Thursday, April 29, 2021


 The question may seem a little severe,  but what else can you call it when they are continually ordering us to pony up huge sums of money for whatever feel good project enters their heads? And make no mistake it is an order, disobedience to which could land you in prison or the morgue. One obvious example is the famous liar, Liz Warren. Liz used to be a Cherokee Indian until everybody found out that she was lying. And not only lying but receiving financial benefits for being a member of a Native American tribe. Is anyone demanding that she return the money? Not that I know of. 

She says that child care is part of infrastructure because it helps mothers and fathers get to work. If that faulty reasoning holds true then we should all be reimbursed for such things as tires and fuel. Hell, we should probably look to Uncle Sam for a new car every couple of years. Make mine a two door Bentley. I don't want anything too flashy. Democrats aren't just thieves they are also hypocrites. They claim they want unity then continue to push policies that they know are going to create division. If you don't win for than 49 percent of the vote you don't have a mandate to tax people to death just because it feels good doing it. How about claiming you are a champion of the Me Too movement, but when a woman makes a complaint against a fellow democrat that woman is disparaged and harangued to the point that she doesn't even dare leave her house for fear of being assaulted by one of her fellow Liberals. 

And how about Bruce Jenner? He has to be a democrat nightmare. A transgender who votes conservative. Most Democrats create their own nightmares. They celebrate transgenderism then look at the floor with their hands in their pockets as women's sports are being destroyed. How are they going to justify not voting for him? That's right Caitlyn is a 'him'. He was born a male and that is just the way it is. Sorry Bruce. You can say you're a woman but you ain't. That being said though you just might make a very good governor as long as you continue to support conservative causes. My only hesitation with Caitlyn is that he has already made one huge very bad decision. And I'm not sure he won't go the way of almost all politicians who talk one way to get elected and then lose their minds when they learn how much fun it is to wield power over other people's lives. What will he say to legislation that forces hard working Americans to pay for transgender surgery? 

Are all Democrats thieves? we'll find out during the mid term elections how many democrats cross the line and vote for candidates who are pro America.  

Monday, April 26, 2021


How does any intelligent human being fall for the idea that the biggest threat the world faces is catastrophic global warming? I've read your books and they are jam packed with graphs and numbers and explanations about how global warming can occur, but most of them ignore all of the graphs and theories and warnings that just were either false (lies) or didn't occur. If you've followed the dire warnings from Al Gore, the UN, and multiple other agencies you know that we've already past the 'point of no return' in the nineties, or maybe even earlier so there's no point in worrying about it. Since there's billions of money to be made by scaring people into believing in the Global Warming myth the 'experts' keep revising the time until we will reach the 'point of no return' which is never since there is no such thing as catastrophic global warming. If you really want to believe in that fairy tale send me a couple of bucks, some of the cushions in my sailboat need to be replaced and I'd like to upgrade my GPS. And I'll tell you if it's a little hotter today than it was yesterday. Actually I'll tell you for free; it is significantly warmer today than it was yesterday. I'm not worried because tomorrow it looks like it will be about like it was yesterday. Don't throw away all of your winter clothes just yet. 

I don't pretend to be a scientist and I don't know a lot about carbon dioxide or how gases escape our atmosphere and somehow end up in space or something. I don't know much about 'brilliant' scientists or the thousands upon thousands of 'scientists' who all agree that we are about to explode in a huge fireball if I continue to heat and cool my house. Arrogant/ignorant people like to argue with me about, "Oh yeah! How about So And So! He/she has dedicated his/her life to science and he/she knows a lot more about global warming than you do!" 

Big Yawn here. I don't remember their names. Why should I? They may be good at math and plotting graphs based on whatever thing they are trying to prove, but they have been consistently wrong for over 40 years. Why would anyone with any common sense remember their names? 

Ive been surfing and sailing the West coast for over fifty years. If the Pacific Ocean is rising here it's doing it at a very unimpressive rate. And people who live in mansions right next to the sand tell me they aren't worried about 'global warming' and rising oceans. The tide comes and goes on a regular schedule. I've been watching the tides come and go for most of my life. It rises and recedes about the same now as it did when I was a kid. None of those mansions seemed threatened in the least. I've had my sailboat in the same marina for over thirty years and we haven't had to make any modifications to accommodate rising tides, oceans, seas, or whatever. It is still colder in the winter than it is in the summer so nothings changed there either.

