Friday, December 9, 2022

Are Republicans for Real?

I don't like or trust either major party. One wants to destroy America and the other keeps checking which way the wind is blowing before taking a stand on anything. Currently the democrat party is so scared of Donald Trump that they are continuing their relentless persecution of him and his Republican colleagues are standing mute, refusing to defend what is an obvious fact; there is enough circumstantial evidence of major fraud during the 2020 election that an investigation was warranted. Democrats insist that there is no evidence that there was any fraud and they should know because they are top experts in the field of evidence destruction. What's worse they have the backing of the Department of Justice and the FBI. 

Joe Biden barely said a word during the presidential campaign and when he did speak everyone saw obvious signs of the possible beginnings of dementia. Instead of taking that condition seriously they have tried to hide it. And Republicans have been completely silent about it. Democrats have inexplicably been allowed to lie to FISA judges to obtain warrants allowing the FBI to 'legally' spy on a political candidate, something which is unprecedented and in this case ignored. 

This FBI official was also licensed to practice law in another state. What did the state bar association do? Suspended his license for two years and fine him $1000.00. We know he has been readmitted to the Washington D.C. bar association and is now listed as a lawyer in good standing with the bar. I don't know what his status is in his home state, probably the same since it has been more than two years since he plead guilty to lying to the court so he could spy on a political candidate who the Bureau was trying to railroad into prison using false reports and planted evidence. And where was the Republican party leadership? Nowhere to be seen. Their candidate was being taken apart illegally by the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Republican leadership never said a word, leaving Donald Trump completely alone to defend himself. There is no honor in the Republican Party leadership. 

And just what has the Republican Establishment had to say about this? Close your eyes and listen. Nothing. Understand this very clearly; the Barak Obama administration attempted to plant evidence on an innocent man running for president because they were afraid of him. 

In their efforts to discredit Donald Trump the Obama DOJ and FBI headquarters employed a course of intimidation and harassment against anyone who ever smiled at him or had a kind word to say about him and the press followed them around like well trained attack dogs. They practically kept a running itinerary of everything Trump's associates did, especially if there was a chance that someone would be investigated for anything whether or not the investigation had anything to do with Donald Trump. In order to lend greater credibility to CNN the FBI  invited them to participate in the search warrant executed at Roger Stone's residence then 'coincidentally' showed up with the FBI when they had secured a warrant to search a former presidents residence, which has never happened before. The strength of the Obama administration was the president's ability to attract heads of various departments that were loyal to him and not the Constitution. The main weakness of Donald Trump was that he kept too many people who have worked their entire adult lives in government. He needed to look at corporations and municipal law enforcement agencies for new talent. 

There is no doubt that Donald Trump is a threat to the democrat master plan to destroy America or that he is a threat to certain leaders of the Republican party who really, really want to be the next president but are too incompetent to qualify for the job. Donald Trump is a real threat to some subversives in this country, but he seems content to leave them alone as long as they don't try to hurt him. And even if he does get angry enough to do something about them he seems at a loss to know just what to do. And forget about any Republican helping him. It seems to me that there is no spine in any Republican leaders except possibly Ron Desantis and Gregg abbott and I'm not sure they have the depth of ability that Trump has. 

In order to do the tough job of being President of the United States you have to be willing to make a couple of enemies, some of whom can become a real problem. Obviously Donald Trump isn't afraid to step on a few toes once in awhile, even mashing them when he thinks it is necessary, but what he wasn't able to do was organize a team who could deal with the aftermath. Donald Trump is a goal driven man who rarely sleeps and is constantly thinking about everything. He has been witnessing the incompetence of politicians his whole life and is in a position to finally do something about it. He could use the support of the GOP but too many of them are jealous of his political abilities, especially that he won the presidency with no political experience. 

They are willing to lend some support, but not enough to get him another tour in the Oval Office so they are content to allow democrats to win enough victories to plunge the country into a mess like we are in now and then persuade an exasperated America to finally elect a Republican who may or may not be able to help fix the democrat mess. It is a vicious cycle and one that never ends. Recent proof of this would be the two terms of President Obama where we watched him apologize to the entire world for America's crimes, lie to us about his health insurance scheme and lose the House of Representatives, then turn Federal agencies into weapons used to protect his administration such as the IRS when Lois Lerner refused to grant any special tax status to any organization that disagreed with the Obama administration, the Department of Justice oversaw an illegal operation selling automatic weapons to Mexican cartels who later used those weapons to terrorize anyone they didn't like and to murder two American Border Patrol agents, he turned the entire country against the police, he was effective in dividing Black and White America more than it had been divided since the 1950's. King Barry had a golden opportunity to heal the country and chose instead to drive a wedge between the races.  

Recent Republican failures have to include GW Bush who involved us in a war that should have lasted a few months but was mismanaged so badly that twenty years later Americans chose a senile old man who orchestrated a panicked retreat from that war resulting in a Vietnam style embarrassment and the death of thirteen United States Marines. Al Gore would have plunged the country into a severe recession, GW plunged the country into a war that lasted about eighteen years longer than it should have. Donald Trump made at least ten campaign promises and he delivered on nine of them in his four years in office. He actually delivered on nine and a half of them since he was instrumental in cutting out the individual mandate included in King Barry's health insurance fraud. In spite of the opinion of John Roberts, who probably was acting mostly out of a political motive than a legal one on this decision, Obamacare was unconstitutional. The day the so called and misnamed ACA passed millions of Americans lost their insurance and access to their physicians. Time is a good healer and people have sadly become adjusted to this government run disaster. Americans have become like the lobster in the pot of water, democrats are slowly turning up the heat until we are all cooked. 

And where are the Republicans? Who knows! The Tea Part has saved America a couple of times and their philosophy still resonates with a lot of Americans. Hopefully they can work out their personnel issues and bounce back again. The Republican Party has offered little hope to us for the last ten years. And of course the democrat party only wants to destroy America and rebuild her after a failed European model. The only truly pro America candidate with the courage and the strength to rebuild this great country is an old man named Donald Trump and Americans have become so soft and weak and 'entitled' that they are willing to slowly give up their rights one by one until they have subjected themselves to some form of monarchy and the American experiment, noble as it is will have failed because "We the People" were too weak and lazy to continue the fight. 

The party of Lincoln is becoming a whipped puppy afraid to assert itself because "What if they don't like me?" If they don't like you they will vote for other guy. You need to let that guy screw things up then step up and tell us what you would do different and better. It's that simple. You don't slink off into a corner and try to decide how you can become more like them hoping that everyone will like you more. 

We need a strong third party to take their place. We are in desperate need of good moral leadership. Someone who can inspire others to work hard and discipline themselves. We need people who are not worried about what gender they think they are or what they can do to force their hard working neighbors to provide all of their needs for them. That used to be the Republican party, now there is no party willing to show us the way. The Republican foundational policies are sound, but even they are afraid of their platform. 

Donald Trump has adopted the Republican platform because he believes in the American dream. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to self defense, the right to be free from government intrusion into our lives and many other freedoms. He sees that the democrats are running the country aground and he wants to help. He is the first president in our history to refuse to accept any salary. Apparently the law says the president has to accept a salary so technically President Trump was paid, but he donated all of it to other government departments. 

Are the Republicans for real? Not really. I left the Republican party because republicans were afraid to defend themselves against a personal attack especially if the attack came from a black person or a woman. Republicans are so afraid of being labelled as racists or anti woman that they won't even disagree publicly with a person from either of those groups. And that brings me back to Donald Trump. Donald Trump even garnered some democrat votes because people from both parties had become disaffected with what was being done and saw Trump as a refreshingly open alternative. 

Today democrats are going strong and Republicans are afraid of their own positions. 

Sunday, November 27, 2022


I'm going to attempt to practice a little of what I hope I preach. For me and my family and most of my friends December brings us Christmas Day and the celebration of the birth of the Savior of the world. I don't believe Jesus of Nazareth was born in December, but that is the tradition of what is one of the oldest Christian religions in the world. I am not concerned with the details of how December 25th became the traditional date of the Savior's birth, for me it just is. And it is an event worth celebrating. Whether a person believes in it or not Jesus Christ is the savior of all mankind. His birth was so significant that our calendar is dated from the event of his birth. 

