Friday, July 29, 2022

Good Guys with Guns

 Tragically there are some bad people in this country who do terrible things. Sometimes those bad people use guns to accomplish their evil acts. And lately this has been occurring far too often, although not as often as some people would have us think. Most estimates suggest that 100 million Americans own almost 400 million guns. Although the incidence of evil people using guns to commit mass murder are always beyond belief, completely unthinkable to any civilized person, as a percentage of good people who own guns those bad people barely exist statistically. 

Alright I see you jumping up and down, shouting slogans, threatening to kill Supreme Court Justices who support the Bill of Rights, but how unreasonable is it to believe that the other hundred million gun owners could be part of the solution? And I don't really see this as a democrat/Republican issue; I see it as an American issue. Consider the young man in Indiana who shot and killed an evil man who was using a gun to indiscriminately kill people. That man at the Greenwood Mall in Greenwood Indiana is for all intents and purposes a hero. Nothing against the police, but they weren't there when they were needed. Another good guy was there and thank Heaven that young man had the guts to draw his firearm and shoot that bastard dead.  

Whats wrong with that? Nothing. That is the main reason why a wise group of men over two hundred years ago included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights. Some people claim it was for hunting, which was probably part of it. And another reason was to ensure that American citizens had the ability to protect themselves against armed assailants, but the main reason they included the Second Amendment was to give private citizens the ability to organize and oppose the government by force if necessary just like they did. 

I am a responsible gun owner with 36 years in law enforcement and I do not oppose gun ownership. Anyone who wants one should carry a gun. I don't even say they should be 'allowed' to carry a gun since we are a society of laws and the highest law of the land guarantees me and anyone else the right to carry a gun. Many courts have tortured the language to say that the Second Amendment only covers law enforcement officers and active duty military personnel. Nonsense. That simply is not what it says. 

And a courageous citizen armed with a gun at a shopping mall in Greenwood Indiana was able to save several lives by killing a defective human who was indiscriminately killing innocent people who were just trying to enjoy some time at the mall. People who claim guns are bad would rather have someone cowering somewhere in the mall watching that madman kill people while dialing 911 and waiting for the police to sit in the parking lot making a plan. Way back when we still had rotary dial phones my partner and I responded to a robbery in progress at a liquor store. When we arrived we saw that the bad guy was still inside menacing people. We didn't call for back up and we didn't waste time making a plan.

My partner said, "We'll each take a side and quickly enter through the front door. you go left, I'll go right and if the guy doesn't give up we'll smoke him." That was our plan and two minutes later the bad guy was dead. He had already shot the store owner who survived his wound and was threatening other people inside. Today we'd probably be prosecuted for murder, but it wasn't murder. 

The point is we need good guys with guns. The police can't be everywhere, but a hundred million good guys can be an effective force multiplier. Just like we sympathize with the families in Uvalde who suffered so much, we should be rejoicing with people who were saved that day in Greenwood. Anti gunners say this isn't about politics and they are correct. They are wrong about the common sense. Common sense tells us that if an evil person plans to shoot a bunch of innocent people the best chance we have to stop him is for armed citizens to help when needed. 

Common sense will tell you that if that evil person knows he or she might be standing next to a good guy with a gun who will not hesitate to use deadly force to stop the evil doer, he or she will be a lot less likely to try something like that. A couple of other things that 'common sensers' should keep in mind is that an unarmed population is vulnerable to attack from bad guys, and attempting to disarm a hundred million good guys who have a right to own guns is not going to go very well for the invading force. Americans are good people and fiercely independent. They are not going to take well to being bullied by a group of bureaucrats who want to take away their constitutionally guaranteed rights. 

Not a threat, just food for thought. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Uncle Joes Economy

Hallelujah, the democrats have come up with a solution to solve the economic mess they've made in America! They need to save their party before the November elections this year and it is not going to be easy with the economy even worse than that of one term president Jimmy Carter. King Barry is probably completely envious of what Uncle Joe has accomplished in such a short period of time. Of Course King Barry didn't have the advantage of a world war starting in Europe or a world wide pandemic. Barry did try to put us on a weak energy footing and he actually succeeded. He tried to put the coal industry out of business even going so far as to create a national park in an area of Utah known for producing the cleanest burning coal in the world in retaliation for that state not supporting him in his bid for the presidency. And he did that solely to injure the Utah economy. 

Unfortunately for King Barry no despots came to his aid and the American economy proved to be too strong for him to break it on his own. Alas, some people have all the luck and Uncle Joe is one of them. He stopped American production of oil, preferring to buy it from such marvelous trading partners as Russia, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. At the same time Uncle Joe presided over a panicked withdrawal from Afghanistan. The United States abandoned Afghan people who had been loyal to them for over twenty years, including many American citizens. He left tons of weaponry including artillery pieces and aircraft. He also left them an in tact base complete with airstrip. And the entire world watched as thirteen American Marines were murdered by the Taliban as the Americans ran for their lives. It was not a scene that inspired confidence in America's ability to organize militarily. So the Russians, seizing on the opportunity to help Uncle Joe destroy America, invaded Ukraine. This was a hoped for gift, but hardly one that the democrats could count on. 

What luck! The problem is that historically whenever democrats have created a problem they have been able to come up with a 'solution'. They don't know how to 'fix' a problem they didn't create and over which they have no control. This time the problem they created can only be solved by doing something they have always claimed is destroying the world. OOPS! How can they increase domestic production of oil, thus solving the inflation crisis, without admitting they were wrong to create this crisis to begin with? 

