Wednesday, February 15, 2023

State of the Union

 I'm still wondering why anyone votes democrat anymore. How does that even happen? Democrats say everybody lies so it doesn't matter which party you support yet they continue to vote democrat every time. Let me share a recent tale from Uncle Joe during the State of the Union address. I'm sure there were several lies told, but my favorite was when he said that Billionaires don't pay their fare share of taxes, which may actually be true, but he seemed to be implying that democrats wanted to do something about it, as if they had that kind of power. Then he said that Republicans in Congress wanted to stop Medicare and Social Security payments. 

I'm sure there are some people who believe that, I'm skeptical. When Republicans in the room shouted 'liar' and booed him Uncle Joe put his other foot in his mouth; he said he was willing to show us the proposal if we contacted his office and requested a copy. He also said it had the names of the Republicans who submitted the proposal. So ok, I'd like to see it. If he's telling the truth I'll know who to oppose next election cycle. If he's not, which is what I'd bet if I could find anyone brave enough to bet against me, then I'll know he's told just one more lie in a very long string of lies. You can't just stop paying people when they've spent years investing in it. Democrats have convinced at least half of the people in America that people who receive social security and medicare are getting some sort of government welfare which is a lie and once again they know it's a lie. Democrats thrive on internal strife. They love turning people from different races against each other and women against men and rich against poor, anything that divides Americans as a people democrats will do it. 

A unified America is a nightmare for democrats. How can they get black to vote for them if black no longer need government handouts? How can they get women to vote for them if women ever find out that they are not being cheated, that they are paid the same as men for the same work and what if women find out they do have a right to an abortion if they want that, just not while the baby is being born. There has to be some limits. I don't know this, but hopefully most women do oppose infanticide. A united America would create more successful people from all backgrounds. Successful people don't want the government involved in every aspect of their lives. Democrats need needy people. And democrats need to make sure that young Americans resent older Americans. Kids need to realize that they are paying social security taxes just like everyone else and someday they will also benefit from the savings. 

What Uncle Joe was suggesting is that in a plan that was proposed by a Republican from Florida named Richard Scott, and has been rejected by every thinking member of Congress, Senator Scott wants all federal laws to sunset every five years and reconsidered by Congress. Frankly that sounds stupid to me and according to him it is not targeted at Medicare and Social Security, which it looks like just about all of the members of Congress, regardless of political party, consider entitlements. An entitlement is something a person expects to get even if they don't do anything to earn, or deserve it. Americans have been paying for their Social Security retirement since 1935. They've been paying for Medicare since 1965. 

I have no idea how politicians become so stupid. If a person pays for something over a period of time had has been promised that at some point in their lives they will have earned a benefit for that payment, when the time comes for the entity that has been collecting the payment has to pay that is not an entitlement. That is paying a debt that is owed to the individual who has been paying a premium for years. Simple logic will tell even the dumbest democrat or Socialist that a person who has been contributing to Social Security and Medicare is not asking for an entitlement. They are demanding to paid what they are owed. It looks like most democrats don't even know how either program works. It is obvious that democrats hate social security and medicare. They want young people and immigrant to think it's something older Americans get for free so they promise young people and immigrants that, 'if you vote for me I will fight to make sure you receive the same free benefit as retired people get.' Then they start shouting, "Medicare for all! Medicare for all!" Never telling the truth about Medicare, that it costs retirees a lot of money, and even if a person is receiving Medicare they still have to buy a supplemental insurance policy to cover the things not covered by Medicare. And Medicare doesn't cover any dental needs. I really think they are lying intentionally when they make such claims, I don't see how they could be that ignorant of how the system works. 

In fact they keep robbing from people who are owed Social Security payments. They use Social Security accounts for whatever they want then promise to pay it back. When insurance executives do that they are sent to prison. And Medicare baffles democrats even more. They keep telling everyone that it's given to all Americans over 65 years old for free. I'm over 65 years old and I pay almost two hundred dollars a month for a government insurance plan that only pays eighty percent of my medical bills. I admit that sounds like a lot, but so is the twenty percent that is left so I purchased a supplemental plan to cover the twenty percent Medicare doesn't pay and hospitalization. Then to get the prescription portion costs another premium, so-called Medicare part D. So you have parts A&B, and part D. it is confusing and it is a government managed program, but it is not welfare for geezers it's something geezers paid into for years and finally get to collect. 

Somehow democrats have figured out that if I pay the government two hundred dollars a month for something that I'm receiving an entitlement. That I'm asking for something I didn't earn. I paid a Medicare tax every time I got paid, and now I'm paying almost two hundred a month to keep this 'benefit' that democrats claim I never earned, and the Medicare premium has increased a couple of times over the years. I'd love to hear Richard Scott and Kevin McCarthy explain to all of us how Medicare and Social Security are entitlement programs. And they are both Republicans. I expect democrats to lie in an effort to make themselves look better, but not Republicans. Uncle Joe did it when he claimed that Republican legislators wanted to Sunset Medicare and Social Security when in fact the proposal came from one of the dumbest Republicans in Congress, roughly equal to the smartest democrat in Congress. 

