Sunday, August 7, 2022

Audrey Lorber

 Well, well, well, the United States really is a racist country. Consider the arrest of Audrey Lorber, a white 19 year old marijuana addict who was arrested for trying to sneak marijuana into Russia and was released from prison after a couple of months. Then contrast that with the arrest of Britney Griner who is a black woman who was arrested for the same thing, then convicted in a Russian court and sentenced to 9 and a half years in prison. If that doesn't prove the United States is a racist and evil country then I don't know what does.

I wonder if it would matter to anyone to learn that now that Griner has been convicted and sentenced and the United States is working out a prisoner exchange for a Russian man convicted of international arms dealing who has been sentenced to life in an American prison for his terrorist acts and a Russian convicted of murder in Germany. Uncle Joe has the task of releasing a Russian patriot who is serving time in Germany for murdering a Chechen man in Germany. 

An international arms dealer and a convicted murderer serving a life sentence in Germany. The United States really knows how to strike a hard bargain. In exchange for these two felons, Russia will release Britny Griner, a self confessed America hater, and Paul Whelan who was dishonorably discharged from the Marine Corps then was caught with a sensitive hard drive in Russia, charged with spying and sentenced to sixteen years in prison.

I hate to sound mean, but trading mass murderers for one confessed dope smuggler and a man caught red handed spying on Russia seems like overkill, especially when one of them openly hates the US, and the other is a disgraced ex-Marine who was caught spying in another country. I'd have to let all four of them remain in prison until their sentences have been completed. 

But most likely they will find a way to release a few Russian thugs who can then continue to murder people so two Americans, one of whom happens to be black, can come back to what they consider one of the worst countries in the world to live lives of peace and luxury. 

So will Griner still bash America when she returns from her incarceration in her dream state, Mother Russia? Probably. And don't forget the 19 year old white girl who was arrested for the same thing in Russia and after pleading guilty was released after a couple of months. And there it is; the United States of America is in fact a racist country. I guess that's why so many people are begging to get in, the whole world wants to become racist Americans. 

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