Wiley E. Coyote is constantly trying to kill the Roadrunner by trying ridiculous things that ultimately backfire on him and make his situation worse. Democrats are constantly attempting to create a ruling class in America. They don't like our system of government and when it suits them they bypass the legislative branch and appeal to the judicial branch for relief when the law is against them. Sadly there are many judges who agree with them and are eager to pass laws that cannot be passed by the legislature. This has always ultimately resulted in democrats losing ground on one side of the legislature, then the other, and finally the executive. Hopefully that's what will happen this November and ultimately in 2024 when Americans will once again repent of voting anti America, and put an American in the White House. 

Vladimir Putin's war against Ukraine is a gift that just keeps getting better and better. As it turns out Russia is a major exporter of oil and the United States thought it didn't need any oil so they stopped domestic production and began purchasing a major strategic commodity from a man who hates them. Vlad still can't believe his luck in finding such a staunch ally as the USA. Uncle Joe got on TV and said all sorts of nasty things about Russian war crimes, and started sending weapons to Ukraine to help them stop the Russian army while at the same time funding Russias financial needs by buying oil from them. When the hypocrisy became overwhelmingly obvious democrats had to publicly cut all oil purchases from Russia while secretly continuing to buy their oil, and with Putin's permission Venezuela increased its oil exports to the USA. Saudi Arabia didn't need anyone's permission so they agreed to a modest increase in production after forcing Uncle Joe to beg in front of the entire world. How stupid is that? The Russian victory so far has been mostly diplomatic; gas prices have soared, food prices have soared, food shortages are a sure thing since Ukraine is one of the world's largest producers of grain and now they can't get their product to the market, what little they have left. The Russian terrorist regime has been purposely bombing Ukraines fields to make sure their wheat never makes it to the market place. 

Democrats are in big trouble. This time they can't even create a mirage that resembles anything close to a solution. And the American people are not happy. The American people are watching the price of a gallon of fuel triple along with the price of food in their stores. And democrats are desperate. Ruh-Roh! Their problem is that this time they haven't created a problem like man made global warming or deteriorating race relations that they can pretend to solve by supporting things like solar panels and electric cars, or making speeches about racist cops who they claim are out everyday murdering young black men by the hundreds; Or even abortion, which they may or may not support, but they know an opportunity when they see one.

Absurdity has become the face of the democrat party. They pushed an old man with dementia for president, presumably because the unhinged members of the party like AOC and her Gang of Four thought they could control him and get him to become their spokesperson for the so-called green new deal, and abortion of course. But in their rabid zeal to destroy and punish America for all of her problems they created one that could easily get them fired. We can only hope. 

And guess what the democrats are counting on to solve their looming power problems; abortion. They are assuming that Americans don't care that they are starving to death and have to take a Transit Authority bus or train where they risk getting beaten, raped, robbed and murdered every day because the Supreme Court just ruled that abortion isn't a right covered by the Constitution and the states have the authority to regulate abortion for themselves. No more wanton destruction of unborn babies! Oh, the humanity! How could the Court be so cruel! So opposed to a woman's right to do what she wants with her own body! And I almost left out freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The democrats have discovered that there are more than two genders, and we need to create so called hate speech laws so we can punish people who are so mean that they don't believe that. Some Americans are so ignorant as to believe the obvious fact that there really are only two genders and they even have the audacity to say that in public! How could anyone be so mean and driven by hate. So we need hate speech legislation.

Uncle Joe has even created a Minister of Free Speech to make sure people who believe there are hundreds of different genders don't have to worry about intelligent people pointing out to them how wrong they are. Next they'll be telling us that a child's parent should not be involved in the health of their children and that if a twelve year old boy decides he was really supposed to be a girl, but God made a mistake so he requires gender reassignment treatment, the parents don't need to be notified. That would just add to the cruelty that the child already is enduring from his mean peers. Yes, children must be protected from their parents. Some parents object to their children being sexually promiscuous and if their daughters get pregnant there are actually some parents who are so cruel that they might not want that child to have an abortion. At least they would like a chance to discuss something that personal with their child. Some parents are just plain cruel so we have to pass laws protecting children from their parents. There are actually a lot of parents who don't want their children to be vaccinated against covid because they are afraid that it hasn't been tested enough and there could be some very negative side effects. No, that cannot be allowed. Those parents have to be subjected to severe government sanction and one of the best ways to accomplish that is by passing as many laws as necessary to protect children from their parents. We really don't need parents anyway once the children are born, at least those who survive the pregnancy, we need to let democrat bureaucrats raise our children. 

The democrat party is actually hoping that abortion is that important, and they might be right. Americans are getting stupider by the day, possibly by the hour. Who cares about runaway inflation, mass starvation, and losing the ability to go anywhere you want anytime you want in the comfort and safety of your own vehicle, when there are hundreds of thousands of babies that need to be massacred? And what about housing? What makes anyone believe they deserve their own home on an acre or more of land? That's wasteful! All anyone needs is about 900 square feet in a high rise apartment building. Virtually every single heavy hitter in the Man Made Global Warming religion tells us that it is immoral to drive what they consider a large vehicle and live in a house with a yard. And all of their pathetic gullible followers believe them. Of course Al Gore lives in a 20,000 square foot mansion by himself, drives a Cadillac Escalade, and flies around the world alone in his private jet, he's a god! He sacrificed so much to warn us about the impending doom that awaits all of us if we don't live in tiny apartments, ride bicycles, or take public transportation. His worshippers are so grateful to him for warning us all about how Americans are destroying planet earth. Without him, Barak Obama, John Kerry and a few lesser gods who live in mansions, but can only afford to travel First Class, warning us we might have ignorantly destroyed the planet, but now because of their great sacrifices we may avoid that catastrophe. Whew! We are so fortunate they care so much about the ignorant little people. It is both nauseating and exhausting. And not only that, but they will guarantee that they will never be held accountable to pay for a child they don't want because they will make sure women can all have an abortion whenever they want. They truly do care about the planet and women's 'reproductive  rights' whatever that means. 

