Saturday, May 29, 2021


 What can you say about seven days in one of the most beautiful places on earth? Sure getting there is a real pain especially now with all of the coronavirus fears, but once we got tested and past the TSA clowns and the American Airlines clones and in the air our fun began! Of course airline execs not very worried about the length of the flight figured out that the best way to fly from John Wayne airport in Orange County California to the Hawaiian islands is to fly east to the airport in Phoenix, wait 90 minutes, change planes and then head west to the Sandwich Islands and paradise. And what the heck? It only adds about three hours to the flight and the seats in coach are so comfortable that nobody would mind. And during that flight no food service. At all. One soft drink, and if you can afford it, an alcoholic beverage I guess to calm your nerves?

I was feeling pretty cramped after seven and a half hours crammed into that tiny little chair sitting next to a woman who could comfortably sit in two seats, but was doing her best not to spill over into mine. Finally Lihue airport and Kauai. Paradise on earth. It only took an hour and a half to get past the guards checking our medical papers to make sure we had tested negative for Covid One Nine. We had already been checked as we boarded the plane in Orange County, then again before boarding in Phoenix, but that didn't matter. 

Finally we were outside in the clean smelling air of the beautiful island. Waiting for the bus to shuttle us to Hertz where we had a car waiting for us. Right? We had a  confirmation number and everything, it was going to be a smooth transaction. It only took two and a half hours to get to the rental guy inside the building. And since they had lots of time they checked us all over again for a negative C19 test result. And of course they didn't have any more economy cars left so we were stuck with a full size ride. Could they still give us the economy price? No, they weren't authorized to do that. 

No matter we took the Chevrolet Impala and ran. Check in time at our resort was four O'clock. The office closes at six. when we left the airport it was about six thirty. When we arrived at the Makai resort in Princeville we were pleasantly surprised to be greeted by a lady in the office who was very gracious and showed us to our home for the next week. A great little cottage well secluded and well furnished. After that the tension melted away. Kauai is truly a paradise on earth. Seven days of hiking to waterfalls, kayaking the rivers, snorkeling the clear coastal waters, the fire dance show, photographing the flowers and the sunset catamaran ride along the napali coast, and it was time to leave too soon. The Napali coast has to be seen to be appreciated. There is no way to describe its beauty. 

We didn't eat in any of the restaurants, preferring to prepare our own meals in the cottage. We learned to buy vegetables from the local farmers at their roadside stands, avoiding both the very expensive grocery store and the equally expensive 'Farmer's Markets' where hippies from the 48 states sold 'organic' vegetables to tourists at significantly marked up prices. We did enjoy the outdoor eating at the fire dance show which was excellent. And the food on the sunset catamaran cruise was even better. 

Coming home was a drag for a couple of reasons. First leaving paradise isn't easy. Second air travel these days stinks. Especially for those of us who are old enough to remember when the airlines competed to see who could make their passengers comfortable and safe instead of uncomfortable and grouchy. Giving the car back to Hertz was a breeze. It took about five minutes. Waiting for the TSA to pretend to be looking for hazardous stuff is always uncomfortable and a waste of time. The flight home? Actually it wasn't as bad as the flight west. I got two soft drinks and two packages of some sort of cookie. I only fly when I absolutely have to. Anywhere less than twelve hundred miles away and I'm driving, except for Texas. For some reason I don't mind driving the extra miles when I have to go there which isn't often. I don't like Texas. Texas, as far as I can tell, is not paradise.

But this is about paradise in the Sandwich Islands. And I can't wait to go back. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021


 The first president I ever voted for won a landslide victory at the polls, did a great job as president, won a second term, then resigned in disgrace. He was a brilliant man whose presidency is still shrouded in controversy. Many of his supporters believe he should have remained in office, others agree that he committed some serious crimes and resigning was the best thing for him to do. 

He may have broken some rules but he was no coward. He said what was on his mind and if people didn't like it, well, that was just the way he was. If he didn't get re-elected then he wasn't the person the American people wanted for president. He wasn't going to change his ideas according to the people he was talking to. 

