Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Liberals v Democrats

 I hope it's possible for democrats to learn from their mistakes. Now a large chunk of Oregon citizens want to secede from their state. A few years it was counties in Northern California that voted for the same split. The talking heads keep saying we want to leave because of liberal policies, but I don't see it that way. Democrats are not liberals. They don't believe in free speech or freedom of religion, or many of our other civil liberties that we hold dear. Like freedom from unreasonable search and seizure and the rights of individuals to be free from unnecessary government intrusion into our lives. They believe in Group Think. We all think the same way or somebody has to go and they love to use force to get their way when persuasion doesn't work. In 1860 they believed so strongly in their opinions that they started a brutal and bloody civil war that almost destroyed the Union and it looks like they may want to do it again. 

Oregon has a democrat (not liberal) legislature and the USA has a democrat (not liberal) legislature so there is no chance that the wishes of those Americans will be considered. My fear is that when they've been ignored long enough Americans (not republicans or democrats) will engage in some form of peaceful demonstration such as perhaps stop paying their taxes for awhile. If a hundred thousand people in the same area withheld their taxes at the same and banded together it would be tough for even the Federal government to take serious action against them. Unfortunately democrats love power a little too much and they are always certain that they know more than the rest of us. Like King George in 1775 democrats are going to be surprised to learn that Americans feel strongly about our civil liberties and when the government continues to trample our rights we will kick back. 

And when democrats start kicking in doors looking for firearms to confiscate they will find they are up against an army of a little over one million pretty well armed American Minute Men who will be willing to stand up to the 40-50 thousand professional soldiers, many of whom will refuse to go to war against their own country. Democrats may think that just because they own all three branches of government, and thus wield the power of the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, they can do whatever they want and they're starting to push pretty hard, but there is a line they shouldn't cross or they will motivate that million plus man army to stand against them and they'll lose. 

They may want to, but they'll never disarm America. Shredding the Constitution is going to be a lot harder than they seem to think. When they control the White House and the Congress they absolutely wield a lot of power, but when they misuse that power they will find out how a motivated militia can put them in their place. And that is why democrats want to prevent American citizens from owning semi automatic firearms (or any other type of firearm if the truth could be told). Democrats don't care at all about school shootings or the shootings in inner cities, they defund the police so the chaos in the inner cities can gain momentum. They need to disarm law abiding citizens so they can wield unlimited power.

If they valued our democratic process they wouldn't be promoting racial division at the polls. They would admit that it is not racist to ask voters to show proof of identification before voting. If it isn't racist to ask for ID in order to cash a welfare check, or purchase a firearm, or drive a car, then it isn't racist to make people identify themselves before voting. 

Most Americans oppose teaching Critical Race Theory in public schools and agree that the 1619 project is only designed to further divide Americans by race. Democrats welcome race and class division and anyone who disagrees with them is a racist.  Liberals are at least willing to recognize that there are legitimate reasons why someone would disagree with Critical Race Theory and the 1619 project even if they happen to support those things, Liberals are not afraid to talk about those topics and they don't feel a need to destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with them. 

I think there may have been a time when democrats were liberals and hopefully someday they will embrace liberalism again, but for now democrats have hijacked the term Liberal and applied it to themselves because is just sounds so cool. There may be some democrats who are Liberals, but those who are, are out of step with their party leadership. 

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