Wednesday, October 12, 2022

What Now?

 My wife and I were out on an excursion through a local mountain range when we decided to stop at an apple orchard to pick some apples. The way it works is a little backward in my opinion. We could purchase a three pound bag of apples in their store or for the same amount of money it would cost if we picked them ourselves. So of course we elected to pay them so we could do their job. We paid the farmer to pick his apples for him and then paid him for a brisket sandwich prepared on the farm as we relaxed under an umbrella watching the rain fall and listening to the thunder. It was actually a relaxing and fun afternoon. As we sat there I contemplated the benefits of being an American, of which there are many. 

This being an election year I have been paying attention to all of the people who want my vote. The two major parties being the Republican and democrat parties and I have no respect at all for the democrat party and precious little for the republicans. The leadership of the democrat party are decidedly against our Constitution. They hate the freedom Americans enjoy and are doing everything they can do to take away our God given rights. They don't acknowledge that there is a God and they don't like it when people like me remind them that our system of laws is based on the idea that we derive our just rights from our Creator, not the democrat leadership. 

And while I don't believe that all democrats hate our liberty I fear that too many of them have political party so ingrained into their being that they are not capable of paying attention to what the party leadership is saying and doing. Members of each party too often let party affiliation get in the way of the things that are truly important in this country. Currently the leaders of the democrat party are openly defying the basic tenets of our system of government. They have backed laws protecting a lifestyle that is not acceptable to about half of the country. There are a lot of people who are opposed to the homosexual lifestyle, but there were enough votes supporting it that men can now 'marry' men and women can 'marry' women. 

That was bad enough, but now we are being forced to accept a concept so insane that it is all but impossible to believe it is even happening; about half of the people in this country actually believe that we don't know the difference between being male and female. They are telling us that there are a lot of people who appear to be one or the other, but they were 'miss labeled' at birth. Their doctors, nurses, and mothers and fathers, made a mistake and called them male or female based on their observations of certain physical traits that have traditionally been used to label a baby as male or female. It is a perversion that is simply unacceptable, but democrats have taken it to an extreme that is confusing the hell out of kids. 

Gender reassignment procedures are being inflicted on small children, many times without the knowledge of their parents since some parents aren't 'enlightened' enough to believe this evil narrative. The democrat party wants us to start calling these mentally unstable people by their fantasy gender identity; if a man wants to be called a woman we are supposed to comply with a straight face. The same goes for a confused woman. And perhaps this wouldn't be so dangerous if there weren't severe consequences for failing to play along with this silly game. So far there is no law against non compliance, but a person can be fired from her or his job. They can be cut off from their former friends and peers. Many universities are now requiring that when writing term papers and other academic memos that students no longer use the pronouns 'he, she' or 'his', 'hers' when referring to a person of a certain gender. The new correct way to refer to a person is the gender neutral 'they' or 'them' instead of him or her. 

It sounds ridiculous doesn't it? That's because it is ridiculous. And they are working real hard on making laws against hate speech which is loosely defined as anything democrats don't want you to say. If you are a religious person who offers your opinion that same sex marriage is a sin, you can be fired currently, but if certain political fanatics get their way soon you will be in danger of being fined or even jailed for voicing such a belief. And that goes for insisting that men cannot become women and women cannot become men. And anything else the government doesn't like. If you don't want to become a guinea pig for pharmaceutical companies, and you refuse to take an experimental injection, but the government says you must because there is a deadly virus going around do not be surprised when they arrest you and throw you in prison for spreading 'disinformation'. That's the latest new word being thrown around by democrats. 

Their president even tried to run an office called the "Disinformation Governance Board" to ensure that we all knew what to say and how to say it. Even the followers of the democrat party leadership thought it was a great idea. Why would anyone think they have the right to say what is on their mind? Do they think we live in a free country?" Not as long as Biden, Schumer and Pelosi are involved. 

Then they reluctantly concede, "Well ok, maybe we do, but you can't let it go too far! What if someone says something the government doesn't approve of?" Well that was kinda the point wasn't it. 

Yes America is becoming that unhinged. The Republican party 'leaders' support the Constitution, but they are very timid about it. They bite their nails and quiver in a corner somewhere hoping they don't say something wrong and lose an election. What we really need today is people like John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. They weren't always in agreement except on one thing; freedom. Men were born to be free and that's what those men gave us. And women too. If their wives had snitched on them we'd be a nation like Europe, a bunch of territories full of people who all spoke different languages. 

The last democrat president who loved America was Jimmy Carter. He was an idiot who only served one term, losing by a landslide during his second election bid. He had a good heart but his ideas just about bankrupted everyone in the country, kind of like the zombie in the White House today only Uncle Joe couldn't care less about America. He is more like a mob boss attempting to make all the money he can from the office he occupies and doing a damn good job of that while the country goes down the tubes. Thanks democrats! Thanks for voting for a doddering old fool bordering on dementia for president. 

With Uncle Joe piloting the ship America is heading straight for the biggest ice berg he can find. Some people think America is indestructible, but she isn't. She can only be destroyed from within and that's what is happening. Donald Trump was far from the ideal president, but next to Uncle Joe Trump looks like the greatest statesman in the history of the world. 

So the question is what now? Next month we will find out if America wants to continue to thrive or descend into a vicious civil war. We need law and order and the democrats hate the police. We need strong borders and safe skies and oceans and the democrats hate the military. We need a strong economy and democrats have crippled our ability to produce enough oil to keep the country running so Uncle Joe is running to our enemies all over the world begging them to sell America some oil at a discount and they're laughing in his face. 

With gasoline approaching seven dollars a gallon in many parts of the country and interest rates threatening double digits again we need to elect Americans next month not democrats. Those democrats who still value freedom need to set aside their feelings about abortion for at least this election year. All the Supreme Court did was put the law back into the hands of the states where it belongs and most states allow abortions to be done legally. Some have more restrictions than others that's all. If a woman can't figure out if she wants to be pregnant or not after the second month then she will have to abide by the laws of her state that's all. 

The economy is collapsing so maybe we need to plug some holes and rebuild America before we decide to destroy her so men can have abortions if they want to. Yup! Democrats think men can get pregnant. 

Vote right this time. Save our country. Killing babies just isn't that important really. 

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