Thursday, October 13, 2022

Tulsi Gabard

 Tulsi Gabbard is an American hero. Just a few years ago she was the toast of the democrat party. They couldn't say enough good things about her even if they had to make them up. She was young, pretty, and smart, but that was all they knew about her. Had they known then how seriously she considered traits like honor and accountability they would have kept their foul mouths shut. 

Watching as the democrat leadership attempted to go against the Constitution and therefore the basic tenets of our country the most basic being the liberty of the individual, Congresswoman Gabbard became more and more disaffected by her party's lack of honor. She was a soldier who took an oat to defend the Constitution of the United States of America and she took the same oath when she entered Congress. So did her colleagues, the difference being that she took her oath seriously. Her word is important to her and she was dismayed at the lack of honor that was creeping into her party. 

"Why do my colleagues hate freedom so much?" She began to ask herself then when she couldn't take it any longer she was forced by her own sense of honor to quit the party. I don't know what she plans to do now, most likely stay away from either major party since almost no one in Congress today seems to take that oath seriously. Members from both sides of the aisle sit and hurl insults at each other, neither side making any statements that are really designed to strengthen America. 

Apparently Tulsi Gabbard is a traitor and Russian sympathizer because she had the courage to point out that America is working with Ukrainian scientists in Bio labs across Ukraine working on unknown types of pathogens which could theoretically be used as biological weapons against a favored son of the democrat party; Vladimir Putin. She is opposed to the military assistance the United States is providing Ukraine simply because it is expensive and dangerous and it doesn't appear to be in our national interest. She correctly points out that Russia is a nuclear power and could unleash unbelievable destruction all over the world if they felt threatened enough. Over the last couple of years Tulsi Gabbard has gone from being the star of the democrat party, a person whose life they were actually talking about making into a movie, to becoming a traitor to her country. It is a treacherous thing to be an independent thinker in the democrat party.

Chuck Schumer threatens bodily harm to a United States Supreme Court justice and the press hails him as a hero with the courage to tell the truth and defend a woman's right to kill her unborn baby. Donald Trump hangs on to a few papers that the boss of the National Archives says he wants to catalogue and the FBI goes wild, probably lying again on an affidavit that allowed an anti Trump judge to sign a search warrant to search the former president's residence and offices. Prior to the 2015 election the FBI did their best to discredit Donald Trump by pushing a narrative based upon a document that Bloody Hilary paid an ex-British intelligence officer to write deliberately making false claims against Trump. The goal was childishly obvious; she wanted to make sure Donald Trump did not get elected and she did. What she didn't count on was his ability to tell the truth even about a woman candidate. Trump doesn't care about gender, race, handicap, it doesn't matter he will tell the truth without worrying if people like it or not. And apparently Tulsi Gabbard, while possibly not a fan of Donald Trump, may share some similar traits; she seems to be addicted to telling the truth even if some people don't like it. 

They may not have known at first, but it couldn't have taken long for the FBI guys to realize that the report about Trump was pure fiction, buts they certainly knew it when they continued to lie to the FISA court so they could keep a paid informant inside the Trump campaign and after he was elected president they lied repeatedly so they could give democrats an excuse to impeach him, which they did twice. Since they had no evidence against the president their effort failed twice. The main thing we learned was that the FBI is full of people who will lie to the court and then write false reports in an effort to make the president look bad if that's what pleases the party in power. I hope the Republican party never lowers itself that far. Incompetence is bad, but deliberately manufacturing evidence to intimidate people into keeping their mouths shut is the worst. 

And now no doubt Tulsi Gabbard is under surveillance and it will surprise no one if the FBI decides to search her residence. Most Americans disagree with her about aid to Ukraine, preferring to help a nation that has been invaded by a vicious dictator. However I doubt that is the reason why democrats have turned on her. They hate having their hypocrisy exposed by a democrat who was a member of Congress, but that is where their disagreement began. Just to show how evil she is in the eyes of the democrat party, Tulsi recognizes that at a certain point in their development unborn children are able to feel pain so she is anti abortion once that level of development has been reached. She introduced legislation that would have recognized the rights of a fetus once that person has developed fully enough to experience pain. To most democrats that is just plain evil. 

What right does Tulsi have to tell a woman she does not have the right to inflict pain and suffering on her baby? So the fact is that while it is true that they don't understand her defense of the Constitution, they hate her for not being vehemently in favor of abortion anytime between conception and newborn. 

Tulsi is a Lt. Colonel in the National Guard. She was a conservative democrat, of which there are very few. In the democrat party women with integrity are on the endangered list. Especially if they are not hard charging pro abortion terrorists. 

I salute Colonel Gabbard. She is a woman of substance who keeps her word and believes in honor and keeping an oath once she has entered into one. 

Democrats should still be backing her. They lost a good advocate when they cast her aside. Not to worry too much, I doubt she is going to join the ranks of the cowardly leadership in the GOP, nor do I see her backing Donald trump, but if the choice is between Trump and some democrat who is opposed to the Constitution she may have to back him at least in 2024. Could be that in 2028 we will see Republican President Tulsi Gabbard as the first woman president. One thing I'm fairly certain of is that she won't take the stage in the style of Bloody Hilary shouting, "Look at me I'm a GIRL and we've never had one of those for president before!" Great campaign slogan, fortunately we saved the nation and elected Donald Trump. We will have to wait and see what Tulsi Gabbard will do next. If she runs for president for either party I'll have a hard time not voting for her. 

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