The last president I voted for won a narrow victory over his opponent, a woman who I'm sure cheated and lost anyway. He was a great president who accomplished a lot of very good things for our country especially considering the challenges he faced. He had to deal with the uncertainty of a world wide pandemic that killed over half a million Americans and millions more worldwide. Until he said he was running for president I wasn't going to vote. We had an extremely weak line up of men who seemed afraid to speak their mind on any topic. The beauty of candidates who speak their mind is you know where they stand and you can trust them. Most politicians can't do that. They are too afraid that someone won't like them. 

Then Donald Trump spoke and he said exactly what was on his mind. He didn't really care if people liked what he had to say so he said what was on his mind. If people liked it, great! He would be he next president. If they didn't he wasn't too worried about that. He was a billionaire who lived a comfortable life and he would go back to his mansion in his home state.

But people did like what he said and they followed him everywhere he went. When he held a political rally there wasn't a venue large enough to accommodate the crowd. People loved him. and he always appeared relaxed and in control of himself. He didn't need handlers the way most candidates do. He didn't need coaches telling him what not to say and it showed. He wasn't always 'Mr. Nice Guy.' He was always 'Mr. Honest Guy.' And I found that refreshing and I liked what he had to say. So did a lot of other people. A lot of us probably wouldn't have voted at all because the republican line up was so weak and uninspiring that we couldn't decide which one was the least mediocre, that's how low the bar had been set. Members of he press hated Donald Trump because they were afraid he could defeat their darling Hilary and they always edited his speeches to make him look bad and printed his quotes out of context. 

The democrats tried to impeach him and used an out of control FBI to conduct an illegal investigation against him. The effort to subvert the Constitution failed and the nation threatened to implode economically due to a worldwide pandemic, but Trump helped pass legislation that helped people from every demographic in the country. He was able to get certain Arab countries in the Middle East to enter into business agreements with Israel and agree that Jews have a right to exist. He held meetings with a tyrant who ran North Korea and was able to persuade him to stop menacing Japan by constantly launching rockets over their country. He elevated America's prestige in the world by meeting with leaders all over the world and letting them know that he was negotiating only for what was best for his country and he wasn't interested in any New World Order. 

The leadership of the democrat party kept accusing him of treason with no evidence to back their stupid and reckless claim and republican leadership remained silent, refusing to defend him against even patently false accusations. Many of the 'leaders' of the Republican Party ran against Donald Trump in the primary election season and of course they lost because they had no imagination or ideas of their own. In some ways it was a brutal process with Trump calling Marco Rubio 'Little Marco' and Senator Cruz ran adds on Utah television stations that showed naked pictures of Donald Trump's wife who used to be a model. Utah is considered a very religious state and still Donald Trump beat Cruz there. Donald Trump had vision so he didn't have to run a dirty campaign, although he did indulge in some mild name calling. He never insulted anyone's family or attempted to openly embarrass any opponents wife or other family members.  

Unable to forgive him for winning the election they refused to support him during his presidency. He literally had to take on the world by himself because so many people were angry or embarrassed by his victory. Donald Trumps first elected office was President of the United States and it was his very first political campaign and that is very impressive. 

As president he was smart and energetic and he moved very quickly to get things done. Most of the republican leaders just kept their mouths shut and watched as the media pummeled their president until it became clear that he was very popular with the people. His rallies drew huge crowds of admirers and his message was always upbeat. One notable exception was Jim Jordan, a representative from Ohio. He was a Trump supporter all the way and he did a good job of defending the president whenever he had the chance. Ted Cruz was a late bloomer but he finally overcame the sting of defeat and during the last two years of the Trump presidency he started doing the right thing and stood up against the president's accusers. There were very few republicans willing to help so President Trump had to stand alone against the world and he did a great job. 

There are a few republicans with some backbone, very few. The Republican Party left me years ago and I am not a fan of either major political party. The party plank is pretty solid and a lot of people remain loyal to the brand hoping to effect enough change that someday a man or a woman with vision and courage steps up and captures the imagination of the people the way Donald Trump did. Hopefully someone a little more polished than he was but with the same ability to inspire others. Someone has got to break away and win a large enough victory that we will clearly have a president who represents all of the American people. It will have to be a Conservative though. Democrats clearly do not respect our history or our values. 

