Saturday, November 12, 2022

Oh my Heck!?

I guess the kid in that fable was wrong. The emperor really was wearing a beautiful new suit and they should have taken that kid out of the crowd, pulled down his arrogant little pants and paddled his lily white but right in front of everybody in town. And yeah, while we're at at least fifty one percent of the voting public believes the sky is in fact falling. I did not believe the talking heads who said there was going to be a conservative tidal wave. That's why I left the Republican party years ago. They have no passion for this country or our Constitution. In fact, I think they are barely breathing. 

This election cycle should have been an easy red state victory. It should have been a 200 foot tsunami. There was absolutely no question that democrats had totally screwed up everything, so what did the Republicans do? Practically nothing. They argued amongst themselves and they condemned American involvement in a war that is surprisingly popular here. And it probably should be. Ordinarily I'd say we should leave other countries alone and let them fight their own battles. Some will lose and some will win. 

In this case a peaceful nation that was minding its own business was invaded by a brutal dictator bent on restoring an evil system that had been defeated in 1989 largely through U.S. efforts. The USSR had menaced the world for almost fifty years. Soviet leaders kept their population under control by murdering those who not only disagreed with the Communist philosophy, but openly criticized it. Once the Berlin wall fell, or rather was demolished by the citizens of East and West Berlin, relatives were reunited who hadn't had any contact for decades. Prior to dismantling the wall the penalty for attempting to cross the East/West border was death; either by an armed guard positioned in one of the towers that were spaced at one hundred yard intervals, blown up by one of the 550,000 land mines buried along the twenty seven mile wall, or mauled by specially trained dogs that patrolled the Communist border along with an armed soldier. Once the dog was done with you there was either life in a prison labor camp or being shot dead by a Communist soldier. Or both. 

Once the wall was dismantled the entire Soviet Union began to collapse and many of the countries of the former Soviet Union began to learn how to form democracies and get rid of their dictators. Dictatorships have advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you no longer have to worry about making your own decisions. People who insist on doing that will be murdered by their government because face it; making your own decisions just leads to trouble. You don't have to worry about what you want to do for a living either, your benevolent dictator will tell you what you want to do and you will do that. Where to live? Not a problem; your government will be happy to provide you with a substandard apartment in a very ugly high rise apartment building. And of course you don't have to fight for your right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or the freedom from unreasonable search and seizure by the police. If you insist on exercising any or all of those rights your benevolent dictator will make sure you disappear. If you have any complaints you are free to keep them to yourself. Complaints about your government will result in very severe consequences not only for yourself, but your entire family. So please feel free to keep your seditious mouth shut. 

Commies hate whiners. So now thirty four years after the demise of a brutal communist regime Vladimir Putin, a young idealist who felt personally humiliated when the USSR died wants to rebuild it. For over thirty years he has been plotting the rise of the old brutal communist country. He has organized teams that were assigned the murder of dissidents in many parts of the world and he has imprisoned others who dared to disagree with him. 

He has attacked nearby countries whom he considers ungrateful for the benefits they enjoyed under the brutal hand of Soviet dictators. And now he has attacked another ungrateful child of the late great Soviet Union. Everyone thought Ukraine was doomed to fall in just a few days but it didn't. In fact the Ukrainian people proved to be a real handful. Poor Ivan had definitely piled his plate way too high. Even with their pitiful little arsenal the Ukrainian army was doing a lot of damage to the Russkies. Western Europe was watching the murder and rape being committed by Russian soldiers and decided to send military aid to Ukraine. The United States joined the effort and today Ukraine may be able to push the Russian army all the way back to Russia.

I will never again support sending any American military personnel to a foreign country to fight for them unless it is to protect an American installation such as those in Germany, Japan, and a few other countries. I supported the war in Vietnam, but our elected officials decided to lose that war. I was somewhat supportive of the Gulf War when Bush Senior was president and he actually did a pretty decent job of making sure it didn't last very long and ended in a resounding U.S. victory. Then his dopey kid, GW became president and botched a fairly simple assignment; get the masterminds of the terrorist attack on New York, kill them and come home. He decided that he needed to expand the mission to making the entire Middle East into a democracy. His war dragged on for twenty years finally resulting in a disastrous withdrawal of American forces by a senile democrat president who waited till the last minute to bring our military forces and allies out of Afghanistan and leaving lots of military hardware behind for the enemy to use on the people who were not fortunate enough to escape. 

