maybe Americans will wake up and realize that we are becoming a nation of dupes and worse. 

It is not unkind to tell a man or a woman what gender they are. It is terribly mean to let them continue to believe that there was a mistake made when they were born and the wrong gender box was checked. It is mean to tell a woman that she must compete with men in women's sports, and to further insist she must undress and shower with men. The whole thing is madness and confusion. It is causing unnecessary division among students at all levels of education and for what? So a few men and women can follow a life pattern of mental illness untreated? 

All women who are forced to compete against men should refuse to play. Transgenderism is the result of a frenzied mind. It is total confusion and it is wrong. If we must insist on placating people with mental illnesses then at least start a separate league for transgenders who want to compete. I guess we'd call it the transgender league and see how much interest there is. Americans need to search for the courage they've lost over the past few decades. We used to have the courage to tell people, "Hey, that's just not right!" 

And the truth is that letting Lia continue to believe he's a female just isn't right. 

Saturday, January 15, 2022

coronavirus testing

Democrats claim that everything they are doing to stop the spread of the coronavirus is based on scientific research; except that's not the way they say it. All they say is "Just follow the science!" Then of course they promptly proceed to ignore the science regarding the coronavirus favoring instead to focus on the politics and any scientist who disagrees with the company line will be banned from social media platforms for life. Fear mongering is what they prefer instead. People who are afraid are easier to control. They constantly claim that it is the government's job to save lives, which by itself is misleading. We still legally consume tobacco products which science has proven beyond any doubt to cause over 500,000 deaths a year. Almost 100,000 Americans die each year from alcohol related issues. That's 600,000 deaths per year that the government could theoretically stop or reduce through legislation. They passed seat belt legislation and hardly anyone was being killed because they weren't belted in. There were some, but the truth is that the seat belt manufacturers wanted to sell more seatbelts so they bribed 
There are no published reports that provide any education regarding the ways covid 19 is spread. At best all we have are surveys that are still based on erroneous information that was gathered in the early days of the pandemic. The way we count covid related deaths is flawed, and the rate of infection is useless information since a person could test negative one day then a week later be positive without symptoms and never know it. We have no idea how many new cases there are on any given day, but we know it is probably much higher than reports show. Very few people who test positive ever have any symptoms and even among people who have symptoms at least 98 percent are going to recover and the remaining two percent who die are probably people who are already at risk due to their having other illness before they contracted the coronavirus. 
If a person has a lung disease for which they are being treated prior to getting coronavirus are probably more likely to die from the combination of the two illnesses than a healthy person. Many people who reportedly died from the coronavirus would probably have died within a few months from the illness they were already being treated for.  I haven't seen any reports that separate those numbers from the rest of the population. And the most likely reason for that is that the government would have a much harder job of making Americans fear dying from the virus if it turns out that 90 percent of the people who reportedly died from the coronavirus probably would have died in a few months anyway due to the actual life threatening illness they already had. 
I haven't conducted any type of actual poll on this, but I have only been tested three times for the coronavirus. Twice during the first year when I was showing symptoms and there were lots of places conducting drive thru testing free of charge, and once because it was a travel requirement. Now even if a person is exhibiting symptoms they have to pay for the test then hope the insurance company will reimburse the expense. A few of the people I've asked have been tested and paid the fee for service, now they have the privilege of filling out the form and hoping the insurance carrier will reimburse the cost. The rest all say that since the virus is at least 98 percent survivable and there is nothing that can be done about it anyway there is no point in being tested especially since it costs over a hundred dollars for the test. They'd rather take the family out for dinner.
I was exhibiting symptoms for a week, but didn't get tested because I couldn't get an appointment in less than three days. In other words if this virus was anywhere near as fatal as democrats want us to believe they should have testing locations all over the place and people should be testing about once a week. Democrats are even attacking the vaccine. They say everyone should get vaccinated, then get the booster, then that there will be other types of the coronavirus that we will have to get yet more booster shots for. I'm not a science experiment for the government. I've been vaccinated and that should be enough. 
If you want to follow the science then follow the science. Look at the rates of death from infection in states that mandate wearing a mask and those who don't. There is no obvious correlation. States with mask mandates experience approximately the same rates than states who don't. 
And the statistic that democrats are really afraid will become public is the number of people who reportedly die from the coronavirus that actually already were suffering from a potentially life threatening illness such as cancer or pulmonary fibrosis. I don't know how many that will be, but it is safe to say that it would be a substantial percentage. In this age where science takes a back seat to political desires and goals democrats don't want the real coronavirus death rate to ever be published since it is probably very low. 
Realistically testing for covid 19 is probably a waste of time except for travel purposes. People testing negative on one day could easily test positive the next. And the number of people who test positive then actually get sick from the virus is low and those who die from it are extremely low. 
I'd love to see organizations like the CDC drop their political leanings and stick to the science when studying any disease. Lets see some numbers on the actual deaths from coronavirus. Separate the people who already had potentially life threatening illnesses prior to picking up the virus and tell us the truth about the dangers to the general public from covid 19. It's possible that statistically no one dies from covid 19 since the actual mortality rate could easily be less than half of one percent.  

