Saturday, July 31, 2021

Abortion: whose body are we talking about?

 Let's ask the baby comfortably resting inside the mother sucking her thumb what she thinks about abortion. I know we can't do that but what if we could? I'm going to speak for the unborn here and she isn't going to say, "I want a noisy machine to rip my thumb out of my mouth then violently rip me apart and throw me in the trash." Anyone who thinks the unborn baby doesn't have any feelings doesn't believe in established medical research. I don't mind telling the world that abortion is an evil practice. There is no excuse for abortion  at all. Rape is another terrible evil and a crime that I think is worthy of capital punishment upon conviction. Or surgical removal of everything male on the convict's body. Yes even his voice box. Why not? If we can't agree on a suitable punishment among ourselves I'll be content to let God take care of it in His own time. There is nothing we can do that will even come close to the punishment God will provide. And I wouldn't want to be the person standing before God's tribunal at God's final judgement trying to explain why I thought it was a good idea to abuse one of His daughters. 

And for all you genius science deniers who say a fetus isn't a human being, there is no other definition for a fetus. She has a heartbeat and a central nervous system, she requires food and oxygen, she has a brain that functions, and her parents are human, that is a human being. Maybe we should eliminate the word 'fetus' and just call her a baby. That's what she is. She doesn't know much yet, but she wants to learn and experience life like the rest of us, those of us whose mothers didn't murder us before we were born. 

In the one in several million cases where a mothers life is threatened by the pregnancy then a heart breaking decision has to be made, that of having to choose which life is more important. If we reduced abortions to only cover those instances of rape and incest, or where the life of the mother were seriously in question there wouldn't be any abortion clinics because there wouldn't be enough patients to keep them open. No matter how I try to analyze the abortion issue there is no way to justify killing a baby just because we aren't ready to be parents and the overwhelming number of abortions are performed just because the woman doesn't want a child. Parenthood isn't for everyone and if you don't want to be a parent, but you are pregnant the only correct way to move forward is to deliver the baby and immediately adopt her out to a good couple who want to raise her as their own in a secure environment. 

So yes, I can meet you half way. The mother can do whatever she wants with her body. She just can't do anything to harm the baby she is carrying. The 500 pound gorilla in the room here is promiscuous sexual conduct; women who want to fool around, but don't want to be held responsible for the consequences of their actions. I know, that's mean! No, abortion is mean. Ripping apart a baby and killing her is mean. Pretending she can't feel pain so your conscience won't bother you is mean. Saving her life and protecting her takes courage. Recognizing that you have conceived a child and are now responsible for that child's welfare is character. I'm not afraid of being labeled mean when I am protecting babies. I'm afraid of being considered a coward when I fail to speak up about it. People who support ruining the economy because they are afraid we are all about to perish in a ball of fire due to a phenomena they call 'man caused global warming', the existence of which cannot be proven, think it's ok to kill a baby if you didn't want to get pregnant during that intimate moment with some guy. 

When we are talking about abortion we're not talking about the mother's body. She doesn't want to kill herself, she wants to kill her baby. So stop with the 'My Body My Choice' nonsense. Let's ask the unborn baby what she thinks about that. 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Democrats to the Rescue?

I'm pretty sure women don't like getting beat up, raped, murdered and otherwise abused so I'm puzzled about them consistently voting democrat. 

A couple of days ago Uncle Joe Biden signed the Victim's of Crimes Act which will allocate more money to assist victims of crimes. And near the top of the list is the crime of rape which I've heard women describe as a horrible, humiliating experience. Even if we're just talking about getting shot and losing an arm or a leg because of the seriousness of the wound, I think I'd be better off if I never got shot in the first place and I think women would be better off if they never got raped. Democrats seem to disagree about that. I don't know another group that can ignore facts as effectively as a democrat. They spend multiple hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars to defeat things like the Three Strikes law. Democrat district attorneys refuse to oppose the early release of violent criminals, many of whom are rapists and child molesters, and when the numbers of crimes committed by these individuals increases democrats blame it on racism. That's it, if you think a violent criminal belongs in prison you're a racist. 