That's what the democrats are hoping for; that Americans are so upset about states being given the Constitutional authority to pass laws governing themselves that they will ignore rising crime rates, sky rocketing fuel and food prices, so they can kill babies. I really hope they are wrong because if that is what Americans are thinking we are doomed. What we need in 2022 is a massive American victory. It can come from independents or Republicans I don't care, but we have to get democrats out of the Capitol building this year and out of the White House in 2024. The future of the country depends on it. In case there are some people in this country who haven't noticed, Uncle Joe's economy isn't Vladimir Putin's economy; it belongs to Uncle Joe and his green new deal bosses. 

We elected a doddering old fool for president and the inevitable occurred; he is destroying the country. It's truly a tribute to the stupidity of the American people that Uncle Joe has a 38 percent approval rating. It should be much lower than that. A determined handful of democrats still believe in his 'vision' for our future. They can look at what's happening in America, weigh the evidence that shows the cause and still blame Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Uncle Joe inherited possibly the best economy of any other president. America was completely oil independent, the price was so low and there was so much of it nobody was sure where to store it. Inflation was less than two percent, the average price for a gallon of gasoline was $2.61. In the two years since President Trump left office the price of a gallon of gas has reached about $6.59 and inflation is close to eight percent. Not bad for 18 months. King Barry wishes he could have done that, but he lives in a mansion on the beach at Martha's vineyard, shaking every day for fear of man made global warming presumably since the oceans are about to rise and kill everybody, at least that's what he's been telling us for the last 25 years. 

Anyone who votes democrat after witnessing such a dismal performance is a special kind of stupid. That's pretty mean I know, but right now I really could use a mean tweet, 1.5 percent inflation, and gasoline that sells for $2.50 a gallon. Uncle Joe's labor boss cooked the books all he dared to bring inflation down to 7.5 percent, but even he couldn't manufacture more than a five percent rise in pay, which anyone with a job can tell you is pure fantasy. A two and a half percent loss is painful and the real gap is probably more like four percent. 

We barely survived King Barry's economy, which Donald Trump had running like a sewing machine in less than two years, we would not have survived Bloody Hilary's assault on America and it still remains to be seen if we can survive Uncle Joe's attack. 

And the point of all this is; if you love America you simply cannot vote democrat for the foreseeable future. Taking care of the planet is necessary and everybody bares the responsibility not to pollute or defile our planet in any way, but forcing policies that put severe hardships on one segment of society but not the rest is immoral and should not be permitted. Currently democrats have weakened our national defense by discontinuing oil exploration and greatly reducing the refining of local oil reserves in favor of locations in the world where the governments are hostile to America. The price of gasoline has tripled and the cost of food has almost doubled.  This has resulted in runaway inflation. No one has produced any hard evidence that man caused global warming is occurring yet democrats have succeeded in causing a world wide panic over something that even the most devoted proponent of this phenomena can only state that if certain things happen something catastrophic could occur in as little as a hundred years.

Americans really need to use their heads and trust what their eyes are telling them. Most, if not all, of these elitist millionaires and billionaires who are telling us we are causing the oceans to rise and our coasts will be under water in the very near future if we, the Middle Class, don't immediately scrap our cars and start riding bicycles to work, or using dangerous mass transit, live in mansions on or near the oceans. They drive cars that have big powerful gas guzzling engines, or electric cars that cost a hundred thousand dollars or more. They travel on private jets that consume vast amounts of fuel and contribute more pollution to our environment during each flight than a person driving a Suburban contributes in a year. 

Wake-Up! Learn how to reduce the amount of pollution you are contributing and follow those recommendations. Enjoy the good life the American economy offers. Poor people in the United States live in as good as or better housing than the middle class in Europe and Asia. And that's a fact. In those countries middle class families live in homes with three bedrooms and one bathroom. In the USA just about everyone has at least two bathrooms. A small but important fact that shows people who live in America enjoy conveniences that are often actually frowned upon in other 'developed' parts of the world. How many Global Warming elitists would be willing to move into a 900 square foot apartment?

Yet that is what they are telling the rest of us we have to do or risk world wide drought and starvation. They don't believe it, and I don't believe it either. That is one of the very few things I have in common with the Global Warming elite. I can't see that the destruction of the American economy by democrats has done anything to help clean up planet Earth. 

You have to vote pro America. You will be labelled a 'Nationalist' and worse, but don't let that bother you. Tories opposed the organization of this great nation in 1776 and they are advocating for its destruction today. The truth is that America is the greatest nation on the earth and half of its people want to downgrade it. They have no vision for their future. Professors have convinced them that Europeans are superior to Americans without offering any proof. Of course as always Americans are free to choose so if you like seeing your standard of living downgraded vote democrat and be happy! When all else fails at least they will promise you the right to an abortion. 

Monday, July 18, 2022

Really? You really Vote Democrat?

President Obama had a golden opportunity as the First Black President to unite America like never before. The opportunity to repair and strengthen race relations was obvious, but he chose instead to deepen the divide and increase the distrust, especially from the black community to the rest of the country. His first opportunity came when is professor pal in Cambridge Mass, made an ass out of himself, refusing to ID himself to the police who had been summoned to his residence by a neighbor who was suspicious about a door to the professors house being ajar while the professor was away on vacation. Instead of identifying himself he accused the police of racism, told them to leave, and got himself thrown in the slammer. Just because you are a professor don't mean you are smart. The man, who happened to be black by the way, called King Barry who contacted the Cambridge COP to demand an investigation.