If the earth is heating up by a couple hundredths of a degree every year just calm down. After awhile it will begin to cool off again. Far from being a Chicken Little Global Warming Fool I'm an ecologist. 

If you want to talk about people who leave trash on the beach when there are empty trash cans everywhere I'm with you all the way. That should be a fifteen thousand dollar ticket. And heaving waste overboard into the ocean should be enough grounds to confiscate your boat. 

Global warming alarmists should be laughed at as the liars they are. They should be ignored. And any legislator who wants to waste our money and time 'fighting' global warming should be voted out of office at the earliest opportunity. 

Green energy is good. Look to hydrogen as the cars of the future. Teslas are probably polluting the planet as much as my old Jeep. Solar energy is great. I've got solar panels all over my roof because just like I don't pollute the great outdoors with my trash I don't like polluting the air either. Clean water is another issue of mine. Stop throwing toxic chemicals into the streets where the runoff ends up in our ground water and oceans. 

Global Warmers are a blight on our community. True environmentalists look for ways to combat ignorance and provide information that helps people do small things that really are beneficial for everyone. We don't want your money. We just want your hearts and minds. Recycle. Put your garbage in a garbage can and don't throw trash into the ocean when you are out fishing or entertaining friends on your yachts. 

As near as I can tell almost fifty percent of the people in this country support political candidates who want to raise our taxes (steal more of our money) to combat something that doesn't exist. 

Isn't that kind of dumb?

Sunday, April 25, 2021


 I'm tired of government overreach. The idea that it is the government's job is to keep us safe is true but there are limits. We've been dealing with this pandemic that was probably deliberately started by China as part of an effort to see how easy it would be to cripple the economies of certain countries, like ours. And it seems likely that they're surprised at how easy it was to create a virus in a laboratory and then use their own citizens to deliver it to the world. The Chineses citizens they chose wouldn't even have to know that they were part of that grotesque experiment. When a despot has control of billions of lives there is no limit to the damage he can inflict on others. 

Due to the heroic efforts of our medical community, along with the political support of  President Trump, a vaccine has been developed and delivered in a very short period of time. Unfortunately heavy handed government pressure has crippled our economy and cast a pall of gloom over our nation. The most visible mark of the heavy had of government is the mask. There is very little evidence that wearing a mask is even helpful. And now they're telling us that even after everyone who wants a vaccination has received one we will still be required to wear masks and practice social distancing. Why? 

Well even the experts don't seem to know that. Do masks help? It depends on who you ask and what their motivation might be for continuing to require a mask. If the motive is to slow down or even to stop the spread of covid 19 then we should not be required to wear a mask in the near future. If the motive is to see how long we will allow a bloated bureaucracy to push us around our great grandchildren will be wondering why they are being required to wear a mask everywhere they go. If our government is lying to us and they know more about this virus than they are willing to share then who knows? 

I'm already fed up. I rarely wear a mask anywhere anymore. I've been fully vaccinated but that doesn't seem to impress anyone. I shop online. I put the mask on a couple of days ago to eat in a nice restaurant, but it was so depressing. Most of the tables were off limits, the menu was modified and I had to order before being seated. And the fear was palpable. Americans are supposed to be fearless. Schools should be open, churches should be open. All government offices should be open. Under the best circumstances the Social Security Administration offices are hard to deal with, now with the coronavirus excuse all government offices are closed and public employees are on a paid vacation. 

Even with a mask try entering a 'public' courthouse, or even your local police station. Nope! Sorry we're not allowed to work right now, or for the foreseeable future, because there is a one percent chance that we might get coronavirus and die. Of course we are getting paid. You don't expect us to not work for free do you? After all we are public servants. Patrol officers are out there everyday even though a huge portion of our society seems to hate them they continue to do their best to protect others at great peril to themselves, and grocery stores are open. And banks. We need to end this thing now. Get vaccinated. 

We need a mask revolution. 