It takes courage and leadership ability to inspire people. We need an American president that believes in American ideals. This is a great nation and it is worth saving. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Liberals v Democrats

 I hope it's possible for democrats to learn from their mistakes. Now a large chunk of Oregon citizens want to secede from their state. A few years it was counties in Northern California that voted for the same split. The talking heads keep saying we want to leave because of liberal policies, but I don't see it that way. Democrats are not liberals. They don't believe in free speech or freedom of religion, or many of our other civil liberties that we hold dear. Like freedom from unreasonable search and seizure and the rights of individuals to be free from unnecessary government intrusion into our lives. They believe in Group Think. We all think the same way or somebody has to go and they love to use force to get their way when persuasion doesn't work. In 1860 they believed so strongly in their opinions that they started a brutal and bloody civil war that almost destroyed the Union and it looks like they may want to do it again. 

Oregon has a democrat (not liberal) legislature and the USA has a democrat (not liberal) legislature so there is no chance that the wishes of those Americans will be considered. My fear is that when they've been ignored long enough Americans (not republicans or democrats) will engage in some form of peaceful demonstration such as perhaps stop paying their taxes for awhile. If a hundred thousand people in the same area withheld their taxes at the same and banded together it would be tough for even the Federal government to take serious action against them. Unfortunately democrats love power a little too much and they are always certain that they know more than the rest of us. Like King George in 1775 democrats are going to be surprised to learn that Americans feel strongly about our civil liberties and when the government continues to trample our rights we will kick back. 

And when democrats start kicking in doors looking for firearms to confiscate they will find they are up against an army of a little over one million pretty well armed American Minute Men who will be willing to stand up to the 40-50 thousand professional soldiers, many of whom will refuse to go to war against their own country. Democrats may think that just because they own all three branches of government, and thus wield the power of the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, they can do whatever they want and they're starting to push pretty hard, but there is a line they shouldn't cross or they will motivate that million plus man army to stand against them and they'll lose. 

They may want to, but they'll never disarm America. Shredding the Constitution is going to be a lot harder than they seem to think. When they control the White House and the Congress they absolutely wield a lot of power, but when they misuse that power they will find out how a motivated militia can put them in their place. And that is why democrats want to prevent American citizens from owning semi automatic firearms (or any other type of firearm if the truth could be told). Democrats don't care at all about school shootings or the shootings in inner cities, they defund the police so the chaos in the inner cities can gain momentum. They need to disarm law abiding citizens so they can wield unlimited power.

If they valued our democratic process they wouldn't be promoting racial division at the polls. They would admit that it is not racist to ask voters to show proof of identification before voting. If it isn't racist to ask for ID in order to cash a welfare check, or purchase a firearm, or drive a car, then it isn't racist to make people identify themselves before voting. 

Most Americans oppose teaching Critical Race Theory in public schools and agree that the 1619 project is only designed to further divide Americans by race. Democrats welcome race and class division and anyone who disagrees with them is a racist.  Liberals are at least willing to recognize that there are legitimate reasons why someone would disagree with Critical Race Theory and the 1619 project even if they happen to support those things, Liberals are not afraid to talk about those topics and they don't feel a need to destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with them. 

I think there may have been a time when democrats were liberals and hopefully someday they will embrace liberalism again, but for now democrats have hijacked the term Liberal and applied it to themselves because is just sounds so cool. There may be some democrats who are Liberals, but those who are, are out of step with their party leadership. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 I keep asking people who hate Donald Trump the same question: What did he get wrong? About 99 percent of the time I get the exact same response. EVERYTHING! And they say it with great feeling. And then I ask another question. OK, but could you just give a few examples? And the response is always just as predictable. He's a liar. He lies about everything. Well clearly he hasn't lied about everything so I ask for examples of lies he told. 