Having learned that all the police did was respond to a possible break in at the president's friend's residence, and when they arrived he refused to ID himself, called the police racists and demanded that they leave. And the good professor was drunk at the time, and got himself thrown into the slammer. The professor called King Barry who contacted the Chief of Police of the Cambridge PD, demanded an investigation and went on TV and called the police stupid and possibly a little bit racist. That was all before any sort of investigation had been conducted. The police don't deserve an investigation. The professor was the person acting less than intelligent. Would it really have hurt him to thank the police for their efforts, show them his ID and let them continue patrol? Henry Gates claims to be black, and he looks a little black, but he is at least as white as he is black. Two of his grandparents are white, his father is white and he married a white woman. The man is more that a little confused. To make things more interesting the subsequent investigation revealed that yeah, the police were probably more than 'pretty sure' that Gates wasn't a burglar, but it doesn't hurt to make sure. Officer Crowley is married to a black woman and there is no past history of racism at all, and the professor was drunk and more than a little belligerent. Maybe this wasn't the hill King Barry wanted to die on just then. There would be plenty of other times to accuse the police of racism. So King Barry asked his professor buddy to drink some beer on the White House grounds, ordered the police officer to join them and the problem was solved. The professor got to show the world how close he was to the First Black President, Officer Crowley and Uncle Joe got to drink beer while being photographed by dozens of reporters and King Barry got a chance to show what a racial healer he could be. Nobody bought it. 

Michael Brown, a black thug shoved a store clerk and stole a box of cigars. The police were called and spotted Michael walking near the location. When they decided to question him he started a fight and tried to kill the police officer with the officer's gun. The police  officer won, and ended up shooting the thug dead. The president immediately sided with the thug, the police officer was fired, narrowing avoiding being charged with murder, and the "Hands up Don't Shoot" movement was begun. Seeing an opportunity to extort vast sums of money from wealthy corporations the Black Lives Matter organization was also born. King Barry was so impressed by them that he invited them to the White House. Obama lied about Obama care, perpetrating the greatest fraud against the American people in our entire history. People were so in love with the idea of having a black president that none of his antics mattered; he won two terms.

Not long before that no less a liar than Albert Gore during his campaign for the presidency said "I have a letter," patting his breast pocket, the letter he went on to say was from a girl in a poor school in Florida, he even said he had spoken with that girl. The content of the letter, Al continued, was that they were so poor that the children had to share desks and text books. The point was that more funding was needed for public education. We weren't paying high enough taxes and needed to contribute more so schools wouldn't suffer. Democrats are so confident in their lies that they don't worry that someone might check on their stories. 

And people did check, and they found out that the school he chose to use as an example was in one of the wealthier areas of the state and the school was very well furnished and lacking in nothing. I give Al credit for being a good public speaker, but in a president I'm looking for someone who is pro America and wants to make sure he does everything he can to keep the country safe and strong and that wasn't Al gore's gift. Al Gore's gift was doing everything he could to become a billionaire. Gore wants everyone to think he cares about the health of the planet when the truth is he was, and possibly still is, hoping to become a billionaire trading carbon credits. Al was in deep to the Chinese government. As vice president he helped funnel campaign money to Clinton by traveling to the wealthier parts of the country with concentrations of Chinese Americans and having meet and greets during which he would receive cash 'donations' to be distributed to various charities. When he was caught skirting some campaign finance laws he claimed that there was no enforcement entity that covered those sections so it really wasn't a law. Bill Clintons DOJ wasn't about to go after Clintons VP. Al Gore almost won the presidency. Luckily for him he was running against a real dunce so he won every single big state. Luckily for us the the Old White Drunks, as democrats like to call the men who fought for our Constitution wanted the small states to have adequate representation so they provided for the Electoral College, and the Dunce won. Even when both people running for the presidency of the United States are idiots one of them has to win. 

People hated Donald Trump because he was divorced a couple of times and they claimed that made him a bad man even though almost half of the people in the country have been divorced. One of their most beloved presidents had sex with an intern multiple times in a variety of places including the Oval Office.  And there were multiple accusations of rape and sexual battery against him. Nobody cared, except to make excuses for him. Men loved him so much that they would understand if their wives had sex with him and women were so enamored that they were saying that any women who would complain about having sexual relations with Bill Clinton must be some sort of skank or something. They were saying a fine man like Bill Clinton shouldn't have to rape anyone. A woman should be honored to be wanted by him. Bill Clinton was caught lying to a judge who wasn't taken in by his 'charms' and she yanked he license to practice law and levied a substantial fine. He won two terms. 

And now we have a man clearly in the early stages of dementia making statements just about every month that his team has to take back. He's only been in office for about 18 months and he has already succeeded in demolishing our economy. If the United States survives this presidency it will literally be a miracle. Uncle Joe inherited an economy that was literally booming and he is well on his way to completely destroying it. He has managed things with all the finesse of a drunk sumo wrestler. He must have combined the playbooks of Jimmy Carter and King Barry to come up with a plan to run this country aground. And to weaken America even more Uncle Joe has declared open warfare against the Supreme Court. There was a story circulating about ten year old girl in Ohio who was raped and then became pregnant and since there is an ordinance against abortion after six weeks in Ohio the girl had to be driven across the state line into Indiana to find a doctor to perform the abortion.

