Saturday, October 30, 2021

Children In a Gay Bar?

 Admittedly Rosies doesn't look all that different from any other bar and grill. So why take kids on a field trip to any bar and grill? What was the point? This particular bar had a decidedly gay atmosphere and obviously the menus are not meant for kids or normal adults, so those democrats who are criticizing the critics and calling them homophobes should look in the mirror and admit that the reason this bar was chosen is political. There are a lot of people who are uncomfortable with any bar that openly promotes any type of sexual activity (ME), I wouldn't have allowed my children to be taken to this bar on a field trip because it was inappropriate. I would't send then to a strip club either. To democrats that makes me a homophobe. OK. So I am not all that 'modernized', I would never condone mistreating homosexuals and I won't allow them to mistreat me. 

Why do democrats always have to push people to the limit? They don't seem to understand basic civility. You can't compare Rosies with Applebees or Chilis. Applebees and Chilis don't have a perverted menu for adults and a separate kids menu. Are democrats really that dumb? Yes, taking school kids on a field trip to a gay bar is just plain dumb and then trying to defend the decision is just insulting. Sadly I guess to a democrat this would be similar to taking kids on a field trip to one of the many beautiful Spanish missions in California where, according to democrats, Catholic priests enslaved the indigenous people and had the nerve to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to them. 

That is why the democrat party has become so dangerous to America. They don't understand basic human decency. You don't take lap dances from male high school students who are wearing wedding dresses and you don't take children to gay bars. Is that really so hard to understand? 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

More Climate Road Apples

The Communist Chinese Party is building up a huge military force including a modern navy and Air Force, a huge army and some very sophistic missile systems. And they are menacing their neighbors all over Asia, they are threatening to destabilize the world economy and a lot of democrats seem to think the world should go off the dollar standard and make the yuan the world's currency. Having a unique ability to ignore everything going on right in front of them, they don't see China as a serious threat to the world. Democrats are insane. Literally insane. There is no sanity left in them as a group, hopefully there are a few strong individuals who can save the party and in the process help save this great nation. China is threatening war with Asia, and they have the weapons and personnel to make a good effort to take that region over, but democrats think the biggest threat to the world right now is catastrophic man made global warming. 

There is not one shred of evidence to support that claim, but they've done an excellent job of scaring about half of the American population that the untested and untestable theory that in a hundred years the seas will rise thirty to a hundred feet (numbers I made up. My numbers are as good as theirs) so we better all start walking now. I'm just tired of explaining it. Some years are warmer than others and some years are colder. If the ocean rises thirty feet in a hundred years I'm sure that whoever is still alive will be able to deal with it, hell it might even be fun. The real threat is the democrat party and China. I've already made my point that democrats are insane. So are the communist Chinese, but the communist Chinese are armed and very well armed. Man made global warming doesn't even have a sun lamp. 

Each year the elections are more important than the last. If you believe in problems that don't exist vote democrat. If you want to solve real problems vote Republican. Let's keep our air and water clean. Lets keep our pantries full. The main difference between democrats and Republicans is you can talk to Republicans about anything. They don't block traffic and set fires if there is a radical dummy scheduled to speak at a college campus. They don't make death threats either. And if they decide to attend the event they don't disrupt and cause a disturbance so the speaker can't deliver his or her message. They listen, you know let the lib expose their lunacy then ask questions afterward if there is a question answer period. 

Republicans aren't afraid of freedom of speech. If someone has something stupid to say they want to hear it. And they don't have to destroy anyone who disagrees with them. They can talk about any issue and try to reach an accord that might not make everyone happy, but it won't make everyone miserable either. Climate change? Ok call it whatever you want to. We need to keep our air clean and protect water and food sources. I'm pretty sure democrats agree with that. And there are good ways to become wise stewards of the resources we have. Solar, wind, hydrogen to name a few. The American approach would be to allow companies in conjunction with government to educate people about the importance of exploring other sources of energy. I don't believe oil is a renewable resource and someday it will run out. Even oil shales are not going to last forever. Alternatives to the internal combustion engine need to be developed. 

Oil is going to run out long before we experience any catastrophic changes in the climate. Some scientists say that weather and climate are not the same thing and technically they are correct I suppose. The problem is that they are connected and the weather does change seasonally. The earth does get colder and warmer and some years are colder or warmer than others and that's ok. We know when to wear t-shirts and we know when to wear a jacket. We do not need the federal government to force us to do anything at gun point. Americans are pretty smart but they are also human and subject to making mistakes once in awhile. Democrats offer them a free whatever and some of them will jump at it similar to a fish grabbing onto a shiny object in the water. And just like the fish Americans who fall for the mirage will end up dancing on the end of the democrat party string. And just like the fish their quality of life will disappear.  

