Thursday, October 14, 2021


My mom's mom was a virtuous woman who abhorred unclean lips, but whenever she got fired up about politics she started railing on those 'Damn Dems!' She was born in 1890 and she was delightful to be around. She lived all of her 95 years in the great state of Idaho, leaving once or twice to visit us in California, but never staying for very long. And California was part of America in those days, she just missed the farm she lived on. 

So what are the Damn Dems up to now? Genderism. They don't understand why people like me, mean people, people who are domestic terrorists, you know people who think there are only two genders. Male and female. Because that's how many there are. If that makes me a dangerous person, then that's the way it is. I guess people should stay away from me because I'm not going to change my mind. Someday democrats are going to send me to some sort of Gulag where I can dig ditches and break up rocks or something until I am fit to be reintroduced to society. You know, the society where there are more than two genders. Are democrats insane? Most likely. And now their lunacy is getting children hurt. In Loudon County Virginia, where they don't tolerate closed minded domestic terrorists who don't accept the idea that there are more than two genders, they allow boys to use the girls restroom if the boy says he is a girl that day. So the predictable finally, tragically, happened; a young girl was raped in the girls bathroom by some democrats little boy wearing a skirt and following her into the girls restroom.

Boys and girls America is coming unravelled. When the girls father demanded a police investigation he was arrested for causing a public disturbance at a school board meeting.  The crime had to be covered up because democrats promised that no boy who claimed to be a girl would ever rape anyone. If that sounds stupid to you then you probably are normal which is something else we aren't supposed to say anymore. But because the girl's father had the courage to fight for her she did get a rape investigation and they were able to arrest the democrat spawn that raped her. Now we will see how hard the district attorney works to make sure the little snot avoids a prison sentence. After all, he is only seventeen years old and he thought he was a girl, how was he supposed to know it was wrong to rape a girl? He probably didn't even know it was possible for a girl to rape a girl. In today's America I can already see a Not Guilty verdict coming. 

There is no other country in the world that can defeat the United States of America, only an American will be able to take us down, and right now it looks like that American will come from the jackass party. 

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