Uncle Joe loved the story so much that he breathed real life into it, proclaiming how unjust and inhumane such a  situation was, Uncle Joe said that the Supreme Court had endangered the life and health of women in America and that their Constitutional rights had been stripped away. The main problem with the Ohio rape story is it most likely never happened. In Ohio you don't rape a ten year old girl without someone reporting the crime. They also have laws requiring medical personnel to report such crimes to law enforcement, and a pregnancy of a ten year old girl, who subsequently sought an abortion would not be ignored by professionals in two states. And what a despicable thing to lie about. 

At a time when another world war is all but inevitable he has squandered our energy independence, he is sending crude form our oil reserves to China, one of our most dangerous enemies, and he has us helping fund Putin's efforts to take over Europe. We don't know if our soldiers can fire a weapon, but they know all about how to get the taxpayer to fund gender reassignment surgeries and they know how important it is to use the proper personal pronouns and to not assume a person with whom you come in contact with is a man or a woman. America was in a terrible financial position right before entering WW2, but its moral condition has never been as bad as it is now. Democrats don't believe in God, at least their leaders don't, they frequently belittle people of faith as believing in 'a mythical being who created the universe,' claiming that weak people need to believe in a Supreme being, but 'intelligent' people know better.  

And now they are attempting to subvert the Constitution in another assault that may be even more severe than that of the King Barry administration. King Barry worked hard to drive a wedge between the racial groups in America and he used various government offices to punish political groups with whom he disagreed, such as the IRS halting any applications for 501c status, and the private conversation the head of the DOJ had with democrat idol Bill Clinton who was concerned about the possibility of Bloody Hilary being convicted for her illegal handling of Top Secret documents. And of course after that 'chance' meeting the investigation was shelved. 

Republicans are known to embellish the truth sometimes, and even cut out some details about policies they don't like, but lies and deception are the tools of the democrats. Republicans disagree with Supreme Court rulings occasionally but they don't advocate violence against Supreme Court justices. Republicans respect our way of life. They respect our laws and they recognize that our constitution is a great document that if followed will keep us safe until the for all time. Our Constitution is built on eternal truth. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to self defense, the right to free from unwarranted search and seizure, we have had so much freedom for so long that we assume that everyone else in the world has the same privilege that we do and they don't. 

Donald Trump ran as a Republican because democrats don't embrace the concept of a free people. They embrace the concept of a strong and independent central government that can curtail or eliminate our freedom if it is necessary. Republicans embrace the concepts set forth in our constitution. Donald Trump embraced the strengths of both parties, but could never embrace a party that believes our freedoms are derived from political parties as generous gifts that can be taken back. 

If you like being lied to and stolen from vote democrat. The beauty of our system is the privilege we have to vote. Use it wisely. Do not be a Tory. 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Let's talk Blue

 Democrats are blue. It is the color that identifies them on the charts. Republicans are red. That is the color that identifies them. And there have been several rulings from the Supreme Court that Republicans haven't agreed with. Obamacare was clearly a violation of the Constitution yet when it was challenged in the highest court in the land somehow they decided it was constitutional and it became the law. Did Republicans threaten to kill Supreme Court justices? No. Did they force them and their families out of restaurants when they were trying to enjoy a night out? No, they didn't do that either. What they did was accept the ruling of the court hoping that someday sanity would be restored and the law would be changed because that is what Americans do. 

That is not what democrats do. They threaten to murder Supreme Court justices, they congregate in front of their homes and demand that they rule a certain way, and they shout insults at them and their families. And a democrat Attorney General refuses to enforce the law against those activities as long as the victims are Republicans. The evidence that democrats are violently opposed to our way of life is overwhelming. They are hostile to our form of government. They would probably prefer a soft coup, a gradual takeover of the Supreme Court, Congress and the Presidency, but if they can't do it that way they will bring us down by violence of force. That is why they want to disarm us. 

President Biden is trying to use an executive order to overturn the Supreme Court ruling on abortion. He has stated that the Supreme Court was exercising raw political power and that he cannot allow an out of control Supreme Court to take away people's rights. But then, what can he do about it? Democrats may want to shred the Constitution, but so far they lack the number of people necessary to accomplish a complete take over.

That is why they decry the ruling on abortion, which did not make abortion illegal. Democrats always have to lie to win an argument, and they have to shout people down and repeat the lie over and over and at high volume, and they have to threaten violence if people don't believe the lie. The Constitution clearly states that people have a right to defend themselves against violent attack, but the democrats want to confiscate all firearms from those of us who uphold the law and believe in personal freedom. 

Those of us who own guns number in the millions and could easily mount an attack against our country if we wanted to. The problem with us is we believe in America and we obey the law. We respect other people and would rather protect them than destroy their peace. And democrats want to disarm us because they don't care about America or our way of life. They want peace, but only after they've succeeded in setting aside  our Constitution and installing a minority rule monarchy and crush our individual liberty. For a democrat peace can only be attained after we've all been beaten down to a point where we agree with everything they say.  Anyone who believes that only police officers and criminals should be armed is a danger to the foundation of our liberty. 

While they are shouting that we need to disarm America and allow the police to be our sworn protectors they are also shouting that we need to defund the police, the police are murderers and racists who shoot innocent black men on sight. Democrats are a danger to our way of life and Republicans aren't much better. Apparently believing the democrat hysteria about gun violence, whatever that is, democrats are great at creating meaningless slogans, but terrible at actually communicating, too many Republican law makers are joining the democrat fueled hype and voting to water down our Second Amendment rights. Therefore where there is no constitutional right to an abortion democrats are willing to destroy America to protect abortion. Especially democrat men who are saying, "Hey look you were great in my car, but there is no way in hell I want to be stuck paying for those few minutes of a good time for the next 18 months, I completely understand, even encourage you and support you all the way in claiming the right to  kill that baby ASAP!" And sadly women are changing from  nurturer to killer. They don't think it's fair for God to put that burden on them so they turn to a male legislature for relief and they got it. Just like that a constitutional right was discovered. High fives all around. 

