Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Are white people stupid?

 Yes that is a real question. And I'd actually have to add a political component; white Republicans. I can't stand either political party. The leadership in both parties is so dysfunctional that they can barely say good morning to each other. I'm afraid that in a few short years this country is going to be split up by tribes if we can't learn to respect each other. Neither side should dig in their heels and refuse to compromise on most issues. 

The question today is what about the science of the China Virus vaccine? There is some early evidence that it is effective. More effective than wearing masks or social distancing. Yet about two thirds of Republicans are refusing to get the shot. To me that's just plain dumb. Is there a chance that something bad will happen? Yes there is, but if it works the benefits far outweigh the risks. Don't be a baby, get the shot! 

And for all you military people refusing the vaccine, let's take away your rifles and other weapons too. Carrying a weapon onto the field of battle doesn't guarantee you won't get wounded so leave it in your locker. That way it won't get so dirty and you won't have to clean it so often. Does that sound stupid? OF COURSE IT DOES!! Don't be an idiot! get vaccinated, put this pandemic in the rear view mirror. 

Seriously, democrats usually get everything wrong. There is no doubt about that. From abolishing the Bill of Rights to elevating drug addicted criminals like George Floyd to hero status. Most of the time if they accidentally find themselves on the correct side of an issue it is because they are following the plan of their Republican predecessor. Like now. President Trump assembled a team of scientists and told them to find a vaccine for the China Virus RIGHT NOW! And they did. Uncle Joe Biden proudly proclaimed that President Trump didn't do anything to help stop the spread of the virus. Okay Joe, time to take your meds. Then after we foolishly elected him president he followed the distribution plan outlined by President Trump and people now have the chance to get vaccinated. 

To their credit, albeit for probably the wrong reason, democrats are lining up for the shot and republicans aren't. Democrats have probably convinced themselves that Uncle Joe created the vaccine in his kitchen. 

I understand that there is a lack of trust in elected crackheads. Americans are getting dumber every year. How else do you explain Big Al Cortez, Omar 'Death to America, Death to Israel' Ilhan, Sister Pressley, and Rashiba 'Let There Be Jihad' Tlaib? And our so-called American press. If we fall to the communist ideal in America there won't be any bright spots, although there may be some satisfaction watching progressive reporters cry while their 'heroes' douse them with gasoline and burn them alive along with their laptops. Take note CNN, MSNBC, after everything you've done for them that's really gonna suck!

Satisfaction is the wrong word, but I will be thinking, 'I tried to warn you', as I cry with them. Republicans it's time to put your brains back in your heads! Get over your distrust of government. Think about what is going on and don't follow your knee jerk urge to avoid anything that the CDC says is beneficial. They're right this time. 

Get vaccinated, it's for everybody. 

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