Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Black Privilege

 On January 6, 2021 there was a riot at our nation's capitol and a police officer shot and killed an unarmed woman who was evidently trying to enter the capitol chamber illegally. Was there a protest about this killing of an unarmed woman by a police officer? Nope! Not a peep. No buildings were burned. No monuments were defaced, no windows were smashed, traffic wasn't blocked and no one demanded that the police officer be fired or prosecuted for murder. And the police officer admits that he didn't know if the woman was armed or not at the time he killed her. He couldn't see her hands he said, but she was attempting to bypass a makeshift barricade erected by the police to keep the rioters out, and she had a backpack. She wasn't reaching into the backpack, but Lt Michael Boyd shot her dead because he said he thought she might have a bomb in the backpack. 

I gotta tell ya, I ain't buyin' it. Last year a police officer in Minneapolis accidentally killed a criminal who physically attacked him and that police officer is going to prison for murder. And there were riots all across the country. And they named streets, parks and schools after the criminal. What's the difference? In Minneapolis the police officer knew the suspect was violent and had just been involved in a physical altercation with him. And the police officer didn't use his service pistol or a police baton, he was using a control technique he was taught at the police academy, but in that case it was fatal. Maybe he applied it incorrectly, but he didn't murder anyone. So why all the fuss? One police officer shoots a woman dead because he was scared and he admits he didn't see any weapons in her possession and she wasn't physically attacking him or anyone else. The other accidentally killed a man who was violent and hyped up on narcotics. 

The main difference is race. The police officer who accidentally killed the violent criminal was white and the violent criminal was black. Therefore according to democrats the only reason the police officer killed him was because he hated black people. It couldn't have been an accident since the thug was black. In the other case the victim was a white woman. Boom! Say no more! Except to make the deal even sweeter the police officer was black, so of course he killed her! He was scared because white people are violent oppressors. It didn't matter that she was unarmed because we used to have slavery in this country. The capitol police officer is being hailed as a hero because, get this, he 'saved countless lives' by killing her. That's right, she was unarmed, and he knew she was unarmed when he killed her, but, and here's the line that makes him a hero, if there had been a bomb in her backpack and if she had exploded it, a couple of hundred people might have been killed. But there wasn't a bomb in her backpack. If the police officer had been white and the victim black we'd all know exactly what was in the backpack, but due to black privilege we will never know because the truth is he killed her for no other reason than he was afraid. Afraid of what? 

All I can say is, we are so lucky that Lt. Michael Boyd was working that day. If he hadn't been there it is possible that no one else would have seen the obvious threat posed by that obviously unarmed woman, and maybe none of the police officers there that day would have killed her and there might have been some sort of sit-in in the capitol chamber!! Oh the humanity! The horror! Boyd should be on trial for murder. If accidentally killing a violent criminal gets a police officer sent to prison for murder the least they could do is send Lt. Boyd to prison for deliberately shooting an apparently unarmed woman dead. 

And just how many politicians were in the chamber at the time? Probably fewer than two hundred. I know for a fact that most people can count to two hundred. Boyd has a hero complex and should be on trial for murder. 

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Fire the Governor?

As we prepare to endure another winter in the grip of a global pandemic, Californians are in a battle over what to do with their governor, Gavin Newsome. Is he doing a terrible job? Probably. California has undergone some severe measures in it's effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus, but so have other states. New York State has probably been the worst state and suffered a terrible death rate because of the dumb decisions of their governor. Poor Governor Cuomo. What a jerk! A power hungry pervert who ensconced his elderly population in Retirement villas alone, with no contact from their families or friends in the outside world, to die alone. Not to mention being a real cry baby. He said he needed something in the neighborhood of 40,000 ventilators and only had a few thousand, there weren't enough hospital beds. What am I going to do? He wailed. So mean old uncaring Donald Trump sent him all the ventilators he could possibly need and a hospital ship. Most of the ventilators went unused and the hospital sat in the harbor for several weeks before finally being reassigned to it's home port because it wasn't needed. Hmmm! dying alone in a retirement villa vs sending all the medical help a person could possibly need; which one is the mean one again? I'll need some democrats to explain the science on this one. I'm pretty sure I already know what they'll say. Donald Trump's a liar! He lies about everything! That's the standard line. 