For me it is a sacred event whenever it occurred and most modern scholars of religious history agree that the birth of Jesus Christ was most likely in the Spring of the year and not Winter. Interestingly Muslims also revere the birth of Jesus and acknowledge that he was born of a virgin and he is the Messiah, the Savior of the world. Apparently they do not believe he is the Son of God, but a valiant prophet of God. They don't believe he was crucified, but was miraculously rescued by God and taken to heaven. Thus relatively few of them observe any Christmas traditions. 

Of course Jews are a special class of people. The Jews murdered Jesus of Nazareth for testifying that He is the Son of God and the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy. I cannot join the Muslims in their hatred of the Jews because God the Father will execute His judgement on them when he is ready. He has commanded us to love all of His children, which includes Jews and Muslims, as well as Christians who trespass against us. Which of course is what Jesus taught us to do during his ministry on earth. 

No matter what we believe we are all mortals, born into mortality to live the best life we know how, and perhaps when the Judgement Day arrives that will be enough. All Christians are taught to treat all of God's children with love and respect. That's a tough bar to achieve and most of us fall short unfortunately, including me. Because I try my best to obey God's commandments I try to be careful about my judgements of other people. My goal is to avoid passing judgement on other people because I recognize that I don't really know anyone well enough to pronounce them as 'good people' or 'bad people'. It has been my experience in life to have known some people who I thought were 'good' people only to find out later that in their private lives and the way they treated family and business associates when outside of my view they were truly abusive. And I've known some people that I thought of as 'bad' people who turned out to be involved in much more positive activities than I had known about previously. 

In my view God judges us as to our worthiness to be near Him. He will decide who goes to heaven and who goes to hell not me. And that brings me to the more worldly topic of politics. I have a love/hate relationship with politics. I love studying history and forming opinions on which candidates for office I prefer and which propositions I support such as man caused global warming, transgenderism, and others. Such discussions really get people fired up to the point where I'm pretty sure most of us will sometimes say things we don't truly believe. Setting political party aside we are all just people. In our case we are American people; we were born here or we moved here and later became citizens or attained some other legal resident status. Our immigration laws are so complex that I think very few people really understand them. 

And politics can really goof up a good conversation. Sometimes we just have to respect each other and agree to disagree. We are in fact all in the same family. The person who just murdered four students in Idaho is related to them. Their time on earth is finished, the murderer will continue to have to live with his or her foul deed. I believe that murderers will have a lousy time come the day of judgement, but I still have to have compassion for them. During our recent election cycle I heard people of one party saying that if their party didn't prevail democracy was over. If that's really what they believe then America is doomed. Very few problems have to be solved immediately and there are even fewer problems that can only be solved in one way by one person. 

Some Americans have claimed that the Supreme Court has to be changed because the court rendered a judgement they didn't agree with. The opposing party did agree so people in that party have to be evil. Each party claimed the other party opposed our system of laws and was therefore a danger to our way of life. People on each side seemed to be claiming to be superior to the other when in fact we are all fallible. We are all wrong a great deal of the time so let's take a step back and start looking at the issues we are facing whether it be potential world war, catastrophic global warming, abortion, you name it. 

Let's stop making everything personal and recognize that we all really want the same thing, our only real difference is in the way we go about achieving the goal. Not that many decades ago we all believed that. We respected each other's opinions even if we didn't agree with them. We accepted the fact that America was an exceptional country which it is. We just do things better when we are being Americans. I'm not making things up just to make myself feel superior to someone else, I simply realize that because of the American Revolution the entire world is enjoying a more civilized existence. 

European nations are no longer living under the threat of a king who decides everyone's fate. Where kings still exist they are mostly figureheads with no real authority. They are spokespeople for their countries and their citizens in many cases revere them. We no longer hear kings or queens shouting "Off with their head!" in a fit of indignation over some infraction. In most European countries prisons are more humane and capital punishment has practically been abolished if not by statute then by practical arrangement. The American people are not responsible for the discovery of every modern convenience or machine but we are responsible for making it possible for even common people to enjoy them.

British soldiers while fighting the colonists looked upon the quality of American farms and houses, and furniture and swore at the lack of gratitude our ancestors had for the king who had allowed them the privilege to own land  and live such comfortable lives when in fact the king hadn't allowed anything. Our ancestors risked their lives to come to this land and then risked them again by just staying here and learning to deal with foul weather and crops that were reluctant to grow. Many people literally starved to death and still more came to take advantage of the open space and seemingly free land. They were brave and strong people looking for freedom from the bondage imposed by their monarchs

Eventually they built one of the greatest civilizations, if not the greatest, the world has ever known and it's worth keeping. So let's try and forget party affiliation and identify issues we can work on together. No one has all of the answers, but working together we can continue to make improvements. No one is going to get everything they want so let's just concentrate on getting something done that helps as many people as possible. Compromise is not a dirty word it is necessary. When one group steps up and claims they have all the answers and their solution to a problem is the only way to save the country we need to have the courage to tell them they are wrong. 

My plea today is for cooler heads to prevail. Step back from your hard line stand whatever it is and ask yourself if you really cannot bend a little. If you can't, if the two major parties really can't get along then this great nation really is in for a very tough time. If we can't work together we stand to lose everything and if the United States of America fails the whole world goes down. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Respect Elections

 Democrats love to talk about the so-called 'rebellion' of January 6, 2021. The rebellion that wasn't. They continue to make the ridiculous claim that fewer than two hundred unarmed and misguided souls entered the United States Capitol Building and attempted to overthrow our government. We all know there was a mini riot during which despite all of the lies told about police officers being killed, the only fatality attributed to the riot was the murder of an unarmed white woman at the hands of an armed police lieutenant who was scared out of his little ill prepared mind. Fortunately for him the victim was a white woman and he is a black police officer. Anyone who participated in that act of stupidity should pay a price, including those members of the FBI and Capitol police department who were 'undercover' investigators. 

In some cases there are good reasons to insert undercover investigators into an organization, but I'm betting this is the first time it's been done to influence a presidential election. It is unfortunate that the FBI has lost all credibility with the American people. The top brass in the FBI lied to FISA courts in order to obtain permission to spy on presidential candidate Donald Trump because he exposed their corruption during King Barry's reign in the White House. King Barry weaponized every major office of government. The IRS refused to grant tax advantages to conservative political PACs, the DOJ investigated Bloody Hilary's use of a private server she used to store top secret documents where they couldn't be monitored by anyone inside government, or discovered in any subsequent investigations, and discovered she was guilty of illegally storing what amounted to stolen top secret documents in her home, but the FBI director, James Comey, didn't see any reason to seek a criminal indictment. Throughout the FBI's sham investigation Bloody Hilary was openly destroying cell phones, ipads, computers, and any other electronic device used by her or members of her staff to make sure the FBI found very little evidence. Just about anyone else would have been charged with obstruction of justice and destroying evidence, but not one of the chief officers of the Deep State.

The FBI is guilty of colluding with the Deep State leadership in their efforts to overthrow our government. During one of his campaign stops candidate Trump told reporters that no one really knew what was on Bloody Hilary's servers since the FBI conducted such a sloppy investigation and suggested that they ask Putin what was on her server. That story blew up all over the nation. It was all CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and every other Bloody Hilary cheer squad could talk about for weeks; Donald Trump trusts the Russians more than our own FBI and CIA. He' in cahoots with Russia, he cannot be trusted! He's a spy! 

Anyone with any sense at all knew he was right. You can bet that the Chinese and Iranian governments were monitoring her as well, along with practically every major government in the Middle East. King Barry and Bloody Hilary were likely sharing information that got an  American ambassador killed in Lybia. We will never know what Stevens was doing in Lybia especially since all details were shared in secret by Hilary and Obama on an unsecure site which has since most likely been sanitized and stored by a corrupt FBI. 

The Lybians knew though and they attacked the American compound to get whatever the United States was hiding there. The Lybian government was probably not sophisticated enough to even find out that Bloody Hilary was hiding state secrets on a vulnerable server in her home, but they had very sophisticated neighbors who were most likely willing to share and a possible US military mission was blown, an American ambassador and three other Americans were killed due to the reckless and illegal acts of King Barry and his Secretary of State. 

King Barry probably belongs in prison along with Bloody Hilary. Because of his covert actions and open hostility to the United States of America, he risked being exposed if Bloody Hilary lost the election which seemed a long shot since both of them were good at organizing groups of people who were capable of sabotaging an election. In order to protect himself and avoid becoming the first president to ever be sent to prison he only hired as heads of the highest offices in the country people who were loyal to him and shared his hostility. 