No matter how you look at the way George Floyd died he is no hero. He was a criminal who decided to fight the police because he thought he was big enough to beat them. As it turns out he wasn't. Losing George was no tragedy. 
On the other hand convicting Derek Chauvin should not have been an easy decision and I hope he gets some relief from the appellate court. No matter how you look at even that video Chauvin is not guilty of murder. Manslaughter possibly, or involuntary manslaughter, but not murder. Murder is a crime of intent and there is not any evidence that suggests Derek Chauvin intended to kill George Floyd. And there is no evidence at all to suggest that Floyd was attacked because of his race. He just lost the fight. A fight that he started because he thought he was big enough to win. 
The jury was under extreme pressure to reach a guilty verdict. There were thugs lining the streets of the city every day shouting threats, and not long ago the same thugs had burned and looted the city and now they were threatening to do it again. A congresswoman threatened violence if the jury didn't render a guilty verdict. This case demanded a change of venue if it was to have even a partial chance of a fair trial.  
All this trial really shows is that if you put a loaded gun to a jurors head, you will probably get the verdict you want. 

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Southern Man

 I was watching the news regarding the border between the Untied States and Mexico. King Biden has invited people from Central America and Mexico to invade our country and they are heeding the call. Who is benefitting the most? Drug cartels. They have cornered the market on human smuggling by murdering the competition. They are literally throwing children over the wall between Mexico and the US and are reaping huge financial benefits. And apparently children are being held in confinement under extreme conditions by government officials appointed by King Biden to make sure they are ok. This has happened to kings throughout history. King George assumed he was universally loved by all of his subjects until he received a letter from 56 colonists informing them that they were no longer his subjects and he was no longer their king. 

So-called journalists who got him elected are now being barred from visiting these 'facilities'. And even Senators from Texas are being denied a peek inside. It is all happening in Texas and even the governor of Texas is admitting he is powerless to interfere. Republicans are cowards. The governor has the manpower and the authority to put a ring around any facility in his state and shut it down. He has the authority to demand entrance and ensure that everybody detained there is being treated humanely. 

And of course virtually all journalists in the country should hang their heads in shame. If they refuse to report on the evils of human trafficking, especially in the USA, then they have lost whatever conscience they may have ever had. I don't like Hunter and Joe Biden being bribed right in front of us by foreign governments, but that is one thing politicians are good at. It bothers me that reporters allow obvious abuses by one party, but they report vigorously when there are rumors against another. 

We have almost four years to find a man or woman of courage who believes in America to run against the next person democrats come up with. I have very little faith in the Republican party to come up with anybody. It won't be Donald Trump I hope. I love him, but he'll be too old by then. There must be a young person who believes in the Constitution of the Untied States of America who can defeat the democrat candidate who will most likely be Kamala Harris. And what an embarrassment she is to any decent American. Whenever she is asked a question all she can do is laugh like a fool. Apparently she has been assigned some sort of oversight over the border crisis, but she won't go anywhere near the problem. The best reason I can think of for her staying away is plausible deniability. If she refuses to take a look she can claim she has no knowledge of anything going wrong at the border. 

This is the greatest nation in the history of the world and it is worth saving. The Declaration and the Bill of Rights are two of the most powerful documents ever written and we need to study them both carefully. We are governed by the Constitution and a system of laws, not Executive Orders written by people who wish they were kings or queens instead of mere presidents. 


 In posting this I don't want anyone to misunderstand. I am not a Republican, not by a long shot. The Republican platform closely resembles my set of values and my vision for this great country, but there hadn't been any real party leadership since the days of Ronald Reagan until Donald Trump decided to run I wouldn't have even voted in that election if it hadn't been for Donald Trump. 

Most politicians have a vision for themselves, but that's about it. The pay and benefits for members of Congress are outstanding. Donald Trump already had a great pay and benefits set up so he did't need to feed at the public trough. That's why he refused to be paid for his services as president. But even before that he laid out some clear goals to improve and strengthen America's position in the world. 

For some reason democrats always put other country's needs before ours.  They seem to be obsessed with the idea of one world government. In the case of our Southern border it is for the votes. In the case of other countries like China it is probably for the bribes. It looks like the Chinese government has some very creative ways to bribe foreign government leaders including our own. Look at what is going on with the Bungling Bidens. It looks an awful lot like they are benefiting a great deal from 'business' dealings in Ukraine and China. After eight years of democrat rule our country was weak in the eyes of the world. American corporations were relocating to China and our workforce was suffering, all so a few American billionaires could work toward becoming trillionaires, and while the Chinese government used the money pouring in from the United States to build up their military might. 