We don't need to waste money combating things that don't exist. We need to find ways to keep our environment clean and healthy by using our resources wisely. There are about eight types of climate, some 'scientists' claim there are many more than that, but they are loons. And each climate is identifiable and has certain properties that are consistent. And weather is about the same. There are four seasons in many parts of the world and we can tell when the seasons change. Winter is coldest and summer is warmest. It isn't complicated unless you get a democrat involved. They can screw up anything. 

Don't worry about climate change. Worry about helping other people. Work hard to keep the environment clean. Work hard to provide a good living for yourself. Enjoy your life, especially if you are lucky enough to be an American. The earth is fine. Americans are cool. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Democrats are Dangerous

Democrats are dangerous to children and other living things. They are dangerous because they insist that they are always right by definition. They've made a decision therefore there is no reason to have a discussion because there is no way that anyone else could have a valid objection to whatever problem they've solved since they can never be wrong. And the beauty of it is that the problem they are pretending to 'solve' is a real problem that they caused. It's one of their favorite plays; first create a problem (man made global warming) then 'create' a solution. The goal is to create an excuse to pass laws restricting our civil liberties by outlawing things like the internal combustion engine and stopping off shore drilling, oil shales operations, coal mining, and overland pipelines, causing massive increases in fuel prices and risking the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans who can no longer afford to pay for, or even obtain fuel oil to heat their homes and impacting food prices when the increased cost in transportation has to be paid by increasing the cost of food. 

They are attacking our basic philosophy of life that we are free to pursue life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that we derive that right from God. Since our foundational rights are our divine right, no person can take them away from us. Democrats hate that. If they can't take away our rights, or grant rights to us, how are they going to be able to control us, and make us conform to their idiotic rules regarding stopping something that doesn't exist? They waste money on things like 'social programs' that provide thousands of dollars a month to parolees so they won't have a 'need' to steal anymore, or on demand abortion and sex change operations for military personnel, many other things that are unnecessary. they invent 'hate speech' and 'domestic terrorism' in order to get us to keep our mouths shut if they are forcing some new and foreign doctrine down our throats like disagreeing with the idea that there are more than two genders or continuing to oppose criterial race theory and the 1619 project. According to democrats if you don't agree with CRT and the 1619 project you are a terrorist. 

If they want a five trillion dollar debt increase then that's what the country has to do. If anyone from the other major party or any other party looks at their budget  and finds something in that might not be necessary or at least might be something that could be better accomplished in another way, it doesn't matter to them. They have a 51 percent Super Majority so they are no longer a legislative and executive but a monarchy and they will do whatever they damn well please. 

Democrats aren't happy about the restrictions the Constitution places on them. Whats up with this freedom of speech nonsense? And who made up that absolute lunacy about individuals being sovereign over the state? To them that's anarchy. How can 300 plus million people possibly be trusted to govern themselves? To those of us that love living in a free country democrats are a real threat. Catastrophic man caused global warming and hate speech crimes are two examples of how the democrats want to water down the Bill of Rights. Their fight against individual rights to own firearms or sell them to other people or even give them as gifts are all tools democrats are using to wrestle our rights away from us. Then critical race theory and the 1619 projects are both designed to divide the country by race and could easily lead to a race war in America. They also waste valuable time and resources filing frivolous lawsuits against states that have a different political and religious philosophy than the democrats. Democrats don't see a way to disagree over things like catastrophic global warming, self defense rights, gender identity and abortion. Whoever disagrees with those positions is the enemy and has to be destroyed. That makes it hard to get along. To Americans the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the law of the land and sacred documents. To Democrats it is an instrument that stands in their path to establishing a monarchy, or some other form of minority rule government. 