Fortunately for him President Trump kept too many corrupt officials in top positions and they never proved the case against the previous administration. It didn't help that Deep State also exists in the Republican party. Romney only works for Romney and other members of the GOP in Congress were too upset over losing the nomination that they refused to lift a finger to help until the second two years of the Trump presidency. It will always be my opinion that King Barry's goal was to destroy the country via a take over of the DOJ, the CIA, and the military and when he was unable to accomplish the task during his administration it became Bloody Hilary's job to complete the mission. The failure of the American people to elect Clinton saved the USA. They would have found enough judges willing to circumvent the Constitution that it would have been meaningless. 

The campaign against Donald Trump was a success resulting in his serving only one term in office. A lost and faltering American people decided to vote for a senile old man because he seemed somehow more pleasant personally than the 'mean' President Trump. Honesty and integrity didn't matter. Americans wanted a pleasant old pervert with obvious beginnings of dementia to lead them, possibly because he also offered them the opportunity to elect the first woman vice president with the additional bonus of being black. Just imagine! She could become the first woman in the White House and a black woman at that! Oh the joy! Who cares that she is an idiot? Americans are nothing if not cool.

Fortunately President Trump was able to pack the United States Supreme Court with justices who revered our Constitution and are willing to follow the law instead of making their own laws via judicial activism. Of course now there is a movement to place term limits on Supreme Court Justices and to impeach the only black justice on the Court. It's not that democrats are racist, it's just that Ole Clarence just don' und'stand that the Constushun be outdated! Senile Uncle Joe has done a remarkable job of ruining the American economy, which has in turn resulted in a weakened world economy, but without the Supreme Court in his pocket he can't carry on the work of the Deep State. Fortunately Harris has proven to be way overrated in her ability to complete a coup against the United States government and Uncle Joe even with the backing of the DOJ, FBI, and CIA will not be up to the task either. 

In a panic the DOJ and the FBI have continued their attacks on Donald Trump, insisting that he tried to overthrow America with a little over a hundred unarmed rioters on January 6, 2021. Using all of the resources at their disposal Deep State is desperately trying to discredit Trump. Using reports they know to be false the FBI was able to find a judge openly hostile to Trump to sign a search warrant that allowed them to search his residence and office to search for evidence that he had stolen top secret documents from the White House and was planning on selling them to Putin, or in the absence of good evidence to plant evidence. 

Once again the FBI has mocked the Constitution and our system of laws finding no evidence they could use against him. Now state attorneys general are trying to prove Trump is guilty of tax fraud and they want to put him safely away in a federal prison so he can't run for president again in 2024. The American people need to wake up from their slumber and take our elections seriously. Early voting is endangering our elections as is the use of so-called voting machines that can be manipulated in a variety of ways. 

Look how long it has taken to count votes during the mid term elections and as time passes each of those close states has, given enough time, gone democrat. Every one of them. Voter ID is not voter suppression. How stupid do you have to be to even believe that black people are incapable of getting a valid identification card? And people still believe that democrats aren't racist against black people no matter how often democrats insist that black people are inferior to the rest of us. 

If we don't start demanding secure elections we will lose all of our precious freedoms. It is that simple. How many of us would love to see a few mean tweets, two dollar a gallon gasoline and affordable interest rates, not to mention low inflation and peace in Eastern Europe and a docile leader in North Korea who isn't constantly firing ballistic missiles over Japan in an effort to test their air defense capabilities and response times? 

We need to respect our elections; participation has to improve and the integrity of the process needs to be restored. States have to learn how to count ballots faster and more accurately and election laws need to be enforced. And can't we find more important issues than abortion and gender confusion? How do gender confusion and abortion rights make our country stronger? No more King Barry's or senile Uncle Joe's. People hate Richard Nixon, but love King Barry and Uncle Joe? Something is terribly wrong. If Nixon belonged behind bars so do Obama and Biden, along with several high ranking officials of the FBI. 

It remains my belief that America is already mortally wounded and is on life support. I continue to participate in the system out of a sense that we have to fight to the end to preserve her, miracles do happen and I have to continue to encourage my children and grand children to do their best to break the bands of death encircling this great country. 

Without reliable elections the USA cannot continue to live and will fall to a small group of people who wish to impose a minority rule government. It will not be easy to achieve victory over Deep State and a lot of people will suffer great hardships, but in the end the country will likely emerge stronger than ever and will hopefully put down these Deep State insurrectionists so hard that they will never return. 

Friday, November 25, 2022

Same Gender special Status?

In the near future I will probably be in danger of going to prison for what I am saying even though it is not against the law today. Special status for certain classes of people has always been a bad idea. It was a bad idea in the 17th century when somehow people decided that it was ok to follow the customs of certain African tribes and sell people who were a different race to American farmers. And I will never understand how otherwise God fearing people ever talked themselves into doing something that was obviously evil. We should have progressed way beyond that sort of stupidity by now. We don't need special classes of people to be used or abused by anyone else. In the United States of America the men who founded this country worked very hard to ensure that there would never be a special class of people. They new first hand how dangerous that was and how unnecessary. Kings and dictators had no place in their world. Special classes of people were to be avoided no matter what. 

So how do I handle the issue of slavery in the USA? Simple. We spent many years and a lot of blood and treasure making sure that black people were freed and given the same rights as anyone else. We will never be perfect and there will be times when some people are treated differently and we will have to deal with those exceptions as they arise. 

Currently our society is in grave danger from the same gender community. They are not the same as people from a certain race or religion. We cannot choose what race we are. I can't decide to be African American, or Native American, or Mexican or any other race therefore we must respect people of all races. We did err in granting special privileges for people from any race that isn't white and we are paying a heavy price for that. At the same time we cannot choose what gender we are. I cannot identify as woman any more than a woman can identify as a man. We are who we are on the day we are born. In very rare circumstances we are born with organs that make it difficult to determine our gender and in those cases I believe there is a notation made on the birth certificate indicating the possible defect. 

Most of the time it is very clear; at birth we are a boy or a girl and nothing can change that fact. We cannot change our gender anymore than we can change our race or our age. It is dangerous to teach gender confusion to our children. They are susceptible to suggestion especially from a person they view as being very smart and even powerful. Those who push gender confusion destroy an entire society eventually. Same gender people cannot produce children and we need children in our society. Homosexuals claim that doesn't matter because they can adopt. Really? In a society overrun with same sex 'couples' where will the children come from? 

If there are too few children being born where will our labor force come from? About half of the dimwits we call Americans today believe we are in no danger of ever being attacked by a hostile country so we won't need people to staff a military force, or a navy to protect our shores. To them the USA is the major problem in the world and if we ceased to exist as a world power every other nation who seems to be in a warlike stance will stand down. 

And what about our constitution? It guarantees us certain rights, rights that no other nation is assured of by contract or law. One of those rights is freedom of worship and freedom of speech. I don't believe that God condones same sex 'marriage' I believe he condemns it. He doesn't expect me to mistreat those who enter into such contracts He will take care of that himself when He is ready. He expects me to treat all of His children with love and respect but that doesn't mean He wants me to go against Nature and pretend that people can decide later in life that although they were born male or female that doesn't mean that's who they are. And the religion I believe in teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman. 

And the leadership of our church will not perform a 'marriage' between two people of the same sex because that is a mockery of God's plan for us. The Constitution guarantees me the right to worship God according to the dictates of my conscience and I cannot go against the teachings of God's prophets. And the government does not have the legitimate authority to force me to change my religious beliefs. Every single elected government official has taken an oath to defend the Constitution. And every single law enforcement officer in America has taken the same oath as has every single judge. So far all efforts to take away my First Amendment right have failed but that doesn't stop people from trying. 

In reality religious freedom is in jeopardy because homosexuals don't believe I have the right to insist on teaching the fact that we cannot change our gender. In fact every major religion has taught what their religious texts contain and that is that the homosexual lifestyle is an abomination. Some religious sects, most notably in the Christian community have been willing to modify their interpretation of the Holy Bible in order to accommodate same sex relationships, but the teachings of the Bible are still clear regarding homosexuality. Other religions such as the Jewish and Islamic religions still teach that homosexuality is an abomination. Some 'Christian' Pastors seeking to preach love for everyone have lowered their standards; many times from a sense that all people are loved by God and have a right to live dignified lives. 