Get tested, don't get tested, get the shot don't get the shot. You've got to wear the stupid mask or risk being arrested on some other trumped up charge like trespassing. Be smart. Don't ever vote democrat, all they want is to turn you into one of their peasants. 

Thursday, January 13, 2022


Christmas 2021 is in the books and I'm just happy to have surprised another stressful 'Holiday' season. I love our Savior, Jesus Christ, with all my heart. And I love studying the lessons he taught during his mortal ministry on this earth. Healing is His goal; he wants all of his children to live happy and productive lives preparing for our eternal existence when our mortal mission has ended. 

His mission did not end with mortality. He lives today and he continues to teach us real time lessons through His prophets. He knows the world evolves and challenges get harder with each generation. Compared to the challenges my grandchildren face, my challenges could hardly be considered challenges. In my day we didn't have the challenges of the internet. The Internet is a great tool that can help us in a lot of ways, but it can also bring us a lot of grief. I never had to worry about things like flash mobs or internet shaming where ugly things can be spread about people anonymously, ruining reputations and in some cases causing people to kill themselves. And pornographic images are easily accessed. News cycles don't really seem to exist anymore in a world where politics is everything. I'd love to be able to watch a real news program that actually tells us what is happening in the world. There has to be more than our petty bickering over what actually happened on January 6, 2021. I'd like to know more about what's happening in Southeast Asia, and China and North Korea. What's going on in Africa and the Middle East? 

I've had enough of Senator Paul insulting Anthony Fauci endlessly. We get it, Tony is a scumbag who gave our tax money to a lab in China to conduct gain of function research even though it is illegal to do so, but insulting the guy every isn't going to make him change his story and as long as he has democrats covering for him there's nothing they can charge him with. So he funded a project that resulted in millions of deaths and shut down the world economy, to quote the unembarrassable Hilary Clinton, "What difference does it make at  this point?" That's becoming their standard response whenever they cause a disaster. Democrats have never cared about the law and they aren't going to start now. As long as democrats have a stranglehold on the positions of power there will not be any justice for Fauci no matter how guilty he is. I haven't watched a so-called 'news' program in several months. About every couple of months I check to see if CNN is still telling everyone what I think, and MSNBC is just spouting gibberish that no one can understand and Fox News is still spouting the same loop about election fraud, and the ills of homelessness, or the fact that democrats consider burning cities and murdering people is a legitimate form of protest and it never changes. They rarely talk about current events that are happening around he world. 

It could be that journalism really is dead and no one wants to risk their life getting stories that will never be aired. Reporting on places like China and North Korea is very dangerous. The same is true of many parts of Eastern Europe and the Middle East. If a person is going to get killed for doing some real investigative reporting they should at least have a paycheck to leave their next of kin. It would be great if 2022 became a year of prosperity throughout the world, if the United States of America would exercise some true leadership and stop rewarding despots who want to bully their neighbors and create an unstable world. We need to stop supporting the build up of the military in communist China. Engaging them in an economic war now would be a lot cheaper than engaging them in a world war in a few years. 

We need to know more about what is happening in communist Vietnam where people who dare to tell the truth about the government oppression there are sent to prison for decades. And why are so many people starving in India where they brag about their nuclear weapons capability? As the world becomes smaller it also becomes more dangerous. Americans need to realize that slave labor in Third World countries is still slave labor. Our manufacturing should be done here at home by Americans. It might cost a little more, but the quality will be better and our people could use a few more jobs that pay a little better. 

I'm not a huge fan of New Years resolutions, but I make a few every year anyway just in case I actually follow through some time. This year I'm going to try a little harder to look for products that aren't produced by slave labor where people literally are forced to work twelve hour days in unhealthy factories that pollute the air and water more than ours did during our darkest hour. If you really want to raise the world's standard of living, start at home. Buy American.

Have a happy new year. 