When a white police officer accidentally kills a black criminal democrats start screaming that everyone in America is a racist! Well not everybody, just everybody who can objectively look at the facts and say, 'you know if Brother Floyd hadn't been all jacked up on illegal drugs and started a fight with the police somebody might have killed him that day but it wouldn't have been that police officer'. Anyone who doesn't goose step with BLM and render a hitler salute on cue is a racist. And that brings me back to the point of this discussion. The murder rate in democrat run cities is higher than its been in about thirty years and other violent crimes, yes including rape and wife beating (domestic abuse for you democrats) so the democrats reduce police budgets by about 70% and still they aren't alarmed when even more people get murdered, maimed and raped.

The reason they aren't particularly bothered by the mayhem on their streets is because they have the perfect solution; steal more money from me so they can provide free bandaids and counseling services to the victims of crimes. Any idiot can tell that it would be much better to stop the criminals from continuing their crime  spree. It makes far more sense to make it more difficult for criminals to terrorize the population than to make things easier for them and then offer free bandaids to the people being victimized. But then, I'm not a democrat so I just don't get it. 

So all you women who support reducing police budgets and early release for rapists just imagine how good you are going to feel if you are ever the victim of a sexual assault. While it is happening to you just think how good the free counseling is going to make you feel in a couple of months when they finally have an appointment available so you can reveal all of the intimate details of your attack to a twenty three year old master's degree candidate with long unruly hair and yellow teeth at the the local university's school of psychology. 

Democrats rarely solve problems, they create problems and then 'find' solutions. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Delta Variant; the good news

 If you're stupid you have a lot more to worry about from the Delta variant of the coronavirus. The reason is simple: people who have the good sense to get vaccinated have a much lower rate of infection than their stupid counterparts. 

All the hysteria about people dying from the vaccination or the government using vaccination sites as places where they can implant monitoring chips in everybody is just plain unrealistic. If the Government wants to find you it will. And then the "Oh my gosh! It changes my DNA! It CHANGES my DNA, what am I gonna do, I can't live with changed DNA!"

Does anyone really understand that? Maybe. I don't. Before OJ cut his wife's head off we didn't even know there was such a thing as DNA. Now we're being told that a vaccination is going to somehow change it and we're hysterical. 

Personally I don't really care all that much. I got the vaccine before I knew about the plot to change my DNA so it's too late now for me. The good news is I have a much lower chance of getting the China Virus and I probably won't be spreading it. That seems like a good thing to me. And the virus isn't going to kill everybody just some people. The potentially good news there is that there might be a lot less traffic congestion and real estate prices might fall so a vaccinated family will finally be able to afford the house they need instead of cramming three kids all into the same bedroom. 

Democrats should be happy, although they are only happy when there is something to be miserable about so this may not be good news to them, but there should be a lot less danger of global spontaneous combustion. Unless the earth just gets angry or bored and decides to commit suicide in which case its all over for everyone. 

So don't get vaccinated if you don't want to. And don't wear a mask or practice social distancing. Let the China Virus run its course and those of us who are left will reap the benefits of lower population, less traffic, fewer traffic deaths, You Know the Thing! (I love that one) And that's the good news. 

Are white people stupid?

 Yes that is a real question. And I'd actually have to add a political component; white Republicans. I can't stand either political party. The leadership in both parties is so dysfunctional that they can barely say good morning to each other. I'm afraid that in a few short years this country is going to be split up by tribes if we can't learn to respect each other. Neither side should dig in their heels and refuse to compromise on most issues. 

The question today is what about the science of the China Virus vaccine? There is some early evidence that it is effective. More effective than wearing masks or social distancing. Yet about two thirds of Republicans are refusing to get the shot. To me that's just plain dumb. Is there a chance that something bad will happen? Yes there is, but if it works the benefits far outweigh the risks. Don't be a baby, get the shot! 