"He said there were a hundred thousand people at some of his events and there were only about twenty thousand! He lies constantly. I can't believe you think he doesn't lie. Everyone knows he lies about everything." Then they say, "You say you're a good family man," a short pause, "You know he cheated on his wives and he probably lied to them." And of course I don't approve of unfaithful spouses, but I'm not sure he lied to them. I am sure that has nothing to do with him being a good president. The current hero of the democrat party is still Bill Clinton who first lied about his relationship with a very young female intern, then had to admit the truth. Then several women broke their silence and stated that they had been raped by him. Democrats are very casual about one of their own behaving badly. Basically their response to Clinton's accusers was something like, "So what? You should be proud that he chose you! Who wouldn't want to have an intimate  relationship with him? If you're complaining about that there must be something wrong with you!" And they don't care about his trips by air on a privately owned luxury jet called the "Lolita Express" to a billionaires lair on an island out in the ocean where the attraction is underage girls that will do sexual favors for the billionaire's guests. If you don't know that's disgusting you are in serious need of a good mental health professional. I have a close relative who I truly do love and not long ago I asked him the same question because he made some anti Trump assertions. I asked him what Trump lied about and he thought for a minute and said, "I can't think of anything right now, but he does." A couple of days later he approached me and said, "You know, I really can't think of anything he has lied about." That man ended up voting for Donald Trump. People who can be honest and objective with themselves were and are Trump supporters. 

One thing you can say about people who hate Donald Trump is they may not know why they hate him, but they are very passionate about their hatred. Back to the question I asked them about the lies he told they never have any concrete examples, instead they change the subject. He's mean! He's a mean man  and he's a pervert. He's been married three times.

He basically ran a campaign based on protecting our borders and making America strong. It's a little weird that Americans would think those are bad ideas. I've asked a lot of people what he lied about and no one has provided an answer yet. 

He worked for free. Kind of a good trait in a politician that really doesn't need the money. Nancy Pelosi is not working for free and she doesn't need the money. Ditto Heir Schumer and I'm sure there are lots of democrat elected officials being paid and don't need the money. Diane Feinstein is another great example. 

He was able to get a tax cut for most Americans- a good thing

He announced to the world that he was going to put the interest of the USA before the interest of other countries and said he expected other world leaders to do the same- another good thing.

He met with Kim Jung Il and persuaded him to stop firing missiles into the Sea of Japan- a good thing.

He got other members of the UN to pay their fair share of the costs- good thing.

He helped broker a deal between Israel and some other Arab nations in the Middle East- a good thing.

He started on a wall across the Southern border- good thing.

He established a working relationship with Vladmir Putin and democrats accused him of getting rich off of that relationship. They didn't provide any evidence, but democrats never do. Taking time to prove their case is a waste of time, especially since they know they have no case. 

He raised the standard of living for every single demographic in the country, partly by providing relief from extreme regulation that was especially harmful  to small business owners. His manner of speech wasn't particularly polished and he wasn't much of a diplomat in some ways, but he did have a way with people and that helped him deal with the leaders of foreign nations. 

He stood up to the Iranians and shattered the deal Obama made with them, making it much more difficult for them to enrich uranium to be used to make weapons that could be used against Israel or anybody else. And at the same time he was able to broker a business alliance between Israel and some of its Muslim neighbors. 

And yet his detractors, continue to say he lies, and his ex-wives probably don't like him very much, which may be true, but that hardly has anything to do with his abilities as president. I wonder if that means that democrats have all dumped any of their friends that cheated on their spouses or are divorced. That seems very unlikely to me. 

In the end unfortunately enough of his supporters turned on him that now we're blessed to have Uncle Joe, Aunt Kamala, Princess Cortez and her Gang of Four (sounds ominously familiar) and we are already paying a price for it. Hamas is showering rockets down on Israel and Uncle Joe is about to restart Iran's nuclear arms program. I'm sure a lot of us can hardly wait to see just how much fun that will be. The XL pipeline has been cancelled and there will be other restrictions on domestic oil production and transportation. If something is successful democrats seem genetically predisposed to kill it. The price of fuel is already going up at a rapid rate. 