I supported that war until it became obvious that GW was going to keep it going much longer than necessary and was supporting actions that were none of our business. After that I will not support sending United States military personnel to fight in foreign countries again. Sending military aid to a civilized country that is being brutally overrun by a dictator with visions of grandeur is alright with me. Even if that evil dictator threatens nuclear war. So what does this have to do with Republicans? They opposed sending military aid to Ukraine and partly because they were afraid of Vladimir possibly launching some sort of nuclear strike. If he's that evil let him do it, the people in danger of being the target of Vladimir's nukes displayed their collective middle fingers and said, "Bring it on!" If they aren't afraid we should help them push the Red army back to Russia where they belong. If Vlad is really that stupid just about the entire world will turn on him. Russia will cease to exist. So bring it on Mr. Putin! Be the guy that destroyed Russia for all time. 

Why are Republicans so timid? I don't know but they have to change. They still haven't learned from Donald Trump who always said what was on his mind. He didn't worry about what people would think about him so he didn't come across as a polished politician or diplomat. He thought illegal immigration was a problem and he said so. He thought expanding the war in the Middle East and trying to force democracy down their throat was a bad idea and he said so. He was compassionate toward disabled people, but didn't allow them to use that as a crutch that allowed them to be rude to him and he let the world know that too. When the father of a fallen soldier decided to mock his dead son's sacrifice Donald Trump was not afraid to put the man in his place. And even some Republicans hated him for it. Of course it's terrible to lose a child in a war, but it is even worse to use your dead child's sacrifice to make a political statement. 

Democrats and some Republicans tried to make Trump look bad and use his bluntness to their advantage and it didn't work during his first campaign. During the second campaign their tactics did work. Just like a few democrats joined in electing Trump during his first campaign, Republicans failed to provide the cover he needed during his second campaign. People from both parties successfully made him look insensitive to minorities handicapped people and gold star families. It was grossly unfair and it worked. Even now they are so afraid of him that they are taking every opportunity to make him look bad. The Department of Justice keeps filing false affidavits to obtain search warrants allowing them to search not only a former president's personal residence, but also the residences of many of his friends and associates. It will be a very long time before I can ever vote for a democrat. Some Republican candidates are dishonest and trustworthy, but three times democrats knowingly lied in an effort to impeach President Trump. And they used the Department of Justice as the attack dog for the democrat party. The director of the FBI took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States and he broke that oath as did dozens and perhaps hundreds (I hope not) of Federal agents.  

Donald Trump was one of the best presidents we've ever had but he wasn't good at changing his approach to people in certain situations and maybe no one should, I prefer an honest man who is a little too direct to a man or woman who will tell everyone just what they want to hear. Ron Desantis struck me as an honest man over the years. He's not afraid to go his own way when he knows he is right. During the pandemic he refused to lick the dust off Faucci's feet and he kept the schools open. He didn't threaten people who didn't want to wear a mask everywhere they went. He hasn't been afraid to warn criminals that in Florida people have the right to defend themselves and many of them carry guns and have them in their homes. 

He isn't afraid to tell the truth about the Black Lives Matter movement and he isn't cowed by the homosexual community, he seems to hate the so-called 'woke' population almost as much as I do and during his acceptance speech having won his race for governor again he wasn't bashful about calling them out and telling them point blank they were not welcome in Florida. The 'woke' culture is a dead culture. Nothing good will come from them, they will only destroy a society. The phrase 'get woke' is just plain stupid. Anyway all Republican leaders need to learn from him and Donald Trump. Courage is severely lacking in the Republican party. Democrats are bold in their bid to destroy America and they are smart enough to know they have to move slowly and steadily toward their goal. Democrats cannot be honest about what they have planned because if Americans knew what they had in mind they'd start losing elections. 

Republicans should not be afraid to point out how dangerous 'wokeness' is. And don't be afraid to compromise a little on abortion. Yes it is a very bad thing and abortion should not become a form of birth control ever, but if a woman gets raped and then gets pregnant and wants to abort the child I think she is making a mistake, but I would allow her to make that mistake. Of course I also believe that if a man is guilty of rape and the woman gets pregnant that man should be executed as soon as the test results are known. I have no patience with that type of behavior. But I am also impatient with Republican politicians who are timid about their support for freedom of speech and the right to self defense. They are afraid to be associated with the NRA and certain faith based groups who support the First, Second, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments. 

I'm looking for brave men and women who aren't going to tuck and run because someone might call them a racist or a homophobe or accuse them of waging a war on women. Democrats are calling people racists if they think rising crime rates are a problem. And homophobes if they don't believe men should be allowed to compete in women's sports. And they claim that it is mean to oppose a woman's right to kill her child even after birth as long as no one has taken the time to feed the baby prior to the extra judicial and illegal execution had been carried out. Anybody who thinks performing an abortion while a full term baby is being born should be legal is just plain evil and I don't care who hears me say it. I don't even know how the baby is killed. Fortunately that is rarely done, but the fact that it is done is an indictment on our great country.