There is no evidence at all to support catastrophic man caused global warming yet American bobble heads just keep bouncing their heads up and down saying, "Yup, Yup, Yup!" The American people are become fat and lazy. The democrats are promising them a living wage even if they choose not to work and more and more of them are falling for it. Right now it is hard to find people who want to work because of so-called free money from the government. They don't know where what the government is. Somehow democrats have convinced about 50 percent of the country that it is immoral for anyone to have a billion dollars and the only way to impose morality on billionaires is to confiscate their money and give it to those people who are more deserving in the eyes of the democrats. And they've been pushing this nonsense for a couple of generations. During the Great Depression FDR implemented huge government entitlement programs that guaranteed things like Social Security and the minimum wage. Social Security was a lie and the minimum wage has become another vehicle democrats use to allow them to confiscate money from one person so they can give it to another person. Both programs are failing badly. They both result in increased taxes in the case of Social Security and higher consumer prices in the case of the minimum wage.  

As long as people keep voting democrat we are in very serious trouble until we get more Manchins and Sinemas willing to admit that Schumer and the Gang of Four are lunatics and we need to save the country.  If we continue to allow it democrats will destroy America. Not the Russians and not the Chinese, but the democrats.

More evidence of the extent of their mental illness is staring us in the face everyday. In stores too many things are locked up and you have to enlist the assistance of store clerks to get access to certain shaving and make up items and many other things. Democrats pass laws making life easier for thieves, democrats don't believe in God, democrats don't believe in our right to free speech or self defense. They do believe in force. They love force. Education takes too long and people might learn the wrong thing. It is better to invent hate speech laws so you can silence your opponents. If you think it's wrong to accept same sex attraction you can be charged with a hate speech crime. If you don't agree that we are about to be extinguished by catastrophic global warming you can be charged with hate speech and fined or sent to jail or both. If you don't think the government has the right to tell you what kind of car to drive you can be imprisoned for hate speech. What happens if you think you shouldn't be forced to pay for an operation for some confused person who thinks he or she was born the wrong gender? Yup hate speech. Free speech? That's probably hate speech too. 

I'm not saying Republicans are doing a great job, but right now they are the only party working hard to save America. 

If you love the USA vote Republican. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

I see a Lot of Jackasses and Damn few Americans

 You better look out for me because I'm a domestic terrorist. I read the Bible just about everyday and I believe in God. I also pray to God every day. I pray that the American people will start looking to God for answers to their questions and that they will start treating each other with respect. I also believe our Constitution was divinely inspired and the greatest set of laws ever devised by any country. I also know there are only two genders and I don't believe it is healthy to tell children otherwise. To a democrat that makes me a danger to society. That's why they created so called hate speech laws; they need to have a vehicle that allows them to punish free thinkers. People who think for themselves are dangerous to democrats

I am so lucky that I grew up in a country where we knew the difference between a boy and a girl. The whole idea is absurd. We didn't have to worry about finding halfway through a date that the girl we were with was really a boy. And we never had to ask anyone, "Hey, are you a boy? Or a girl?" Or how can a girl feel comfortable going on a date with a boy who may actually be a girl? Are they supposed to ask? "Hey, are you a girl or a boy?"

And if they do ask that will they be arrested for a hate crime? Are democrats going to pass a law that says if you think there are only two genders you can be arrested for hate speech? We are becoming insane as a nation. How many reasons can there be for a group of people to be afraid of a free exchange of ideas? Only totalitarian states are afraid to let people express themselves. Don't people have a right to be wrong and say stupid things? I've always said that if someone has something stupid to say they have a right to say it. It might be offensive and that's ok. 

Democrats are attempting to silence people who are different from them. If you don't vote democrat you are a cult member. The very first item in the Bill of Rights guarantees us the right to express ourselves and to peaceably assemble, the next item gives us the right to defend ourselves against people who would deprive us of our first enumerated right. I'd love to know why people vote democrat. Democrats are trying to tear this country apart, I hope there are enough sane people in the democrat party to stop that from happening.

Thursday, October 14, 2021


My mom's mom was a virtuous woman who abhorred unclean lips, but whenever she got fired up about politics she started railing on those 'Damn Dems!' She was born in 1890 and she was delightful to be around. She lived all of her 95 years in the great state of Idaho, leaving once or twice to visit us in California, but never staying for very long. And California was part of America in those days, she just missed the farm she lived on. 

So what are the Damn Dems up to now? Genderism. They don't understand why people like me, mean people, people who are domestic terrorists, you know people who think there are only two genders. Male and female. Because that's how many there are. If that makes me a dangerous person, then that's the way it is. I guess people should stay away from me because I'm not going to change my mind. Someday democrats are going to send me to some sort of Gulag where I can dig ditches and break up rocks or something until I am fit to be reintroduced to society. You know, the society where there are more than two genders. Are democrats insane? Most likely. And now their lunacy is getting children hurt. In Loudon County Virginia, where they don't tolerate closed minded domestic terrorists who don't accept the idea that there are more than two genders, they allow boys to use the girls restroom if the boy says he is a girl that day. So the predictable finally, tragically, happened; a young girl was raped in the girls bathroom by some democrats little boy wearing a skirt and following her into the girls restroom.