There is a clearly worded right "...To Keep and Bear Arms..." It's written in plain English and its there for a very good reason. The men who wrote it assumed that guns were a near necessity when looking for food, but they also knew they were needed in the event that government officials began to overstep their authority and make laws that encroach on our freedom. They knew that men were not angels so we do need laws and they recognized that unfortunately lawmakers might someday usurp their authority and it might become necessary to defend our liberty once again when our own government officers turned against us. The spirit of the Minuteman burned hot within them and it needs to burn inside every freedom loving people. 

And democrats are slowly coming around to the idea that the First Amendment also has become a detriment to their cause. Hate Speech is another slogan democrats coined in their continuing effort to water down our rights to speak our mind. Republicans Graham of South Carolina and Kennedy of Louisiana have each said we don't want to engage in hate speech and still no one knows what that is. Evidently anyone with Jewish or Christian convictions is guilty of Hate Speech. If you are Muslim or atheist you can say whatever you want, or if you've got a couple hundred million in the bank.

And that is not the foundation this country was built upon. Most democrats want to forget that we have a system of government made up of three branches; the Executive, the legislative, and the judiciary. And they are autonomous. Each branch has it's function and as long as each branch recognizes it is not better than the other two our system works. Problems arise when one of the branches thinks it is more important than the others.

King Barry famously stated that 'if Congress doesn't act, I will'. He thought he was above the other two branches and if Congress didn't pass a law that he favored he threatened to subvert the law by writing executive orders. He and his fellow democrats think it is horrible to live in a system such as ours where it can take years to get a law passed, when a king can cut through all that mess and enact a law in the morning that can be enforced the same afternoon, a much more efficient system than ours. And sometimes the legislature passes a law that violates the Constitution and then the judiciary branch becomes involved. In the case democrats are all worked up about currently, in 1972 the Supreme Court decided the Constitution allowed women to kill their unborn children so they passed a law that was binding on all fifty states making abortions legal, now after fifty years of murdering babies the Supreme Court had another chance to look at the law and they didn't find a clause anywhere in the Constitution that gives anyone the right to have an abortion so they reversed a previous decision of the Court.

Fortunately there aren't enough democrat legislators to pass a law allowing abortion so abortion will remain legal in some states and illegal in other states. And this court did not say abortion is illegal. Baby killing  remains legal in many states it just hasn't been forced on every state. So of course democrats are beside themselves with grief, especially democrat men, some of whom have gone out and scheduled vasectomies so there is less chance of getting some woman they don't really care about pregnant triggering a financial burden they don't want to carry. 

Democrats are throwing a major tantrum like most two year  olds do. They couldn't care less about the law except when they can use it to take away rights they don't think people should have. They are openly threatening the entire Supreme Court, except for the three who think baby killing is a good form of birth control. Recently Justice Kavanaugh was out having dinner at a restaurant with his family and protestors became so boisterous that they had to leave, not only do they have no regard for the law, they have no class at all. They love confusion it is their favorite state. They make up words and phrases to make their arguments such as being 'woke'. I don't know what that means and nobody I've talked to understands it either. another is 'gun rights' and 'gun crimes'. What is a gun right? What is a gun crime? Shooting and killing someone isn't a 'gun crime' it's murder. Every state has a law against murder and there are a variety of ways a person can commit murder one of which is by shooting a person dead. 

No state has a statute against 'gun crimes' it's just one more phrase democrats invented to confuse the issue. And now they've come up with 'reproductive rights'. The phrase sounds hard to define, it is very vague like is there really a law that guarantees a person the right to reproduce? I understand what it means for human beings to reproduce, it happens all the time. And I understand the word rights, that means we all have the right to do whatever democrats allow us to do, but 'reproductive rights'? That just sounds like nonsense. Human reproduction has always involved women getting pregnant and giving birth. It never covered getting pregnant and then killing the baby. To a lot of people, including me, getting pregnant before marriage is a sin, and sin should not be encouraged. I'm not in favor of shaming people, but I'm not in favor of shielding people from the consequences of their actions either. Human abortion and human reproduction are two very different things. 

One involves giving life and the other involves killing a baby. It is insanity. It is evil on a very large scale and they claim the right to kill a baby exists even in the moment the baby is born. I've held lots of newborn babies and the thought of killing them is so evil that I can barely discuss it. I'd like some democrat to let us know how old a baby has to be in order to have the right to live. I've never seen a 'viable' one year old; not by any democrat definition. There are no one year old babies that can survive on their own. There probably aren't very many four year olds who can really take care of themselves. 

Democrats would say I'm being ridiculous and I wish they were right, but they created this question. At what age can a child survive on his or her own? In my mind that is totally ridiculous, but so is killing a baby in the womb. Sexual intercourse is fun, it feels good, and we all know that if something feels good we should just do it. Robbers feel good robbing people and murderers feel good murdering people. I want to know what's the difference if the standard is 'if it feels good do it?' 

Is there another activity that could end up making us responsible for the care of another individual? Is human life sacred? Once that child has been conceived we lose some of our rights. A mother who uses narcotics during her pregnancy can be criminally prosecuted. She can kill her baby if she wants to but she can't share methamphetamine with her? Democrats are insane and it's hard to have an intelligent conversation with insane people. They're backing off from many of these laws when they realize that their insanity is showing. Most states charge the killing of a pregnant woman as a double murder if the baby dies. And if the baby dies as a result of the attack and the mother survives the suspect still gets charged with murder. I don't know how democrats reconcile that, but I'm sure it involves a tortured redefining of words and the creation of new phrases. 