Forty years ago California was a conservative state. No one was worried about the problems society faces if women can't marry women and men can't marry men. It was silly. Everybody knows that men and women marry each other. Anything else is confusion. we weren't trying to rewrite our history to make it look like any race was superior to another. The idea that any race was better than another was absurd. Now we have a concept called critical race theory that tells us that white people are evil and America is a racist country. Luckily in California we have a black man who realizes that race hatred is bad and America is not a racist country. He understands that liberalism has become a serious mental disorder and he wants to jump start the economy again. He understands that anyone can become successful in America no matter what race you are. 

Californians like to make stupid decisions so I'm not expecting much. We'll either end up stuck with Gavin or we'll hire another democrat just as dumb, or maybe even dumber than he is. We did vote to decriminalize petty theft and now shoplifting is an epidemic in many areas. We also voted for early release for prisoners. If you're a criminal and you don't live in California you are not very smart. Great weather and scenery and lenient laws regarding theft. 

On second thought, I hope we do fire Governor Newsome and hire Larry Elder. It will be a very refreshing change of pace to have a governor who is smart, articulate and passionate about getting this beautiful state back on the right track.


Friday, August 27, 2021

The For The People Act

 It's a little unsettling how close democrats come to matching communist slogans. And regulating everything we do, say, and think. Today global warming is the alter democrats worship and anyone who disagrees with their view on global warming is just not worth talking to and should be considered a danger to all human kind. If you think surgically changing your gender, as if that were even possible, you could be guilty of hate speech. Hate speech is not easy to define, but if someone is guilty of it democrats will be happy to point that out. And of course there is abortion. Anyone who thinks abortion is wrong is simply filled with hate. How could killing a baby in the womb possibly be wrong if giving birth to a baby is inconvenient to the mother?  

Anyone who opposes abortion has to hate women. And be narrow minded and stupid. Most people who oppose killing a baby in the womb are just religious fanatics and we all remember how dangerous the Crusades were. Actually I may have lost a few democrats with that one. Look it up. 

The For the People Act is a law that is overly broad and almost impossible to understand. And while democrats claim to represent all the people clearly Herr Schumer disagrees. Claiming he wants bipartisan support he goes on to proclaim that the bill as written is perfect and there is no room for discussion; "We are going to fight and fight and fight...." to pass this bill because without it the country will simply cease to exist. Eight hundred pages is simply too many. Instead of re-writing the Constitution why can't they pick one or two things at a time. 

Voting rights have been established since the 1960's when democrats were denying black people the right to vote and even having the sheriff go after them with attack dogs when they staged protests. Now they are desperate for votes and they are claiming that it is racist to make people show some proof that they are who they say they are before they vote. A law that is equally enforced among people of all races. Through overly generous government assistance packages black have become uneducated and easily manipulated by the democrat party that tells them they don't have to work so many hours because the government will give them money. That sapped the motivation to work hard or even become educated. 

Recently largely due to some well known black people how have become successful through hard work and discipline telling them that it is good to go to work and education will pay off. I recently saw an interview on CNN with Don Lemon and Morgan Freeman. Lemon was trying to tell Morgan Freeman that it is hard for black men to succeed in America and Freeman looked at him and said that was not correct. He said, "Look at us." And pointed out that they were both very successful and they are black.

The so called For the People Act is just a smoke screen for more government usurpation of the autonomy of local and state government by the Federal government. That's why not one republican supports it. It isn't partisanship, it's a genuine desire to have a meeting of the minds. A realization that neither side is going to get everything they want, but they can work together anyway. An acknowledgment that neither side has all the answers and whenever no one on one side of the aisle agrees with what has been proposed it's time to reach out and ask what they would to to make it better. This isn't the time to puff up one's chest and proclaim kingship. This is an opportunity to display a little diplomacy and compassion and find a solution together that will benefit everybody, but don't try to tell us that people from certain racial groups are too dumb to get an ID card or find their way to the polls. 

Voting is a sacred responsibility and anyone who can't figure out how to vote probably isn't ready to take on that responsibility yet. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Democrats Strike Again

 A blind man could have seen the Taliban overrunning Afghanistan a month ago. Democrats have always had a hard time seeing past their own noses. Panning? That's for suckers! Democrats don't have to plan because they already know everything. And if something doesn't work out it's ok because somebody else always has to pay for their mistakes. I know, I know! I misspoke okay? Everyone knows democrats don't make mistakes. They just meander happily through life bouncing off walls while the rest of us try to make sure they don't hurt themselves. 