Boys and girls America is coming unravelled. When the girls father demanded a police investigation he was arrested for causing a public disturbance at a school board meeting.  The crime had to be covered up because democrats promised that no boy who claimed to be a girl would ever rape anyone. If that sounds stupid to you then you probably are normal which is something else we aren't supposed to say anymore. But because the girl's father had the courage to fight for her she did get a rape investigation and they were able to arrest the democrat spawn that raped her. Now we will see how hard the district attorney works to make sure the little snot avoids a prison sentence. After all, he is only seventeen years old and he thought he was a girl, how was he supposed to know it was wrong to rape a girl? He probably didn't even know it was possible for a girl to rape a girl. In today's America I can already see a Not Guilty verdict coming. 

There is no other country in the world that can defeat the United States of America, only an American will be able to take us down, and right now it looks like that American will come from the jackass party. 


 Democrats are horrified that some states may take measures to save the lives of babies in the womb. Governor Greg Abbott has done the unthinkable; he has saved thousands of lives and democrats are furious. How could he be so cruel? Babies can't even vote. Why would anyone want to save the life of a constituent that can't repay the kindness? If you're alive and breathing don't thank a democrat. Not that they necessarily wanted you dead, they just didn't care if you lived or died. They say no one really wants an abortion, but if an unborn baby gets killed where's the harm? They can't donate to anyone's campaign and they can't vote. Democrats are baffled. What's the point? You're going to protect someone who may someday vote against you? That's a chance democrats aren't willing to take. She may grow up to be a great scientist or she may become homeless, why take a chance? If mom doesn't want her hook her up to a giant vacuum and tear her apart. And democrats say I'm mean. 

If saving babies is mean then sign me up for the meanest team on the planet. If you don't want to have a kid then don't, but don't think that gives you the right to murder the one you are carrying just because you failed to control yourself during a series of one night stands. You had your fun, now the party's over. Time to pony up, get a job, whatever, you're going to be a mommy! Yikes! But being  a parent ain't all that bad, I've done it lots of times and most of the time it's worth it. Abbott is simply saying that life is sacred and we need to respect that. Keep the child, bring her into the world and then if you still don't want her give her up at the local hospital, or the police station, or the fire station. You had a chance now give her a chance. Unlike you, maybe she'll make something of herself. And maybe that's what bothers democrats the most, what if my child ends up being smarter, better looking, wealthier than me? Killing kids isn't something we should want to do. Even if they haven't been born yet. 

Texans have always been pro America, pro Texas, and pro Constitution. They have always prided themselves on their conservative views and their individualism and now that is being threatened by Californians spilling into their state. Soon gas prices will rise, property taxes will go up, and the days when middle class workers could afford to actually buy a house will end. Any state that welcomes Californians with open arms and Californians are emotional basket cases who are looking for a hand out, is doomed. They chased several big businesses out of California to Texas, now where they going to send them? And what about the oil industry? 

Californians hate oil. HATE! They are going to do whatever they can to destroy Texas and it's only a matter of time. Unless.... unless what? I hope I'm wrong. I'd love to see the USA survive, but it isn't going to. There are too many things piled on her back for her to carry. And the worst are women's rights. Democrats don't recognize the divinity of women. There is a reason God chose one gender to bring His children into the world. And there is a reason He wants His children to be born and not slaughtered in one of America's thousands of slaughter houses for unborn babies. And there is a reason why there are only two genders; we are supposed to bring children into the world. Two men can't do that. Two women can't do that either. Two men and two women can be nice people, even nurturing people but they can't provide children the rich human experience of having parents that are opposite gender couples. Women can't be men and men can't be women. Bruce Jenner used to be a decent looking man, now look what's happened. As far as I'm concerned Bruce will never be Caitlyn. Bruce will never be a woman or the governor of California. 

