Wednesday, October 26, 2022

California protecting Children from their Parents?

California has long been a 'Sanctuary' state for illegal aliens; people who sneak across the border entering the United States illegally. 

In 2022 California became a sanctuary state for predators who want to lure children to the state for the purposes of sex slavery or other forms of abuse. Sure, I understand, you think I have to be lying for some reason but I'm not.

It's called California Senate Bill 107 and it was drafted by state Senator Wiener. It is referred to as "Gender Affirming Health Care" and supposedly it will protect kids who think they need to change their gender, but live in states that don't permit gender reassignment procedures. It should be called  the "Aiding those looking for children to abuse law." I have no idea how much research, if any, went into drafting this horrific piece of legislation, but it claims that in some states people can be sent to prison for any type of participation in a sex change procedure whether it be surgical, psychological, or some sort of prescription drugs, anything to do with gender reassignment processes. Supposedly this bill only affects children and has no impact on adults. They further claim that anyone who has any of those procedures done and then leaves the state to avoid prosecution will be hunted down, dragged back to their home state and held for prosecution there. 

The bill begins by guaranteeing that if a child's parents or guardians want their child to have a sex change and their state wants to put them in prison for it they can come to California and no other state can prosecute them once they arrive here. The entire narrative seems convoluted and unnecessary since if it can protect anyone it can only be the child who had the sex change performed illegally by a doctor in the state where they live. It cannot protect hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, doctors, nurses, or any other person involved in the process in one of those supposedly malignant states. 

So is this really even a problem? probably not. Wiener makes it look like there are posses from states all across America searching for families who have one or more family members who have engaged in sex change operations, chasing them from state to state until the frazzled group arrives in California and the authorities of California bravely turn away the evil posse, take in the fugitive family and offering them Sanctuary in their new home state with everyone cheering and hugging each other. To me it all sounds very dramatic, but not very realistic. I have to ask myself if this is even happening and I really doubt it. Senator Wiener certainly didn't offer any testimony or other evidence that families in any state were in such jeopardy.  

Okay so I claimed that SB107 protects children from their parents and it does. If a child thinks she should be a boy and wants to become a boy and her parents think she should just be a girl she can log onto her computer and search for ways to change her gender without her parents finding out. Simple. She reads about this SB107 and notices that it includes parents and guardians and she sees an add by a 'good samaritan' wanting to help kids with parents who are so mean that they won't allow their children to change their sex and offering to become their guardian  if they come to California. And in California it is very easy for a person to become the guardian of someone else's child. All a person has to do is find a child who wants to run away from home, go to court and sign a falsified affidavit under oath and they automatically become the child's temporary legal guardian. At that time there is a date set for a hearing to determine if permanent guardianship is needed, and once the judge reads the falsified document claiming that the child's parents have abandoned the child and therefore couldn't be served a subpoena notifying them of the proposed hearing the permanent guardianship is granted without any further effort from the court or law enforcement to locate the parents who by that time are worried sick about their child and most likely have filed a police report in their city.

And if the abductor can keep the child hidden from her parents for a year even if the parents are able to locate her and they file an objection with the court the court will determine that the parents had abandoned their child and order the guardianship to continue. And if the parents notify the court that the request for guardianship is based upon a total fabrication and was signed under penalty of perjury, on judge in San Diego waived it off stating, "That's a lot of water under the bridge, a lot of water under bridge," as if that was a very profound observation and was supposed to justify his decision to allow the abductor to keep their child. California is a very messed up state with little to no regard for the family structure. I've been monitoring probate court for several months and actually heard a judge seem to chastise a woman for taking a child to a state two thousand miles away in violation of the court order. In the very next sentence the judge was congratulating the woman for giving herself an advantage in her custody case by having the courage to violate the order. He then advised her to file a motion in her new state to change the venue for her hearing to her new state. 

Of course the 'good samaritan' in California has no intention of become the child's guardian, but the kid doesn't know that so she responds thankfully asking for further information and begins to set up her travel arrangements having no idea that she is actually becoming a victim of a child smuggling operation. The predator arranges for one way travel to California which the child agrees to because she never wants to see her 'evil' parents again and makes her way to the Golden State where she will begin a life of bliss as a boy living with her new guardian! What could be sweeter.

She arrives in California and is immediately dragged into a windowless van, blindfolded, and driven for a couple of hours until the van stops and she is dragged into a house and locked in a room still wearing the blindfold, with her hands bound behind her back. She is now in the possession of a child slave trafficker and about to begin a nightmare that most Americans turn a blind eye to, preferring to think it really isn't a problem. In fact of the 450,000 kids reported missing every year in America most of them are located, but about 9,000 of them are never found. How many of those become victims to the sex trade really isn't known, but it is stupid to assume it isn't a large portion of those who society has turned its back on. 

So if you think I'm overreacting fine. Go back to smoking your joint and pretending something like this could never happen. But for those of you who think that being sold to evil men and women to be sexually abused on some millionaire's yacht in international waters and then tossed overboard is something a child should never have to experience you have to ask yourselves why this legislation was so important. It looks like no research was conducted to see if this was even a potential problem, and that everyone was either oblivious to the potential harm to children, or hoping to profit from it somehow directly or indirectly. 

The potential for abuse caused by this horrible law cannot be overstated and yet we are stuck with it. I've emailed my representative but have not received a response to my questions surrounding this law. She usually takes three to six months to respond and she usually ignores my questions and thanks me for my interest in my community. I wish she had a little more interest in my community. In her defense all she really cares about is enjoying the spotlight, and being wined and dined by lobbyists and at that I'm fairly confident she is a success. 

My prediction is that if she responds to my question it will be to inform me that there is no chance that anyone will ever use this law to lure children into the sex trade because of our excellent law enforcement agencies (the same ones she wanted disbanded just a few months ago). 

It would be great if legislators were a little more engaged in solving actual problems, there must be a few things that actually need attention and if not maybe we need to have part time legislators. There are already lots and lots of laws on the books in California and some of them actually contradict each other which makes them impossible to enforce. California has the highest paid legislators in the state with a base pay of about $120,000 a year. 

Let's try to think about what's really important in our area and find out how political candidates actually plan to address those issues. Helping perverts on the internet reach out to confused kids just seems like a bad thing to me. 

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