Saturday, November 26, 2022

Respect Elections

 Democrats love to talk about the so-called 'rebellion' of January 6, 2021. The rebellion that wasn't. They continue to make the ridiculous claim that fewer than two hundred unarmed and misguided souls entered the United States Capitol Building and attempted to overthrow our government. We all know there was a mini riot during which despite all of the lies told about police officers being killed, the only fatality attributed to the riot was the murder of an unarmed white woman at the hands of an armed police lieutenant who was scared out of his little ill prepared mind. Fortunately for him the victim was a white woman and he is a black police officer. Anyone who participated in that act of stupidity should pay a price, including those members of the FBI and Capitol police department who were 'undercover' investigators. 

In some cases there are good reasons to insert undercover investigators into an organization, but I'm betting this is the first time it's been done to influence a presidential election. It is unfortunate that the FBI has lost all credibility with the American people. The top brass in the FBI lied to FISA courts in order to obtain permission to spy on presidential candidate Donald Trump because he exposed their corruption during King Barry's reign in the White House. King Barry weaponized every major office of government. The IRS refused to grant tax advantages to conservative political PACs, the DOJ investigated Bloody Hilary's use of a private server she used to store top secret documents where they couldn't be monitored by anyone inside government, or discovered in any subsequent investigations, and discovered she was guilty of illegally storing what amounted to stolen top secret documents in her home, but the FBI director, James Comey, didn't see any reason to seek a criminal indictment. Throughout the FBI's sham investigation Bloody Hilary was openly destroying cell phones, ipads, computers, and any other electronic device used by her or members of her staff to make sure the FBI found very little evidence. Just about anyone else would have been charged with obstruction of justice and destroying evidence, but not one of the chief officers of the Deep State.

The FBI is guilty of colluding with the Deep State leadership in their efforts to overthrow our government. During one of his campaign stops candidate Trump told reporters that no one really knew what was on Bloody Hilary's servers since the FBI conducted such a sloppy investigation and suggested that they ask Putin what was on her server. That story blew up all over the nation. It was all CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and every other Bloody Hilary cheer squad could talk about for weeks; Donald Trump trusts the Russians more than our own FBI and CIA. He' in cahoots with Russia, he cannot be trusted! He's a spy! 

Anyone with any sense at all knew he was right. You can bet that the Chinese and Iranian governments were monitoring her as well, along with practically every major government in the Middle East. King Barry and Bloody Hilary were likely sharing information that got an  American ambassador killed in Lybia. We will never know what Stevens was doing in Lybia especially since all details were shared in secret by Hilary and Obama on an unsecure site which has since most likely been sanitized and stored by a corrupt FBI. 

The Lybians knew though and they attacked the American compound to get whatever the United States was hiding there. The Lybian government was probably not sophisticated enough to even find out that Bloody Hilary was hiding state secrets on a vulnerable server in her home, but they had very sophisticated neighbors who were most likely willing to share and a possible US military mission was blown, an American ambassador and three other Americans were killed due to the reckless and illegal acts of King Barry and his Secretary of State. 

King Barry probably belongs in prison along with Bloody Hilary. Because of his covert actions and open hostility to the United States of America, he risked being exposed if Bloody Hilary lost the election which seemed a long shot since both of them were good at organizing groups of people who were capable of sabotaging an election. In order to protect himself and avoid becoming the first president to ever be sent to prison he only hired as heads of the highest offices in the country people who were loyal to him and shared his hostility. 

Fortunately for him President Trump kept too many corrupt officials in top positions and they never proved the case against the previous administration. It didn't help that Deep State also exists in the Republican party. Romney only works for Romney and other members of the GOP in Congress were too upset over losing the nomination that they refused to lift a finger to help until the second two years of the Trump presidency. It will always be my opinion that King Barry's goal was to destroy the country via a take over of the DOJ, the CIA, and the military and when he was unable to accomplish the task during his administration it became Bloody Hilary's job to complete the mission. The failure of the American people to elect Clinton saved the USA. They would have found enough judges willing to circumvent the Constitution that it would have been meaningless. 