That just isn't the way it works. And this week in Texas they reaffirmed the sanctity of human life by signing a law that says you can only kill an unborn baby if she doesn't have a heart beat. Once that little heart starts ticking she gets to live. Sorry dems, you can still kill babies, just not as many as you'd like. At least not in Texas. And I hope Texans never change. I forgot her name, but there was a democrat legislator on the news practically in tears complaining that other states might start doing the same thing. "It's illegal!" They wail. What about that law the Supreme Court passed in 1973 when Congress refused to do what democrats demanded and pass a law against humanity. The Supremes stepped in and said, "To hell with the legislature! If we get a woman pregnant, we damn sure want to give them the opportunity to escape the public humiliation of becoming pregnant without a husband, and we want to be absolved of the responsibility of taking care of a child we desperately don't want our wives to find out about." 

So they decided that the woman had a right to privacy that was guaranteed by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Seven perverts ganged up on two men who believed in the sanctity of life and circumvented the legislature, passing a law that didn't, and still doesn't exist. Don't thieves have a right to privacy? How about murderers? And guess what state the Supremes were ganging up on? That's right, the great state of Texas. And now almost fifty years after the Supreme Court gave them the finger Texas is giving it back to them and democrats are beside themselves with grief. 

Joe Biden knows that his stupid kid is out acting foolish with any woman who wants to be close to the rich and powerful and he doesn't want a house full of illegitimate grandchildren so he has ordered the Attorney General, who probably has similar fears, to get the Supreme Court to kick Governor Abbott in the butt and quash that ridiculous law protecting unborn children. We need at least 49 other governors with the same moral standards as Abbott. 

I hope the Supreme Court stands firm in their resolve to at least keep abortions to a minimum if they can't outlaw them altogether. 

Thursday, October 7, 2021


 I finally have to admit it. I can no longer remain silent while democrat lunacy swirls all around us. It is entirely possible that the United States of America had its last free election in 2016. A scary thought, but not one that is advanced lightly, or without a great deal of evidence to support it. In 2016, possibly for the first time in our history a non politician conducted his first political campaign and was elected President of the United States. The 'leadership' of both major parties tried to stop him, but they were powerless in the face of practically universal disgust for both political parties. Donald Trump was just what the country needed. He actually had something to say and he wasn't afraid to say it. People from both parties voted for him precisely because he didn't really fit the mold for either party. He ran as a Republican, but he really wasn't a Republican, he was far from being a democrat. He was appalled by the problem  at our Southern border and the lack of law enforcement efforts to stop the flow of illegal aliens into the country. He didn't like the fact that the USA was practically funding NATO and the United Nations, he thought other wealthy countries should start paying their share of the burden, he recognized the insanity of purchasing oil from people who hate us, he didn't like American jobs being shipped overseas to places like China where the commie regime is building a powerful military force likely to be used against us someday, and he thought we could do better at creating more jobs at home. He thought it was good to acknowledge American Exceptionalism and he thought the heads of state of other countries should feel the same way about their countries. He had the crazy idea that everyone in the world should feel good about the country they called home. Only it wasn't a crazy idea; it was an idea that resonated with the majority of the American people. 

In short, he connected with the American people in a way that no professional political candidate did. And he said what was on his mind without having to worry about how it would be taken because he recognized that if people didn't like what he was saying he would lose the election and someone else would win. Nothing personal, no axe to grind, he just wanted to build this country up. He wanted people to know that it is ok to think this is a great country because it is. Both major parties were apoplectic. How could this happen? Poli Sci professors tried, but couldn't make sense of it. The movement was unmistakable. Hilary Clinton was a very experienced politician. She made a lotta bucks from hubbies political success and she thought enough people wanted Billie in the White House again that she'd be a shoe-in. She also carried a lot of baggage. For some reason Bill was likable but she was cold and calculating. And she looked terrible in a pant suit. And of course Trump was selected over about 16 Republican candidates who all sounded pretty much the same and had long records of getting nothing done. America was tired of that, they liked the strong, successful, opinionated guy because he was making sense. We knew we should be energy independent and the only reason we weren't was because of government overreach and job killing regulation. We needed American companies to hire American workers, we needed new companies to be able to take root without being strangled by needless government regulation before they even had a chance to try.