By any reasonable standard history will be very kind to Donald Trumps presidency. He was a little rough around the edges and he made some transition mistakes that he wouldn't have made if the more experienced members of his party would have helped him make a smooth transition, but he worked for all Americans not just those who voted for him. He worked for free and he put in a solid eighteen hour day. When was the last time any president did either of those things. And he  didn't have any support from people who should have been on his team. When democrats were criticizing him McConnell should have been explaining why he was doing what was best, ditto Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy. Too often they were silent when Trump was being trounced in the press and by Pelosi/Shummer. President Trump was criticized for over using his twitter account, but no one else was telling his side of the story. He did a lot and he did it all on his own. He is going to stand out as one of the greatest presidents we've ever had. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Democrats and other misguided 'leaders' around the world say the sky is falling but it isn't. They also say that things like transgender surgery and abortion and child day care are vital parts of our infrastructure, but they aren't. They've cooked up a plan to impose more taxes to rebuild America's infrastructure without even taking the time to see where our infrastructure needs to be rebuilt. I recently took my trusty Jeep on a tour of thirteen western states and there were public works projects visible just about everywhere. In the county where I live many of the freeways are torn up right now so they can be widened and improved to accommodate the rapid population increase. Bridges have been torn down and new bridges are being built. 

There is already a lot of money in government coffers that is supposed to be used on infrastructure projects. Democrats realize that so they've invented other forms of infrastructure. things that are a little more obscure like transgender surgery and funding for abortion and child day care and an increase in the minimum wage, but too many Americans don't see those as infrastructure projects. They seem more like waste on unnecessary social programs so democrats start chanting 'infrastructure' hoping the word will make people think the country is falling apart. I haven't studied it, but I'll bet that the truth is that there isn't a lot of need for new infrastructure funding right now and there probably isn't much interest in public funding for transgender surgery, abortion, or blowing trillions of dollars to prop up the imaginary global warming threat either. 

Uncle Joe's infrastructure scheme probably isn't really his at all. His handlers have him on the shortest leash of any other president we've ever had. 

The truth is there is no infrastructure plan, it's just another democrat power grab. 

Monday, May 10, 2021


 Democrats have hijacked the term 'liberal'. Liberals are open to new ideas and aren't afraid to listen to differing opinions.

 That does not sound like a democrat to me. Democrats made up the term Hate Speech precisely because they are not open to new ideas and they hate differing opinions. Unless perhaps it's about your favorite designer coffee at Starbucks. Wanna talk about abortion?

OK as long as you are for it. What? You are opposed to abortion? What kind of a creep are you? You don't believe a woman has a right to decide what to do with her own body? 

First I'm not a creep thank you very much! And of course I believe in a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body, including protecting herself against unwanted pregnancy. 

Anyway I don't even know why I answered the questions because since I disagree with them I'm automatically wrong. Medical science be damned, a democrat has spoken and that's that!

How about religion. Is there a god? There is, but He better be careful about what He says. And He has no business at all weighing in on anything in the public square. There can be no reference to any Deity on any public building. Not at all. Didn't you know that Thomas Jefferson said we have to have  wall of separation between church and state? Huh? You must be full of hate if you didn't know that! 

Well no. Thomas Jefferson was referencing the fact that Congress shall pass no law respecting the establishment of a religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. He wasn't claiming the state should outlaw religion or prohibit it's free exercise, he was saying the opposite. People are free to exercise their freedom of worship. He would be appalled to see that democrats have twisted his words to mean that we don't have freedom of religion in this country. For the government to say we can't have any religious displays on public property is the same as creating a government religion to limit our freedom of religion.

Democrats are very generous about the Bill of Rights. They'll let you exercise your freedom to worship as long as you're quiet about it.  

Democrats are always worried about the rights of persecuted minorities like atheists. Fortunately atheists are in the minority. The fact that 'scientists' can't tell us how we got here and Christians can is proof that there is a god. Hopefully atheists will always be a small minority of our population. And why should I mind if they choose not to believe? That's their business. What I mind is when they tell me I can't openly talk about my belief in God. And I mind that an unruly Supreme Court keeps passing laws against religious displays even though Congress is the law making body and not the Supreme Court. Democrats have a real dilemma; they can't admit they are anti religion because too many people in this country do believe in God. On the other hand if there's a god, as is stated clearly in the Declaration of Independence, then we get our rights from Him and not a man or group of men (or women). It's hard to be an absolute supreme being if everyone already believes in God. 