In my opinion any legislator, Republican, democrat, Socialist, Independent, whatever, who thinks Social Security or Medicare are entitlement programs should be fired, voted out of office, impeached, whatever is the quickest method of getting them out of office. I'd even force them to run down the streets of Washington D.C. naked no matter how old or ugly they are. Any legislator who thinks we need to raise the debt ceiling should be given the same treatment. Taxes are way too high. There is a lot of theft occurring through Congress. Government contracts are being handed out to friends of legislators and too often there is almost no oversight. I'm sure that Billions of dollars are wasted or stolen each year due to lack of government oversight.

Uncle Joe is possibly in the top two percent of the biggest thieves ever to work in the Federal government. Somehow we allowed him to rise to the highest office in the land. He bragged about withholding a billion dollars from a foreign government if they didn't fire a prosecutor who was conducting a criminal investigation of a company who was paying Uncle Joe's son millions of dollars. He was only the vice president in those days, but it worked. The prosecutor was fired and the investigation stopped. Too about half of country, including some Republicans, that sounds like corruption. We haven't usually condoned firing prosecutors for conducting criminal investigations even if we happened to like the person or groups who are being investigated. We used to be opposed to corrupt law enforcement practices now we reward them. And worse Uncle Joe has a drug addled son who has no known abilities at all other than he was able use his father's influence to get accepted to Georgetown University, and then Yale Law School and somehow he was able to stumble across those very prestigious campuses enough times to help them feel somewhat comfortable awarding him a degree. His father's influence has also allowed him to become a millionaire 'working' for foreign companies who pay him tens of millions of dollars for doing nothing other than provide access to the political operations in the United States. 

Uncle Joe also wants us to believe he has created tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Too many politicians want us to believe they create jobs. I'm not sure how that is even possible. They award contracts to people who then hire other people to do jobs that need to be done. So if we are paying people to do work that doesn't need to be done I guess that could count as 'creating' a job, but I'm not sure that is a good way to spend tax money. There could be times when that is necessary but any job like that should definitely be Sunsetted. Democrats have perfected the art of creating problems and then solving the problem they either created themselves or helped to create.

We were just the target of a massive worldwide pandemic that most people won't acknowledge came from a laboratory in China. Wuhan China to be precise. The lab is called the Wuhan Novel Coronavirus Lab. Democrats won't even consider the possibility that the virus spread from there. That simply is ridiculous according to them because there are bats in Wuhan that can spread the virus so that's where the coronavirus started; it started in an open air market down the street. They don't even want to consider the possibility that it came from that lab and eventually thanks to Rand Paul, Republican Senator from Kentucky, we got a glimpse of the reason why democrats are so scared of investigating that lab. 

The United States of America has been spending who knows how much money creating viruses in that lab supposedly in an effort to create vaccinations for those viruses. That sounds a little bit stupid to me. In fact it sounds very suspicious to me because viruses can and are used as weapons to deliberately infect large populations of people. And we were and probably still are spending an unknown number of millions of dollars to create viruses that can be used as weapons in a war, then trying to create a vaccination against it, and we are doing that in the middle of one of our most dangerous enemies. Smart. This points to the greatest weakness of Donald Trump's presidency. He retained people who work for the Deep State in America. No one talks about the Deep State anymore, but it still exists and it is just as dangerous as ever. I doubt that President Trump even knew about the work our country has been paying for in that lab. If he had known he might not have allowed Dr. Fauci to shut down this entire country.

For two years nothing moved in America. Store shelves were empty. Very few people were allowed to go to work and the few who did had to wear a mask over their faces covering their mouths and noses. It didn't matter that no one knew if the masks were effective, and it turned out that they really weren't. Traffic was a breeze because everyone was afraid to leave their homes. I travelled the country during the pandemic. I practically had the freeways to myself. There were a few hotels that remained open and they were empty. And everyone was scared. It was like, "Please don't come too close to me, I don't want to die!" Meanwhile people were dying in pretty impressive numbers, but we'll never know the real count because the overwhelming majority of people who supposedly died  from the coronavirus already had a terrible disease that was going to kill them in a short period of time anyway. The coronavirus just speeded up the process a little. And that is not a callous description of people dying, it is an accurate picture of what was really happening; healthy people were not dying of Covid, people with compromised systems were. And democrats were locking them up in retirement homes and hospitals completely isolated from family and friends, left alone to die in a terrible situation. 

