Wednesday, February 1, 2023

White Supremacy!

Well the inevitable has occurred, once again proving that white police officers go out on the streets of our cities after holding prayer meetings pleading for the opportunity to kill as many black men as they can. Yup! If you can believe it, five white supremacists armed with badges and guns murdered a young black man for no reason. This time there were a couple of minor deviations from examples such as the black hero, George Floyd, from Minneapolis. This took place in Memphis Tennessee, and the white supremacist police officers were all black, and the victim in this case most likely was truly innocent of any crime and he had no prior criminal history. Tyre Nichols was by all accounts an innocent black man who was severely beaten by at least four police officers. Unlike with George Floyd, a forever hero of the BLM mob and the democrat party, Mr. Nichols did not attack the police or resist arrest in any meaningful way. I have to be cautious with this because I know people think that when they have seen a video recording they've witnessed a real event when what they've really seen is the portions of a real event that the Newsies want them to see. 

In  1991 Los Angeles there was a scene captured on someone's video camera that showed four Los Angeles police officers wailing on a black man with their batons and using multiple taser darts on him. And that is all anyone saw. The original recording showed Rodney King attacking Officer Powell and throwing him on the ground. That was an important piece of the story that very few people were allowed to view. I think only one station showed that portion of the encounter and they only showed it one time. That was and important piece of the incident for people to see if we were to get a better picture of why the police did what they did. In the case of Tyre Nichols the video recordings I've seen only show the police shouting at him and ultimately dragging him out of is car and hitting him and kicking him. Nichols keeps insisting that he is cooperating, but it is hard to tell. At times it almost looks like the police are in his way as he attempts to roll onto his stomach, but he could be resisting since he does appear to keep sitting up. 

If he was under the influence of alcohol or drugs he may have thought he was cooperating. And we don't get to see the police car on board video camera that would show what the police mean by reckless driving which was the reported reason for the traffic stop in the first place. Because reporters are so completely biased against law enforcement and they clearly don't mind lying about the police, I need to see the recording from the police car in order to determine if he was driving recklessly. And we have to remember that when a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs that can cause them to be lousy drivers, even dangerous to everyone on the road. 

However even if all of the things I just mentioned turn out to be true I'm not sure they can justify the actions of the police officers. There is one scene in particular under a streetlight where a police officer appears to be kicking him in the upper torso or head, then once he is standing up another officer strikes him apparently with is fist in the face. One of the hits to his face appears to knock him out. Whether or not what the police did was criminal a jury will decide, but clearly they were not acting very professionally. 

What I don't see is any white supremacists anywhere in this incident. I don't see any white people at all and yet that is what democrats are claiming. Tyre Nichols is the victim of white supremacist police officers. And they are claiming that we need stricter federal laws regulating police officers. And some people wonder why I believe very little of what democrats have to say. Democrats like to ignore important truths such as we've passed a variety of civil rights laws that protect black people and ensure that they are given proper access to all public services and that they are not discriminated against because of their race. 

Voting laws have been passed to ensure that black people have the same right to vote as any other citizen. All of those laws were passed over the protest of democrats in both houses of Congress. Now democrats claim that they are the champions of civil rights for black people. Nonsense. What have democrats ever done to help black people? Nothing. Democrats have created a welfare state they claim will help black people when the opposite is true. The fact is that the welfare state slows the progress of every population that falls victim to it. Today democrats claim that we are a racist nation for a variety of reasons; no one should be allowed to vote without a valid identification card. 

Now black people are being bombarded with statements like Tyre Nichols was beaten to death by white supremacists who hated him because of is race. Hilary Clinton once stated about General Patraeus expected her to 'suspend disbelief' when she was trying to make him look like a liar even though he was telling the truth. Hypocrisy is the defining characteristic of the democrat party these days. You really do have to doubt literally everything your senses are telling you if you believe racism played a role in the beating those four black police officers administered to Tyre Nichols that night. 

Democrats won't rest until they have succeeded in destroying America or they are soundly defeated at the polls by Americans. Not by Republicans, but Americas. We need an 'American' party to put the country back on track. A party free from even the appearance of racism. Incredibly a lot of white supremacists love this country and want to defend our Constitution even though they have a mental illness that allows them to hate some people because of their race. And I'm not going to tell them to vote democrat. At least most white racists love this country and accept the Constitution as the law of the Land. Most of them don't believe in protected classes of people such as members of certain 'minority' groups including black people. 

I would say that it's time for us to tell the world that America is not a racist country, but most of them already know that. Even a cursory glance at the history of the United States tells us that most of the people who fought for independence were opposed to slavery including those who owned slaves. Obviously there were a few boneheads who supported slavery, but the Constitution was written is such a way as to portend the end of slavery in a peaceful manner, not the civil war the democrats embarked upon when they opened the war against their own country. 

You have to be a real dimwit to believe that America is racist today. We have a lot of problems and we continue to make some mistakes, but racism is part of our past not our present or our future. There will always be some slobs who hate people because of their race, but they are a very small portion of our country's population. They exist in every race and nobody with any sense pays any attention to them except for democrats who are always on the lookout for ways to make us look like a racist society. It's the only way democrats can win an election. Most Americans believe in the entire Bill of Rights including the right to freedom of speech and the right to self defense. 

Don't believe it. America is a great country where all people are welcome regardless of their race and everyone gets an equal chance to succeed or fail.  

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