Tuesday, July 20, 2021

All Hands on Deck!

 Alright I admit it. I'm biased when it comes to taking away our freedoms. And I'm even more biased when I see Americans willingly giving them away. 

Today elected officials in Los Angeles County declared that it is time to put the masks back on. At least while we are indoors. And yes I am sorry for those who are grieving the loss of the three people who died recently from the China Virus. And I believe in the right of anyone who wants to to wear a mask indoors, outdoors, wherever you feel the need. I'm not in favor of government whack jobs telling us we must put them back on. I have to ask myself if some democrat has a sweat shop in China or some other Third World dump where people are forced to work extra long hours for super low pay putting masks together just so a government official can throw his or her weight around and make a pile of money in the process. 

People in South Dakota may wear masks if they want to, but no government windbag is forcing them to. It's the same in Florida and some other states. Get vaccinated. Or don't. In California everyone who wants one can receive a vaccination and thus become protected against the China Virus. The blowhards in charge of L.A. County told us the cause of death of the victims of Covid, and their ages, but did not tell us if they had been vaccinated or not. I'm guessing not since that wasn't the lead story. I think Covid One Nine should get at least as much respect as the flu shot. 

None of the three people who died in Los Angeles County had been vaccinated. That's a personal choice and I respect that, but they had a chance to protect themselves and chose not to. That's life! Muntu Davis is the public health director in Los Angeles County and he says even if you've been vaccinated you have to wear a mask indoors. 

Less than 60% of the residents of L.A. County have been vaccinated and the mask mandate was lifted on June 15. Democrats need to control people. Squash them under their greedy little thumbs control them. In the days leading up to the lifting of the mandate the seven day death rate was between 20-40 people a day with a low of 19. When the mandate was reinstated on July 15th the average daily death rate from the China Virus was about the same. 

There is a lot of misinformation floating around concerning the vaccine's safety. Nothing always works. The flu vaccine is far from 100% effective and a lot of people take their chances and most of them don't die from the flu, but a few always do. The China Virus has been politicized to the point that there is no way to really know much about it. Medical science be damned no one is goings to admit anything that may benefit anyone from an opposing political party. 

Democrats want total control over our lives and republicans want to enforce the law according to the Constitution. The county health director in Los Angeles County calls for all hands on deck to combat the ravages of the China Virus then refuses to make a statement supporting the safety of the vaccine. If you are not vaccinated keep wearing the mask. If you are take the damn thing off and lose it. If the number is increasing it is most likely because people are not getting vaccinated and they're not getting vaccinated because they don't trust the vaccine. I haven't heard a single public service announcement on the TV or radio that extols the virtue of getting vaccinated. I've heard a lot of nonsense about the potential dangers of being vaccinated. 

And if the numbers of people dying from the China Virus aren't increasing who cares how many new cases there are? Even the pessimistic stats show that the China Flu is about 98% survivable even if you do become infected. When we first learned about the virus health 'experts' said wearing a mask wouldn't be effective against it. And they were probably right. Even the world renown champion of China Virus science, Nancy Pelosi walked all over Chinatown, San Francisco, talking to the people there and not wearing a mask. She was saying it was perfectly safe to visit Chinatown and so I suppose if it is safe there the rest of us must have been safe too. Nancy is a very old lady and she did not get infected with the virus. I haven't seen any evidence that makes me think wearing any type of face covering helps stop the spread of the potentially deadly China Virus.

Wearing a mask probably helps a little. The studies are suspicious to me since some states dictated drastic laws requiring the wearing of masks while others left the donning of masks up to the individual. And the states where masks were not required at all times often had lower rates of infection than those with very strict laws including pretty high financial penalties for non compliance. Meathead science says 'wear a mask all the time, don't be a science doubter!' Published info from the CDC, WHO, Mayo Clinic, and others parrot the exact same findings. 

What they seem to be ignoring are real life scenarios where people are doing well without the meatball science. Florida, Texas, South Dakota, I visited all of those states during the height of the pandemic. I may have even been violating some travel bans but in most states I had the roads and hotels to myself. And even though it wasn't mandated by power hungry politicians a lot of the people in the states I visited did wear masks inside most business establishments. There was one Harley Davidson dealership displaying a sign stating, "Masks Not Required". And the numbers shouldn't be ignored. Democrats scoffed at Floridians, gleefully predicting 'Ha! Those dummies will all be dead in a month! Moron Republicans! Stupid Science Deniers!' Only their unbridled joy never got a chance to bloom. 

According to Democrats science doesn't lie. So what went wrong? People in Los Angeles and New York City were dropping like flies (Republicans did not celebrate) and the people in the midwest who weren't ruled by power hungry bureaucrats enjoyed much lower death rates. Some families visited each other often and they didn't wear masks and they didn't get sick, while other families visited each other unmasked and half the family died. What made them different? 

The health dictator in Los Angeles County sees an increase in the number of China Virus hospitalizations reported and immediately shouts, "All Hands on Deck!" And everybody panics along with him and starts wearing masks, at least when indoors with the unwashed, albeit vaccinated, masses. And the CDC says the vaccine is safe and effective in 90% of the cases. Muntu Davis, the bureaucrat in charge of keeping everyone alive in Los Angeles County, has made no pleas that I could find to the public advocating for Covid 19 vaccinations. He quickly pounces on the idea that everyone has to wear a mask, but is reluctant to encourage people to get a shot. 

All Hands on Deck would mean a full court press, a frontal assault, a blitzkrieg, you know the thing! (For you democrats), and get the coronavirus vaccine. It's available to virtually everyone in the state and there is enough supply to get the job done. Uncle Joe likes to talk about 'shots in the arm' so where is he? Why isn't Uncle looking straight into the camera and Telling all of us in his own special way, "Come on Man! Get the shot! It's safe! it saves lives.

Maybe it does, but not if you don't get it. I'm no democrat. I do believe in science. I'm vaccinated. So is my wife. so are my seven kids and eighteen grandchildren. I'm no fan of Republican leadership either. None of them are actively advocating for the China Virus vaccine either. The shot works, that's the science. Neither side is pushing it because it came from Donald Trump, that's the politics. And people are suffering needlessly, that's the reality. And masks? Even the scientists hedge their bets with masks. They say masks may work when accompanied by proper distancing and being vaccinated. I'm trusting scientists over bloviating meatheads. I've been vaccinated, I'm getting rid of the mask. 


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