And we did need to protect our Southern border. Americans needed jobs and illegal aliens were taking those jobs away because they were willing to work for a lot less money. For eight years our president had been telling the world that the USA was a country with a history of abusing people's basic human rights. America was not a moral country, it was in many ways an oppressive country and we needed to learn how to get along with our neighbors. Eight years of listening to the president tell the world that our country was in need of repenting for all of the bad things we had done. We were weak and the world knew it. North Korea ramped up its ballistic missile program, firing ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan whenever they wanted to and they conducted several tests of nuclear bombs. Our president said nothing. Russia was conducting espionage against America and menacing its neighbors with large troop build ups along their borders. Putin annexed Crimea from Ukraine who was pretty much powerless to do anything about it. Our presidents response? He asked the president of Russia (a Putin puppet) to pass the word to let Putin know that his aggressive acts weren't helping; that after the election our president would be in a better position to help Putin with his desire to reunify Eastern Europe.

Donald Trump wanted none of that and he won the election by a very small margin. I'll always maintain the position that the margin was in fact much larger, but democrats are gifted campaign thieves and they almost pulled that one off too. 

Okay someday I may be sent to a re-education camp, or just disappear altogether for admitting this but I did in fact vote for Donald Trump. Yup, I voted for the mean guy over the liar and completely anti America candidate in the pantsuit. Democrats were so confident of a win that they'd planned a huge celebration, and why not? They had purchased many of the voting machines, making sure that all votes went for Bloody Hilary, including many votes cast for other offices that the computers were programmed to count for her. They were doing the obligatory illegal vote, and dead people vote. Multiple mail in votes from different counties, they had it in the bag. I'm sure they invented ways to cheat that nobody has even figured out yet. And a few hours before the polls closed they cancelled the show. They already knew they had lost and there was no reason for a party. Arrogance defines the democrat party and that was a very sweet victory.

As soon as he was sworn in democrats started calling for his impeachment. For what? It didn't matter, he just had to be stopped because he was bad for America. Why was he bad for America? Because democrats said so. During their failed campaign democrats unveiled some very dirty tricks claiming among other things that Trump was photographed in Russia with a bunch of prostitutes in one of his hotels, and he was going to make deals with Putin to build hotels cheaper in Russia. A guy named Steele had been hired to write a fiction about Trump. Steele had once been a spy for England and the DNC and Bloody Hilary paid him to compile a 'dossier' of Trump's illegal acts. It was all a fiction. Even Mr. Steele said he never verified what was in his report. According to him some people said negative things about Donald Trump and he put it in a report and sold it to Hilary Clinton. 

And later on, right before the election, the Obama administration so-called Justice Department used that report to lie to a FISA court so they could get permission to put a spy inside the Trump campaign. If the Watergate bunglary was a crime lying to the FISA court should result in multiple life sentences. Unable to derail the campaign by lying to the court democrats began talking about impeachment as soon as President Trump took the Oath of Office. Then after claiming over and over again they had overwhelming evidence that President Trump was guilty of treason, which they never had, they dragged the country through an impeachment farce, making a mockery of our legislature and failing to impeach the president. Then failing that they tried it again. Clearly democrats have no respect for our government. They actually are trying to overthrow our system of individual liberty. And this abuse happened at the highest levels of government. The head of the FBI and the CIA, and the Attorney General of the United States. 

Apparently if you are a democrat it's ok to lie to Congress and the judges. Nobody was held accountable for anything they did. And they bankrupted several good people and even falsely imprisoned others. I can't say they stole the election. To me that's too simplistic. They conspired at the highest levels of government to cheat and get more votes than they really had. At least seventy four million votes were cast for Donald Trump, over eleven million more than he received in 2016. And he was running against a man who was afraid to leave his house for most of the campaign and a man who was showing clear signs of dementia. To be fair this was an election democrats literally couldn't afford to lose. If President Trump had remained in office the DOJ probably would have been able to prove that the director of the FBI and his immediate underlings, as well as the director of the CIA, lied to the court and maintained a constant illegal spy operation against a presidential candidate that continued after he was elected president. 

In the final days of President Trump's presidency he made a passionate speech claiming that he believed he won the election and Congress should not ratify the result. He told his followers to peacefully assemble in front of the capitol building and let their voices be heard. He never advocated an insurrection or any type of violence, but the demonstration got out of control, possibly due to the actions of FBI plants, and several people did some property damage and illegally entered the building, some of them entering the offices of congresspersons and taking 'selfies' at office desks and some tried to enter the capitol chamber. A scared capitol police officer actually killed a protester who was trying to enter the chamber. Fortunately for him he was black and his victim, an unarmed white woman, was expendable. That police officer should be on trial for murder but he has instead been praised for saving 'countless lives'. There were maybe two hundred people in that room. Democrats can't count to two hundred? 

