Saturday, February 11, 2023


There are so many sub categories of types of government that it is hard to really identify government systems. We tend to think of Democratic, Socialist, Fascist, Nazi, and Communist, that's pretty much it. This oversimplification may be useful for elementary school children and possibly even into high school, but once we leave high school we should be able to learn the difference between how different governments work. Nazism, Fascism, and Communism always fail. Democracy and Socialism can work with a little bit of tweaking. Nazism and Fascism are led by military dictators who force the citizenry to conform to a narrow set of rules  and social norms. They are characterized by brutality and fear to keep a nation together. Communism is characterized by its class warfare which supposedly ends up with everyone in the country owning everything in common. Everyone does equal work and receives equal pay according to their abilities and needs; "From each according to his abilities; to each according to their needs." It assumes that everyone has the same goals and that everyone will contribute to the common good according to their abilities, and that there will be no envy or ruling class. Communism really makes no sense and will always fail.

Socialism is similar, but everything is owned by the government who then doles out jobs and businesses according to the desires of a ruling monarchy. When properly blended with a healthy capitalist system Socialism can work. Democracy is another form of government that cannot succeed in its pure form. When everything is decided by a strict majority vote the result will ultimately be a society where everyone will be ruled by a well armed class of people who will then always vote against the minority. 

What democrats seem to have a hard time with is the fact that the United States has some aspects of a democracy, we have public elections, but the elections are tempered by a brilliant system of checks and balances that are intricately connected. We are a Republican form of government. We hold public elections wherein eligible people are allowed to vote, but we don't elect a monarch. We elect a president who has carefully defined duties and wields limited power. We have representatives who represent the states and counties and ensure that the majority doesn't smother the minority. Each person living the United States has a set of rights that no governing body can violate without consequences. 

I don't know about everybody but in elementary school I was taught we are governed by a democratic form of government. I guess my teachers were confused by the fact that we all are allowed to vote, but that's just one component of our system of government. The president has very little actual power, the representatives have their well defined duties and the judges also have limits on their power. The most dangerous vulnerability to our system is the judiciary branch. They are supposed to study the Constitution and then write opinions based on what the Constitution directs us to do. 

And for a couple of hundred years judges had enough integrity to know that they had to make decisions based upon what the document actually says and even if they thought a law had been passed that made sense to them they had the ability to tell the legislators responsible for the law to make clarifications and corrections before writing a final legal opinion. This takes time, but it is worth it because it safeguards freedoms we need and enjoy. Over the past fifty years judges have been interjecting their personal opinions into their rulings and they've decided such things as a woman's Constitutional right to an abortion where it doesn't exist. The Supreme Court tortured one or more of the amendments to the constitution and decided that abortion was a privacy issue and therefore protected by the Constitution. Somehow the same law doesn't extend to my right to privately abort my neighbor who keeps parking his car in front of my driveway. 

And the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment is primarily meant to ensure that everyone living in this country has the right to self defense. Democrats have decided that since we have police departments and police officers carry firearms the rest of us don't need to be armed so in their opinion the Second Amendment should be repealed. And since America is generally a safe place to live there are a lot of people here who agree with that. Until someone comes at them with a knife or a club and stabs or beats them to death, then they think something like, "Gee if I had some sort of firearm right now I could be calling the police after I shot this guy who is stabbing me to death, instead of bleeding to death so someone else could sign a crime report assigning some police officer the responsibility of finding my killer." 

The Constitution works if we let it. It could have been amended to allow for the freedom of slaves if Democrats could have exercised some self control and engaged in a debate instead of firing heavy artillery at American military installations. Restraint has never been a problem for democrats; they simply don't see the need for them to control themselves. People who assume they are always right seldom see a need to discuss their position. If someone doesn't like it then democrats will find a judge who will allow them to turn law enforcement agency against the offending person. Once you've disarmed your opposition you can use your police officers and soldiers to beat them into submission. And it will all have been done constitutionally because judges who don't like the Constitution will have written so many unconstitutional rulings and passing their own laws that democrats will always get their way. 

And that is the fundamental weakness of the Republican party; they believe in the Constitution and they are willing to try to work within its parameters even when it doesn't allow them to have their way. Republicans will talk to anyone about anything as long as the discussion remains somewhat civil. And with some exceptions Republicans are honest. I can only think of one Republican president who actually lied to the people of the United States; George H.W. Bush promised to never support new taxes on the American people then he signed a bill that raised a variety of taxes including the income tax. He became a one term president. He should have vetoed that law. Live and learn. 

The biggest lie ever told to the American people was from Barak Obama who said that we needed a law that would provide medical insurance for everyone in the United States. It was to be a government run insurance scheme that wouldn't cost anybody anything, and no one would ever have to pay for medical care again because the government would cover all of the cost. Half of the people in the country jumped for joy because democrats don't realize that the government doesn't have any money except for the money it steals from the people through 'taxes'. And they derive the power to steal money from the people. Of course democrats deceive themselves into believing that means only people like Bill Gates and Mark Zukerberg will have their taxes increased, but not so. In fact men in that category often don't pay any taxes at all. No, the money is extracted, at bayonet point if necessary, from the half of the people who  are jumping for joy as well as those who can think for themselves and say, "Wait a minute. This Free Health Care is going to cost me a lot of money and I already have good insurance." I'm not sure when it dawned on everyone that not only were they about to lose their medical insurance, but their doctor as well.

And that's why B.O. had to promulgate the Big Lie. "Hey! If you like your inadequate insurance plan you've been using for years you can keep it. If you like your old blind and lame doctor keep going to him or her. We're not takin' nuthin' from ya, we're just offering something better." 