The campaign against Donald Trump was a success resulting in his serving only one term in office. A lost and faltering American people decided to vote for a senile old man because he seemed somehow more pleasant personally than the 'mean' President Trump. Honesty and integrity didn't matter. Americans wanted a pleasant old pervert with obvious beginnings of dementia to lead them, possibly because he also offered them the opportunity to elect the first woman vice president with the additional bonus of being black. Just imagine! She could become the first woman in the White House and a black woman at that! Oh the joy! Who cares that she is an idiot? Americans are nothing if not cool.

Fortunately President Trump was able to pack the United States Supreme Court with justices who revered our Constitution and are willing to follow the law instead of making their own laws via judicial activism. Of course now there is a movement to place term limits on Supreme Court Justices and to impeach the only black justice on the Court. It's not that democrats are racist, it's just that Ole Clarence just don' und'stand that the Constushun be outdated! Senile Uncle Joe has done a remarkable job of ruining the American economy, which has in turn resulted in a weakened world economy, but without the Supreme Court in his pocket he can't carry on the work of the Deep State. Fortunately Harris has proven to be way overrated in her ability to complete a coup against the United States government and Uncle Joe even with the backing of the DOJ, FBI, and CIA will not be up to the task either. 

In a panic the DOJ and the FBI have continued their attacks on Donald Trump, insisting that he tried to overthrow America with a little over a hundred unarmed rioters on January 6, 2021. Using all of the resources at their disposal Deep State is desperately trying to discredit Trump. Using reports they know to be false the FBI was able to find a judge openly hostile to Trump to sign a search warrant that allowed them to search his residence and office to search for evidence that he had stolen top secret documents from the White House and was planning on selling them to Putin, or in the absence of good evidence to plant evidence. 

Once again the FBI has mocked the Constitution and our system of laws finding no evidence they could use against him. Now state attorneys general are trying to prove Trump is guilty of tax fraud and they want to put him safely away in a federal prison so he can't run for president again in 2024. The American people need to wake up from their slumber and take our elections seriously. Early voting is endangering our elections as is the use of so-called voting machines that can be manipulated in a variety of ways. 

Look how long it has taken to count votes during the mid term elections and as time passes each of those close states has, given enough time, gone democrat. Every one of them. Voter ID is not voter suppression. How stupid do you have to be to even believe that black people are incapable of getting a valid identification card? And people still believe that democrats aren't racist against black people no matter how often democrats insist that black people are inferior to the rest of us. 

If we don't start demanding secure elections we will lose all of our precious freedoms. It is that simple. How many of us would love to see a few mean tweets, two dollar a gallon gasoline and affordable interest rates, not to mention low inflation and peace in Eastern Europe and a docile leader in North Korea who isn't constantly firing ballistic missiles over Japan in an effort to test their air defense capabilities and response times? 

We need to respect our elections; participation has to improve and the integrity of the process needs to be restored. States have to learn how to count ballots faster and more accurately and election laws need to be enforced. And can't we find more important issues than abortion and gender confusion? How do gender confusion and abortion rights make our country stronger? No more King Barry's or senile Uncle Joe's. People hate Richard Nixon, but love King Barry and Uncle Joe? Something is terribly wrong. If Nixon belonged behind bars so do Obama and Biden, along with several high ranking officials of the FBI. 

It remains my belief that America is already mortally wounded and is on life support. I continue to participate in the system out of a sense that we have to fight to the end to preserve her, miracles do happen and I have to continue to encourage my children and grand children to do their best to break the bands of death encircling this great country. 

Without reliable elections the USA cannot continue to live and will fall to a small group of people who wish to impose a minority rule government. It will not be easy to achieve victory over Deep State and a lot of people will suffer great hardships, but in the end the country will likely emerge stronger than ever and will hopefully put down these Deep State insurrectionists so hard that they will never return. 

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