Their motives may be pure, but the fact is that God does love all of his children and He expects us to love him back. The most obvious way we show our love for Him is by respecting His creations. The homosexual community wants us to accept their definition of love and too many Americans have fallen into their trap. God is love and a good read of His laws will tell you that he teaches us both mercy and justice. No student of the Holy Bible can deny that God has given us a set of laws to live by and He expects obedience to those laws. Anyone who refuses to accept God's laws will unavoidably receive a punishment. 

Anyone who accepts the atonement of Jesus Christ and repents of their sins will receive a reward. For us to assume the authority to judge God is foolish; our task is to understand God and do our best to live by the laws He has given us. If we all followed God's law there would be no wars or crimes of any kind, but we don't all follow His laws and we all suffer cruelty that comes from disobedience to God's laws. God values the family unit and expects us to honor the society of the family. I have seen many protests with people carrying signs that say things like, "God is Love," and "Love is a Human Right."

Clearly they don't love me yet they demand that I love them. They have no respect for me but they demand that the government pass laws granting them special status and pass laws requiring that I respect them. There have always been laws protecting same gender acolytes. It has always been against the law to attack a person or injure a person in any way for any reason. In today's mad world it is still against the law to injure another person, but if that person happens to be someone who is gender confused it is really really against the law. 

I don't get it; preach love and practice hate. I guess that is what happens when a society becomes so confused that they don't know the difference between a man and a woman. Gender confusion is a dangerous thing to promote. When the attraction between boys and girls disappears society will unavoidably vanish with it. If you want to be a queer knock yourself out and I will respect your decision and even protect you from harm as much as I would protect anyone else, but attack me and insist that I become part of your fantasy that gender is fungible and I will fight you as hard as I can. 

I know what love is and it is not exclusive. When you force people to believe something just because you do and even resort to rejecting them from society as a whole by shunning them and taking away their employment and even force them to change their peaceful religious beliefs to suit your own personal beliefs you have crossed a sacred boundary. If you think God wants you to be a homosexual and supports your desire to change yourself into something you are not then get together and start your own church. Don't attack me and accuse me of hating you and wanting to harm you, you don't know me and you don't want to know me. Anyone who believes I have to abandon my faith because they don't like my beliefs has no understanding of love at all. 

No American deserves any special status. We all deserve the protection of the laws and the respect of others so I would ask the so-called LGBT whatever class to respect everyone's rights. It seems to me that the one thing missing from the homosexual community is God. Most members of the same gender cult don't believe in God at all yet they want all religions to bow to them. My hope is that our society will lose their fear of being labelled by a confused minority. Protect everyone, but bow to no one except our Creator. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


 It looks like democrats really do want to rule the world. The entire world. I just listened to some dumb bimbo on PBS interview the President of Poland, Anderzej Duda. It began as an interview and until the last 60 seconds it was interesting, touching on Poland's history with Russia which has been rocky and sometimes horribly violent. She wanted to know how Poland was going to respond if the recent rocket attack from Russia on Poland soil turned out to be deliberate and that spurred a discussion about world opinion and the International Court.

Then her true character emerged and she began to question him over Poland's political make up and how in her opinion Poland doesn't have a free press, or freedom of speech, and their abortion laws are archaic and out of sync with most of the Western world. So President Anderzej very patiently, but thoroughly provided her with a lesson in civics and how government works. Poland is a democracy with democratic elections (something most democrats these detest) and the people of Poland decide how they want to live and it is working very well. The people voted for him he reminded her and he was just implementing the ideas that he campaigned on. There was a time when democrats liked that form of government but not anymore. 

I don't know the woman's name, but she had the good sense to retreat and thank him for allowing her to interview him. The scene left me wondering about the future of America. Here we are on the brink of what could very easily become a terrible world war this time with weapons almost as bad as the chemicals people were using on each other during the first war to end all wars. Satan still exists and as long as people listen to him rather than follow the words of God's prophets they will continue to think of more cruel ways to destroy each other. 

You don't have to believe in the forces of good and evil, but you do have to live in a world governed by them. What really caught my attention in that PBS interview was the mention of abortion. Seriously, if you are a democrat you must at least take a breath and ask yourself why that even came up in an interview about a madman who is armed with nuclear weapons and has attacked a peaceful neighbor, committed atrocious crimes, such as mass murder torture and rape, and has just attacked an innocent third nation with a long range missile strike, killing civilians in that country and you want to know why Poland has such strict abortion laws when they have just been attacked by a brutal dictator who has a nuclear arsenal? Is that really what is important to you democrats? 

Is that how the United States should determine who deserves protection, if they support unlimited abortion they can be our allies, but if they seek to protect all innocent life they are on their own? Poland may be more religious than the USA. They may be more conservative in their thinking than today's Americans so I guess we have to expel them from NATO. Obviously they hate women and have no regard for human life if they think abortion is wrong. And why would people with no regard for human life deserve to be a part of NATO? The New York Times has published reports of women dying because abortion is illegal in Poland, but since preservation of a mother's life is about the only time an abortion is legal in Poland it's more than possible that the NYT deliberately published a report that was at best incomplete but more likely a plain lie. 

The Times also reported that a woman was in a hospital in extreme pain lying on the floor while texting her family members who presumably were somewhere else that even though her baby was dying inside her and the doctors had stated there was very little chance her baby would ever survive and if the baby remained in the womb it would die and infect the mother who would also die, they still wouldn't take any life preserving measures at all and in fact the mother did die on the floor of the hospital while a callous medical staff continued about their business presumably stepping over her writhing body and ignoring her pleas for help. 

Since I wasn't there I don't know for sure and according to the story (fairy tale?) published by the Times none of their reporters were present either and there was no indication in the story I read that they made any attempt to interview anyone who witnessed this scene at the hospital, and the only evidence presented at all was a text supposedly from a lawyer in Poland that he represented as being a series of texts from the dying mother to her husband and other family members which the lawyer then forwarded to the New York Times to show how evil it is to oppose abortion. Given the history of the Times I have serious doubts about this story. 

It is true that Poland has very restrictive laws governing abortion and that Poland is a religious nation, but their law does have exceptions for the life of the mother so what was so special about the mother in the story published by the Times? How come she was singled out for special treatment? How many women die every year in child birth in Poland? This story doesn't pass any test. There are about 350,000 children born in Poland per year and about six or seven women die every year during childbirth due to a variety of complications that can arise, losing a woman during childbirth is a very sad event, but bringing children into the world has been hazardous since the days of Adam and Eve and it is much safer now than it used to be. 

The Times falsely implies that abortion is illegal in Poland; no exceptions. The law states that abortion is legal if the mother's life is in danger. The law is clear, anyone who cares to can read it and every year there are approximately 100 legal abortion performed in Poland, the nation where according to the Times the procedure is outlawed. No exceptions. If you are dying because the baby you are carrying has developed a life threatening infection the hospital staff throws you on the floor and lets you die. Democrats like to tell me I'm 'willfully ignorant'. Look in the mirror. Democrats have manage to convince themselves that all pregnancies are life threatening since no one knows what complications may arise and some of those complications can result in the mother's death. Therefore all abortions should be legal at any time during the pregnancy. Obviously I oppose such a radical view, and how does that justify letting a newborn baby die because mom changes her mind at the moment of birth? Shouldn't that be a time to involve an agency that facilitates adoptions?

Of course we can't do that, but no democrats care to explain why that is a bad idea. Why is it so important for us to murder babies? Certainly at the moment they are born they must enjoy some rights, but not in the United States of America. And if Poland doesn't agree with America's stand on killing babies then the hell with Poland! Let the Russian army march into Warsaw. I have to admit that looks pretty unlikely given the demonstrated weakness of the Russian military machine. All they are good for it looks like is terrorizing their neighbors with long range missiles. The Red army may not be a toothless puppy, they have demonstrated that they can march into unprotected villages and murder and rape and otherwise terrorize helpless civilians, what an embarrassment it would be to have to admit you were ever part of the Russian army. 

So while it may not be much of a threat to Poland right now, in the future Russia may become better prepared to accomplish their goal of domination over the Eastern Bloc nations once again and the United States should be prepared to help stop the advance. There was a time when democrats believed in common decency obviously they've entered a new era. A few years ago they wanted to conquer America, now with that effort almost accomplished in their view they have set their sights on the rest of the world.

