Friday, October 15, 2021

I see a Lot of Jackasses and Damn few Americans

 You better look out for me because I'm a domestic terrorist. I read the Bible just about everyday and I believe in God. I also pray to God every day. I pray that the American people will start looking to God for answers to their questions and that they will start treating each other with respect. I also believe our Constitution was divinely inspired and the greatest set of laws ever devised by any country. I also know there are only two genders and I don't believe it is healthy to tell children otherwise. To a democrat that makes me a danger to society. That's why they created so called hate speech laws; they need to have a vehicle that allows them to punish free thinkers. People who think for themselves are dangerous to democrats

I am so lucky that I grew up in a country where we knew the difference between a boy and a girl. The whole idea is absurd. We didn't have to worry about finding halfway through a date that the girl we were with was really a boy. And we never had to ask anyone, "Hey, are you a boy? Or a girl?" Or how can a girl feel comfortable going on a date with a boy who may actually be a girl? Are they supposed to ask? "Hey, are you a girl or a boy?"

And if they do ask that will they be arrested for a hate crime? Are democrats going to pass a law that says if you think there are only two genders you can be arrested for hate speech? We are becoming insane as a nation. How many reasons can there be for a group of people to be afraid of a free exchange of ideas? Only totalitarian states are afraid to let people express themselves. Don't people have a right to be wrong and say stupid things? I've always said that if someone has something stupid to say they have a right to say it. It might be offensive and that's ok. 

Democrats are attempting to silence people who are different from them. If you don't vote democrat you are a cult member. The very first item in the Bill of Rights guarantees us the right to express ourselves and to peaceably assemble, the next item gives us the right to defend ourselves against people who would deprive us of our first enumerated right. I'd love to know why people vote democrat. Democrats are trying to tear this country apart, I hope there are enough sane people in the democrat party to stop that from happening.

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