The Afghanistan thing? Oh yeah, Trump did that. Our new found fuel shortage? Trump's fault. The alarming rise in inflation? Yup, he did that too. It's a good thing we have a senile old white guy in the Oval Office, and a cackling dummy for back up, otherwise the world might be in real trouble. At least we can count on one thing from the democrats: we are safe from the ravages of man made (read- America caused) global warming. Somehow Uncle Joe and his cackling side kick are going to keep us from burning up for the next four to eight years. What a relief! 

I'm not sure the Afghan people are going to feel that good about America when the Taliban starts sawing their heads off with a butter knife. The Taliban will continue hating us because they hate everything we stand for, which is at least one thing they have in common with democrats, and those Afghans who aren't Taliban are going to wonder why we abandoned them to such a cruel fate. I wish I could tell you my dear brothers and sisters. And I wish I could do something for you. At least I voted for Trump, but alas, too many Americans prefer to be lied to and insulted and they thought a senile old man and a lush should become the new leaders of the Free World.  

The truth is that no one can rule Afghanistan. They are uneducated and superstitious. And they are clannish. Over the next ridge there is always another tribal leader and if he decides to eat you for lunch there is no one around to tell him he can't. 

I'm not sure President Trump's plan for the Taliban would have worked, but it might have. At least he had a plan. 

We get to enjoy the happiness that is caused when gasoline costs more than five bucks a gallon, and the Afghan people get to enjoy the happiness of a man of peace hacking their heads off if he thinks something in the Quran tells him that's what he's supposed to do. 

Everybody render the Uncle Joe Salute! AAAHH, that felt good. 

Identity Crisis Grips America

 A couple of years ago a woman called me and asked if I'd mind taking a 'short' survey. I didn't have anything going on at the time so I agreed. I don't remember what the survey was about but one of the questions really bothered me and my answer bothered her so we talked about it a little while. I'm pretty sure not many people conducting surveys do that but she did.

The question was: "Do you identify as a man or a woman."

"I don't identify as anything, I was born a male." I was polite and in no way condescending to her and I was happy to talk about my views if she wanted to.

"So you identify as a male," was her reply. I could tell she didn't understand or she didn't agree with my answer, but she sounded nice, perhaps a little lonely.

"No," I said, "I was born a male, I'm old now so I'm a man." She chuckled and said, "Ok."

There are a couple of things I don't understand about the homosexual thing. 

They don't know what gender they are and I'm the one that's confused? And now so-called medical science claims that by making a few cosmetic changes they can change a person's gender? Homosexuals are going to destroy our society eventually and we can't even talk about it. Anyone who disagrees with their opinion is a bad person and has to be silenced and that is the reason for the creation of hate speech. Hate speech has only one function and that is to silence the opposition. We should never punish people for saying what is on their mind unless they are inciting immediate violence. It is not ok to advocate violence against anyone or any group of people, but it is ok to express your opinion about anything you think is destructive to a free society and transgenderism is a clear threat to our existence. I'm not advocating violence against anyone. No one has the right to harm another individual just because of the person they are holding hands with. I'm just opposed to the creation of thought police anywhere, especially here in the USA. I don't know why it's so important for democrats to create a special protected class for people who think they should have been born a different gender. 

How is a kid supposed to ask a girl out on a date if he isn't sure who is a girl and who isn't? 

And if boys and girls have to worry about the contacts they are making they are going to stop trying. No girl wants to start going out with a good looking young man only to find out after a couple of dates that the young man is actually a young woman, and it works the same way for boys. If a young man has been going out with a girl and he finds attractive and after awhile finds out she's a he he is going to freak out. He might even act out violently toward the guy and in that case I'd defend him all the way. 

I'd call it gender fraud and defend him in any court. Gender reassignment surgery is medical malpractice and should be regarded as such. The rule used to be, 'first do no harm'. I guess the American Medical Association is rethinking that philosophy. 

I do feel sorry for kids these days. I never had to worry about anything as stupid as that. Boys are boys and girls are girls.

It really is that simple.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Uncle Joe Strikes Again

 Once again we have a president who only represents one party. If you are not a democrat Biden has no interest in your well being. If you are a democrat he loves you, but other than that he won't do a thing for you. We've had worse presidents, but not many especially since this one was going senile before the election and people voted for him anyway. Pretty stupid, but that's the America we live in today. If you believe in killing unborn babies and ruining a booming economy fighting a non existent threat then you should be very happy. Other than that democrats have not been much to help anyone. Anti police, anti military, anti liberty. When President Trump was in the White House he had the world running pretty smoothly. He wasn't afraid to tell the leaders of other countries what they were doing wrong and show them how to correct their mistakes. He loved this country and constantly let the world know which country was the leader of the free world, and he stood up to those nations who were leaders in the world of bondage. 

