Thursday, October 28, 2021

More Climate Road Apples

The Communist Chinese Party is building up a huge military force including a modern navy and Air Force, a huge army and some very sophistic missile systems. And they are menacing their neighbors all over Asia, they are threatening to destabilize the world economy and a lot of democrats seem to think the world should go off the dollar standard and make the yuan the world's currency. Having a unique ability to ignore everything going on right in front of them, they don't see China as a serious threat to the world. Democrats are insane. Literally insane. There is no sanity left in them as a group, hopefully there are a few strong individuals who can save the party and in the process help save this great nation. China is threatening war with Asia, and they have the weapons and personnel to make a good effort to take that region over, but democrats think the biggest threat to the world right now is catastrophic man made global warming. 

There is not one shred of evidence to support that claim, but they've done an excellent job of scaring about half of the American population that the untested and untestable theory that in a hundred years the seas will rise thirty to a hundred feet (numbers I made up. My numbers are as good as theirs) so we better all start walking now. I'm just tired of explaining it. Some years are warmer than others and some years are colder. If the ocean rises thirty feet in a hundred years I'm sure that whoever is still alive will be able to deal with it, hell it might even be fun. The real threat is the democrat party and China. I've already made my point that democrats are insane. So are the communist Chinese, but the communist Chinese are armed and very well armed. Man made global warming doesn't even have a sun lamp. 

Each year the elections are more important than the last. If you believe in problems that don't exist vote democrat. If you want to solve real problems vote Republican. Let's keep our air and water clean. Lets keep our pantries full. The main difference between democrats and Republicans is you can talk to Republicans about anything. They don't block traffic and set fires if there is a radical dummy scheduled to speak at a college campus. They don't make death threats either. And if they decide to attend the event they don't disrupt and cause a disturbance so the speaker can't deliver his or her message. They listen, you know let the lib expose their lunacy then ask questions afterward if there is a question answer period. 

Republicans aren't afraid of freedom of speech. If someone has something stupid to say they want to hear it. And they don't have to destroy anyone who disagrees with them. They can talk about any issue and try to reach an accord that might not make everyone happy, but it won't make everyone miserable either. Climate change? Ok call it whatever you want to. We need to keep our air clean and protect water and food sources. I'm pretty sure democrats agree with that. And there are good ways to become wise stewards of the resources we have. Solar, wind, hydrogen to name a few. The American approach would be to allow companies in conjunction with government to educate people about the importance of exploring other sources of energy. I don't believe oil is a renewable resource and someday it will run out. Even oil shales are not going to last forever. Alternatives to the internal combustion engine need to be developed. 

Oil is going to run out long before we experience any catastrophic changes in the climate. Some scientists say that weather and climate are not the same thing and technically they are correct I suppose. The problem is that they are connected and the weather does change seasonally. The earth does get colder and warmer and some years are colder or warmer than others and that's ok. We know when to wear t-shirts and we know when to wear a jacket. We do not need the federal government to force us to do anything at gun point. Americans are pretty smart but they are also human and subject to making mistakes once in awhile. Democrats offer them a free whatever and some of them will jump at it similar to a fish grabbing onto a shiny object in the water. And just like the fish Americans who fall for the mirage will end up dancing on the end of the democrat party string. And just like the fish their quality of life will disappear.  

We don't need to waste money combating things that don't exist. We need to find ways to keep our environment clean and healthy by using our resources wisely. There are about eight types of climate, some 'scientists' claim there are many more than that, but they are loons. And each climate is identifiable and has certain properties that are consistent. And weather is about the same. There are four seasons in many parts of the world and we can tell when the seasons change. Winter is coldest and summer is warmest. It isn't complicated unless you get a democrat involved. They can screw up anything. 

Don't worry about climate change. Worry about helping other people. Work hard to keep the environment clean. Work hard to provide a good living for yourself. Enjoy your life, especially if you are lucky enough to be an American. The earth is fine. Americans are cool. 

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