Homosexuality is the coin of the democrat realm today. Simply stated I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. The Bible teaches us that marriage is a sacred obligation between a man and a woman. Any contract between people of the same gender cannot be a marriage. 

Democrats explode at the thought. Today you are not allowed to even think that. You are not only a bigot you are a criminal. If you don't believe in gay marriage then you support beating gay people. You are dangerous to society. You belong in prison! But since there are no actual criminal statutes against being opposed to gay marriage yet they will settle for getting you fired from your job and shunned by the community. Certainly anybody who thinks homosexual marriage is a sin should probably be killed. Or at least be made a beggar homeless on the street. The Bible doesn't teach that homosexuality is wrong. At least that is what a few so-called Christian pastors tell their flock. That's road apples. The Bible clearly teaches us that homosexuality is a sin.

And of course we can't even discuss it because democrats have spoken and while they are very tolerant people they can't except speech that they say is unacceptable. After all freedom of speech can be dangerous if it isn't carefully controlled. 

Maybe someday democrats will embrace liberalism so we can enjoy the benefits of sharing ideas. 

Transgenderism, as it is called, is the comic relief of the democrat mind. Democrats have always claimed to be champions of women's rights. That was in 1972 when a democrat Congress passed title IX allowing women to enjoy greater access to sports on school campuses. Today, not so fast buckaroo. What if a man thinks he is a woman: can he compete in women's sports? According to the very 'open minded' democrat party he can. And just like that women's sports are becoming off limits to women. One of the big controversies about the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo is what to do about so-called transgenders. It's not easy being a democrat sometmes. it must be difficult when you are constantly painting yourself into a corner. 

Sunday, May 2, 2021


 As a thirty five year veteran of law enforcement in a major city I hate to even ask such a question, but after watching Barack Obama weaponize various offices of the federal government such as the IRS and the FBI and use them to persecute people who represented conservative ideals I realize that one man could unravel hundreds of years of progress in this great nation. He turned the head of the IRS loose on several groups when he didn't appreciate their opposition to some of his policies. She refused to grant tax privileges to groups who were on Obama's bad side. There are many other examples, but one is sufficient to show the lack of regard for the law of his administration and it's easy to throw rocks at the IRS since they are constantly throwing rocks at us. Then there was the Defense of Marriage Act which legally defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Obama ordered his attack dog, Eric Holder, to refuse to uphold the law because he wanted to use the gay community to his political advantage. Then he turned the FBI into his personal police force when he ordered them to openly defy the First Amendment by writing an affidavit they knew was false so they could seize the personal computer of a journalist who had published a story that was embarrassing to the Obama Administration. He used the ATFE to undermine the Second Amendment by using ATF 'informants' to sell weapons illegally to criminals, specifically drug smugglers principally from Mexico. When one of those weapons was later used to kill a Border Patrol agent they did everything they could to make the whole mess smell better, but every story they floated smelled worse than the preceding one until they finally had to admit that they hatched a ridiculously stupid idea with predictable results and it blew up in their faces. Of course they didn't want to kill a Border Patrol agent, but it shows how far they were willing to go to prove that we needed to repeal the Second Amendment. And there were no whistle blowers from the ranks of any of those agencies. Either they agreed with their boss's illegal activities or they were afraid to stand for the laws of this great land. 

Whenever any federal agency allows itself to be used to undermine the Constitution of the United States of America you can be sure that agency cannot be trusted. In the case of the missing machine guns the ATFE was selling to drug smugglers President Obama invoked executive privilege to protect Holder from any possible criminal prosecution in the future. The investigation was stopped dead in its tracks so we will never know what happened. Shortly thereafter Eric resigned from his post. It's fine for a president to have his set of goals for our country's future and ideas on how to keep America strong and ensure that citizens are free to pursue their own happiness and build a good life, but those goals must be kept within the framework of the Constitution or the result will be chaos. Fast forward to the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. His opponent was Hilary Clinton who was very popular for much the same reason as Barack Obama. He was the first black president and gobs of people were desperate to prove we are not a racist country so they voted for him even though he was raised a marxist who didn't like this country and viewed the constitution as a fundamentally flawed document which it isn't. Americans were about to vote for Hilary because she would be the first woman president and of course she is married to Bill Clinton who for some reason is wildly popular among women. 