And for all you military people refusing the vaccine, let's take away your rifles and other weapons too. Carrying a weapon onto the field of battle doesn't guarantee you won't get wounded so leave it in your locker. That way it won't get so dirty and you won't have to clean it so often. Does that sound stupid? OF COURSE IT DOES!! Don't be an idiot! get vaccinated, put this pandemic in the rear view mirror. 

Seriously, democrats usually get everything wrong. There is no doubt about that. From abolishing the Bill of Rights to elevating drug addicted criminals like George Floyd to hero status. Most of the time if they accidentally find themselves on the correct side of an issue it is because they are following the plan of their Republican predecessor. Like now. President Trump assembled a team of scientists and told them to find a vaccine for the China Virus RIGHT NOW! And they did. Uncle Joe Biden proudly proclaimed that President Trump didn't do anything to help stop the spread of the virus. Okay Joe, time to take your meds. Then after we foolishly elected him president he followed the distribution plan outlined by President Trump and people now have the chance to get vaccinated. 

To their credit, albeit for probably the wrong reason, democrats are lining up for the shot and republicans aren't. Democrats have probably convinced themselves that Uncle Joe created the vaccine in his kitchen. 

I understand that there is a lack of trust in elected crackheads. Americans are getting dumber every year. How else do you explain Big Al Cortez, Omar 'Death to America, Death to Israel' Ilhan, Sister Pressley, and Rashiba 'Let There Be Jihad' Tlaib? And our so-called American press. If we fall to the communist ideal in America there won't be any bright spots, although there may be some satisfaction watching progressive reporters cry while their 'heroes' douse them with gasoline and burn them alive along with their laptops. Take note CNN, MSNBC, after everything you've done for them that's really gonna suck!

Satisfaction is the wrong word, but I will be thinking, 'I tried to warn you', as I cry with them. Republicans it's time to put your brains back in your heads! Get over your distrust of government. Think about what is going on and don't follow your knee jerk urge to avoid anything that the CDC says is beneficial. They're right this time. 

Get vaccinated, it's for everybody. 

All Hands on Deck!

 Alright I admit it. I'm biased when it comes to taking away our freedoms. And I'm even more biased when I see Americans willingly giving them away. 

Today elected officials in Los Angeles County declared that it is time to put the masks back on. At least while we are indoors. And yes I am sorry for those who are grieving the loss of the three people who died recently from the China Virus. And I believe in the right of anyone who wants to to wear a mask indoors, outdoors, wherever you feel the need. I'm not in favor of government whack jobs telling us we must put them back on. I have to ask myself if some democrat has a sweat shop in China or some other Third World dump where people are forced to work extra long hours for super low pay putting masks together just so a government official can throw his or her weight around and make a pile of money in the process. 

People in South Dakota may wear masks if they want to, but no government windbag is forcing them to. It's the same in Florida and some other states. Get vaccinated. Or don't. In California everyone who wants one can receive a vaccination and thus become protected against the China Virus. The blowhards in charge of L.A. County told us the cause of death of the victims of Covid, and their ages, but did not tell us if they had been vaccinated or not. I'm guessing not since that wasn't the lead story. I think Covid One Nine should get at least as much respect as the flu shot. 

None of the three people who died in Los Angeles County had been vaccinated. That's a personal choice and I respect that, but they had a chance to protect themselves and chose not to. That's life! Muntu Davis is the public health director in Los Angeles County and he says even if you've been vaccinated you have to wear a mask indoors. 

Less than 60% of the residents of L.A. County have been vaccinated and the mask mandate was lifted on June 15. Democrats need to control people. Squash them under their greedy little thumbs control them. In the days leading up to the lifting of the mandate the seven day death rate was between 20-40 people a day with a low of 19. When the mandate was reinstated on July 15th the average daily death rate from the China Virus was about the same. 

There is a lot of misinformation floating around concerning the vaccine's safety. Nothing always works. The flu vaccine is far from 100% effective and a lot of people take their chances and most of them don't die from the flu, but a few always do. The China Virus has been politicized to the point that there is no way to really know much about it. Medical science be damned no one is goings to admit anything that may benefit anyone from an opposing political party. 