They no longer want to become presidents or representatives, they have much loftier goals today. They hope to be emperors and empresses to be admired and obeyed. They will lose of course. Americans are too well armed and many of us have been well trained and are willing to train others. We've learned to fly advanced fighter jets and drive modern tanks and to kill oppressors. And we outnumber the soldiers who would be willing to violate their oath to defend and protect the Constitution. Democrats lost the last civil war they started and they will lose the next one as well. And sadly they will leave a superhighway of death, destruction and sorrow in their wake. America will rebuild and be stronger than ever. And hopefully next time we will execute all of the leaders of the rebellion along with any of their underlings who will have been found guilty of terrorism, murder, torture and rape. 

I know a lot of fine people who are democrats, unfortunately they are thinking about a democrat party that no longer exists. The democrat party today is anti family, destroying the basic fabric of our society, and determined to destroy America.  

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Oh my Heck!?

I guess the kid in that fable was wrong. The emperor really was wearing a beautiful new suit and they should have taken that kid out of the crowd, pulled down his arrogant little pants and paddled his lily white but right in front of everybody in town. And yeah, while we're at at least fifty one percent of the voting public believes the sky is in fact falling. I did not believe the talking heads who said there was going to be a conservative tidal wave. That's why I left the Republican party years ago. They have no passion for this country or our Constitution. In fact, I think they are barely breathing. 

This election cycle should have been an easy red state victory. It should have been a 200 foot tsunami. There was absolutely no question that democrats had totally screwed up everything, so what did the Republicans do? Practically nothing. They argued amongst themselves and they condemned American involvement in a war that is surprisingly popular here. And it probably should be. Ordinarily I'd say we should leave other countries alone and let them fight their own battles. Some will lose and some will win. 

In this case a peaceful nation that was minding its own business was invaded by a brutal dictator bent on restoring an evil system that had been defeated in 1989 largely through U.S. efforts. The USSR had menaced the world for almost fifty years. Soviet leaders kept their population under control by murdering those who not only disagreed with the Communist philosophy, but openly criticized it. Once the Berlin wall fell, or rather was demolished by the citizens of East and West Berlin, relatives were reunited who hadn't had any contact for decades. Prior to dismantling the wall the penalty for attempting to cross the East/West border was death; either by an armed guard positioned in one of the towers that were spaced at one hundred yard intervals, blown up by one of the 550,000 land mines buried along the twenty seven mile wall, or mauled by specially trained dogs that patrolled the Communist border along with an armed soldier. Once the dog was done with you there was either life in a prison labor camp or being shot dead by a Communist soldier. Or both. 

Once the wall was dismantled the entire Soviet Union began to collapse and many of the countries of the former Soviet Union began to learn how to form democracies and get rid of their dictators. Dictatorships have advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you no longer have to worry about making your own decisions. People who insist on doing that will be murdered by their government because face it; making your own decisions just leads to trouble. You don't have to worry about what you want to do for a living either, your benevolent dictator will tell you what you want to do and you will do that. Where to live? Not a problem; your government will be happy to provide you with a substandard apartment in a very ugly high rise apartment building. And of course you don't have to fight for your right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or the freedom from unreasonable search and seizure by the police. If you insist on exercising any or all of those rights your benevolent dictator will make sure you disappear. If you have any complaints you are free to keep them to yourself. Complaints about your government will result in very severe consequences not only for yourself, but your entire family. So please feel free to keep your seditious mouth shut. 

Commies hate whiners. So now thirty four years after the demise of a brutal communist regime Vladimir Putin, a young idealist who felt personally humiliated when the USSR died wants to rebuild it. For over thirty years he has been plotting the rise of the old brutal communist country. He has organized teams that were assigned the murder of dissidents in many parts of the world and he has imprisoned others who dared to disagree with him. 

He has attacked nearby countries whom he considers ungrateful for the benefits they enjoyed under the brutal hand of Soviet dictators. And now he has attacked another ungrateful child of the late great Soviet Union. Everyone thought Ukraine was doomed to fall in just a few days but it didn't. In fact the Ukrainian people proved to be a real handful. Poor Ivan had definitely piled his plate way too high. Even with their pitiful little arsenal the Ukrainian army was doing a lot of damage to the Russkies. Western Europe was watching the murder and rape being committed by Russian soldiers and decided to send military aid to Ukraine. The United States joined the effort and today Ukraine may be able to push the Russian army all the way back to Russia.

I will never again support sending any American military personnel to a foreign country to fight for them unless it is to protect an American installation such as those in Germany, Japan, and a few other countries. I supported the war in Vietnam, but our elected officials decided to lose that war. I was somewhat supportive of the Gulf War when Bush Senior was president and he actually did a pretty decent job of making sure it didn't last very long and ended in a resounding U.S. victory. Then his dopey kid, GW became president and botched a fairly simple assignment; get the masterminds of the terrorist attack on New York, kill them and come home. He decided that he needed to expand the mission to making the entire Middle East into a democracy. His war dragged on for twenty years finally resulting in a disastrous withdrawal of American forces by a senile democrat president who waited till the last minute to bring our military forces and allies out of Afghanistan and leaving lots of military hardware behind for the enemy to use on the people who were not fortunate enough to escape. 

I supported that war until it became obvious that GW was going to keep it going much longer than necessary and was supporting actions that were none of our business. After that I will not support sending United States military personnel to fight in foreign countries again. Sending military aid to a civilized country that is being brutally overrun by a dictator with visions of grandeur is alright with me. Even if that evil dictator threatens nuclear war. So what does this have to do with Republicans? They opposed sending military aid to Ukraine and partly because they were afraid of Vladimir possibly launching some sort of nuclear strike. If he's that evil let him do it, the people in danger of being the target of Vladimir's nukes displayed their collective middle fingers and said, "Bring it on!" If they aren't afraid we should help them push the Red army back to Russia where they belong. If Vlad is really that stupid just about the entire world will turn on him. Russia will cease to exist. So bring it on Mr. Putin! Be the guy that destroyed Russia for all time. 

Why are Republicans so timid? I don't know but they have to change. They still haven't learned from Donald Trump who always said what was on his mind. He didn't worry about what people would think about him so he didn't come across as a polished politician or diplomat. He thought illegal immigration was a problem and he said so. He thought expanding the war in the Middle East and trying to force democracy down their throat was a bad idea and he said so. He was compassionate toward disabled people, but didn't allow them to use that as a crutch that allowed them to be rude to him and he let the world know that too. When the father of a fallen soldier decided to mock his dead son's sacrifice Donald Trump was not afraid to put the man in his place. And even some Republicans hated him for it. Of course it's terrible to lose a child in a war, but it is even worse to use your dead child's sacrifice to make a political statement. 

Democrats and some Republicans tried to make Trump look bad and use his bluntness to their advantage and it didn't work during his first campaign. During the second campaign their tactics did work. Just like a few democrats joined in electing Trump during his first campaign, Republicans failed to provide the cover he needed during his second campaign. People from both parties successfully made him look insensitive to minorities handicapped people and gold star families. It was grossly unfair and it worked. Even now they are so afraid of him that they are taking every opportunity to make him look bad. The Department of Justice keeps filing false affidavits to obtain search warrants allowing them to search not only a former president's personal residence, but also the residences of many of his friends and associates. It will be a very long time before I can ever vote for a democrat. Some Republican candidates are dishonest and trustworthy, but three times democrats knowingly lied in an effort to impeach President Trump. And they used the Department of Justice as the attack dog for the democrat party. The director of the FBI took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States and he broke that oath as did dozens and perhaps hundreds (I hope not) of Federal agents.  

Donald Trump was one of the best presidents we've ever had but he wasn't good at changing his approach to people in certain situations and maybe no one should, I prefer an honest man who is a little too direct to a man or woman who will tell everyone just what they want to hear. Ron Desantis struck me as an honest man over the years. He's not afraid to go his own way when he knows he is right. During the pandemic he refused to lick the dust off Faucci's feet and he kept the schools open. He didn't threaten people who didn't want to wear a mask everywhere they went. He hasn't been afraid to warn criminals that in Florida people have the right to defend themselves and many of them carry guns and have them in their homes. 

He isn't afraid to tell the truth about the Black Lives Matter movement and he isn't cowed by the homosexual community, he seems to hate the so-called 'woke' population almost as much as I do and during his acceptance speech having won his race for governor again he wasn't bashful about calling them out and telling them point blank they were not welcome in Florida. The 'woke' culture is a dead culture. Nothing good will come from them, they will only destroy a society. The phrase 'get woke' is just plain stupid. Anyway all Republican leaders need to learn from him and Donald Trump. Courage is severely lacking in the Republican party. Democrats are bold in their bid to destroy America and they are smart enough to know they have to move slowly and steadily toward their goal. Democrats cannot be honest about what they have planned because if Americans knew what they had in mind they'd start losing elections. 