Democrats called that an attempt to overthrow the government. A handful of unarmed protesters were going to over throw the government by breaking a couple of windows and messing up some offices? That just doesn't make any sense, but they've rounded up dozens of them and they are sitting in prison right now, almost a year after the fact, waiting for their 6th Amendment right to a fair and speedy trial. For you democrats that's in the Constitution in a portion known as the Bill of Rights. 

To democrats burning buildings and people's cars and looting and burning department stores, and then barricading several city blocks and declaring themselves kings of those areas, even resulting in the killing of some people, is a peaceful protest. The mayor of Seattle called it a "summer of love" apparently saying it was the same as some drug addled hippies in a park near San Francisco sixty years ago who were not being violent at all and they called that a summer of love, an event that occurred before that mayor was born. 

I know this is going to hurt some people, but I am beginning to form the opinion that democrats really are demented. And about half of the people in this country are democrats. We are in very serious trouble. And Republicans aren't much better. They don't want to destroy this great country, but they are not very effective at exposing democrat malfeasance. The truth is democrats know that a handful of irreverent unarmed protesters weren't trying to overthrow the government and thousands of armed protesters smashing windows, looting stores, burning buildings and destroying personal property, and killing people doesn't constitute a peaceful protest. 

Democrats want to overthrow our country and Republicans hope it doesn't happen yet. The January Sixth insurrection is another democrat illusion and I hope the American people wake up before it's too late. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


 I try really hard to stay out of politics, but democrats won't let me. Thank goodness for Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. Democrats want to spend over five trillion dollars that the country doesn't have to promote 'infrastructure' that ain't infrastructure. It looks like the Senate already passed a trillion dollar infrastructure bill, which estimates suggest is over 500 billion dollars more than is needed, with 19 so-called Republicans voting like democrats (hopefully they'll be fired during the next election cycle) and every single democrat voting for it so obviously there is nothing wrong with it right? 

Luckily the next plan to destroy our nation, a 3.5 trillion dollar monstrosity to force taxpayers to pay for family and medical leave programs, subsidized child care, universal prekindergarten, and expanded medicare, and subsidized housing and of course the free money given to democrat politicians' friends so they can supposedly stop the climate from changing, but will really be redirected to fund democrat campaigns since you can't do anything to stop the climate from changing. A favorite money laundering scheme of the donkey party. And of course they want to expand medicare and cut carbon emissions in half in less than ten years. To normal people spending 3.5 trillion dollars the country doesn't have to pay for things it doesn't need would seem pretty stupid. But hold on there for a minute. It's all gonna be ok because Bernie Saunders, a pinko commie and democrat party hero, says it will be paid for by increasing taxes on rich people. Even I look at corporate profits and scratch my head sometimes when I compare it to what they are paying their employees. I'm opposed to increasing the minimum wage and in favor of American laborers forcing fat cats to pony up. 

I look at rents in the city where I live and there is no way even a single person can live on fifteen bucks an hour. That's wrong and at the turn of the 20th century the American workers fought hard for a living wage. Government played a role too by passing safety regulations and helping to put an end to unhealthy child labor practices and other things, but laborers didn't sit back and cry and whine and beg Uncle Sam for help. They organized and raised hell and got what they needed. It could be that the time has arrived for another labor movement. I don't have anything against successful people and I don't want to punish wealthy people by forcing them to pay higher taxes in order to support the middle class, but they should take care of the people who got them where they are. 

Raising taxes to punish successful people isn't the answer. This three and a half trillion dollar disaster the democrats have cooked up is not going to do much good for anybody and it is going to harm a lot of people. Anyone who believes Bernie plans to make 'rich' people pay for the multi trillion fiasco is just plain fuzzy. Bernie is one of the 'rich' people and he ain't gonna give anybody anything. That's the way communism works. The oligarchs collect the money, keep ninety percent for themselves and cram everybody else in one and a half bedroom tenements with a bathroom down the hall. Of course in order for that to happen there has to be a purge of all non essential citizens (people who want to live in a free society) through mass murder and internment camps. 

Democrats who think Bernie and the Gang of Four are good for the country would do well to study recent Russian history. Franklin Delano Roosevelt thought Joseph Stalin was a great guy. Read the history and decide for yourself.

I think it's time for a labor movement. Not a violent movement, one that negotiates and takes their case to the American people, many of whom are suffering under the low wage system. And they keep voting democrat. Go figure!