He lost the election mostly because too many Americans are cry babies and didn't like it when he said things that sounded 'mean' to them. He wasn't mean he was direct. The guy hardly ever slept. He worked for free. He was a problem solver; all of these are things that Americans no longer value. 

Now there are three things that are very important and Uncle Joe is screwing up and very badly. The Southern border. We all know how that's going. He is inviting people to storm the border and spread covid 19 like wild fire while he blames the governors of Texas and Florida for allowing it to spread. He has limited the amount of gasoline that can be produced in this country so we can become more dependent on people like the Taliban for fuel. Smart. That is exactly how smart democrats are. And then he is fomenting another human tragedy in Afghanistan. The Taliban are less than a hundred miles from the capitol of Afghanistan and our embassy is being protected by about 600 Marines. There are thousands of civilians who are in danger of being punished by the Taliban for helping us in the war against them. 

GW Bush did a horrible job of prosecuting the war on terror. We dropped a lot of bombs on Bagdad and it was sort of fun to watch, we were in a very bad mood after the shenanigans of Al Queada and that murderous coward in charge of Iraq, but our fight wasn't with Iraq. We were attacked by Al Queada and another madman named Bin Ladin and he was emboldened by another incompetent president named Bill Clinton. The Middle East is ruled by madmen. It cannot be controlled, only managed. 

Now after twenty years of scratching their heads and asking each other 'what can we do?' One of the greatest presidents we've ever had started implementing a program that would allow for the withdrawal of American troops while still holding the Taliban accountable for their actions and hopefully leaving the Afghan people with a more peaceful government. And of course the American people once again voted for a senile old man because President Trump was always honest, but a little too direct with them. President Biden will inevitably oversee a very sad blood bath in Afghanistan. Our own people will barely escape and most of the Afghan people who worked with us will not be evacuated and will face unimaginable deaths. 

I don't like republican leadership, but I'll never vote for a democrat until they demonstrate an ability to think with their brains instead of being run by emotion and a thirst for power. They are so worried about man made global warming that they can't function on any other level. The only other thing they have time for is supporting the killing of unborn babies. 

Uncle Joe wants us to return to the days when we were dependent on oil from the Middle East, he wants to continue the fairy tale that democrats can stop the climate from changing and he is about to abandon the Afghan people to the Taliban who he knows will reign with mass murder and terror. 

That is the democrat legacy. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Anti fascists- (antifa)

 Anti fascist. What an insult to any American who cherishes our principles of freedom, justice and respect for individuals. They dress in black and completely cover their faces so they can't be identified. And why don't they want to be identified? It probably has something to do with the windows that get smashed out and the buildings that catch fire whenever they are around. And what about that? I've never seen window smash and building burning competition at a rally for a conservative cause. Unless antifa shows up to stage a 'counter protest' which is just a euphemism for riot. Democrats need to face the fact that antifa is the enforcement arm of the DNC. Paid under the table no doubt, but there are other types of cash payment such as paying the bail for them after they've been out on the town destroying property, looting, blocking traffic and beating people who try to stop them.

I think both parties are ineffective. Republicans are 'do nothings' and democrats are the nation's destroying angels. I have no use for either of them. I completely supported Donald Trump in his bid for the presidency and I think he is one of the greatest presidents we've ever had, but I don't want him to run in the next general election. If he is the best the GOP has to offer I'll take him over Kamala Harris or Uncle Joe. I love this country too much to see it trampled by a party that wants to set the Constitution aside and water it down via activist judges. 

If you can support killing unborn babies and critical race theory you are an enemy to freedom and America stands for freedom. Seriously your conscience is severely damaged if there is anything about antifa you can support. I know a lot of otherwise good people who are fooled by the democrat party rhetoric. Black people can't succeed in America? Tell that to all of the successful black people in America. America is a racist country? Tell that to anyone who has seen a photo of Barack Obama. He says he's black and he was the president of the United States of America. And what about Kamala Harris? She is not white and she seems to be doing very well in America. And abortion. Just about everyone claiming to be 'pro choice' claim that abortion is not being used as a form of birth control, but only in the cases of rape, incest, or the health of the mother. Very few rapes result in a pregnancy. And the health of the mother is completely subjective. Mom doesn't want to have a baby. The thought makes her sad. Boom! There's your mental health exception. Bye bye baby. If we only take cases where the pregnancy is the result of a rape or incest, or the life of the mother is in serious jeopardy, there wouldn't be any abortion clinics. 