If a person is born a male I'm going to call that person he or him, not her, she, them they or their. They cannot force me to live their fantasy. And the same for people who are born female. Sorry ladies you are the gender God gave you and I'm not going to offend God to please you. I don't know if Desantis is that brave, but I think he will have the guts to stand up to the 'woke' bullies. 

We need to take a hard stand against passing laws forcing all Americans to participate in a person's fantasy. If men want to marry men and women want to marry women they now have that right thanks to a revisionist Supreme Court ruling. And I can live with that. What I can't live with is not being able to voice my opinion that same sex marriage is wrong. Same with abortion. And changing one's sex is an abomination, especially if the supposed change allows them to compete with teams of the opposite sex. Democrats want to label me as some sort of misfit in society if I can't accept the fantasy that men can become women and vice versa. First some men wanted to marry each other and We the People said 'no'. So they went to the Supreme Court and the Court gave 'We the People' the finger and passed a law legalizing homosexual 'marriages' and guaranteeing it as a God given right. 

Then some people wanted to change their sex, as if that were even a possibility, reluctantly and gradually, 'We the People' said ok. Then men who couldn't win any trophies competing against men wanted to change their sex so they could win trophies for competing against women and they've been kind of successful athletes as women. The only problem is that they just ain't women. Throwing your junk in the garbage just doesn't make you a woman. At first women seemed to be saying something like, "Yeah, it's cool if a person was born the wrong gender then sure, they should make the change and be the gender they are supposed to be!" Now a few, and the number seems to be growing, are having second thoughts and actually complaining about losing to men competing as women. Now where does a woman go for equal protection under the law?

Luckily most Americans seem to recognize that killing a baby after the baby has been delivered is murder, but not a real murder because after all, a woman has reproductive rights. I'm very confused. Regulation is something we can work with. And states should still be allowed to pass their own laws about abortion. If some states ban it altogether then women seeking an abortion in those states will have to travel to another state. Republicans need to have the courage to speak up and tell the world what they stand for. 

Just about all girls are opposed to having boys watching them undress in the locker rooms and they don't want to have to compete against them in sports either. And there have been several rapes committed in women's locker rooms and bathrooms by 'transgender' males. No one knows how many because those stats are kept secret. And for me the kicker of all this is they are using Title IX to justify this madness. Title IX was meant to prevent discrimination against women who wanted to be able to participate in team sports, but they were prevented from doing so because supposedly there wasn't a budget for it. After many years of being denied women's sports women finally won Title IX protection and now it's gone. All gone. 

Any Republican who is afraid to stand up to the so-called 'woke' crowd should not be allowed to represent the party. If you like runaway inflation, high interest mortgage rates, high murder rates, high unemployment and legalized shoplifting, and I don't mean by statute, but any city that refuses to arrest shoplifters and prosecute them is not protecting its citizens then by all means keep voting for democrats. When democrats accuse you of being racist if you are opposed to rising crime rates whip the .45 out of your pocket and steal all their money and their clothes! I know a lot of black people who are opposed to violent crime and gradually they are turning away from the democrat party. Educated people vote pro America. Snobs vote democrat. 

And that's why I reluctantly support Ron Desantis. He says all of the right things but how many times have I been burned by politicians who say the right things? I thought Arnold Schwarzenegger would be a good governor, but he wasn't strong enough to stand up against the oppressive democrats in California. And I thought GW would be a good president but he really goofed up the war against terrorism. That war should have been over in a couple of years at the most but he decided to try to democratize the Middle East and it just can't be done. President Trump did not disappoint. He worked harder than any other president in recent history to deliver all of his promises and he would have delivered on all of his promises if it hadn't been for Republicans who remained angry at the American people for rejecting them and electing a man who had never even run for a public office before. Most politicians promise, President Trump delivers. 

Republicans failed to take charge in 2022. It looks like they have a slim majority in the House of Representatives which should be a good thing as long as they can remember what they are supposed to stand for and not be bullied by their democrat colleagues or charmed by huge campaign funds from lobbyists. I hope they do better in 2024. I'm completely confident that given the absolute failure of the democrat party over the last two years, by 2024 the United States of America, along with the rest of the world will be such a mess that at least fifty one percent of the voting public will vote pro America.

I can dream can't I? Let's just hope the dream becomes a reality. 

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