Healthy people weren't dying from the virus. Sick people were. I know dozens of people who survived the virus and for many of them it wasn't that bad. And I'm talking about old people. Old people were supposed to be the people who were dying the fastest, but not so. The only old people who were dying were sick old people. So anyway the country was shut down. Restaurants were closed, many small markets were closed. Lots of other types of businesses were ordered shut down and guess what? Unemployment skyrocketed. 

Funny how that works. Democrats weren't worried because all they had to do was pass a law prohibiting apartment owners from evicting people who could no longer pay their rent, the same went for anyone who rented any dwelling so a potential housing crisis was kicked down the road for awhile. Then they probably started mailing vouchers to people who had been laid off to help them feed themselves and their kids. The American economy was getting wrecked. We had to stand six feet apart in any public place. And wear masks over our faces or risk being arrested or cited for a violation. Most county sheriff's refused to go that far, but a few did actually arrest for refusing to wear a mask in public places such as grocery stores and gas stations. Since the police didn't know what section to arrest them for most of the arrests were for trespassing. I have no idea what the conviction rate was. Dr. Fauci's specialty seems to be infectious and imune-repressive illnesses, especially HIV/AIDS. He has shut down the most influential country in the world and nobody understands why. During that time the United States spearheaded an effort to produce a vaccination in record time to be used on everyone in the world before anyone knew how safe it was and there have been some serious and real safety concerns. How effective is it? Nobody knows. I took the first two doses because without it there were some places of entertainment we weren't allowed to enter with proof vaccination, some restaurants had the same rule, and no one without proof of vaccination was allowed to fly commercial carrier. 

Fauci himself has stated he has no idea where the virus came from or how it spreads, if it is always fatal, what groups of people are at the biggest risk? He doesn't know any of that, but we just let him stop all commerce. Kids could no longer go to school. Teachers could only teach online. Resorts were closed. Most hotels and restaurants were closed. Novelty stores closed. Even Hallmark! No more cards sent to people we care about. Except for Amazon. What a lucky break for Jeff Bezos! Democrats constantly claim that they hate billionaires who don't pay their share of taxes, which is a bogus claim, they pay enough in taxes, and possibly the wealthiest man in the world gets a gift from Covid-19. It was just about the only way to shop for necessary items for over a year. Grocery stores were open, but there was very little in them for anyone to buy.   

Jeff doesn't pay his people very well, but he pays enough tax I'm pretty sure. Rather than pick on Jeff for not adequately pay his employees, the poor guy is rumored to only be worth $120,000,000,000, I want to get back to the imaginary democrat solutions. Now that the pandemic is over and Anthony Fauci has given the green light, guardedly, to get back to work, people are going back to work and unemployment numbers are looking good finally. So Uncle Joe stands in front of all of us and claims he has created 800,000 thousand "good paying jobs" in the two years since he became president. I don't know what a democrat considers a "good paying job" for one thing, but how is allowing people to return to work after ordering them to stay home even considered creating jobs? 

And just to prove that the Deep State is still alive and well, Uncle Joe reminded us all that he ran for President to 'fundamentally change things'. King Barry said he wanted to fundamentally change America as well. How exactly do you define 'fundamental change?' Wait a minute!! Why do we need 'fundamental change?' That phrase should at the very least cause every single adult person in the country to ask the question, "What is he talking about, we should always be looking for reasons to improve, but what does he mean by making fundamental changes?"

I haven't heard anyone ask that question and it's an important question. Barak Obama wanted to redefine what the United States of America stood for. He thought Americans had too much freedom. He complained that the Constitution put too many constraints on government authority and said the government should be more involved in our lives. Democrats don't like the concept of the sovereignty of the individual, preferring that the individual be obedient to the government bureaucracy. For them we weren't endowed by any Creator with any rights because there is no Creator. Everything we have is a gift from other men who have formed governments to rule over people and provide for them and in return for the 'gifts' provided by the government we give to government leaders whatever they require because it is through their wisdom and benevolence that we are provided for.

They want a king or queen to rule over us. King Barry worked toward that goal and via Executive Orders was getting closer to achieving that goal. He would have succeeded if the American people hadn't come to their senses and realized what he wanted to do was take America apart. Bloody Hilary was supposed to complete the coup, but luckily Donald Trump spoiled that plan. By any reasonable standard the United States of America is the greatest nation in the world so making 'fundamental change' shouldn't be on any person's mind. King Barry admitted that he wanted to fundamentally change America and now Uncle Joe is saying the same thing. 