Women are hard to understand. They claim to hate Donald Trump because he was recorded saying some very disgusting things twenty years ago, but they love Bill Clinton even though he took advantage of a very young female intern, and was accused of multiple rapes, and he was a frequent flyer to a privately owned island out in the ocean where the attraction was the availability of under age girls who could be used to perform sexual 'favors' for those with the ability to pay their owners. 

Democrats were so afraid of Donald Trump that Hilary hired a retired British spy to write a fake report about Trump. He manufactured a lot of false testimony and produced a series of false interviews claiming that Trump was involved in all sorts of illegal business transactions in Russia and he frequently hosted parties for prostitutes in his hotel. It was all bogus and the FBI knew it, but they still used it as the basis for obtaining evidence against multiple Trump advisers and friends. They 'investigated' many Trump supporters and lied to judges so they could obtain illegal search warrants and wiretaps. They held lots of false interrogations in an effort to make look like innocent people were lying to the FBI when in fact the questions were changed and asked in many different ways so some of the answers could look false if they were bent a certain way. Agents of the FBI actually sent people they knew were innocent to federal prison. 

One particularly disgusting FBI agent, Peter Strozk, a man who was cheating on his wife with an attorney promised to make sure President Trump would never be president, was put in charge of this entire false investigation against Trump. And James Comey and other leaders of the FBI knowingly approved applications for warrants based on evidence they knew was manufactured. And they did all of this under the protection of Barack Obama for the purpose of completing a peaceful coup against the Constitution. I believe that if Hilary had won the coup against this country would have intensified and we would have engaged in another violent revolution. 

The FBI used to be a highly respected organization, but when we have a president who doesn't like our Constitution they are easily manipulated. Just two days ago they were used by our current president, Joey Biden, who is another person who doesn't like our constitution, the FBI allowed itself to be used to storm the house of Rudy Giuliani, one of President Trumps attorneys where they seized personal computers that might show that Rudy committed a crime. 

In 1775 the colonists didn't have a bill of rights and they were being abused by a king thousands of miles away. They held several peaceful protests and a couple that weren't so peaceful, one of which resulted in the killing of several people, and when the king attempted to seize their weapons they fought back with a skirmish in Lexington Massachusetts that culminated in a full scale war against Great Britain and the defeat of the British army. And that is the spirit of the American people. We need the Bill of Rights for a lot of reasons including our self defense. And we need to elect people to office who believe in keeping the USA a strong country and in upholding the laws embodied in our Constitution. 

I believe that Barack Obama didn't like being a 'mere' president. He had his heart set on a much higher calling and that is why he used to say things like when Congress failed to act, he would. And in order to do that he had to control federal law enforcement officers and to that end he only appointed people who were loyal to him and not our great country.  

Unfortunately the FBI can no longer be trusted. They gave in to a president who really did want to overthrow our government and they were willing to help him do it, and when they are asked to do the same thing again they will salute the president and take down the flag. 

The only thing that saved our Constitution was the election of Donald Trump. Hilary was going to continue the coup in full force and she, along with her democrat buddies in the Congress, and a Supreme Court hostile to the Constitution would have set the constitution aside in favor of a minority rule government with important government posts manned only by people who were loyal to her. 

Donald Trump obviously had the best interest of the American people in mind when he was sworn in. He was fair to all nations but he wasn't about to give America away just to make someone feel better. He never threatened to circumvent Congress if they didn't do what he wanted them to. 

If we want to continue to enjoy the peace and safety we've always had as Americans we need to elect only people who are loyal to our Constitution. Any other way will risk another violent civil war. Most Americans love our way of life and when the democrats continue to trample our civil rights by lying to judges in order to obtain warrants to search our homes they will resist, and the resistance will be violent if necessary.