Wednesday, November 16, 2022


 It looks like democrats really do want to rule the world. The entire world. I just listened to some dumb bimbo on PBS interview the President of Poland, Anderzej Duda. It began as an interview and until the last 60 seconds it was interesting, touching on Poland's history with Russia which has been rocky and sometimes horribly violent. She wanted to know how Poland was going to respond if the recent rocket attack from Russia on Poland soil turned out to be deliberate and that spurred a discussion about world opinion and the International Court.

Then her true character emerged and she began to question him over Poland's political make up and how in her opinion Poland doesn't have a free press, or freedom of speech, and their abortion laws are archaic and out of sync with most of the Western world. So President Anderzej very patiently, but thoroughly provided her with a lesson in civics and how government works. Poland is a democracy with democratic elections (something most democrats these detest) and the people of Poland decide how they want to live and it is working very well. The people voted for him he reminded her and he was just implementing the ideas that he campaigned on. There was a time when democrats liked that form of government but not anymore. 

I don't know the woman's name, but she had the good sense to retreat and thank him for allowing her to interview him. The scene left me wondering about the future of America. Here we are on the brink of what could very easily become a terrible world war this time with weapons almost as bad as the chemicals people were using on each other during the first war to end all wars. Satan still exists and as long as people listen to him rather than follow the words of God's prophets they will continue to think of more cruel ways to destroy each other. 

You don't have to believe in the forces of good and evil, but you do have to live in a world governed by them. What really caught my attention in that PBS interview was the mention of abortion. Seriously, if you are a democrat you must at least take a breath and ask yourself why that even came up in an interview about a madman who is armed with nuclear weapons and has attacked a peaceful neighbor, committed atrocious crimes, such as mass murder torture and rape, and has just attacked an innocent third nation with a long range missile strike, killing civilians in that country and you want to know why Poland has such strict abortion laws when they have just been attacked by a brutal dictator who has a nuclear arsenal? Is that really what is important to you democrats? 

Is that how the United States should determine who deserves protection, if they support unlimited abortion they can be our allies, but if they seek to protect all innocent life they are on their own? Poland may be more religious than the USA. They may be more conservative in their thinking than today's Americans so I guess we have to expel them from NATO. Obviously they hate women and have no regard for human life if they think abortion is wrong. And why would people with no regard for human life deserve to be a part of NATO? The New York Times has published reports of women dying because abortion is illegal in Poland, but since preservation of a mother's life is about the only time an abortion is legal in Poland it's more than possible that the NYT deliberately published a report that was at best incomplete but more likely a plain lie. 

The Times also reported that a woman was in a hospital in extreme pain lying on the floor while texting her family members who presumably were somewhere else that even though her baby was dying inside her and the doctors had stated there was very little chance her baby would ever survive and if the baby remained in the womb it would die and infect the mother who would also die, they still wouldn't take any life preserving measures at all and in fact the mother did die on the floor of the hospital while a callous medical staff continued about their business presumably stepping over her writhing body and ignoring her pleas for help. 

Since I wasn't there I don't know for sure and according to the story (fairy tale?) published by the Times none of their reporters were present either and there was no indication in the story I read that they made any attempt to interview anyone who witnessed this scene at the hospital, and the only evidence presented at all was a text supposedly from a lawyer in Poland that he represented as being a series of texts from the dying mother to her husband and other family members which the lawyer then forwarded to the New York Times to show how evil it is to oppose abortion. Given the history of the Times I have serious doubts about this story. 

It is true that Poland has very restrictive laws governing abortion and that Poland is a religious nation, but their law does have exceptions for the life of the mother so what was so special about the mother in the story published by the Times? How come she was singled out for special treatment? How many women die every year in child birth in Poland? This story doesn't pass any test. There are about 350,000 children born in Poland per year and about six or seven women die every year during childbirth due to a variety of complications that can arise, losing a woman during childbirth is a very sad event, but bringing children into the world has been hazardous since the days of Adam and Eve and it is much safer now than it used to be. 

The Times falsely implies that abortion is illegal in Poland; no exceptions. The law states that abortion is legal if the mother's life is in danger. The law is clear, anyone who cares to can read it and every year there are approximately 100 legal abortion performed in Poland, the nation where according to the Times the procedure is outlawed. No exceptions. If you are dying because the baby you are carrying has developed a life threatening infection the hospital staff throws you on the floor and lets you die. Democrats like to tell me I'm 'willfully ignorant'. Look in the mirror. Democrats have manage to convince themselves that all pregnancies are life threatening since no one knows what complications may arise and some of those complications can result in the mother's death. Therefore all abortions should be legal at any time during the pregnancy. Obviously I oppose such a radical view, and how does that justify letting a newborn baby die because mom changes her mind at the moment of birth? Shouldn't that be a time to involve an agency that facilitates adoptions?

Of course we can't do that, but no democrats care to explain why that is a bad idea. Why is it so important for us to murder babies? Certainly at the moment they are born they must enjoy some rights, but not in the United States of America. And if Poland doesn't agree with America's stand on killing babies then the hell with Poland! Let the Russian army march into Warsaw. I have to admit that looks pretty unlikely given the demonstrated weakness of the Russian military machine. All they are good for it looks like is terrorizing their neighbors with long range missiles. The Red army may not be a toothless puppy, they have demonstrated that they can march into unprotected villages and murder and rape and otherwise terrorize helpless civilians, what an embarrassment it would be to have to admit you were ever part of the Russian army. 

So while it may not be much of a threat to Poland right now, in the future Russia may become better prepared to accomplish their goal of domination over the Eastern Bloc nations once again and the United States should be prepared to help stop the advance. There was a time when democrats believed in common decency obviously they've entered a new era. A few years ago they wanted to conquer America, now with that effort almost accomplished in their view they have set their sights on the rest of the world.

They no longer want to become presidents or representatives, they have much loftier goals today. They hope to be emperors and empresses to be admired and obeyed. They will lose of course. Americans are too well armed and many of us have been well trained and are willing to train others. We've learned to fly advanced fighter jets and drive modern tanks and to kill oppressors. And we outnumber the soldiers who would be willing to violate their oath to defend and protect the Constitution. Democrats lost the last civil war they started and they will lose the next one as well. And sadly they will leave a superhighway of death, destruction and sorrow in their wake. America will rebuild and be stronger than ever. And hopefully next time we will execute all of the leaders of the rebellion along with any of their underlings who will have been found guilty of terrorism, murder, torture and rape. 

I know a lot of fine people who are democrats, unfortunately they are thinking about a democrat party that no longer exists. The democrat party today is anti family, destroying the basic fabric of our society, and determined to destroy America.  

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