Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 I keep asking people who hate Donald Trump the same question: What did he get wrong? About 99 percent of the time I get the exact same response. EVERYTHING! And they say it with great feeling. And then I ask another question. OK, but could you just give a few examples? And the response is always just as predictable. He's a liar. He lies about everything. Well clearly he hasn't lied about everything so I ask for examples of lies he told. 

"He said there were a hundred thousand people at some of his events and there were only about twenty thousand! He lies constantly. I can't believe you think he doesn't lie. Everyone knows he lies about everything." Then they say, "You say you're a good family man," a short pause, "You know he cheated on his wives and he probably lied to them." And of course I don't approve of unfaithful spouses, but I'm not sure he lied to them. I am sure that has nothing to do with him being a good president. The current hero of the democrat party is still Bill Clinton who first lied about his relationship with a very young female intern, then had to admit the truth. Then several women broke their silence and stated that they had been raped by him. Democrats are very casual about one of their own behaving badly. Basically their response to Clinton's accusers was something like, "So what? You should be proud that he chose you! Who wouldn't want to have an intimate  relationship with him? If you're complaining about that there must be something wrong with you!" And they don't care about his trips by air on a privately owned luxury jet called the "Lolita Express" to a billionaires lair on an island out in the ocean where the attraction is underage girls that will do sexual favors for the billionaire's guests. If you don't know that's disgusting you are in serious need of a good mental health professional. I have a close relative who I truly do love and not long ago I asked him the same question because he made some anti Trump assertions. I asked him what Trump lied about and he thought for a minute and said, "I can't think of anything right now, but he does." A couple of days later he approached me and said, "You know, I really can't think of anything he has lied about." That man ended up voting for Donald Trump. People who can be honest and objective with themselves were and are Trump supporters. 

One thing you can say about people who hate Donald Trump is they may not know why they hate him, but they are very passionate about their hatred. Back to the question I asked them about the lies he told they never have any concrete examples, instead they change the subject. He's mean! He's a mean man  and he's a pervert. He's been married three times.

He basically ran a campaign based on protecting our borders and making America strong. It's a little weird that Americans would think those are bad ideas. I've asked a lot of people what he lied about and no one has provided an answer yet. 

He worked for free. Kind of a good trait in a politician that really doesn't need the money. Nancy Pelosi is not working for free and she doesn't need the money. Ditto Heir Schumer and I'm sure there are lots of democrat elected officials being paid and don't need the money. Diane Feinstein is another great example. 

He was able to get a tax cut for most Americans- a good thing

He announced to the world that he was going to put the interest of the USA before the interest of other countries and said he expected other world leaders to do the same- another good thing.

He met with Kim Jung Il and persuaded him to stop firing missiles into the Sea of Japan- a good thing.

He got other members of the UN to pay their fair share of the costs- good thing.

He helped broker a deal between Israel and some other Arab nations in the Middle East- a good thing.

He started on a wall across the Southern border- good thing.

He established a working relationship with Vladmir Putin and democrats accused him of getting rich off of that relationship. They didn't provide any evidence, but democrats never do. Taking time to prove their case is a waste of time, especially since they know they have no case. 

He raised the standard of living for every single demographic in the country, partly by providing relief from extreme regulation that was especially harmful  to small business owners. His manner of speech wasn't particularly polished and he wasn't much of a diplomat in some ways, but he did have a way with people and that helped him deal with the leaders of foreign nations. 

He stood up to the Iranians and shattered the deal Obama made with them, making it much more difficult for them to enrich uranium to be used to make weapons that could be used against Israel or anybody else. And at the same time he was able to broker a business alliance between Israel and some of its Muslim neighbors. 

And yet his detractors, continue to say he lies, and his ex-wives probably don't like him very much, which may be true, but that hardly has anything to do with his abilities as president. I wonder if that means that democrats have all dumped any of their friends that cheated on their spouses or are divorced. That seems very unlikely to me. 

In the end unfortunately enough of his supporters turned on him that now we're blessed to have Uncle Joe, Aunt Kamala, Princess Cortez and her Gang of Four (sounds ominously familiar) and we are already paying a price for it. Hamas is showering rockets down on Israel and Uncle Joe is about to restart Iran's nuclear arms program. I'm sure a lot of us can hardly wait to see just how much fun that will be. The XL pipeline has been cancelled and there will be other restrictions on domestic oil production and transportation. If something is successful democrats seem genetically predisposed to kill it. The price of fuel is already going up at a rapid rate. 

By any reasonable standard history will be very kind to Donald Trumps presidency. He was a little rough around the edges and he made some transition mistakes that he wouldn't have made if the more experienced members of his party would have helped him make a smooth transition, but he worked for all Americans not just those who voted for him. He worked for free and he put in a solid eighteen hour day. When was the last time any president did either of those things. And he  didn't have any support from people who should have been on his team. When democrats were criticizing him McConnell should have been explaining why he was doing what was best, ditto Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy. Too often they were silent when Trump was being trounced in the press and by Pelosi/Shummer. President Trump was criticized for over using his twitter account, but no one else was telling his side of the story. He did a lot and he did it all on his own. He is going to stand out as one of the greatest presidents we've ever had. 

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