Democrats are going to be very sad when black people find out they can succeed in America and the police are not racists. Almost half of the police officers in America are black. Wake up! Believe what you are seeing not what the talking heads are telling you. Recently in Portland Oregon a group of fascists calling themselves antifa attacked a prayer meeting in a park, beating people and spraying them with pepper spray and throwing eggs at them. 

Antifa is the definition of fascism. The democrat party supports the 1619 project, critical race theory, BLM, men competing in women's sports, protected status for homosexuals, abortion, and many other things that are destructive to society. That's right, you can say LGBT XYZ all you want, what they are talking about is same sex attraction and anyone who disagrees with them gets a special label to show the world how 'dangerous' they are. The same with abortion, anyone who thinks abortion is wrong hates women. Just because we are trying to persuade women not to make the biggest mistake of their lives does not mean we hate women. And democrats don't even want to talk about it. Once a democrat has spoken the debate has to end because they are compassionate and kind and anyone who disagrees with them is mean. We are dangerously close to shutting down freedom of speech by labelling certain subjects as hate speech and making hate speech a crime. They are making a mockery of our way of life. Speaking your mind can never be a crime in the USA.

Let's be honest, antifa is a terrorist organization and antifa members should be arrested for whatever terrorist statute covers members of terrorist organizations, tried and locked up for a few decades so they can get their minds right. 

Friday, August 6, 2021


 It is unbelievable that so many Americans are refusing to be vaccinated against the China Virus. It is about 98 percent survivable but still about 600,000 Americans have died from it. 

Part of the problem is 'the science'. The experts immediately began pontificating publicly about the best way a person could be protected against the China Virus before anyone knew what it was and that led to a lot of confusion which has resulted in a justifiable distrust of the medical 'findings'. Then to make matters worse politicians got involved. If you ever want to make a bad situation worse let those clowns help. Politicians are great at creating problems. They do a very poor job at solving them. Then of course there is the Trump Factor. 

We have a vaccine that protects people against the China Virus largely due to the influence of President Trump and that makes the Never Trumpers insane, on both sides of the aisle. Love him or hate him, he gets things done. And efficiency is the enemy to most bureaucrats. They like things nice and slow. When there is a virus out there killing around 50,000 people a month you don't have time to go nice and slow and President Trump recognized that immediately. 

He started demanding answers, and a compressed time frame for getting a vaccine approved. Democrats were opposed to it, and now it looks like a lot of Republicans were too. Except polls show that now democrats support the China Virus vaccine more than republicans do. It's great to see democrats actually doing something that makes sense. I applaud that. 

Now if we could get them on board with the real findings on global warming and the insane practice of abortion we could probably work together to get a lot of good things done. My conservative friends are telling me that the vaccine is dangerous so they won't get vaccinated. I don't know what their sources are, but the numbers they are throwing around look a little suspicious, kind of like the rapidly rising oceans. I'm there every day and the water is just about where it's supposed to be every day. 

The facts seem to be that today people who are being hospitalized and dying from China Virus are those who go along with the anti vaxxers. If you look at two sides and one looks like it's winning and the other looks like it's getting its butt kicked how hard is it to decide which team to be on?

People oppose the Polio vaccine program too, even though it has been and is wildly successful. And who wants a return of small pox? Measles anyone? Tetanus? Diphtheria looks like a lot of fun. 

To you anti vaxxers I ask; which diseases would you like to see return to us? To you democrats I am confused. When it comes to man caused global warming and abortion you ignore the science completely. Yet with the China vaccine, which really hasn't been fully tested, the anti vaxxers are right about that, but you guys pushed your way to the front of the line to get a shot! And the only reason we have the vaccine is because of Donald Trump and you hate him! HATE! Uncle Joe tells you that he invented the vaccine and that's enough for you to jump in and I'm not even sure you rolled up your sleeves, I'm pretty sure I saw a few of you rip your shirts off. 

Anyway I salute you for that. You did it to save your own skin, but if a lot of people are helped by what you've done you can probably live with that too. You still have time to march to protect the right of women to kill their unborn babies, and you can still lobby Congress to spend trillions of dollars no one will ever see to combat a threat that doesn't exist.