Monday, January 10, 2022


New Yorkers beware. And show some respect for the people you are invading. Democrats always think they are right about every issue and if anyone disagrees that person should be shunned, fired, and run out of town. It's that simple. Now a few New Yorkers are getting it back and they don't like it. First of all if you consider yourself 'woke' there are only two or three states that will tolerate you. Either stay in New York or move to California or the Pacific Northwest where they think that is cool. Florida has great weather and they believe in individual liberty; that the individual has rights that the 'government' can't take away. To a democrat that is a danger to our democracy. Democrats are not a freedom loving people. 

When a concerned citizen, or group of concerned citizens placed a note on the windshields of cars parked in a Palm Beach neighborhood warning New Yorkers that if they consider themselves 'woke' they should probably consider moving back to the liberal toilet they just left because New York isn't a lousy place to live because the state is inherently bad, it's the people that make it the way it is. New York is a great place to live when governed properly, but they make laws that are simply not compatible with the ideals we believe in America. And the taxes there are of course outrageous. After decades of voting for tax increases for whatever social program is on the ballot, defunding the police, re allocating police resources in a way that causes a dramatic increase in crime, democrats look to Florida for a safe haven and then when they get there they start trying to change the political make up of the state. 

Then they claim that people warning them that their stupid, ruinous ideas and policies will not be tolerated in Palm Beach that democracy is in peril. No, that's called Neighborhood Watch. It's called being a good neighbor and letting you know that you are welcome to stay as long as you recognize that New York is a terrible place to live because of the people who live there, not because the dirt in New York is somehow worse than the dirt in other states. The dirt can't vote. If the dirt could vote New Yorkers wouldn't be leaving in search of better living conditions because the dirt knows what people need, and they don't need to pay people for not working, or to throw money at people because they are a certain race, or outlawing soft drinks, or whatever. The fact is that most New Yorkers are dumber than dirt and that concerns many of the people in Florida who do value the Bill of Rights. In Florida they believe in the right to self defense for example. They understand that no firearm has ever killed anyone but some idiot used the firearm to kill someone or a group of people. 

They also believe that people should work for a living no matter what race they are. And they believe in being civil to each other. New Yorkers have views on sex education for children that aren't compatible with a lot of people who have religious values and think that there is a time and place for such education, but perhaps kindergarten isn't the best place to begin teaching about birth control or a teachers favorite 'positions'. No one is saying that there aren't any perverts in Florida, but they don't celebrate their perverts the way New York does. Floridians aren't convinced that wearing a mask is the answer to the spread of covid 19. There is no clear evidence that it does help. Democrats have done their best to make sure we never have a good understanding about what does help stem the spread of the coronavirus. They don't even want to admit that covid 19 came from Wuhan China. Being a people diametrically opposed to freedom they use the coronavirus to strip us of our civil liberties. To make us wear masks even if they don't do any good, or get a vaccination that may actually have long term harmful effects. Democrats have no tolerance for a free exchange of ideas; once they have spoken there is no need for a free exchange of ideas because they have already told you everything there is to know about whatever subject is being discussed so please kindly SHUT UP! Facebook and Twitter are prime examples. If you dare to opine that masks might not be the answer to the spread of disease you are suspended from the sight. And there are a variety of others subjects that are similarly 'tolerated'. 

Palm Beach police said they received reports about the notes and when they investigated there wasn't anything to investigate since it is not against the law to leave fliers on vehicle windshields. And the sad truth is if the notes had been advertising a local meeting to ban guns or how to increase local taxes for more AIDS awareness, or maybe they should get a petition against a local church where same sex marriages aren't being performed,  the 'woke' crowd would have been all smiles. If there's a way to take away a person's freedom democrats are all over it. And while I'm on the topic of things being a 'threat to our democracy' I just want to suggest that even that is a stupid slogan. As long as we're allowed to vote our democracy is fine. Even if some people cheat, and democrats love to cheat, our democracy is still working. Firing people for voting for a candidate an employer doesn't approve of is a threat to our democracy and democrats fired a lot of people when it was discovered that they voted for Donald Trump. Firing people for belonging to the wrong church is a threat to our democracy and in California anyone who supported Proposition 8 was in serious jeopardy of being fired or worse. They even published a list of all of the people who donated to the Prop 8 campaign, along with the amount of money each individual contributed, and hundreds of people were fired for supporting it.  Forcing people to deny their basic religious beliefs is a threat to our democracy, firing people who like to shoot guns is a threat to our democracy, and appointing Supreme Court justices who are hostile to our Constitution is a threat to our democracy. 