And no one seems to care. Uncle Joe said he wanted fundamental change to ensure that the economy works for everybody, but he didn't specify where it needed improvement or how he envisioned making those improvements. His statement is actually scary to me. I don't want to fundamentally change this country. I want to make improvements wherever we can, but to tear down and start over just doesn't make sense. When Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House spoke of fundamental change he was careful to define what he meant. Democrats are always eager to increase spending and increase the tax burden on the American people if necessary in order to achieve their goals, but they never want to talk about spending cuts. And sometimes spending cuts are necessary. To Kevin McCarthy that represents a fundamental change in how we view the budget and put certain constraints on spending in order to reduce the tax burden on Americans. The sad truth is that neither party is willing to admit that we most likely need a combination of spending cuts and increased taxes for a couple of years. From what I can tell the biggest financial burden being carried by this country is the interest on the debt, and I don't pretend to understand who is owed the debt. What I do understand is inflationary spending and the importance of avoiding drowning in debt. Fifty years ago a gallon of gasoline cost about thirty five cents a gallon. Now it is many multiples of that and the same goes for everything else. One thing Kevin McCarthy is right about is the need for reduced spending. Republicans don't want to admit that we probably need at least a modest increase in taxes. If McCarthy ever finds the courage to propose meaningful budget reform it will be entertaining to hear the lies from democrats. "Republicans want to raise taxes on poor people! Republicans want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare! Republicans want to..." It will be the first time anyone will ever hear democrats claim that they are opposed to raising taxes because there won't be a corresponding wasteful spending plan to go along with it. 

In his State of the Union address the only thing Uncle Joe addressed specifically was Medicare and Social Security and he said Republicans want to stop payments, which is a lie. The truth is that neither party cares much about the beneficiaries of either program. According to the Social Security Administration website Social Security went untaxed from 1939 to 1983 when Republicans and democrats held hands and voted to tax Social Security benefits. The move might have been necessary because at the time most self described experts were saying there was a real danger of Social Security running out of money in a couple of decades if something wasn't done to save it. As usual it is difficult to say if the tax actually saved Social Security, probably not. I'm sure they all felt good about the decision, but it was probably a mistake, and then ten years later when democrats finally controlled everything they engaged in a feeding frenzy of spending on anything they could imagine. Showing their true attitude toward helping retirees they increased the Social Security tax from the already too high fifty percent they settled for in 1983 to eighty five percent in 1993. This obvious power grab cost them dearly at the polls when they lost both chambers of Congress during the mid term elections.  

Democrats' lust for power and spending was so great that they overwhelmingly lost both houses of Congress in 1995. Interestingly it appears that in 1983 Republicans and democrats were able to talk to each other and agree to accomplish goals together. Democrats wanted a greater than fifty percent tax on Social Security and  Republicans wanted something less. In the end they voted on a fifty percent increase. It's no surprise that most of what Uncle Joe said in his speech was untrue. He didn't create 800,000 good paying jobs, they didn't create any jobs at all. He said the last Congress passed three hundred new laws and that is frightening all by itself. It is highly unlikely that legislators had time to write and understand all three hundred laws, who knows what those laws were or how they affect the rest of us. They had to be passed based strictly on a partisan vote most of the time. There are a few people like Mitt Romney and a couple others who regularly vote democrat, that's what allows Uncle Joe to call it bipartisan agreement. 

I looked and looked for some sign that Uncle Joe's administration was capable of openness and honesty and couldn't find any. Especially his claim that he had a proposal on his desk from certain Republicans claiming that they wanted to stop social security payments. There are two Republican Senators who have made suggestions regarding Social Security reforms in political speeches made more than ten years ago. Uncle Joe just plain lied. There is no Republican plan to cut social security, period. Democrats never trust us to know what they really want because they can't. Education will always be their enemy so long as they oppose the Constitution. They always resort to fear and force and misinformation. That is why they wanted the Ministry of Misinformation; so they could intimidate anyone who disagrees with them. And what they didn't count on is that even most people who vote for them never listen to them. They have always voted democrat and they always will and when the new king they finally put into office ties a noose around their necks before kicking a chair out from under them they will be crying and wondering what went wrong. Incredibly they will most likely be blaming Republicans for their plight.  

We are fortunate that Republicans now control the House of Representatives. I admit to being nervous about McCarthy and Scott. I hate it when Republicans refer to Social Security and Medicare as entitlements. Those are programs we paid for and the payments were promised to all of us and we have a right to demand payment, not beg. The Supplemental Security Income scheme (SSI) is a brainchild of democrats and was passed in an effort to get more votes from illegal aliens and it may actually impact Social Security in some way, it was passed in 1993 when democrats controlled everything. In the very next election cycle they lost their majority in both legislatures but since it was not a presidential election year they retained the White House. It was that Republican Congress that saved Bronco Billy's reputation. Given another two years democrats would have succeeded in turning America into a completely socialist country. Newt Gingrich saved Clinton's butt. 

There will never be a democrat Speaker that saves a Republican president. They appear to be genetically predisposed to destroying America. They literally can't help themselves. The idea of individual liberty is repugnant to them. Just like the Tory's during the American Revolution wanted to save King George democrats today want to dispatch the Constitution and enthrone a monarch in America once again. Hopefully that will never happen. 

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