Friday, November 25, 2022

Same Gender special Status?

In the near future I will probably be in danger of going to prison for what I am saying even though it is not against the law today. Special status for certain classes of people has always been a bad idea. It was a bad idea in the 17th century when somehow people decided that it was ok to follow the customs of certain African tribes and sell people who were a different race to American farmers. And I will never understand how otherwise God fearing people ever talked themselves into doing something that was obviously evil. We should have progressed way beyond that sort of stupidity by now. We don't need special classes of people to be used or abused by anyone else. In the United States of America the men who founded this country worked very hard to ensure that there would never be a special class of people. They new first hand how dangerous that was and how unnecessary. Kings and dictators had no place in their world. Special classes of people were to be avoided no matter what. 

So how do I handle the issue of slavery in the USA? Simple. We spent many years and a lot of blood and treasure making sure that black people were freed and given the same rights as anyone else. We will never be perfect and there will be times when some people are treated differently and we will have to deal with those exceptions as they arise. 

Currently our society is in grave danger from the same gender community. They are not the same as people from a certain race or religion. We cannot choose what race we are. I can't decide to be African American, or Native American, or Mexican or any other race therefore we must respect people of all races. We did err in granting special privileges for people from any race that isn't white and we are paying a heavy price for that. At the same time we cannot choose what gender we are. I cannot identify as woman any more than a woman can identify as a man. We are who we are on the day we are born. In very rare circumstances we are born with organs that make it difficult to determine our gender and in those cases I believe there is a notation made on the birth certificate indicating the possible defect. 

Most of the time it is very clear; at birth we are a boy or a girl and nothing can change that fact. We cannot change our gender anymore than we can change our race or our age. It is dangerous to teach gender confusion to our children. They are susceptible to suggestion especially from a person they view as being very smart and even powerful. Those who push gender confusion destroy an entire society eventually. Same gender people cannot produce children and we need children in our society. Homosexuals claim that doesn't matter because they can adopt. Really? In a society overrun with same sex 'couples' where will the children come from? 

If there are too few children being born where will our labor force come from? About half of the dimwits we call Americans today believe we are in no danger of ever being attacked by a hostile country so we won't need people to staff a military force, or a navy to protect our shores. To them the USA is the major problem in the world and if we ceased to exist as a world power every other nation who seems to be in a warlike stance will stand down. 

And what about our constitution? It guarantees us certain rights, rights that no other nation is assured of by contract or law. One of those rights is freedom of worship and freedom of speech. I don't believe that God condones same sex 'marriage' I believe he condemns it. He doesn't expect me to mistreat those who enter into such contracts He will take care of that himself when He is ready. He expects me to treat all of His children with love and respect but that doesn't mean He wants me to go against Nature and pretend that people can decide later in life that although they were born male or female that doesn't mean that's who they are. And the religion I believe in teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman. 

And the leadership of our church will not perform a 'marriage' between two people of the same sex because that is a mockery of God's plan for us. The Constitution guarantees me the right to worship God according to the dictates of my conscience and I cannot go against the teachings of God's prophets. And the government does not have the legitimate authority to force me to change my religious beliefs. Every single elected government official has taken an oath to defend the Constitution. And every single law enforcement officer in America has taken the same oath as has every single judge. So far all efforts to take away my First Amendment right have failed but that doesn't stop people from trying. 

In reality religious freedom is in jeopardy because homosexuals don't believe I have the right to insist on teaching the fact that we cannot change our gender. In fact every major religion has taught what their religious texts contain and that is that the homosexual lifestyle is an abomination. Some religious sects, most notably in the Christian community have been willing to modify their interpretation of the Holy Bible in order to accommodate same sex relationships, but the teachings of the Bible are still clear regarding homosexuality. Other religions such as the Jewish and Islamic religions still teach that homosexuality is an abomination. Some 'Christian' Pastors seeking to preach love for everyone have lowered their standards; many times from a sense that all people are loved by God and have a right to live dignified lives. 

Their motives may be pure, but the fact is that God does love all of his children and He expects us to love him back. The most obvious way we show our love for Him is by respecting His creations. The homosexual community wants us to accept their definition of love and too many Americans have fallen into their trap. God is love and a good read of His laws will tell you that he teaches us both mercy and justice. No student of the Holy Bible can deny that God has given us a set of laws to live by and He expects obedience to those laws. Anyone who refuses to accept God's laws will unavoidably receive a punishment. 

Anyone who accepts the atonement of Jesus Christ and repents of their sins will receive a reward. For us to assume the authority to judge God is foolish; our task is to understand God and do our best to live by the laws He has given us. If we all followed God's law there would be no wars or crimes of any kind, but we don't all follow His laws and we all suffer cruelty that comes from disobedience to God's laws. God values the family unit and expects us to honor the society of the family. I have seen many protests with people carrying signs that say things like, "God is Love," and "Love is a Human Right."

Clearly they don't love me yet they demand that I love them. They have no respect for me but they demand that the government pass laws granting them special status and pass laws requiring that I respect them. There have always been laws protecting same gender acolytes. It has always been against the law to attack a person or injure a person in any way for any reason. In today's mad world it is still against the law to injure another person, but if that person happens to be someone who is gender confused it is really really against the law. 

I don't get it; preach love and practice hate. I guess that is what happens when a society becomes so confused that they don't know the difference between a man and a woman. Gender confusion is a dangerous thing to promote. When the attraction between boys and girls disappears society will unavoidably vanish with it. If you want to be a queer knock yourself out and I will respect your decision and even protect you from harm as much as I would protect anyone else, but attack me and insist that I become part of your fantasy that gender is fungible and I will fight you as hard as I can. 

I know what love is and it is not exclusive. When you force people to believe something just because you do and even resort to rejecting them from society as a whole by shunning them and taking away their employment and even force them to change their peaceful religious beliefs to suit your own personal beliefs you have crossed a sacred boundary. If you think God wants you to be a homosexual and supports your desire to change yourself into something you are not then get together and start your own church. Don't attack me and accuse me of hating you and wanting to harm you, you don't know me and you don't want to know me. Anyone who believes I have to abandon my faith because they don't like my beliefs has no understanding of love at all. 

No American deserves any special status. We all deserve the protection of the laws and the respect of others so I would ask the so-called LGBT whatever class to respect everyone's rights. It seems to me that the one thing missing from the homosexual community is God. Most members of the same gender cult don't believe in God at all yet they want all religions to bow to them. My hope is that our society will lose their fear of being labelled by a confused minority. Protect everyone, but bow to no one except our Creator. 

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