Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Democrats and other misguided 'leaders' around the world say the sky is falling but it isn't. They also say that things like transgender surgery and abortion and child day care are vital parts of our infrastructure, but they aren't. They've cooked up a plan to impose more taxes to rebuild America's infrastructure without even taking the time to see where our infrastructure needs to be rebuilt. I recently took my trusty Jeep on a tour of thirteen western states and there were public works projects visible just about everywhere. In the county where I live many of the freeways are torn up right now so they can be widened and improved to accommodate the rapid population increase. Bridges have been torn down and new bridges are being built. 

There is already a lot of money in government coffers that is supposed to be used on infrastructure projects. Democrats realize that so they've invented other forms of infrastructure. things that are a little more obscure like transgender surgery and funding for abortion and child day care and an increase in the minimum wage, but too many Americans don't see those as infrastructure projects. They seem more like waste on unnecessary social programs so democrats start chanting 'infrastructure' hoping the word will make people think the country is falling apart. I haven't studied it, but I'll bet that the truth is that there isn't a lot of need for new infrastructure funding right now and there probably isn't much interest in public funding for transgender surgery, abortion, or blowing trillions of dollars to prop up the imaginary global warming threat either. 

Uncle Joe's infrastructure scheme probably isn't really his at all. His handlers have him on the shortest leash of any other president we've ever had. 

The truth is there is no infrastructure plan, it's just another democrat power grab. 

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