Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Haughty Democrats

Fortunately I can use a Thesaurus so I don't have to keep saying 'arrogant'. Democrats are completely predictable. Unlike Republicans who may regularly embellish, but very seldom lie, democrats lie even if the truth serves their cause better. The lie du jour concerns the presence of a Chinese spy balloon over the United States. It's there alright and it was first sited by someone in Montana. This is important because now the Biden administration is telling us that it first entered American airspace over Alaska on Sunday, January 28th. 

Now for the hard part so democrats especially need to try to keep up. Five days later someone in Montana looked up and saw something strange floating lazily way up in the sky and wondered what it was. Chase Doak was in his driveway when he noticed something unusual at what appeared to be a very high altitude  so he used his cell phone to video record it and called a few of his friends in town and asked them if they could see it. One of those friends was a news reporter and apparently that's when the Biden administration's cover was blown. 

The Balloon was shot down on Saturday February 4th but was meandering around the country since January 28th. Uncle Joe and his court jesters apparently thought they could keep it hidden from the American people, but on February 4th some Montana trouble maker not only saw it, but blabbed to all of his friends about it. One of his friends was a reporter and it didn't take long for the whole world to learn about it. It turned out that President Biden knew about it since the first day it entered American air space. Or maybe not. Other reports say he found out about it the day before the Montana blabbermouth saw it. Most likely he found out about it on Wednesday. 

President Biden said he learned about it on Tuesday and he wanted it shot down on Wednesday but his advisers said it was too dangerous to stop it from spying on our military installations and they should wait until the Chi Coms had all the information they were looking for then shoot it down after it was safely away from land and there was no longer any further intelligence to be gathered. So they allowed it to continue its journey until they were certain that the Chinese government had downloaded all of the information then shot it down over the ocean where currents could scatter any useful intel over a hundred mile area making it next to impossible to recover. Great job Uncle Joe!

And now dems are saying, "Hey what's the fuss? The Chi Coms do this all the time, it's harmless. And they even did it when Donald Trump was president!" 

Of course it turns out that the Chinese government probably has been doing this all during the Uncle Joe administration, this was just the first time they got caught. Democrats just don't see the point in keeping anything secret from people who want to destroy us. Why should we be keeping secrets from China, they are not our enemy we have no enemies. Unless you count people who vote Conservative. According to many leading democrats the biggest threat to the American way of life is the people who believe in the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights. The Chinese simply are not a threat. 

Well, maybe they're a threat if someone sees their spy satellites flying overhead and a lot of people think it should be stopped. Democrats don't consider that a national threat, it is something far worse; a political threat. It could cost them the election if it isn't handled properly. And when asked about the importance of keeping the location of the balloon from Americans General Ryder responded that it was ok with him if Americans looked up to see if it was above them, but the Department of Defense sure as hell isn't going to tell them where it was. Who do the American people think they are anyway? Who put them in charge? Honestly I kind of have a hard time considering Ryder a general. He has no leadership experience, never piloted a plane, never been in a combat zone. He is a leader the same way the manager at a major newspaper is a leader. He gets to wear all those ribbons, living off the exploits of people who are actually brave enough to put their life on the line. As far as I can tell he's never commanded a missile silo or even been inside one. Has he ever been directly involved in any of our satellite programs? It isn't on his Air Force resume if he has. It looks like his career path is pretty much a secret. 

How incredibly lucky we are! Our government has given us permission to look up and see if the enemy is above us! They don't have to tell us about enemy movements because we have our own eyes. If the enemy is attacking we will see it for ourselves. That's nice. As near as I can tell, and there is no way to know how accurate this is since the most open administration in American history is riddled with secrets, this balloon entered American airspace a week ago and was ignored, or at least kept a secret from us until some guy in Montana did what the great swashbuckling General Ryder gave us all permission to do; he looked up. 

And looking up he said to himself; "What the hell is that?" when he saw a large white object floating at what appeared to be a very high altitude. He wondered if it was a UFO or something. Later we found out it was a spy device from China that neither government wanted us to know about. Apparently, if you can believe Uncle Joe, and that is a gigantic 'if', the president was not advised of its presence until Tuesday. It was detected the previous Saturday, if you can believe the Biden Department of Defense, which again is a stretch, and he either 'ordered' or gave them permission to shoot it down on Wednesday. That was a problem for the DOD. Perhaps they hadn't confirmed yet from Beijing that they had downloaded all of the information they needed and would rather wait until the spy balloon had completed its mission and they had captured all of the information from it. Then it would be ok to shoot it down if that would help with any public outcry now that it had finally been spotted.

So some general told the Commander in Chief that it would be safer to allow it to complete its mission then shoot it down several miles off the coast of South Carolina. Uncle Joe and his court jesters are claiming the water is fifty feet deep where the balloon splashed down, but it is likely much deeper than that and even if it's only fifty feet the currents are going to possibly carry much of the debris miles away. In other words whatever they salvage it probably won't be much. And how come senior officials are always anonymous? If they don't know the answer to something they should just say they don't know. If something is classified Secret or higher, then they can say that. But if the Chinese dictator knows then there is really no reason why we shouldn't know too. And most likely the Chinese dictator has downloaded a lot of Top Secret information. 

Is there such a thing as a haughty Republican? Of course there is only they don't give away military secrets to our enemies, they just refuse to prosecute those who do. They promise prosecutions then they allow entities to obstruct justice until democrats take over again. And of course Democrats no longer have to continue the investigations so they just get dropped. Half of the voters in America are knee jerk democrats who share the belief that American security is an outdated concept that too many people spend too much time worrying about.

I maintain my hope that soon a strong America Party will emerge and put one or both of the current major party's behind us for good. We don't need a Department of Defense that isn't concerned with enemies spying on us and we don't need any generals from any military branch giving us permission to look up at the sky. It truly is impossible to embarrass a democrat. 

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