Republicans should not be afraid to point out how dangerous 'wokeness' is. And don't be afraid to compromise a little on abortion. Yes it is a very bad thing and abortion should not become a form of birth control ever, but if a woman gets raped and then gets pregnant and wants to abort the child I think she is making a mistake, but I would allow her to make that mistake. Of course I also believe that if a man is guilty of rape and the woman gets pregnant that man should be executed as soon as the test results are known. I have no patience with that type of behavior. But I am also impatient with Republican politicians who are timid about their support for freedom of speech and the right to self defense. They are afraid to be associated with the NRA and certain faith based groups who support the First, Second, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments. 

I'm looking for brave men and women who aren't going to tuck and run because someone might call them a racist or a homophobe or accuse them of waging a war on women. Democrats are calling people racists if they think rising crime rates are a problem. And homophobes if they don't believe men should be allowed to compete in women's sports. And they claim that it is mean to oppose a woman's right to kill her child even after birth as long as no one has taken the time to feed the baby prior to the extra judicial and illegal execution had been carried out. Anybody who thinks performing an abortion while a full term baby is being born should be legal is just plain evil and I don't care who hears me say it. I don't even know how the baby is killed. Fortunately that is rarely done, but the fact that it is done is an indictment on our great country.

If a person is born a male I'm going to call that person he or him, not her, she, them they or their. They cannot force me to live their fantasy. And the same for people who are born female. Sorry ladies you are the gender God gave you and I'm not going to offend God to please you. I don't know if Desantis is that brave, but I think he will have the guts to stand up to the 'woke' bullies. 

We need to take a hard stand against passing laws forcing all Americans to participate in a person's fantasy. If men want to marry men and women want to marry women they now have that right thanks to a revisionist Supreme Court ruling. And I can live with that. What I can't live with is not being able to voice my opinion that same sex marriage is wrong. Same with abortion. And changing one's sex is an abomination, especially if the supposed change allows them to compete with teams of the opposite sex. Democrats want to label me as some sort of misfit in society if I can't accept the fantasy that men can become women and vice versa. First some men wanted to marry each other and We the People said 'no'. So they went to the Supreme Court and the Court gave 'We the People' the finger and passed a law legalizing homosexual 'marriages' and guaranteeing it as a God given right. 

Then some people wanted to change their sex, as if that were even a possibility, reluctantly and gradually, 'We the People' said ok. Then men who couldn't win any trophies competing against men wanted to change their sex so they could win trophies for competing against women and they've been kind of successful athletes as women. The only problem is that they just ain't women. Throwing your junk in the garbage just doesn't make you a woman. At first women seemed to be saying something like, "Yeah, it's cool if a person was born the wrong gender then sure, they should make the change and be the gender they are supposed to be!" Now a few, and the number seems to be growing, are having second thoughts and actually complaining about losing to men competing as women. Now where does a woman go for equal protection under the law?

Luckily most Americans seem to recognize that killing a baby after the baby has been delivered is murder, but not a real murder because after all, a woman has reproductive rights. I'm very confused. Regulation is something we can work with. And states should still be allowed to pass their own laws about abortion. If some states ban it altogether then women seeking an abortion in those states will have to travel to another state. Republicans need to have the courage to speak up and tell the world what they stand for. 

Just about all girls are opposed to having boys watching them undress in the locker rooms and they don't want to have to compete against them in sports either. And there have been several rapes committed in women's locker rooms and bathrooms by 'transgender' males. No one knows how many because those stats are kept secret. And for me the kicker of all this is they are using Title IX to justify this madness. Title IX was meant to prevent discrimination against women who wanted to be able to participate in team sports, but they were prevented from doing so because supposedly there wasn't a budget for it. After many years of being denied women's sports women finally won Title IX protection and now it's gone. All gone. 

Any Republican who is afraid to stand up to the so-called 'woke' crowd should not be allowed to represent the party. If you like runaway inflation, high interest mortgage rates, high murder rates, high unemployment and legalized shoplifting, and I don't mean by statute, but any city that refuses to arrest shoplifters and prosecute them is not protecting its citizens then by all means keep voting for democrats. When democrats accuse you of being racist if you are opposed to rising crime rates whip the .45 out of your pocket and steal all their money and their clothes! I know a lot of black people who are opposed to violent crime and gradually they are turning away from the democrat party. Educated people vote pro America. Snobs vote democrat. 

And that's why I reluctantly support Ron Desantis. He says all of the right things but how many times have I been burned by politicians who say the right things? I thought Arnold Schwarzenegger would be a good governor, but he wasn't strong enough to stand up against the oppressive democrats in California. And I thought GW would be a good president but he really goofed up the war against terrorism. That war should have been over in a couple of years at the most but he decided to try to democratize the Middle East and it just can't be done. President Trump did not disappoint. He worked harder than any other president in recent history to deliver all of his promises and he would have delivered on all of his promises if it hadn't been for Republicans who remained angry at the American people for rejecting them and electing a man who had never even run for a public office before. Most politicians promise, President Trump delivers. 

Republicans failed to take charge in 2022. It looks like they have a slim majority in the House of Representatives which should be a good thing as long as they can remember what they are supposed to stand for and not be bullied by their democrat colleagues or charmed by huge campaign funds from lobbyists. I hope they do better in 2024. I'm completely confident that given the absolute failure of the democrat party over the last two years, by 2024 the United States of America, along with the rest of the world will be such a mess that at least fifty one percent of the voting public will vote pro America.

I can dream can't I? Let's just hope the dream becomes a reality. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

California protecting Children from their Parents?

California has long been a 'Sanctuary' state for illegal aliens; people who sneak across the border entering the United States illegally. 

In 2022 California became a sanctuary state for predators who want to lure children to the state for the purposes of sex slavery or other forms of abuse. Sure, I understand, you think I have to be lying for some reason but I'm not.

It's called California Senate Bill 107 and it was drafted by state Senator Wiener. It is referred to as "Gender Affirming Health Care" and supposedly it will protect kids who think they need to change their gender, but live in states that don't permit gender reassignment procedures. It should be called  the "Aiding those looking for children to abuse law." I have no idea how much research, if any, went into drafting this horrific piece of legislation, but it claims that in some states people can be sent to prison for any type of participation in a sex change procedure whether it be surgical, psychological, or some sort of prescription drugs, anything to do with gender reassignment processes. Supposedly this bill only affects children and has no impact on adults. They further claim that anyone who has any of those procedures done and then leaves the state to avoid prosecution will be hunted down, dragged back to their home state and held for prosecution there. 

The bill begins by guaranteeing that if a child's parents or guardians want their child to have a sex change and their state wants to put them in prison for it they can come to California and no other state can prosecute them once they arrive here. The entire narrative seems convoluted and unnecessary since if it can protect anyone it can only be the child who had the sex change performed illegally by a doctor in the state where they live. It cannot protect hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, doctors, nurses, or any other person involved in the process in one of those supposedly malignant states. 

So is this really even a problem? probably not. Wiener makes it look like there are posses from states all across America searching for families who have one or more family members who have engaged in sex change operations, chasing them from state to state until the frazzled group arrives in California and the authorities of California bravely turn away the evil posse, take in the fugitive family and offering them Sanctuary in their new home state with everyone cheering and hugging each other. To me it all sounds very dramatic, but not very realistic. I have to ask myself if this is even happening and I really doubt it. Senator Wiener certainly didn't offer any testimony or other evidence that families in any state were in such jeopardy.  

Okay so I claimed that SB107 protects children from their parents and it does. If a child thinks she should be a boy and wants to become a boy and her parents think she should just be a girl she can log onto her computer and search for ways to change her gender without her parents finding out. Simple. She reads about this SB107 and notices that it includes parents and guardians and she sees an add by a 'good samaritan' wanting to help kids with parents who are so mean that they won't allow their children to change their sex and offering to become their guardian  if they come to California. And in California it is very easy for a person to become the guardian of someone else's child. All a person has to do is find a child who wants to run away from home, go to court and sign a falsified affidavit under oath and they automatically become the child's temporary legal guardian. At that time there is a date set for a hearing to determine if permanent guardianship is needed, and once the judge reads the falsified document claiming that the child's parents have abandoned the child and therefore couldn't be served a subpoena notifying them of the proposed hearing the permanent guardianship is granted without any further effort from the court or law enforcement to locate the parents who by that time are worried sick about their child and most likely have filed a police report in their city.

