Monday, May 10, 2021


 Democrats have hijacked the term 'liberal'. Liberals are open to new ideas and aren't afraid to listen to differing opinions.

 That does not sound like a democrat to me. Democrats made up the term Hate Speech precisely because they are not open to new ideas and they hate differing opinions. Unless perhaps it's about your favorite designer coffee at Starbucks. Wanna talk about abortion?

OK as long as you are for it. What? You are opposed to abortion? What kind of a creep are you? You don't believe a woman has a right to decide what to do with her own body? 

First I'm not a creep thank you very much! And of course I believe in a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body, including protecting herself against unwanted pregnancy. 

Anyway I don't even know why I answered the questions because since I disagree with them I'm automatically wrong. Medical science be damned, a democrat has spoken and that's that!

How about religion. Is there a god? There is, but He better be careful about what He says. And He has no business at all weighing in on anything in the public square. There can be no reference to any Deity on any public building. Not at all. Didn't you know that Thomas Jefferson said we have to have  wall of separation between church and state? Huh? You must be full of hate if you didn't know that! 

Well no. Thomas Jefferson was referencing the fact that Congress shall pass no law respecting the establishment of a religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. He wasn't claiming the state should outlaw religion or prohibit it's free exercise, he was saying the opposite. People are free to exercise their freedom of worship. He would be appalled to see that democrats have twisted his words to mean that we don't have freedom of religion in this country. For the government to say we can't have any religious displays on public property is the same as creating a government religion to limit our freedom of religion.

Democrats are very generous about the Bill of Rights. They'll let you exercise your freedom to worship as long as you're quiet about it.  

Democrats are always worried about the rights of persecuted minorities like atheists. Fortunately atheists are in the minority. The fact that 'scientists' can't tell us how we got here and Christians can is proof that there is a god. Hopefully atheists will always be a small minority of our population. And why should I mind if they choose not to believe? That's their business. What I mind is when they tell me I can't openly talk about my belief in God. And I mind that an unruly Supreme Court keeps passing laws against religious displays even though Congress is the law making body and not the Supreme Court. Democrats have a real dilemma; they can't admit they are anti religion because too many people in this country do believe in God. On the other hand if there's a god, as is stated clearly in the Declaration of Independence, then we get our rights from Him and not a man or group of men (or women). It's hard to be an absolute supreme being if everyone already believes in God. 

Homosexuality is the coin of the democrat realm today. Simply stated I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. The Bible teaches us that marriage is a sacred obligation between a man and a woman. Any contract between people of the same gender cannot be a marriage. 

Democrats explode at the thought. Today you are not allowed to even think that. You are not only a bigot you are a criminal. If you don't believe in gay marriage then you support beating gay people. You are dangerous to society. You belong in prison! But since there are no actual criminal statutes against being opposed to gay marriage yet they will settle for getting you fired from your job and shunned by the community. Certainly anybody who thinks homosexual marriage is a sin should probably be killed. Or at least be made a beggar homeless on the street. The Bible doesn't teach that homosexuality is wrong. At least that is what a few so-called Christian pastors tell their flock. That's road apples. The Bible clearly teaches us that homosexuality is a sin.

And of course we can't even discuss it because democrats have spoken and while they are very tolerant people they can't except speech that they say is unacceptable. After all freedom of speech can be dangerous if it isn't carefully controlled. 

Maybe someday democrats will embrace liberalism so we can enjoy the benefits of sharing ideas. 

Transgenderism, as it is called, is the comic relief of the democrat mind. Democrats have always claimed to be champions of women's rights. That was in 1972 when a democrat Congress passed title IX allowing women to enjoy greater access to sports on school campuses. Today, not so fast buckaroo. What if a man thinks he is a woman: can he compete in women's sports? According to the very 'open minded' democrat party he can. And just like that women's sports are becoming off limits to women. One of the big controversies about the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo is what to do about so-called transgenders. It's not easy being a democrat sometmes. it must be difficult when you are constantly painting yourself into a corner. 

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