Wednesday, October 6, 2021


 I try really hard to stay out of politics, but democrats won't let me. Thank goodness for Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. Democrats want to spend over five trillion dollars that the country doesn't have to promote 'infrastructure' that ain't infrastructure. It looks like the Senate already passed a trillion dollar infrastructure bill, which estimates suggest is over 500 billion dollars more than is needed, with 19 so-called Republicans voting like democrats (hopefully they'll be fired during the next election cycle) and every single democrat voting for it so obviously there is nothing wrong with it right? 

Luckily the next plan to destroy our nation, a 3.5 trillion dollar monstrosity to force taxpayers to pay for family and medical leave programs, subsidized child care, universal prekindergarten, and expanded medicare, and subsidized housing and of course the free money given to democrat politicians' friends so they can supposedly stop the climate from changing, but will really be redirected to fund democrat campaigns since you can't do anything to stop the climate from changing. A favorite money laundering scheme of the donkey party. And of course they want to expand medicare and cut carbon emissions in half in less than ten years. To normal people spending 3.5 trillion dollars the country doesn't have to pay for things it doesn't need would seem pretty stupid. But hold on there for a minute. It's all gonna be ok because Bernie Saunders, a pinko commie and democrat party hero, says it will be paid for by increasing taxes on rich people. Even I look at corporate profits and scratch my head sometimes when I compare it to what they are paying their employees. I'm opposed to increasing the minimum wage and in favor of American laborers forcing fat cats to pony up. 

I look at rents in the city where I live and there is no way even a single person can live on fifteen bucks an hour. That's wrong and at the turn of the 20th century the American workers fought hard for a living wage. Government played a role too by passing safety regulations and helping to put an end to unhealthy child labor practices and other things, but laborers didn't sit back and cry and whine and beg Uncle Sam for help. They organized and raised hell and got what they needed. It could be that the time has arrived for another labor movement. I don't have anything against successful people and I don't want to punish wealthy people by forcing them to pay higher taxes in order to support the middle class, but they should take care of the people who got them where they are. 

Raising taxes to punish successful people isn't the answer. This three and a half trillion dollar disaster the democrats have cooked up is not going to do much good for anybody and it is going to harm a lot of people. Anyone who believes Bernie plans to make 'rich' people pay for the multi trillion fiasco is just plain fuzzy. Bernie is one of the 'rich' people and he ain't gonna give anybody anything. That's the way communism works. The oligarchs collect the money, keep ninety percent for themselves and cram everybody else in one and a half bedroom tenements with a bathroom down the hall. Of course in order for that to happen there has to be a purge of all non essential citizens (people who want to live in a free society) through mass murder and internment camps. 

Democrats who think Bernie and the Gang of Four are good for the country would do well to study recent Russian history. Franklin Delano Roosevelt thought Joseph Stalin was a great guy. Read the history and decide for yourself.

I think it's time for a labor movement. Not a violent movement, one that negotiates and takes their case to the American people, many of whom are suffering under the low wage system. And they keep voting democrat. Go figure!

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