Sunday, October 16, 2022

Good Ole FBI?

If you're talking about integrity and the United States Department of Justice you need to sober up. The DOJ is just a little bit less creepy than the Mob. So far as I'm aware no one from the DOJ has murdered anyone, but they have no problem putting innocent people in jail when thats the way the political winds are blowing.

My only personal experience was witnessing first hand while they manufactured evidence against police officers of the LAPD when I was an aging member of that department. After a long and dangerous pursuit of a drunk driver police officers attempted to effect an arrest. The turd didn't want to be arrested and it turned into a violent fight. Rodney King is now famous because the FBI made him out to be an innocent black man who was stopped by the police because he was black. The police then proceeded to beat him mercilessly so they could teach other black men to pay the proper respect to white police officers. The video that was played over and over looked pretty bad. A bunch of police officers were hitting a black man who was already on the ground with their night sticks until he finally stopped resisting and submitted to being handcuffed. 

What every so-called news organization in the nation refused to show was the very beginning of the video which clearly shows King violently pick up Larry Powell and throw him to the ground. He then repeatedly attempted to get up and resist arrest. The only police officer who was observed actually doing anything wrong was the one who raised his foot and stomped on Rodney King's head after he clearly was down. And that was one of two police officers present who was not convicted of any crime. The other was a new guy still on probation and he was fired for doing his job. 

There were two trials for those police officers in violation of the Fifth Amendment of our Constitution that guarantees us the right to not be tried repeatedly for the same offense until a jury finally 'gets it right'. That's against the rules, but that is what the FBI did. There was a trial for the police officers involved and they were acquitted because in order to take away a person's freedom you have to have evidence that they broke the law and there wasn't any. There was no time for a celebration because black people immediately started burning the city. It was surreal driving into Los Angeles that night seeing the smoke and fires. Not wishing to get killed on my way to the station that night I was driving with an automatic rifle across my lap. An unauthorized weapon both because it wasn't issued to me by the department, but it was also illegal to possess in California. I borrowed it from a friend who wanted me to be safe. Like many of my friends these days he is safe from FBI's vicious grasp because he is dead. 

I have no idea where the rifle is now. the FBI needed a feather in it's cap so they decided to charge those innocent police officers with a federal crime that can basically be used any time a white police officer uses force against a black person although it is rarely done, and shouldn't have been done this time either. After the smoke cleared the FBI rearrested the two innocent officers and put a federal charge on them. They basically put on the same case as the Los Angeles County District Attorney did only this time they found a sergeant who was willing to perjure himself so he would look good when he sat before the promotions board in a few months. He was hoping to be promoted to lieutenant partially as a reward for helping put two innocent police officers in prison. 

During the first trial the main defense put on by the officers was that they were doing what they were trained to do, which was the truth. The ranking Use of Force expert had testified during the first trial, the legal one, that the police officers had done exactly what they were trained to do. That would never do so the FBI found another sergeant who worked for training division but had nothing to do with use of force training. He was more of a bookworm who wanted to move up the ranks and he was eager to put two of his colleagues in prison if that's what he needed to do to get that coveted promotion. He lied on the stand. There was another sergeant who was pressured to lie on the stand. The pressure was so great that he ended up killing himself so he wouldn't have to participate. 

And after all of this was over the FBI continued its witch hunt against the LAPD and why not? The LAPD was clearly in the mood to sacrifice a few for the good of the whole so the FBI made up a story about the department being involved in corruption from the top down. They sued the department in federal court claiming that the LAPD was a criminal enterprise involved in a pattern and practice of criminal behavior that was sanctioned at every level of management all the way to the Sixth Floor; the office of the Chief of Police. 

By now the mayor was hostile to the department, most democrats are, and he too wanted to embarrass the chief. The city agreed to allow the FBI to run the department for a period of at least five years. It ended up lasting for eight years, during which time very little changed, except the culture of the department. Prior to the implementation of the consent decree the department was squeaky clean. We policed our own. Virtually every illegal action the FBI alleged the department was engaged in was ferreted out by members of the department. And the punishments were severe. Hardly the actions of a criminal organization. Prior to the consent decree it was possible to be found in violation of the department manual and still keep your job, there would be a punishment, often a suspension for a few days without pay, but an officer rarely worried about getting fired unless he did something really stupid. After the consent decree snitching on a partner became a sure path to promotion. 