We've given them a navy as formidable as our own and helped them build better ballistic missiles and guidance systems so they can menace their neighbors in that region of the world. We've also given them an outstanding air force with fighter planes and bombers with excellent targeting capabilities and enhanced their space program. A bittersweet irony in all this is that we are doing it all off slave labor. Democrats pretend to hate our own history of slavery, but don't mind at all that we are benefitting from slavery in other countries and even helping one of the biggest threats to world stability increase their military might. We did the same thing for the old Soviet Union in the decades before Ronald Reagan was elected. The Carter administration helped the Soviets build up their navy while shrinking our own. His administration made sure that Soviet submarines were as good as ours in the interest of fair play. His reasoning was that if we helped them make better ballistic submarines they wouldn't be afraid we would attack them so they would feel a need to attack us first. The democrat mind is one big acid trip. Ronald Reagan destroyed the Soviet economy and used diplomacy to break up the Soviet Union and practically eliminated the Russian threat for decades. 

Clinton, that great model of human restraint and chivalry, and of course a very smooth talker, did a lot to court the Chinese government. The Russian government was in tatters so there wasn't much they could for him, but the Chinese government was very interested in American markets. They needed money so they could build up their military might and the USA was full of money and didn't care how foolishly they spent it. The boss of China was more than willing to help with that carelessness. Al Gore spent a lot of time in Southern California hosting 'Teas' for dignitaries from Korea and China. I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that hundreds of millions of dollars were discretely handed over to the Clinton campaign and the DNC during those events. Somehow a guy without a job amassed a fortune in the hundreds of millions of dollars. What Clinton excelled at was self preservation so he let Newt Gingrich save his administration by agreeing to certain tax measures that helped Americans and provided cover for his own shady deals. 

When Bill Clinton left office he was personally disgraced by several allegations against him of rape and the affair he had with a young intern in the Oval Office. He also had millions of dollars in the bank. And he left the world in a very precarious situation. He provided no leadership in the Middle East and he helped launch China to the forefront of world finance. American jobs were fleeing for China as were American corporations. The most likely reason United States corporations are huge supporters of democrat candidates is that democrats aren't concerned about this country as much as they are about wielding power over it. And the best way to do that is to get billionaires to give them lots and lots of money. China didn't have lots and lots of money but they did have a gigantic workforce, much of which could be forced to work for little or no money. And what businessman doesn't appreciate the benefits of cheap labor? Democrats and the bosses of China had one huge thing in common; a lust for power. China needed money and democrats knew how to help them get it. All the bosses of China had to do to get it was to give a big chunk of it to the DNC and when possible to a few key politicians.  And don't forget the benefits of cheap labor pouring over the border with Mexico. As long as democrats are in control American corporations can take advantage of a huge cheap labor market in China as well as cheap labor pouring in over our southern border. Money is what corporations care about, they couldn't care less about political parties and democrats consistently provide them with a huge workforce at very little cost. And democrats don't mind if American corporations move their operating base to China to avoid business taxes and very tough government regulations. Democrats are great at pretending to care about people and they've made some pretty good speeches about preventing human rights abuses throughout the world (and of course the United States is the biggest offender because we used to allow slavery). Their actions have consistently been the opposite. Bill Clinton made some self serving statements about human rights abuses in China and warned them that they needed to do something about it if they wanted to continue to enjoy a good working relationship with the United States. At least that's what he said in public. And the money started pouring in. Not to the United States, but to the DNC and large American corporations. Money was flowing out of this country and into the Communist dictatorship of China. We were helping them build up their military might so they could someday attack their neighbors, hopefully while a Republican sat in the Oval Office. Throughout the presidency of Barack Obama the regime of North kept testing China's ballistic missile systems for them. They would detonate test nuclear bombs when they wanted to and they would fire missiles over Japan and into the Sea of Japan so the regime in China wold know the effective range and accuracy of the missiles. 

That was not going to happen while Donald Trump was in office and republicans controlled Congress. President Trump did more to make the world a safer and better place during his four years in office than any president since Ronald Reagan. The presidents Bush didn't do much good, but they didn't do much damage either. They were just weak leaders. The first George helped increase taxes, breaking a campaign pledge and ensuring that power hungry Bill Clinton became the next president. The next George got us into a war that has laster more than twenty years. President Trump did the most to de-escalate and bring that war to an end than any other president. Obama was the worst president we've had in a long time, possibly in the entire history of this country.  