Democrats today are a serious threat to our democracy. I live in California and I forget how many freedoms we've voted away until I travel to America and see how Americans live. Just not having to wear a mask everywhere I go is worth leaving this state occasionally. I'm a firearms enthusiast and I can't stand all of the laws preventing me from buying certain guns and ammunition. I like to fish and there are certain hooks we aren't allowed to use because they might damage the fish. First of all, I'm not a catch and release dude; I eat the damn things. I actually cook them myself and they taste good too! 

Fortunately I live in one of the few fairly conservative areas of the state so homelessness isn't too bad, although it is getting worse, but we were just able to obtain a court order to get rid of a growing 'homeless village' that was a real health threat to our community, but traveling through San Francisco and Los Angeles is pretty disgusting. There are dirty tent cities all over the place. Why democrats are afraid of clean, safe communities is a mystery to me. That is until I see Californians fleeing to neighboring states, and New Yorkers fleeing to Florida, then I realize that maybe they do prefer clean and safe cities they just have no idea how to make them happen. Trying to educate a democrat is like trying to teach a pig how to fly so the people in Florida are using Neighborhood Watch tactics to keep the 'woke' crowd in check. Unfortunately, true to form the New York transplants are claiming they are receiving death threats. What else is new? Asking you to try to remember as far back as yesterday when you left the toilet you created in New York and then think about what you left and try to not make the same mistakes in your new state, is not the same as a death threat. Democrats make threats, Republicans educate. Any democrats looking for better weather should come to Southern California, it's a lost cause anyway. We believe in criminal's rights over victims rights, that kindergartners need to know all about human reproduction, taxes need to be raised so we can pay people from certain racial groups some money for something their ancestors may or may not have suffered at the hands of another racial group whose progenitors had nothing to do with even if there were some racial injustice generations ago. 

Anyone who considers themselves to be 'woke' should just shelter in place. Democrats have come up with a lot of real stupid ideas and being 'woke' is a real knee slapper. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022


 We are desperately in need of better information about the coronavirus, covid 19 and I don't think we'll be getting that from Tony. We know it came from a lab in Wuhan China, we don't know and probably never will know if the spread was deliberate or not. We know that it can be deadly, but it isn't necessarily deadly. We don't really understand how it spreads. Tens of thousands of families get together all the time and never have a problem with the spread of covid 19, but occasionally a family gets together and half the family gets covid 19 and dies from it. 

It appears to be about 99 percent survivable, which is pretty good.  We know that politicians have done a great job at making people fear covid 19. We have to wear masks everywhere we go in certain states because politicians tell us that if we don't we are terrible people and should be fined or imprisoned or both. Yet in states where there are no mask laws people still get covid 19, but no more than states who require masks. 

We have a vaccination that does prevent the spread of covid 19, and now we are told we need to get a booster shot less than a year after the vaccination because there are other 'strains' of the coronavirus, the 'Delta' strain, and now the 'Omocron' strain. And now Dr. Fauci is telling us that we may need several more booster shots to keep everyone safe.

In California many cities make citizens carry a piece of paper proving they have been vaccinated. Now there are booster shots available. Soon democrat kings are going to require people to carry around a book full of visa stamp-like pages to prove their peasants have been good little peasants and taken all of their shots. Pin cushions? Other countries can treat their citizens like that. I hope the people in California soon wake up and realize that we are a freedom loving people and if someone wants to dictate to us what we can and can't do that person has to go. 

It's time to realize that there is only so much we can reasonably be expected to do about the coronavirus. Every year we are going to lose some people until it runs its course. If people want to wear a mask everywhere they go that's fine and if people don't want to wear a mask that's fine too. Get a shot, don't get a shot, get boosted from now till the end of the year, or don't get a shot at all, it doesn't matter to me. Everyone on earth is going to die of something. Some will be young, some will be old and it really doesn't matter, but there is no way that the coronavirus is going to kill everyone on earth.  

What matters is living the best life we can as long as we are here. Dr. Fauci apparently did a good job of helping some people when aids was reaching epidemic levels among a certain population during the decades of the 1980's and the 1990's, but he hasn't done much to help with the coronavirus that has gripped the world. He's helped ensure that we never find out how it started, or how it spreads. He doesn't seem to have much interest in knowing why it spread throughout the world so fast. Holding on to the power seems to suit his needs. Telling the rest of us how to live seems to give him tremendous satisfaction.

Luckily for him he has Uncle Joe Biden making sure no one listens to what Senator Rand Paul is saying. No need to be unkind to a senior citizen, just let Tony retire with a 'Thank You' and 'good luck'. Let him go! Take the politics out of science and find a way to live with China's latest gift to the world.