Half of us knew that was a lie and another democrat promise that would be impossible to deliver and half of us continued jumping up and down clapping their hands, "Oh boy oh boy oh boy! The government is finally going to force greedy millionaires to take care of me!" The rest of us braced for a real shellacking and we all got it. As soon as the so-called, and badly misnamed America Care Act was forced on everybody by a midnight vote on a Friday night, just about everyone in the country lost their health insurance. 

"What do you mean my doctor isn't covered by this great new government paid plan?" And then, "Wait, what do you mean I still have to buy insurance the president said the government was going to pay for it!" "Oh yeah", the president chuckled, "I forgot to tell you, the whole thing was a lie." Welcome to affordable insurance premiums with deductibles and copays that are so high none of you are going to be able to use the new insurance, and each insurance policy comes with a list of doctors and hospitals so you will probably have to find a new doctor and the hospital you like is also off limits now. People who worked for large corporations like Citicorp and Toyota got to keep their insurance since large employers were allowed to subsidize great insurance plans for their employees. And most government employees enjoyed the same benefit. Guess who got screwed; the people who were jumping up and down smoking dope and clapping their hands for joy as well as those of us who actually can think for ourselves and knew we were about to get screwed by the government again. 

The reasons for the democrat inability to think remain a real mystery, but the inevitable results of that inability remain a fact. So what does all that have to do with Democracy? During Uncle Joe's State of the Union address he said our democracy had survived its biggest threat since the civil war. What was he talking about? a small group of unarmed people who stormed the Capitol building on January 6, 2021, in an effort to express their dissatisfaction with the results of the recent presidential election. It was a stupid move, but hardly a real threat to our system of government. There was one fatality that day. A black police officer got scared and shot and killed an unarmed white woman who was also an Air Force veteran. Police brutality? Nope! He was just doing his duty and putting down a wild attack by an army of unarmed individuals who had declared war on America and were about to overthrow the government. Besides he was a black police officers and she was a white woman, just balancing the scales is all. 

Yes those who entered the Capitol building and committed acts of vandalism or other crimes should be prosecuted for their crimes. It was a bonehead move. There is a wrinkle however. It turns out that the FBI had paid informants who were hired to whip the crowd into a frenzy and lead them into the attack on the Capitol building. In the recent trials of the supposed insurrectionists none of that has been mentioned because at first no one knew about it. The director of the FBI made sure that was classified Top Secret information. We only found out because one or two brave FBI Special Agents came forward and told us about it. Of course they are not covered by the laws against  retaliation against whistle blowers and have been fired from their jobs, democrats aren't covered under our laws. They violate the laws whenever it pleases them and that's just the way it is. 

That's the way a pure Democracy works. The majority doesn't have to obey the law because they're the ones who write the laws and if they become subject to that law they find a sympathetic judge who will rule the law unconstitutional or they will repeal the law, or get the president to sign an Executive Order making a heretofore law inoperable for a period of time. And that is the main reason democrats insist our government is a Democracy when it isn't. And there are a lot of Republicans who seem to think we are living in a Democratic government as well. We aren't.

Our  system of government was threatened during the 2020 elections when democrats were allowed to throw away or refuse to count tens of thousands of ballots. There is little evidence of that because as soon as it was announced that any irregularities were going to be investigated democrats locked their doors and said, 'nope!' there is nothing here and there is no need for you to barge into our precinct and investigate nothin'. And when there is no investigation there is no evidence. And when the people under suspicion are given enough time to destroy evidence there really won't be anything to investigate. So I think democrats are telling the truth when they say there is no evidence. It is one of the very few times when they feel comfortable telling the truth. 

So no Joe, we did not survive a serious threat to our form of government, which is not a Democracy as I just pointed out, but a Republic. In his pathetic speech and I do mean pathetic, he claimed that he has created 800,000 new tech jobs, and that inflation is down. He also claimed that the price of gasoline is down a buck fifty from its highest cost, which may or may not be true, but he failed to state the reason gasoline costs more than ever is because of his stupid idea to fight climate change, which is a euphemism for American greed killing the planet, is to stop domestic production and ramp up foreign production. We can now purchase oil at inflated prices from governments who hate us, but will sell oil to us at inflated prices because they need the money and we are stupid enough to buy it from them. 

He took credit for low unemployment which he inherited from Donald Trump and incredibly hasn't been able to raise that number despite all of his efforts. Donald Trump inherited a 9.4 percent unemployment rate from King Barry and Uncle Joe. In less than four years he reduced that number to 3.4 percent and incredibly Uncle Joe has not found a way to get it back up to 9.4 or higher. In 2015 inflation was less than one percent. Now it is over nine percent. Interest rates in 2015 for housing loans was close to three percent, now it's closer to six percent. 

American Democracy is not failing. We have never been a democracy. Our Republic is weakening because democrats keep chipping away at it, taking away our rights. Creating problems then pretending to find 'solutions' for those problems like the America Care Act. Even now they have created a monster they call climate change which is a natural phenomena but they claim is an existential threat which is itself a misleading claim. Existential is an expensive sounding word, but it has more to do with a state of mind than anything rooted in reality, which is pretty much how the democrat mind works. Reality isn't important what's important is a persons state of mind and if you can scare people bad enough they will do anything you want. And that is what democrats count on more than anything else; fear.

Scare a population into doing whatever you want. They hate an educated public because educated people are harder to scare. Schools have become places of indoctrination and education has no place. 

If we ever do become a Democracy we are doomed. We must preserve our Republican form of government and protect the Constitution at all cost if we are to survive as a nation.   

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