Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Delta Variant; the good news

 If you're stupid you have a lot more to worry about from the Delta variant of the coronavirus. The reason is simple: people who have the good sense to get vaccinated have a much lower rate of infection than their stupid counterparts. 

All the hysteria about people dying from the vaccination or the government using vaccination sites as places where they can implant monitoring chips in everybody is just plain unrealistic. If the Government wants to find you it will. And then the "Oh my gosh! It changes my DNA! It CHANGES my DNA, what am I gonna do, I can't live with changed DNA!"

Does anyone really understand that? Maybe. I don't. Before OJ cut his wife's head off we didn't even know there was such a thing as DNA. Now we're being told that a vaccination is going to somehow change it and we're hysterical. 

Personally I don't really care all that much. I got the vaccine before I knew about the plot to change my DNA so it's too late now for me. The good news is I have a much lower chance of getting the China Virus and I probably won't be spreading it. That seems like a good thing to me. And the virus isn't going to kill everybody just some people. The potentially good news there is that there might be a lot less traffic congestion and real estate prices might fall so a vaccinated family will finally be able to afford the house they need instead of cramming three kids all into the same bedroom. 

Democrats should be happy, although they are only happy when there is something to be miserable about so this may not be good news to them, but there should be a lot less danger of global spontaneous combustion. Unless the earth just gets angry or bored and decides to commit suicide in which case its all over for everyone. 

So don't get vaccinated if you don't want to. And don't wear a mask or practice social distancing. Let the China Virus run its course and those of us who are left will reap the benefits of lower population, less traffic, fewer traffic deaths, You Know the Thing! (I love that one) And that's the good news. 

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