Saturday, July 24, 2021

Democrats to the Rescue?

I'm pretty sure women don't like getting beat up, raped, murdered and otherwise abused so I'm puzzled about them consistently voting democrat. 

A couple of days ago Uncle Joe Biden signed the Victim's of Crimes Act which will allocate more money to assist victims of crimes. And near the top of the list is the crime of rape which I've heard women describe as a horrible, humiliating experience. Even if we're just talking about getting shot and losing an arm or a leg because of the seriousness of the wound, I think I'd be better off if I never got shot in the first place and I think women would be better off if they never got raped. Democrats seem to disagree about that. I don't know another group that can ignore facts as effectively as a democrat. They spend multiple hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars to defeat things like the Three Strikes law. Democrat district attorneys refuse to oppose the early release of violent criminals, many of whom are rapists and child molesters, and when the numbers of crimes committed by these individuals increases democrats blame it on racism. That's it, if you think a violent criminal belongs in prison you're a racist. 

When a white police officer accidentally kills a black criminal democrats start screaming that everyone in America is a racist! Well not everybody, just everybody who can objectively look at the facts and say, 'you know if Brother Floyd hadn't been all jacked up on illegal drugs and started a fight with the police somebody might have killed him that day but it wouldn't have been that police officer'. Anyone who doesn't goose step with BLM and render a hitler salute on cue is a racist. And that brings me back to the point of this discussion. The murder rate in democrat run cities is higher than its been in about thirty years and other violent crimes, yes including rape and wife beating (domestic abuse for you democrats) so the democrats reduce police budgets by about 70% and still they aren't alarmed when even more people get murdered, maimed and raped.

The reason they aren't particularly bothered by the mayhem on their streets is because they have the perfect solution; steal more money from me so they can provide free bandaids and counseling services to the victims of crimes. Any idiot can tell that it would be much better to stop the criminals from continuing their crime  spree. It makes far more sense to make it more difficult for criminals to terrorize the population than to make things easier for them and then offer free bandaids to the people being victimized. But then, I'm not a democrat so I just don't get it. 

So all you women who support reducing police budgets and early release for rapists just imagine how good you are going to feel if you are ever the victim of a sexual assault. While it is happening to you just think how good the free counseling is going to make you feel in a couple of months when they finally have an appointment available so you can reveal all of the intimate details of your attack to a twenty three year old master's degree candidate with long unruly hair and yellow teeth at the the local university's school of psychology. 

Democrats rarely solve problems, they create problems and then 'find' solutions. 

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