Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Democrats are Dangerous

Democrats are dangerous to children and other living things. They are dangerous because they insist that they are always right by definition. They've made a decision therefore there is no reason to have a discussion because there is no way that anyone else could have a valid objection to whatever problem they've solved since they can never be wrong. And the beauty of it is that the problem they are pretending to 'solve' is a real problem that they caused. It's one of their favorite plays; first create a problem (man made global warming) then 'create' a solution. The goal is to create an excuse to pass laws restricting our civil liberties by outlawing things like the internal combustion engine and stopping off shore drilling, oil shales operations, coal mining, and overland pipelines, causing massive increases in fuel prices and risking the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans who can no longer afford to pay for, or even obtain fuel oil to heat their homes and impacting food prices when the increased cost in transportation has to be paid by increasing the cost of food. 

They are attacking our basic philosophy of life that we are free to pursue life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that we derive that right from God. Since our foundational rights are our divine right, no person can take them away from us. Democrats hate that. If they can't take away our rights, or grant rights to us, how are they going to be able to control us, and make us conform to their idiotic rules regarding stopping something that doesn't exist? They waste money on things like 'social programs' that provide thousands of dollars a month to parolees so they won't have a 'need' to steal anymore, or on demand abortion and sex change operations for military personnel, many other things that are unnecessary. they invent 'hate speech' and 'domestic terrorism' in order to get us to keep our mouths shut if they are forcing some new and foreign doctrine down our throats like disagreeing with the idea that there are more than two genders or continuing to oppose criterial race theory and the 1619 project. According to democrats if you don't agree with CRT and the 1619 project you are a terrorist. 

If they want a five trillion dollar debt increase then that's what the country has to do. If anyone from the other major party or any other party looks at their budget  and finds something in that might not be necessary or at least might be something that could be better accomplished in another way, it doesn't matter to them. They have a 51 percent Super Majority so they are no longer a legislative and executive but a monarchy and they will do whatever they damn well please. 

Democrats aren't happy about the restrictions the Constitution places on them. Whats up with this freedom of speech nonsense? And who made up that absolute lunacy about individuals being sovereign over the state? To them that's anarchy. How can 300 plus million people possibly be trusted to govern themselves? To those of us that love living in a free country democrats are a real threat. Catastrophic man caused global warming and hate speech crimes are two examples of how the democrats want to water down the Bill of Rights. Their fight against individual rights to own firearms or sell them to other people or even give them as gifts are all tools democrats are using to wrestle our rights away from us. Then critical race theory and the 1619 projects are both designed to divide the country by race and could easily lead to a race war in America. They also waste valuable time and resources filing frivolous lawsuits against states that have a different political and religious philosophy than the democrats. Democrats don't see a way to disagree over things like catastrophic global warming, self defense rights, gender identity and abortion. Whoever disagrees with those positions is the enemy and has to be destroyed. That makes it hard to get along. To Americans the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the law of the land and sacred documents. To Democrats it is an instrument that stands in their path to establishing a monarchy, or some other form of minority rule government. 

There is no evidence at all to support catastrophic man caused global warming yet American bobble heads just keep bouncing their heads up and down saying, "Yup, Yup, Yup!" The American people are become fat and lazy. The democrats are promising them a living wage even if they choose not to work and more and more of them are falling for it. Right now it is hard to find people who want to work because of so-called free money from the government. They don't know where what the government is. Somehow democrats have convinced about 50 percent of the country that it is immoral for anyone to have a billion dollars and the only way to impose morality on billionaires is to confiscate their money and give it to those people who are more deserving in the eyes of the democrats. And they've been pushing this nonsense for a couple of generations. During the Great Depression FDR implemented huge government entitlement programs that guaranteed things like Social Security and the minimum wage. Social Security was a lie and the minimum wage has become another vehicle democrats use to allow them to confiscate money from one person so they can give it to another person. Both programs are failing badly. They both result in increased taxes in the case of Social Security and higher consumer prices in the case of the minimum wage.  

As long as people keep voting democrat we are in very serious trouble until we get more Manchins and Sinemas willing to admit that Schumer and the Gang of Four are lunatics and we need to save the country.  If we continue to allow it democrats will destroy America. Not the Russians and not the Chinese, but the democrats.

More evidence of the extent of their mental illness is staring us in the face everyday. In stores too many things are locked up and you have to enlist the assistance of store clerks to get access to certain shaving and make up items and many other things. Democrats pass laws making life easier for thieves, democrats don't believe in God, democrats don't believe in our right to free speech or self defense. They do believe in force. They love force. Education takes too long and people might learn the wrong thing. It is better to invent hate speech laws so you can silence your opponents. If you think it's wrong to accept same sex attraction you can be charged with a hate speech crime. If you don't agree that we are about to be extinguished by catastrophic global warming you can be charged with hate speech and fined or sent to jail or both. If you don't think the government has the right to tell you what kind of car to drive you can be imprisoned for hate speech. What happens if you think you shouldn't be forced to pay for an operation for some confused person who thinks he or she was born the wrong gender? Yup hate speech. Free speech? That's probably hate speech too. 

I'm not saying Republicans are doing a great job, but right now they are the only party working hard to save America. 

If you love the USA vote Republican. 

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