President Trump was not a polished politician. That is not his personality. He speaks his mind and lets people decide what they will think of his ideas and actions. He has never been a person who sought the favor of others. And that didn't change after he was elected. Several times I wished he had the ability to soften the way he said certain things, but he was usually right so in the end it didn't matter to me that he didn't word things I might have. It was more important that he was honest with the American people than to be a polished politician. He never made fun of people with mental disabilities and he never disparaged any parents of members of our military who were killed or wounded in battle. Those accusations are false. Most people probably allow those of us with mental disabilities and people who've lost family members in wartime to hide behind those problems and say whatever they want and that probably isn't very helpful, but at least we aren't accused of being mean. President Trump did't worry about people thinking about him being mean or being nice. He was always himself. And America failed to realize that. He did more to help black people than any president since Abraham Lincoln. And he helped every other demographic as well. He did more to bring peace to the Middle East than any other president in our history. And he tried to end the endless war we became involved in in the Middle East. He brought jobs back from China and he did a lot to stabilize the currency. He did more to stop the theft of intellectual property than any other president. 

And he did it all for free. The so-called leadership of the Republican party hated him for winning the election. He was very tough on border security. And he worked constantly to strengthen our position in the world. World leaders were reluctant to say good things about him because his honesty and courage in dealing with them made them nervous. He was a man who couldn't be bought. If anyone said they had dirt on him he said, "Bring it on! Let's see it!" 

 He expected them to pay their share and follow the rules and he didn't mind telling them publicly when they were out of line but they respected him and usually did what he said. I'm still not sure if Mexico paid for the wall or not. Democrats childishly scoffed at the idea of the Mexican government writing a check to pay for the wall. There are myriad ways to make a person or entity pay for something and that is s concept that democrat leaders know very well. They know how to take bribes and who to bribe. When the facts are against you you attack the person. That's why democrats held two farce impeachment proceedings. They knew President Trump was innocent even before he was elected. What really disappoints me is that the American people were so quick too forgive that madness. Not only did they forgive democrats for that completely foolish act they elected a man who has been demonstrably senile as president. There is a good chance that in a year or two Americans will wish they had re-elected President Trump. Especially if the democrats crown queen Kamala Harris to take over in the White House. 

And that brings us to the current occupant of the White House. Uncle Joe. What can you say about Uncle Joe? Not much and they spent an entire campaign season doing exactly that. The more we learn about him the more obvious it becomes that he is clearly not qualified to do much. Certainly not as President of the United States. Or Senator, or whatever he was running for. For all he he knew he was running for Dog Catcher of Scranton Pennsylvania. Despite his obvious brain lapses, luckily for his handlers he could hide behind the pandemic, stay in his house in Delaware and not be bothered by press conferences and other nonsense. And the 'journalists' of America breathed a collective sigh of relief because they hated Donald Trump. Donald Trump was pro America and that is unforgivable. 

In contrast to Donald Trump Uncle Joe wanted to be seen as everybody's uncle, or brother. His father and grandfather called him 'Joey' and how cute is that? Kids in the pool like to go under the water and rub his legs. Isn't that just a little creepy? About half of the time when his handlers let him talk he manages to put his foot in his mouth. Despots the world over are salivating as he reverses everything President Trump did. And now he is issuing Executive Orders that negate amendments to the Constitution. And for some reason people think those orders are binding on the public. King barry used Executive Orders to change the law regarding Obamacare and nobody stopped him. Now Uncle Joe is doing the same thing. With the same result. King barry said that when Congress failed to act he had to do something. And now Uncle Joe is saying the same thing. The only things that can be said in his defense is he didn't elect himself. Moronic Americans did that, and he may not know what he is doing. His handlers are telling him what to do and he is doing it. This could be an example of elder abuse. 

We will soon know if King Biden will survive his first term in office. I'm not saying anyone is going to kill him, that will be unnecessary since all they have to do is declare him incompetent and BAM! Kamla Harris becomes president, possibly for six years. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021



The Declaration of Independence states that we are "endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights..."

No man created us. Therefore we were most likely created by God.

And when Thomas Jefferson wrote his essay which included the idea of a wall of separation between the church and the state, he was not saying there couldn't be any references to religion on public property. He was emphasizing the fact that Congress is constitutionally prohibited from passing laws prohibiting the freedom to worship. He would be disgusted by the way his words are being twisted today by people who wish to suppress religious freedom in America. 

One of the primary goals of the democrat party is to abolish the Constitution. They can't admit that yet because too many Americans like the Constitution and the protections it offers. The evidence that democrat party leadership want to abolish it is demonstrated below in their efforts to take away the protections established in the Bill of Rights.