Democrats want total control over our lives and republicans want to enforce the law according to the Constitution. The county health director in Los Angeles County calls for all hands on deck to combat the ravages of the China Virus then refuses to make a statement supporting the safety of the vaccine. If you are not vaccinated keep wearing the mask. If you are take the damn thing off and lose it. If the number is increasing it is most likely because people are not getting vaccinated and they're not getting vaccinated because they don't trust the vaccine. I haven't heard a single public service announcement on the TV or radio that extols the virtue of getting vaccinated. I've heard a lot of nonsense about the potential dangers of being vaccinated. 

And if the numbers of people dying from the China Virus aren't increasing who cares how many new cases there are? Even the pessimistic stats show that the China Flu is about 98% survivable even if you do become infected. When we first learned about the virus health 'experts' said wearing a mask wouldn't be effective against it. And they were probably right. Even the world renown champion of China Virus science, Nancy Pelosi walked all over Chinatown, San Francisco, talking to the people there and not wearing a mask. She was saying it was perfectly safe to visit Chinatown and so I suppose if it is safe there the rest of us must have been safe too. Nancy is a very old lady and she did not get infected with the virus. I haven't seen any evidence that makes me think wearing any type of face covering helps stop the spread of the potentially deadly China Virus.

Wearing a mask probably helps a little. The studies are suspicious to me since some states dictated drastic laws requiring the wearing of masks while others left the donning of masks up to the individual. And the states where masks were not required at all times often had lower rates of infection than those with very strict laws including pretty high financial penalties for non compliance. Meathead science says 'wear a mask all the time, don't be a science doubter!' Published info from the CDC, WHO, Mayo Clinic, and others parrot the exact same findings. 

What they seem to be ignoring are real life scenarios where people are doing well without the meatball science. Florida, Texas, South Dakota, I visited all of those states during the height of the pandemic. I may have even been violating some travel bans but in most states I had the roads and hotels to myself. And even though it wasn't mandated by power hungry politicians a lot of the people in the states I visited did wear masks inside most business establishments. There was one Harley Davidson dealership displaying a sign stating, "Masks Not Required". And the numbers shouldn't be ignored. Democrats scoffed at Floridians, gleefully predicting 'Ha! Those dummies will all be dead in a month! Moron Republicans! Stupid Science Deniers!' Only their unbridled joy never got a chance to bloom. 

According to Democrats science doesn't lie. So what went wrong? People in Los Angeles and New York City were dropping like flies (Republicans did not celebrate) and the people in the midwest who weren't ruled by power hungry bureaucrats enjoyed much lower death rates. Some families visited each other often and they didn't wear masks and they didn't get sick, while other families visited each other unmasked and half the family died. What made them different? 

The health dictator in Los Angeles County sees an increase in the number of China Virus hospitalizations reported and immediately shouts, "All Hands on Deck!" And everybody panics along with him and starts wearing masks, at least when indoors with the unwashed, albeit vaccinated, masses. And the CDC says the vaccine is safe and effective in 90% of the cases. Muntu Davis, the bureaucrat in charge of keeping everyone alive in Los Angeles County, has made no pleas that I could find to the public advocating for Covid 19 vaccinations. He quickly pounces on the idea that everyone has to wear a mask, but is reluctant to encourage people to get a shot. 

All Hands on Deck would mean a full court press, a frontal assault, a blitzkrieg, you know the thing! (For you democrats), and get the coronavirus vaccine. It's available to virtually everyone in the state and there is enough supply to get the job done. Uncle Joe likes to talk about 'shots in the arm' so where is he? Why isn't Uncle looking straight into the camera and Telling all of us in his own special way, "Come on Man! Get the shot! It's safe! it saves lives.