And if the abductor can keep the child hidden from her parents for a year even if the parents are able to locate her and they file an objection with the court the court will determine that the parents had abandoned their child and order the guardianship to continue. And if the parents notify the court that the request for guardianship is based upon a total fabrication and was signed under penalty of perjury, on judge in San Diego waived it off stating, "That's a lot of water under the bridge, a lot of water under bridge," as if that was a very profound observation and was supposed to justify his decision to allow the abductor to keep their child. California is a very messed up state with little to no regard for the family structure. I've been monitoring probate court for several months and actually heard a judge seem to chastise a woman for taking a child to a state two thousand miles away in violation of the court order. In the very next sentence the judge was congratulating the woman for giving herself an advantage in her custody case by having the courage to violate the order. He then advised her to file a motion in her new state to change the venue for her hearing to her new state. 

Of course the 'good samaritan' in California has no intention of become the child's guardian, but the kid doesn't know that so she responds thankfully asking for further information and begins to set up her travel arrangements having no idea that she is actually becoming a victim of a child smuggling operation. The predator arranges for one way travel to California which the child agrees to because she never wants to see her 'evil' parents again and makes her way to the Golden State where she will begin a life of bliss as a boy living with her new guardian! What could be sweeter.

She arrives in California and is immediately dragged into a windowless van, blindfolded, and driven for a couple of hours until the van stops and she is dragged into a house and locked in a room still wearing the blindfold, with her hands bound behind her back. She is now in the possession of a child slave trafficker and about to begin a nightmare that most Americans turn a blind eye to, preferring to think it really isn't a problem. In fact of the 450,000 kids reported missing every year in America most of them are located, but about 9,000 of them are never found. How many of those become victims to the sex trade really isn't known, but it is stupid to assume it isn't a large portion of those who society has turned its back on. 

So if you think I'm overreacting fine. Go back to smoking your joint and pretending something like this could never happen. But for those of you who think that being sold to evil men and women to be sexually abused on some millionaire's yacht in international waters and then tossed overboard is something a child should never have to experience you have to ask yourselves why this legislation was so important. It looks like no research was conducted to see if this was even a potential problem, and that everyone was either oblivious to the potential harm to children, or hoping to profit from it somehow directly or indirectly. 

The potential for abuse caused by this horrible law cannot be overstated and yet we are stuck with it. I've emailed my representative but have not received a response to my questions surrounding this law. She usually takes three to six months to respond and she usually ignores my questions and thanks me for my interest in my community. I wish she had a little more interest in my community. In her defense all she really cares about is enjoying the spotlight, and being wined and dined by lobbyists and at that I'm fairly confident she is a success. 

My prediction is that if she responds to my question it will be to inform me that there is no chance that anyone will ever use this law to lure children into the sex trade because of our excellent law enforcement agencies (the same ones she wanted disbanded just a few months ago). 

It would be great if legislators were a little more engaged in solving actual problems, there must be a few things that actually need attention and if not maybe we need to have part time legislators. There are already lots and lots of laws on the books in California and some of them actually contradict each other which makes them impossible to enforce. California has the highest paid legislators in the state with a base pay of about $120,000 a year. 

Let's try to think about what's really important in our area and find out how political candidates actually plan to address those issues. Helping perverts on the internet reach out to confused kids just seems like a bad thing to me. 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Good Ole FBI?

If you're talking about integrity and the United States Department of Justice you need to sober up. The DOJ is just a little bit less creepy than the Mob. So far as I'm aware no one from the DOJ has murdered anyone, but they have no problem putting innocent people in jail when thats the way the political winds are blowing.

My only personal experience was witnessing first hand while they manufactured evidence against police officers of the LAPD when I was an aging member of that department. After a long and dangerous pursuit of a drunk driver police officers attempted to effect an arrest. The turd didn't want to be arrested and it turned into a violent fight. Rodney King is now famous because the FBI made him out to be an innocent black man who was stopped by the police because he was black. The police then proceeded to beat him mercilessly so they could teach other black men to pay the proper respect to white police officers. The video that was played over and over looked pretty bad. A bunch of police officers were hitting a black man who was already on the ground with their night sticks until he finally stopped resisting and submitted to being handcuffed. 

What every so-called news organization in the nation refused to show was the very beginning of the video which clearly shows King violently pick up Larry Powell and throw him to the ground. He then repeatedly attempted to get up and resist arrest. The only police officer who was observed actually doing anything wrong was the one who raised his foot and stomped on Rodney King's head after he clearly was down. And that was one of two police officers present who was not convicted of any crime. The other was a new guy still on probation and he was fired for doing his job. 

There were two trials for those police officers in violation of the Fifth Amendment of our Constitution that guarantees us the right to not be tried repeatedly for the same offense until a jury finally 'gets it right'. That's against the rules, but that is what the FBI did. There was a trial for the police officers involved and they were acquitted because in order to take away a person's freedom you have to have evidence that they broke the law and there wasn't any. There was no time for a celebration because black people immediately started burning the city. It was surreal driving into Los Angeles that night seeing the smoke and fires. Not wishing to get killed on my way to the station that night I was driving with an automatic rifle across my lap. An unauthorized weapon both because it wasn't issued to me by the department, but it was also illegal to possess in California. I borrowed it from a friend who wanted me to be safe. Like many of my friends these days he is safe from FBI's vicious grasp because he is dead. 

I have no idea where the rifle is now. the FBI needed a feather in it's cap so they decided to charge those innocent police officers with a federal crime that can basically be used any time a white police officer uses force against a black person although it is rarely done, and shouldn't have been done this time either. After the smoke cleared the FBI rearrested the two innocent officers and put a federal charge on them. They basically put on the same case as the Los Angeles County District Attorney did only this time they found a sergeant who was willing to perjure himself so he would look good when he sat before the promotions board in a few months. He was hoping to be promoted to lieutenant partially as a reward for helping put two innocent police officers in prison. 

During the first trial the main defense put on by the officers was that they were doing what they were trained to do, which was the truth. The ranking Use of Force expert had testified during the first trial, the legal one, that the police officers had done exactly what they were trained to do. That would never do so the FBI found another sergeant who worked for training division but had nothing to do with use of force training. He was more of a bookworm who wanted to move up the ranks and he was eager to put two of his colleagues in prison if that's what he needed to do to get that coveted promotion. He lied on the stand. There was another sergeant who was pressured to lie on the stand. The pressure was so great that he ended up killing himself so he wouldn't have to participate. 

And after all of this was over the FBI continued its witch hunt against the LAPD and why not? The LAPD was clearly in the mood to sacrifice a few for the good of the whole so the FBI made up a story about the department being involved in corruption from the top down. They sued the department in federal court claiming that the LAPD was a criminal enterprise involved in a pattern and practice of criminal behavior that was sanctioned at every level of management all the way to the Sixth Floor; the office of the Chief of Police. 

By now the mayor was hostile to the department, most democrats are, and he too wanted to embarrass the chief. The city agreed to allow the FBI to run the department for a period of at least five years. It ended up lasting for eight years, during which time very little changed, except the culture of the department. Prior to the implementation of the consent decree the department was squeaky clean. We policed our own. Virtually every illegal action the FBI alleged the department was engaged in was ferreted out by members of the department. And the punishments were severe. Hardly the actions of a criminal organization. Prior to the consent decree it was possible to be found in violation of the department manual and still keep your job, there would be a punishment, often a suspension for a few days without pay, but an officer rarely worried about getting fired unless he did something really stupid. After the consent decree snitching on a partner became a sure path to promotion. 

Another 'improvement' was the era of 'driving and waving'. With the chief out to fire everybody he could the joke was, "Hey! The last one out of the building turn out the lights!" The chief was firing people as fast as he could and for minor violations. Police officers were literally afraid to get out of their cars for fear of being perceived to have done something wrong and losing their job. And good people were quitting by the dozen. Other departments actively recruited police officers from the LAPD and the were offering better pay and benefits and a much safer work environment. Guys were literally filling out job applications on the hoods of their police cars on duty. While on patrol they were driving with their windows up so they couldn't hear what was happening outside of their squad car.