In most cases in their most guarded moments of honesty democrats are forced to admit, at least to themselves, that a fetus is a living human being who has a right to live and to be cared for. In todays tortured Blue vocabulary "Babies Lives Matter!" And that is a truth I really wish they could espouse. Blue equals democrat and to them babies lives don't matter. To God babies lives matter a lot. He chose women to be His co-creators of life and at the judgement bar there may well be a discussion about that. Democrats don't understand that all life is sacred, but womanhood is perhaps the most sacred of all and right next to that is babyhood. Sadly to democrats what matters most is doing whatever it takes to feel good. To democrats asking people to be responsible for their actions is mean to the point of being cruel.

I'm miffed that democrats were able to Shanghai the color blue. Some pastel color suits them best since they rarely feel strongly about anything but doing whatever makes them feel good and taking away other people's rights. Power is what they crave, and laws interfere with the unfettered exercise of their power. Blue is for fidelity, purity, and honor and democrats are the antithesis of such high ideals. If they ever get what they think they want they will be the most miserable people on earth because once liberty is lot it is nearly impossible to get it back. 

Talk Blue? You have to understand gibberish.


Saturday, July 9, 2022



There's a joke going around that goes something like, "I could sure use a mean tweet and $1.99 per gallon gasoline about now!" And I never thought President Trumps tweets were that mean. There were a couple that kind of got my attention, but when I thought about the content and the reason, I had to admit that he is unconventional and direct but he really isn't mean. I was and still am a Trunp supporter. I wish we could find another Ronald Reagan, but those are all but impossible to get. If Donald Trump hadn't come along when he did Bloody Hilary would almost certainly have won the presidency. We had something like 16 uninspiring Republicans and an uninspiring democrat who was hostile to the Constitution and a woman. And at the time every Republican candidate seeking the presidency loosely supported the Constitution, but they had no real vision for our future. 

Bloody Hilary would probably have won the same way King Barry did; she would have been the First Woman President, and she would have finished the job King Barry started. By now the Constitution would have been dissolved and China would be ruling the world. Donald Trump literally saved America. In four years he reversed the decline in the Obama economy, made this country oil independent, traveled the world letting the leaders of foreign countries know that we are a valuable trading partner and ally, and letting NATO know they need to stop relying so much on the United States for their defense needs and pay their fair share of the NATO expenses. 

He persuaded China's surrogate in North Korea to stop firing missiles over Japan and talked American businesses into doing more manufacturing here. And he let Putin know that we could also be a valuable trading partner with the Russians, but probably would never be allies. He did the same with the Chinese dictator. President Trump enjoyed a unique political position; democrats hated him for not being afraid to tell the naked truth about Bloody Hilary, and Republicans hated him for winning the election. After all, they were seasoned pros and Trump had never been anything, and now he was POTUS? They were going to take it out on the president and everyone who voted for him. Being political animals they begrudgingly woke up seeing how popular he was they had to support him, at least in public. Donald Trump was elected by a cross section of voters disillusioned by both parties and that may not happen again ever. Most likely it was the portion of the democrats who voted for him that abandoned him first because 'he was so mean!' And he wasn't mean, and he isn't mean. 

President Trump appointed justices to the Supreme Court who believe in our Constitution. They read the law and live by the law. There is nothing in the Constitution that says a woman has a right to kill her unborn child. There are a lot of people who think women have that right, but it is not founded in the Constitution. If people want abortion to be legal then they have to lobby their legislators and get a 'kill your baby act' passed in their state. And some states are already doing that. Other states are outlawing abortion altogether and some are passing laws that regulate when an abortion can be performed. 

President Trump by any reasonable standard was a great president who did his best to make sure he kept every one of his campaign promises, and he did keep all of them except for one; he couldn't get the Republican legislators to help him pass a viable health care bill. He donated his entire presidential salary to various organizations and he worked about 24 hours a day and when he was awake he was working for "We The People" and no one else. 

Democrats put us through two phony impeachment proceedings for which they new they never had a case although they did convince the two wolves in sheep's clothing, Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney, and eight other nincompoops, to vote democrat and impeach a president because he didn't fit their view of what a president is supposed to look like and they didn't like the way he talked either. So Rino's will be Rino's. And now one of the Rino's wants to be the next Republican nominee for president so she's helping the democrats put together yet another fake case against Donald Trump in an effort to weaken his chances during the next presidential election cycle. 

Cheney may have a reasonable shot at the democrat nomination which she probably could do since she'd be running against a senile old idiot and a patronizing moron who can't even present a coherent thought. Against the current democrat line up a Cheney/Romney ticket would be a shoe-in. A woman for president and a re-reformed Republican for vice president. Mitt Romney used to be registered Independent and he was pro choice so he could easily become pro choice again if necessary. Not to worry though, Romney's ego would never allow him to be vice president to a girl. 

Like most democrats Liz would be a lousy president and that is never going to happen. Given the dismal state of our economy there is almost no way a democrat could win the presidency in 2024. It will be a huge upset if they don't lose both houses of Congress. Maybe Liz could win the presidency if Harris were to run again as her vice presidential running mate, but that is just too much fantasy. A white woman presidential candidate and a black woman who laughs hysterically whenever someone asks her a question she doesn't want to answer would be quite the circus. 

So yes, any Rino who plans to oppose Donald Trump for the presidential nomination in 2024 will be wasting a lot of time and money because unless we find a Ronald Reagan no one will beat Trump. He works hard and believes in the greatness of the United States of America and he doesn't apologize to anyone for our great history. He didn't bow down before dictators or other monarchs. He is a real American. He was a great president, and in 2024 he may well be elected again.