Maybe it does, but not if you don't get it. I'm no democrat. I do believe in science. I'm vaccinated. So is my wife. so are my seven kids and eighteen grandchildren. I'm no fan of Republican leadership either. None of them are actively advocating for the China Virus vaccine either. The shot works, that's the science. Neither side is pushing it because it came from Donald Trump, that's the politics. And people are suffering needlessly, that's the reality. And masks? Even the scientists hedge their bets with masks. They say masks may work when accompanied by proper distancing and being vaccinated. I'm trusting scientists over bloviating meatheads. I've been vaccinated, I'm getting rid of the mask. 


Wednesday, July 14, 2021


The world has been gripped by a terrible pandemic for over a year and a half. During that time President Trump created an environment that led to a vaccine against the Covid -19 virus in record time. Uncle Joe Biden called the effort reckless and later accused President Trump of doing nothing to help Americans deal with the crisis. Ok, all he did was ensure that we all have a chance to be protected from the disease if we want to be. While he was helping the world find a way to cope with the horrible and deadly China Virus he also implemented policies that led to a stronger economy than the country had seen in over ten years. And he improved the standard of living for Hispanic and Black Americans more than any other president in our history. 

He told us the truth and we called him a liar. He told the world what a great country the USA truly is and we called him unpatriotic and worse. 

During his fifty years in office Uncle Joe Biden accomplished exactly nothing. At least not for his country. He did succeed in getting his son hired by a couple of wealthy companies in socialist countries who pay him millions of dollars a year just to be able to use his name and gain his father's ear. And he managed to put away about six million dollars in his bank account. For himself Uncle Joe did very well. For his country he hasn't done a thing. Unless you call empty words helpful. He promised to stop the climate from changing, something nobody can do and we said, "Oh man, Uncle Joe really cares!" He said when he saw two men kissing in public and his father told him, "Joey it's simple. They love each other." And we said "Oh, what a compassionate man!" And when he claimed that President Trump failed to do anything about the pandemic we all said, "Wow! Uncle Joe is going to end the pandemic all by himself!" Uncle Joe couldn't remember the first line of the Declaration of Independence or even the name of the document (You know the thing!) and we said, "That just makes him human." 

The reason we are getting vaccinated and fewer people in this country are dying from coronavirus is because Uncle Joe followed President Trump's distribution plan. Soon the entire world will have access to the vaccination thanks to the efforts of President Trump and even saving the world wasn't enough to get him re-elected. 

The election is over and this isn't about the election. If Americans are tired of being comfortable and successful that's their problem. Except I live here too so it ultimately becomes my problem. I've been helping save democrats from themselves for my entire life and it is a tough job. 

Anyway now that we're vaccinated I don't understand why the President of the Untied States isn't on TV telling us that now that we are vaccinated we can stop wearing face coverings everywhere we go and we are gaining ground so there is no need to be afraid. Why isn't he praising the valiant efforts of the thousands of people who worked so hard to make sure we have the vaccination available? 

I can only really think of two reasons:

1. They know the vaccinations aren't successful, 


2. They want to control our lives for as long as possible. They are going to milk this pandemic for all its's worth. 

Personally I'm not wearing a face covering anymore. It's not necessary and it probably never was. If someone wants to call the police on me that's fine. At a time when we really need leadership the democrats can always be counted on to blame someone for their own mistakes. If the vaccination is no good and democrats know it's no good then there is nothing to do but keep on doing what they do best and that is lying to the American people. 

And if the vaccination is working they need to do what they do second best, keep on lying to the American people so they can continue to promote fear and keep us under their control. I think the vaccination works and it's time for someone in a leadership position to jump in front of a microphone and tell us that Operation Warp Speed has been a success and it's time to stop being afraid.

That would have to be a republican which is why I haven't supported the Republican Party in years. They have no spine. They should be promoting America at every opportunity. If they did that they would be winning elections in landslide elections. They should be praising the success of the vaccinations full time and letting us know it was Donald Trump that made this all possible. Why they refuse to do that is a mystery to me.

We have been vaccinated. It's time to live again. If none of our political leaders has the courage to say it then We The People need to be smart enough to figure it out for ourselves.

Put the China Virus behind us.