Thursday, October 14, 2021


 Democrats are horrified that some states may take measures to save the lives of babies in the womb. Governor Greg Abbott has done the unthinkable; he has saved thousands of lives and democrats are furious. How could he be so cruel? Babies can't even vote. Why would anyone want to save the life of a constituent that can't repay the kindness? If you're alive and breathing don't thank a democrat. Not that they necessarily wanted you dead, they just didn't care if you lived or died. They say no one really wants an abortion, but if an unborn baby gets killed where's the harm? They can't donate to anyone's campaign and they can't vote. Democrats are baffled. What's the point? You're going to protect someone who may someday vote against you? That's a chance democrats aren't willing to take. She may grow up to be a great scientist or she may become homeless, why take a chance? If mom doesn't want her hook her up to a giant vacuum and tear her apart. And democrats say I'm mean. 

If saving babies is mean then sign me up for the meanest team on the planet. If you don't want to have a kid then don't, but don't think that gives you the right to murder the one you are carrying just because you failed to control yourself during a series of one night stands. You had your fun, now the party's over. Time to pony up, get a job, whatever, you're going to be a mommy! Yikes! But being  a parent ain't all that bad, I've done it lots of times and most of the time it's worth it. Abbott is simply saying that life is sacred and we need to respect that. Keep the child, bring her into the world and then if you still don't want her give her up at the local hospital, or the police station, or the fire station. You had a chance now give her a chance. Unlike you, maybe she'll make something of herself. And maybe that's what bothers democrats the most, what if my child ends up being smarter, better looking, wealthier than me? Killing kids isn't something we should want to do. Even if they haven't been born yet. 

Texans have always been pro America, pro Texas, and pro Constitution. They have always prided themselves on their conservative views and their individualism and now that is being threatened by Californians spilling into their state. Soon gas prices will rise, property taxes will go up, and the days when middle class workers could afford to actually buy a house will end. Any state that welcomes Californians with open arms and Californians are emotional basket cases who are looking for a hand out, is doomed. They chased several big businesses out of California to Texas, now where they going to send them? And what about the oil industry? 

Californians hate oil. HATE! They are going to do whatever they can to destroy Texas and it's only a matter of time. Unless.... unless what? I hope I'm wrong. I'd love to see the USA survive, but it isn't going to. There are too many things piled on her back for her to carry. And the worst are women's rights. Democrats don't recognize the divinity of women. There is a reason God chose one gender to bring His children into the world. And there is a reason He wants His children to be born and not slaughtered in one of America's thousands of slaughter houses for unborn babies. And there is a reason why there are only two genders; we are supposed to bring children into the world. Two men can't do that. Two women can't do that either. Two men and two women can be nice people, even nurturing people but they can't provide children the rich human experience of having parents that are opposite gender couples. Women can't be men and men can't be women. Bruce Jenner used to be a decent looking man, now look what's happened. As far as I'm concerned Bruce will never be Caitlyn. Bruce will never be a woman or the governor of California. 

That just isn't the way it works. And this week in Texas they reaffirmed the sanctity of human life by signing a law that says you can only kill an unborn baby if she doesn't have a heart beat. Once that little heart starts ticking she gets to live. Sorry dems, you can still kill babies, just not as many as you'd like. At least not in Texas. And I hope Texans never change. I forgot her name, but there was a democrat legislator on the news practically in tears complaining that other states might start doing the same thing. "It's illegal!" They wail. What about that law the Supreme Court passed in 1973 when Congress refused to do what democrats demanded and pass a law against humanity. The Supremes stepped in and said, "To hell with the legislature! If we get a woman pregnant, we damn sure want to give them the opportunity to escape the public humiliation of becoming pregnant without a husband, and we want to be absolved of the responsibility of taking care of a child we desperately don't want our wives to find out about." 

So they decided that the woman had a right to privacy that was guaranteed by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Seven perverts ganged up on two men who believed in the sanctity of life and circumvented the legislature, passing a law that didn't, and still doesn't exist. Don't thieves have a right to privacy? How about murderers? And guess what state the Supremes were ganging up on? That's right, the great state of Texas. And now almost fifty years after the Supreme Court gave them the finger Texas is giving it back to them and democrats are beside themselves with grief. 

Joe Biden knows that his stupid kid is out acting foolish with any woman who wants to be close to the rich and powerful and he doesn't want a house full of illegitimate grandchildren so he has ordered the Attorney General, who probably has similar fears, to get the Supreme Court to kick Governor Abbott in the butt and quash that ridiculous law protecting unborn children. We need at least 49 other governors with the same moral standards as Abbott. 

I hope the Supreme Court stands firm in their resolve to at least keep abortions to a minimum if they can't outlaw them altogether. 

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