Another 'improvement' was the era of 'driving and waving'. With the chief out to fire everybody he could the joke was, "Hey! The last one out of the building turn out the lights!" The chief was firing people as fast as he could and for minor violations. Police officers were literally afraid to get out of their cars for fear of being perceived to have done something wrong and losing their job. And good people were quitting by the dozen. Other departments actively recruited police officers from the LAPD and the were offering better pay and benefits and a much safer work environment. Guys were literally filling out job applications on the hoods of their police cars on duty. While on patrol they were driving with their windows up so they couldn't hear what was happening outside of their squad car.

If they saw someone frantically waving and shouting, "Help police!" They would wave back and say, "Yes it is a nice day, we agree with you!" So the FBI succeeded in making sure the police officers in Los Angeles stopped bothering gang members and other criminals while the crime rate was shooting up at an alarming rate. Criminals were literally running the city because the FBI had a vendetta against the LAPD. That was in the 90's.

Fast forward to 2022 and I just read that the FBI is cracking down on the Orange County California district attorney and sheriff. The point of all this is that the FBI is close to losing all of its credibility. They had a reputation of being careful about their investigations and above all not letting politics cloud their vision and lately it looks like the are the law enforcement arm of the democrat party. They need to be so clean that everyone feels good about just having them around. I don't like Bloody Hilary but I don't want them making up lies and manufacturing evidence against her, but they didn't have to. She had all the evidence they needed even after purging her internet servers the best she could. They found solid evidence that she had improperly stored top secret documents in an un secure place and her servers probably had been compromised by just about every despotic government in the world, then they said it really didn't matter because no prosecutor has any interest in prosecuting her. What?

With Donald Trump they found little to no evidence that he had anything in his possession that he shouldn't have and they're still trying to make a criminal case out of it. Weeks ago they asked him to lock certain documents in his possession in a secure area and when they served the search warrant on his home and office they found the door locked just like he said they asked him to do, or more likely 'ordered' him to do. 

And now an agency that apparently couldn't tell the truth if they had to is picking on the Orange County California district attorney's office and sheriff's department claiming that they are corrupt. And there are problems in both the district attorney and sheriff's departments. The truth is that in O.C. there is solid evidence that the entire justice system may be corrupt. However who do we turn to when that happens? We used to have the United States Department of Justice and the FBI to help with that, but over the last ten years they've tried real hard to ruin their reputation and to me it looks like they did a great job. I have almost no confidence in them at all, and I don't think many other people in this country do either.

The FBI is fading into a fond memory along with the rest of our great heritage and history. They were off to a good start but over the years their leaders have become power hungry, looking out for themselves and no one else. The next step will be vigilantism followed by every man for himself.  

It will become necessary for people to band together into small groups for mutual protection similar to the gated communities we have already. Since the police are forbidden from doing their job by corrupt politicians we will be hiring our own police. The area where I live has already had to do that since the police have openly warned us that they can't afford to respond to our calls for help. So far we have unarmed guards, but that will change. 

We brag as a society that it's ok to lie because everybody does it. And it's ok to steal once in awhile for the same reason. How about armed robbery, rape and murder? When are the American people going to wake up and realize that crime is not good. That people with honor should not be scorned and that corrupt politicians need to be kicked out of office. 

The leadership of both major parties need to recognize to importance of  purging the leadership of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and hire people who won't be bought by money or power. 

And the American people need to be vigilant and not vote or people who use federal agencies for their personal vendettas such as King Barry using the IRS to stall applications for special tax status because he didn't agree with their political views (they didn't vote for him) or using the FBI to spy on a political candidate for the same reason. 

I'm not aware of any such abuse by a Republican but I am willing to be educated.  

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