First Amendment:

Democrats want to abolish freedom of religion and freedom of speech. All Americans who support that raise your hand. 

As examples I offer the fact that people who refuse to participate in same gender marriage are put out of business by the government. And there have been cases of ministers of religion being prohibited by law from refusing to perform same gender marriage. 

And if you speak your mind concerning the same thing you can be fired from your job. There are a bunch of other examples but these two are bad enough. Another example is similar. Democrats say there are more than two genders. Medical science tells us there are only two genders yet anyone who voices that opinion again risks losing their employment since the democrat minister of free speech has spoken and there can be no debate. Further anyone who says there are only two genders may be found guilty of 'hate speech' whatever that is. 

Second Amendment:

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." 

Apparently if you think that means you have the right to keep and bear arms you are wrong. Somehow democrats have decided that means you don't have the right to keep and bear arms. Confused?

They say since we have the protection of the armed forces and various police departments we dob't need to keep and bear arms, and there are crazy people who sometimes abuse that right and go on a rampage and kill other people wantonly. 

So next time you are in a public place and some crazy person starts chasing you with a knife in his hand all you have to do is call the police and he'll leave you alone right? And once the Second Amendment has been abolished there won't be any more mass shootings of innocent people because as soon as a crazy person starts shooting all you have to do is call the police and he'll stop right?  RIGHT!

How about this as a more likely scenario.  A crazy person starts chasing you with a knife and you use your firearm that you are constitutionally allowed to carry and you shoot that person and end the attack. Then you call the police so they can investigate. Same thing for the mass shooter. As soon as the crazy mass shooter begins the attack you use the same weapon to stop the attack. That makes much more sense to most of us. 

A lot of democrats claim they support the Second Amendment and their bobble head representative pretends to agree, even stating so publicly, but when the voting starts they vote against the right to keep a gun every time. The assault on the First and Second Amendments has been going on for a long time.
Now democrats have set their sights on the Fourth Amendment. 

What is the Fourth Amendment?  I'm glad you asked. It is the right against unreasonable search and seizure. It says that the police cannot barge into your house anytime they want and start confiscating your property. If the police want to enter your home, office, car, or any other place where you store personal property they must write a report and present it to a judge and it has to explain why they need to invade your privacy and why the judge should issue a warrant ordering them to violate your personal property rights. 

The Biden DOJ is petitioning the Supreme Court to make broad exceptions to the rule. For example what if someone says there is a gun in your house that may not be in compliance with state law. Since guns are inherently dangerous then of course the police have an obligation to act immediately in case the gun is in fact inside the house and theoretically could be used in a crime. They want an additional 'public safety' exception. I like the police but I don't want them to be given permission to barge into my home whenever they want. 

If we give them the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments the other seven will follow in rapid succession.

Do you want to be forced to testify against yourself when being interrogated by the police? Then keep the Fifth Amendment.

How about the right to be represented by a defense attorney if you are accused of a crime? Then hang on to the Sixth. 

If you think a life sentence is appropriate for shoplifting then give up the Eighth Amendment. Fewer chiefs, fewer thefts right?

How about a trial by jury? If that is a waste of time give them the Seventh Amendment.

Maybe you love the armed forces so much that you won't mind if they get tired of sleeping in a barracks and decide to move you out of your house for awhile so they'll be more comfortable. Just give up your Third Amendment rights.

The Ninth and Tenth are basically providing the states the assurance that they can pass laws governing their own citizens. Obviously all we really need is a strong central government and states don't need to govern themselves so we can give up on those wasted amendments. And that pretty much sums up the democrat view of our future. 

We need a minority rule government with a strong monarch, or king (or queen). That will be much more efficient than haggling among the various representatives who then are under the necessity of making certain concessions to each other which benefits all of us. 

The case in favor of the Constitution is overwhelming. We need it. We don't need to be ruled by a monarch or a dictator. And just in case it didn't occur to you, once you give up your constitutional rights the only way to get them back is by going to war against your monarch. Our ancestors in America already did that. We need to honor their memory by sticking to what works; a constitution that puts restrictions on government and keeps us free from unwarranted government intrusion. 

I see you. Yeah that's right, the democrat in the middle of the room waving her hands and shouting "What about guns! What about a woman's right to choose! What about the imminent destruction of the entire world because of global warming!" 

I know, I know, I've heard it all before. Believe in those things if it helps you feel better. Just don't try to force me to believe in them.