Sunday, February 4, 2024

White kids Don' wanna be Soldiers

I just read a story in some publication that said military recruitment among white people in the United States has decreased. The truth is that recruiting is down in all demographics, it's just that there is a sharper decline among young white people. Thirty years ago democrats increased the intensity of their assault on the military. At the time homosexuality was not allowed. It was considered contrary to the good order and discipline of the service. Bill Clinton has changed his opinion on just about every major issue the country has ever faced and he did a about face on homosexuality. Most people in the country still considered homosexuality a form of mental disconnect and men didn't like the idea of getting dressed and showering with other men who would look at them as potential dating partners. A lot of us still see it that way. 

Bill Clinton came up with a brilliant strategy. People who were homosexuals could join the military as long as they kept their mental illness to themselves, they called it, "Don't ask, Don't tell." Recruiters were no longer required to ask potential recruits their sexual preference. That policy lasted over twenty years. Gradually over the next couple of decades the Pentagon introduced a lot of other social experiments. An expectant couple used to have to wait until their baby was born to find out the answer; is it a girl or a boy? Nobody knew so we waited patiently and a little expectantly. The newborn baby looks like either a girl or a boy, but it's too early to tell? Even if all the equipment is perfectly formed democrats decided that we should't jump to conclusions because since newborn babies can't talk there is no way to verify it with them. The baby has male equipment, but maybe he wants to be a girl. What then? 

Then there is the risk of being sent to some lousy third world foreign country to fight a war that has little to nothing to do with the United States. We took an oath to defend the United States not some sandhill in the Middle East or Eastern Europe for that matter. It is well known what happened to Vietnam vets when they returned from a nightmare in Southeast Asia only to confront another one here. We spent twenty years in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and who knows where else to fight terrorism. The attack was in 2001. Terrorists should have been killed a long time ago. There was no need to try to reorganize the governments in countries where the people cannot be governed. We needed to kill the bad guys and come home victorious, not spend twenty years trying the change the lifestyles of people who didn't even know who we were. 

America has not won a war since 1945. The attack in 2001 briefly revived a patriotism that needed to be resuscitated. The next twenty years saw soldiers sent into harms way with little in the way of a clear military objective. Almost 5,000 were KIA. Five times that number suffered horrible wounds which, by the way the Pentagon refused to provide adequate medical care for. Civilians had to step in and raise money for the rehab of thousands of soldiers the Pentagon washed their hands of. Then the social experimentation became bizarre; not only were homosexuals now allowed to serve in the military soldiers were bombarded with educational classes designed to emphasize what to say around and to female members in the ranks. Then the government started paying for sex change operations for soldiers who didn't like who they were. And now they are forced to accept the fact that white males are seriously dangerous and bad people. 

Nobody of any race believes that nonsense, but who even wants to hear it? Especially in the military where trust is what motivates them and keeps them alive. Why does the Pentagon want to create dissension in the ranks? Who benefits from that? They are actively pushing DEI training. Diversity Equity and Inclusion is all about creating dissension. When we are taught to respect each other regardless of our race or gender or anything else, we become united. This DEI insanity was created to help adults who want to mutilate their children feel good about their decision to change a child's gender. If a kid asks them about why Davey wants to be Sally they assume that child is confused about his or her own gender and immediately take them somewhere with people licensed to legally mutilate a child by giving them hormone treatments and eventually castrating the boys and removing a girl's breasts. This is very sick stuff and the military is encouraging it. 

We've all seen the news shots of men in skirts and eagles on their collars. Supposedly these people who don't even know what gender they are can be trusted to lead military personnel involved in a war. American kids aren't as stupid as the democrats hoped they'd be. They don't want to be part of a military force that is willing to send them into harms way, but have no idea what the goal is. They want to win wars not be used as guinea pigs for social experiments. If the military isn't supposed to kill the enemy then why do we need them? The enemy certainly knows that their mission is to kill us. It is frightening that no one wants to serve this country anymore. First democrats ruined our education system and now they're ruining our national defense. 

When I was a kid it was honorable to serve and most of us wanted to until Congress showed us that they had no interest in winning the war. During WW2 America lost almost 500,000 military personnel KIA and probably at least twice that number with horrible wounds. We lost Korea and nobody wants to talk about it. We were attacked in 2001 by a bunch of terrorists financed by Saudi Arabia so we attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and stayed there for twenty years trying to change their governments before coming home. There were about 5,000 American men and women killed, thousands more wounded and the only thing we had to show for it was the world saw that we had military might in scary abundance, but no ability to plan and deploy. Today Biden is in danger of losing an election he shouldn't even be seeking. He is too old and too feeble to be president, and he's sending ground troops into the Middle East hoping that his image as a 'war time president' will help him be reelected. Let's hope not. 

We need to reinforce our commit to our military personnel. They will no longer be used for social experimentation. They will be trained in a variety of jobs, most of which will also be valuable when they separate from the service and enter the job market. They will not be used as cannon fodder on a battleground in some remote part of the world nobody can even find on a map. The United States is in a perfect position to conduct a tactical withdrawal and show the world we are not going to remain in places that are no longer a threat to us. That would be the smart play. Diplomacy via embassies not bombs. Get our ships out of the Red Sea and the Persian gulf. Identify any country that fires upon the American flag and injure them so severely that every time they see an American flag as long as they live they will snap to attention and salute. Other than that leave them alone, that is how you build respect and a healthy relationship. 

Let Israel kill their terrorists, and let the Ukrainians handle the Russians. Take care of our own. If there is a terrorist strike against America and the terrorist leader is hiding in a wealthy country and we can identify him, let that country know they can cough him up or suffer the repercussions that will follow an action to capture him and bring him to justice. That is how we can get kids to volunteer, you show them respect. Today from what we're seeing in the 'news' reports is that our officers are too dumb to be able to keep a clean barracks. Too busy getting their dicks cut off so they can qualify for a promotion that's coming up and the Pentagon is only accepting applicants from women; even if they're men. I know a couple of people with kids who would really benefit from military training but they don't want their kids to be led by incompetent officers. I personally volunteered in the post Vietnam navy and received great training from officers who'd seen the horrors of war first hand and wanted to train us to be the finest fighting force possible.

We didn't have to attend any special sensitivity seminars. We had to treat everyone with respect. Officers were to respect their enlisted men and enlisted men were to respect their officers and each other. Our living quarters were always as perfect as they were when we were recruits, but they weren't mildewed disasters without running water. Our officers still held periodic inspections and they had expectations. We didn't always like our officers, some of them were real bad, but we did what they said and we didn't have any problems with collapsing housing units and we always had hot and cold running water. We really do need a Commander-in-Chief who believes in the mission of the military and will stop the social experiments and train everyone in the military that their mission is to kill the enemy. No more billions for Ukraine. And no money at all for the terrorist Palestinians. 

Treat the military with respect. Stop DEI indoctrination everywhere it is being done and Make America Great Again.  

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