Thursday, May 27, 2021


 The first president I ever voted for won a landslide victory at the polls, did a great job as president, won a second term, then resigned in disgrace. He was a brilliant man whose presidency is still shrouded in controversy. Many of his supporters believe he should have remained in office, others agree that he committed some serious crimes and resigning was the best thing for him to do. 

He may have broken some rules but he was no coward. He said what was on his mind and if people didn't like it, well, that was just the way he was. If he didn't get re-elected then he wasn't the person the American people wanted for president. He wasn't going to change his ideas according to the people he was talking to. 

The last president I voted for won a narrow victory over his opponent, a woman who I'm sure cheated and lost anyway. He was a great president who accomplished a lot of very good things for our country especially considering the challenges he faced. He had to deal with the uncertainty of a world wide pandemic that killed over half a million Americans and millions more worldwide. Until he said he was running for president I wasn't going to vote. We had an extremely weak line up of men who seemed afraid to speak their mind on any topic. The beauty of candidates who speak their mind is you know where they stand and you can trust them. Most politicians can't do that. They are too afraid that someone won't like them. 

Then Donald Trump spoke and he said exactly what was on his mind. He didn't really care if people liked what he had to say so he said what was on his mind. If people liked it, great! He would be he next president. If they didn't he wasn't too worried about that. He was a billionaire who lived a comfortable life and he would go back to his mansion in his home state.

But people did like what he said and they followed him everywhere he went. When he held a political rally there wasn't a venue large enough to accommodate the crowd. People loved him. and he always appeared relaxed and in control of himself. He didn't need handlers the way most candidates do. He didn't need coaches telling him what not to say and it showed. He wasn't always 'Mr. Nice Guy.' He was always 'Mr. Honest Guy.' And I found that refreshing and I liked what he had to say. So did a lot of other people. A lot of us probably wouldn't have voted at all because the republican line up was so weak and uninspiring that we couldn't decide which one was the least mediocre, that's how low the bar had been set. Members of he press hated Donald Trump because they were afraid he could defeat their darling Hilary and they always edited his speeches to make him look bad and printed his quotes out of context. 

The democrats tried to impeach him and used an out of control FBI to conduct an illegal investigation against him. The effort to subvert the Constitution failed and the nation threatened to implode economically due to a worldwide pandemic, but Trump helped pass legislation that helped people from every demographic in the country. He was able to get certain Arab countries in the Middle East to enter into business agreements with Israel and agree that Jews have a right to exist. He held meetings with a tyrant who ran North Korea and was able to persuade him to stop menacing Japan by constantly launching rockets over their country. He elevated America's prestige in the world by meeting with leaders all over the world and letting them know that he was negotiating only for what was best for his country and he wasn't interested in any New World Order. 

The leadership of the democrat party kept accusing him of treason with no evidence to back their stupid and reckless claim and republican leadership remained silent, refusing to defend him against even patently false accusations. Many of the 'leaders' of the Republican Party ran against Donald Trump in the primary election season and of course they lost because they had no imagination or ideas of their own. In some ways it was a brutal process with Trump calling Marco Rubio 'Little Marco' and Senator Cruz ran adds on Utah television stations that showed naked pictures of Donald Trump's wife who used to be a model. Utah is considered a very religious state and still Donald Trump beat Cruz there. Donald Trump had vision so he didn't have to run a dirty campaign, although he did indulge in some mild name calling. He never insulted anyone's family or attempted to openly embarrass any opponents wife or other family members.  

Unable to forgive him for winning the election they refused to support him during his presidency. He literally had to take on the world by himself because so many people were angry or embarrassed by his victory. Donald Trumps first elected office was President of the United States and it was his very first political campaign and that is very impressive. 

As president he was smart and energetic and he moved very quickly to get things done. Most of the republican leaders just kept their mouths shut and watched as the media pummeled their president until it became clear that he was very popular with the people. His rallies drew huge crowds of admirers and his message was always upbeat. One notable exception was Jim Jordan, a representative from Ohio. He was a Trump supporter all the way and he did a good job of defending the president whenever he had the chance. Ted Cruz was a late bloomer but he finally overcame the sting of defeat and during the last two years of the Trump presidency he started doing the right thing and stood up against the president's accusers. There were very few republicans willing to help so President Trump had to stand alone against the world and he did a great job. 

There are a few republicans with some backbone, very few. The Republican Party left me years ago and I am not a fan of either major political party. The party plank is pretty solid and a lot of people remain loyal to the brand hoping to effect enough change that someday a man or a woman with vision and courage steps up and captures the imagination of the people the way Donald Trump did. Hopefully someone a little more polished than he was but with the same ability to inspire others. Someone has got to break away and win a large enough victory that we will clearly have a president who represents all of the American people. It will have to be a Conservative though. Democrats clearly do not respect our history or our values. 

It takes courage and leadership ability to inspire people. We need an American president that believes in American ideals. This is a great nation and it is worth saving. 

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