If they saw someone frantically waving and shouting, "Help police!" They would wave back and say, "Yes it is a nice day, we agree with you!" So the FBI succeeded in making sure the police officers in Los Angeles stopped bothering gang members and other criminals while the crime rate was shooting up at an alarming rate. Criminals were literally running the city because the FBI had a vendetta against the LAPD. That was in the 90's.

Fast forward to 2022 and I just read that the FBI is cracking down on the Orange County California district attorney and sheriff. The point of all this is that the FBI is close to losing all of its credibility. They had a reputation of being careful about their investigations and above all not letting politics cloud their vision and lately it looks like the are the law enforcement arm of the democrat party. They need to be so clean that everyone feels good about just having them around. I don't like Bloody Hilary but I don't want them making up lies and manufacturing evidence against her, but they didn't have to. She had all the evidence they needed even after purging her internet servers the best she could. They found solid evidence that she had improperly stored top secret documents in an un secure place and her servers probably had been compromised by just about every despotic government in the world, then they said it really didn't matter because no prosecutor has any interest in prosecuting her. What?

With Donald Trump they found little to no evidence that he had anything in his possession that he shouldn't have and they're still trying to make a criminal case out of it. Weeks ago they asked him to lock certain documents in his possession in a secure area and when they served the search warrant on his home and office they found the door locked just like he said they asked him to do, or more likely 'ordered' him to do. 

And now an agency that apparently couldn't tell the truth if they had to is picking on the Orange County California district attorney's office and sheriff's department claiming that they are corrupt. And there are problems in both the district attorney and sheriff's departments. The truth is that in O.C. there is solid evidence that the entire justice system may be corrupt. However who do we turn to when that happens? We used to have the United States Department of Justice and the FBI to help with that, but over the last ten years they've tried real hard to ruin their reputation and to me it looks like they did a great job. I have almost no confidence in them at all, and I don't think many other people in this country do either.

The FBI is fading into a fond memory along with the rest of our great heritage and history. They were off to a good start but over the years their leaders have become power hungry, looking out for themselves and no one else. The next step will be vigilantism followed by every man for himself.  

It will become necessary for people to band together into small groups for mutual protection similar to the gated communities we have already. Since the police are forbidden from doing their job by corrupt politicians we will be hiring our own police. The area where I live has already had to do that since the police have openly warned us that they can't afford to respond to our calls for help. So far we have unarmed guards, but that will change. 

We brag as a society that it's ok to lie because everybody does it. And it's ok to steal once in awhile for the same reason. How about armed robbery, rape and murder? When are the American people going to wake up and realize that crime is not good. That people with honor should not be scorned and that corrupt politicians need to be kicked out of office. 

The leadership of both major parties need to recognize to importance of  purging the leadership of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and hire people who won't be bought by money or power. 

And the American people need to be vigilant and not vote or people who use federal agencies for their personal vendettas such as King Barry using the IRS to stall applications for special tax status because he didn't agree with their political views (they didn't vote for him) or using the FBI to spy on a political candidate for the same reason. 

I'm not aware of any such abuse by a Republican but I am willing to be educated.  

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Tulsi Gabard

 Tulsi Gabbard is an American hero. Just a few years ago she was the toast of the democrat party. They couldn't say enough good things about her even if they had to make them up. She was young, pretty, and smart, but that was all they knew about her. Had they known then how seriously she considered traits like honor and accountability they would have kept their foul mouths shut. 

Watching as the democrat leadership attempted to go against the Constitution and therefore the basic tenets of our country the most basic being the liberty of the individual, Congresswoman Gabbard became more and more disaffected by her party's lack of honor. She was a soldier who took an oat to defend the Constitution of the United States of America and she took the same oath when she entered Congress. So did her colleagues, the difference being that she took her oath seriously. Her word is important to her and she was dismayed at the lack of honor that was creeping into her party. 

"Why do my colleagues hate freedom so much?" She began to ask herself then when she couldn't take it any longer she was forced by her own sense of honor to quit the party. I don't know what she plans to do now, most likely stay away from either major party since almost no one in Congress today seems to take that oath seriously. Members from both sides of the aisle sit and hurl insults at each other, neither side making any statements that are really designed to strengthen America. 

Apparently Tulsi Gabbard is a traitor and Russian sympathizer because she had the courage to point out that America is working with Ukrainian scientists in Bio labs across Ukraine working on unknown types of pathogens which could theoretically be used as biological weapons against a favored son of the democrat party; Vladimir Putin. She is opposed to the military assistance the United States is providing Ukraine simply because it is expensive and dangerous and it doesn't appear to be in our national interest. She correctly points out that Russia is a nuclear power and could unleash unbelievable destruction all over the world if they felt threatened enough. Over the last couple of years Tulsi Gabbard has gone from being the star of the democrat party, a person whose life they were actually talking about making into a movie, to becoming a traitor to her country. It is a treacherous thing to be an independent thinker in the democrat party.

Chuck Schumer threatens bodily harm to a United States Supreme Court justice and the press hails him as a hero with the courage to tell the truth and defend a woman's right to kill her unborn baby. Donald Trump hangs on to a few papers that the boss of the National Archives says he wants to catalogue and the FBI goes wild, probably lying again on an affidavit that allowed an anti Trump judge to sign a search warrant to search the former president's residence and offices. Prior to the 2015 election the FBI did their best to discredit Donald Trump by pushing a narrative based upon a document that Bloody Hilary paid an ex-British intelligence officer to write deliberately making false claims against Trump. The goal was childishly obvious; she wanted to make sure Donald Trump did not get elected and she did. What she didn't count on was his ability to tell the truth even about a woman candidate. Trump doesn't care about gender, race, handicap, it doesn't matter he will tell the truth without worrying if people like it or not. And apparently Tulsi Gabbard, while possibly not a fan of Donald Trump, may share some similar traits; she seems to be addicted to telling the truth even if some people don't like it. 

They may not have known at first, but it couldn't have taken long for the FBI guys to realize that the report about Trump was pure fiction, buts they certainly knew it when they continued to lie to the FISA court so they could keep a paid informant inside the Trump campaign and after he was elected president they lied repeatedly so they could give democrats an excuse to impeach him, which they did twice. Since they had no evidence against the president their effort failed twice. The main thing we learned was that the FBI is full of people who will lie to the court and then write false reports in an effort to make the president look bad if that's what pleases the party in power. I hope the Republican party never lowers itself that far. Incompetence is bad, but deliberately manufacturing evidence to intimidate people into keeping their mouths shut is the worst. 

And now no doubt Tulsi Gabbard is under surveillance and it will surprise no one if the FBI decides to search her residence. Most Americans disagree with her about aid to Ukraine, preferring to help a nation that has been invaded by a vicious dictator. However I doubt that is the reason why democrats have turned on her. They hate having their hypocrisy exposed by a democrat who was a member of Congress, but that is where their disagreement began. Just to show how evil she is in the eyes of the democrat party, Tulsi recognizes that at a certain point in their development unborn children are able to feel pain so she is anti abortion once that level of development has been reached. She introduced legislation that would have recognized the rights of a fetus once that person has developed fully enough to experience pain. To most democrats that is just plain evil. 

What right does Tulsi have to tell a woman she does not have the right to inflict pain and suffering on her baby? So the fact is that while it is true that they don't understand her defense of the Constitution, they hate her for not being vehemently in favor of abortion anytime between conception and newborn. 

Tulsi is a Lt. Colonel in the National Guard. She was a conservative democrat, of which there are very few. In the democrat party women with integrity are on the endangered list. Especially if they are not hard charging pro abortion terrorists. 

I salute Colonel Gabbard. She is a woman of substance who keeps her word and believes in honor and keeping an oath once she has entered into one. 

Democrats should still be backing her. They lost a good advocate when they cast her aside. Not to worry too much, I doubt she is going to join the ranks of the cowardly leadership in the GOP, nor do I see her backing Donald trump, but if the choice is between Trump and some democrat who is opposed to the Constitution she may have to back him at least in 2024. Could be that in 2028 we will see Republican President Tulsi Gabbard as the first woman president. One thing I'm fairly certain of is that she won't take the stage in the style of Bloody Hilary shouting, "Look at me I'm a GIRL and we've never had one of those for president before!" Great campaign slogan, fortunately we saved the nation and elected Donald Trump. We will have to wait and see what Tulsi Gabbard will do next. If she runs for president for either party I'll have a hard time not voting for her.