Liz Cheney? She'd make a fine democrat presidential candidate, except for her race and her stand on the preservation of human life. Her biggest asset is her undying misplaced hatred of Donald Trump. She voted to impeach him twice after listening to many days of so-called evidence that was entirely made up of statements sayings things under oath that they either knew were untrue, or had heard from other people they trusted. And now she is trying to prove that last year he led a group whose purpose was to overthrow the government of the United States. An unarmed, untrained mob was attempting to topple the US government, and President Trump was leading the charge? Nah. Liz Cheney thinks she can prove it, at least that is what she is telling anyone who will listen. 

She has joined the democrats in their efforts to prove that President Trump orchestrated an attempt to violently overthrow our government. He made a speech and he was disappointed in the outcome of the election. He did advocate that delegates vote for him even if their state had more votes for Uncle Joe. Was the election stolen? Probably. Is there any evidence to prove it? All of the evidence was destroyed as soon as it became apparent that there were some problems. Did the President advocate for violence at the United States Capitol on January 6th? No. 

A protest turned violent. The only thing rare about this one was that it was mostly Republicans and Republicans don't do that. They just don't. Now we know that the FBI had informants in the group who were supposed to stir things up and it looks like they were successful. In the history of the world how many times has an unarmed mob of less than two hundred people toppled a powerful nation. I didn't look it up but I'll bet it has never happened. The protest on January 6th was nothing more that that. 

When democrats were calling people smashing windows, looting businesses then lighting them on fire, CNN, MSNBC, and other 'news' programs said they were peaceful even if people were being murdered and the police were not allowed to investigate. Cheney wants to identify herself with that. No thanks! There was no evidence at all that President Trump should have been impeached yet she voted for impeachment twice. President Trump may be a little rough around the edges and very direct in his mannerisms and speech, but he has been one the most honest and hard working presidents in our history.

She is delusional if Liz thinks she will get the Republican nomination for President. She may not even be re-elected as a Senator.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2022


 That's right boys and girls, I said it! We are talking about guns. I am not minimalizing the tragedy that occurred on the Fourth of July. I mourn with the families who lost loved ones during that celebration. This is truly the greatest nation in the history of the world. No other nation even comes close. We are generous to the point that too often we put our collective nose where it don't belong, like kuwait. And several other places; Bosnia, Lybia, Americans can't stand injustice and they try to stamp it out. Too often that means we end up wiht a bloody nose for stepping in the middle of a family fight we don't understand and we have no business joining. 

What's that got to do with guns? Nothing that I can think of except we are a nation founded upon principles of fairness, and today when people can't get along the gun is a great equalizer. They are fun to shoot too. I love trying to hit the bullseye from five hundred yards. I've never tried anyting farther than that because I don't use a scope, and with iron sights 500 yards is my limit. And for 2,000 yarders besides windage and elevation you also have to consider the earths rotation, at least that's what someone told me. That's a science in which I don't have any interest. 

Ever since I gave myself a black eye with a scoped rifle I've been very happy with lever action rifles, revolvers and shotguns. Semi auto pistols are fine, I just shoot better with a revolver. And now the debate is roiling again. Guns are bad! We have to get rid of guns in this country. That is knee jerk emotion talking. Whatever gun that evil man used couldn't possibly have killed anyone. It required a black heart and an evil mind to do that. Registering guns won't stop a black heart, and confiscating guns won't stop people from using them to kill people. 

Do people who advocate taking away our basic civil rights really believe that will stop the black market in firearms? Will Russia, China, Belgium, Brazil, and other countries who manufacture firearms stop production if the US makes it illegal to own them? Not hardly. Democrats are great gun dealers and black marketeers and that's what will happen if they ever succeed in attempting to confiscate all firearms. There are a couple hundred million unregistered firearms in the country already. And guns aren't the problem people are. We need to figure out how the kids of the seventies managed to grow up not wanting to become mass murderers but the kids of the eighties didn't. 

I've already lost a few friends for the position I have on religion. Some of those friends attend the same church I do, homosexuality is an abomination and we've taken it to new heights; allowing kids to go through gender reassignment treatments without telling their parents. High school kids don't know if they are talking to a boy or a girl. Talk about making a seventeen year old boy mad enough to kill! Parents are embarrassed and angry about their kids getting abortions and going through gender reassignment without giving them the opportunity to talk about it first. We allow men to marry men, and women to marry women, and then they adopt children and become a 'family'. Nonsense. There is a God and he has rules that he expects us to follow and if we don't there are consequences. Pretending their is no God will not make him go away. We need to embrace him and follow his commandments. We need to turn to Jesus Christ for answers to our most difficult problems, and we need to teach our children to do the same.  

Intead we teach kids that it's ok to lie because "everybody lies" and it's the same with stealing. Parents bring home staplers  and other office items from work because 'it's a big company, they won't miss something this small', and other  indescretions. Telling the boss you're sick so you can take the kids out for the day, and telling their school they are sick too. Our society is in trouble and it isn't because of guns. It's because of defective people. No children,  people don't become mass murderers because there are too many AR15's in the country. The problem is much more complicated than that. They become mass murderers because they have no conscience, they've stopped reading the Bible and trying to become better people. And we can fix that. 

So let's fix it today. Teach our children to be honest and hard working. Teach them that they may not get to live in the biggest house on the block or drive the nicest cars. They may not have a beautiful boat or their own airplane and that's ok. We need to be grateful for the things we do have, especially as Americans. We enjoy a peace and safety that no other country has. We need to thank God for the great lives we live and stop being petty.

Guns just aren't the problem. People are the problem.