Friday, August 19, 2022

Everybody Calm Down

Okay, I admit that I was about to write something positive about everybody taking a step back and taking a deep breath and remembering we are all Americans and we are all in this world together trying to figure out how to talk to each other and how to build a consensus. Then democrats let their hate overwhelm their sense of reason and Merrick Garland demonstrated his disdain for our Constitution and the rule of law by encouraging the FBI to submit a false affidavit so they could charge into Donald Trump's home with an illegal warrant and seize apparently whatever they wanted. We know the FBI lied multiple times to the FISA court when they wanted to spy on candidate Donald Trump, they affirmed that the Steel dossier was verified and true knowing full well that Bloody Hilary paid for that report and it was not verified and likely packed with lies. We know that they entrapped multiple people in an effort to make ti look like Trump supporters were planning to kidnap and murder the governor of Michigan, and we know that they have deliberately deceived the American people about what happened on the day of the riot at the Capitol Building on January 6th. 

They show video of a man with his head and face covered sitting in an area in front of a democrat campaign office with two benches in front. One of the benches is in the open and the other is slightly obscured on one end by a large bush. Both benches are in easy reach of the unknown male. The unknown male first sits in the bench next to the bush but a security camera had an unobstructed view of the man's hands. The other bench is partially obscured from the camera's view so it is unclear if the man is holding anything or not. After sitting in the bench with the unobstructed view from the camera for a few minutes the man stands up and walks away, returning a few minutes later to sit in the one that is partially obstructed from the camera's view. I can only imagine an FBI agent monitoring that informant's activities, smacking himself on the forehead when his informant sits in the wrong bench, yelling at the man through his earpiece, "NOT THAT ONE!" and telling the man to take a walk and innocently return to the location to sit in the correct bench a few minutes later. 

So the informant went for a walk and returned after a couple of minutes and sat on the correct bench this time and reached his hand into the area that was not visible to the camera. There is no way to know if he put anything there or not. There is no way I can just 'calm down' while the FBI continues to be used as a weapon by the President of the United States against political opponents. Where will this lead us? King Barry used the IRS to thwart conservative Political Action Committees. He also used the BATF to help take away our Second Amendment rights when he allowed Eric Holder to use BATF informants to sell fully automatic weapons to Mexican cartels in an effort to show that firearms manufactured in the US frequently found there way to Mexico and were then used to commit violent crimes. A United States Border Patrol agent was killed by a Mexican bad guy using a BATF supplied firearm. It was a stupid plan poorly executed and the outcome was pure chaos as any five year old could have predicted. 

Today the FBI has become a witting ally of the democrat party. King Barry used them to spy on Donald Trump's campaign. They lied to FISA courts to obtain illegal search warrants, and they had paid informants inside the Donald Trump campaign headquarters. Donald Trump was their biggest nightmare because King Barry failed to topple the Constitution during his administration and it was going to fall to Bloody Hilary to finish the job, which would have been fairly simple since every federal office was working for the Obama White House and the Supreme Court was made up of a majority of justices who were lukewarm or even hostile to the Constitution. Bader Ginsburg even admitted that she often used the UN Charter when making important legal decisions. 

Donald Trump was going to screw up their plan by saving America so they had to take him down. The problem was that Trump was by far the smartest guy on the playing field and he was fearless. His instincts were flawless and every decision he made had the desired outcome. Clearly the man was dangerous because he didn't realize that the Constitution was outdated and badly in need of reform, but the provisions for change contained in the Constitution were ponderous and time consuming. Democrats knew that what the country needed was a streamlined system wherein a few Supreme Court justices could circumvent Congress and pass laws that made more sense. Their plan to prevent Donald Trump from winning the election by making up lies about him and trying to ruin his reputation failed and he won the election.

And by any reasonable standard he was a great president. He wasn't a polished politician and he was direct in his speech and mannerisms and sometimes he sounded a little rude and mean, but he worked hard every day to rebuild the country after all the damage done by King Barry. Race relations were at an all time low when Obama left office and the economy wasn't quite wrecked, but it was sputtering. President Trump had been office about two years and he had already kept just about all of his campaign promises. The economy was coming back, manufacturing jobs were being re-introduced in the United States and people were being paid more money. So of course democrats decided to impeach him. He hadn't done anything wrong but that wasn't important. What was important was if people focused on the job he was doing he would probably win a second term and democrats couldn't accept that so they got an old man named Mueller and gave him the title, 'Special Council' and a  nice office and a huge budget and an order; "Get your team to find out anything at all that we can use to impeach the president."

They couldn't find anything but democrats in Congress kept pushing, "Trump conspired with Putin to interfere with our election process so Donald Trump would win the election and do nice things for the Russians." Mueller's team tried to make stuff up, but there just wasn't any evidence at all. The president was clean so they went after all of his friends and investigated everything there was to investigate about them. Did the married ones have girlfriends? Were their children on drugs? Were their wives faithful? Did they spend too much money? The FBI interviewed them for hours and then interviewed them again looking for any discrepancies no matter how small. Lying to the FBI is a crime. And they ended up with several indictments for incomplete tax returns mostly, but through all of the interviews they were able to find some answers that were a little different from previous interviews so with smug smiles they went to the Attorney General and indicted Trumps friends for whatever they could. None of them had anything to do with Putin and Trump conspiring to help Trump win the election. None of the indictments had anything to do with Trump at all.  

Of course Trump's friends weren't the targets, President Trump was. Now the FBI tried to scare the president's friends into snitching on him. It didn't have to be much; anything at all to make President Trump lose face and in the end impeach him and run him out of town. And in return all charges would be dropped against them. His friends couldn't help the FBI because the president was not doing anything wrong. Frustrated the FBI went ahead with their persecutions and bankrupted many of the president's friends who had to hire lawyers to help them deal with the Feds. During the first impeachment process Mueller brought in all of his 'witnesses' and put on a dog and pony show for the Congress. In the end there was no shred of evidence that could be used to impeach the president. Mueller himself had to admit he didn't even write the so-called Mueller report and he wasn't sure what was in it because he hadn't read it. He said he glanced at it and spot read a few pages, but the work was completed by his team, all he did was supervise. 

It is impossible to embarrass a democrat and they weren't about to admit they had done anything wrong so they immediately dove in to their next impeachment sham. Did you know the president used to be intimate with a hooker? They dug and dug and somehow found a porn star who called herself Stormy Daniels who was willing to claim to have had an illicit affair with Donald Trump years earlier. They even hired an attorney from Newport Beach California to represent her and help her prove her claim. The show they put on was ridiculous. All over CNN, MSNBC, and other 'news' organizations who are constantly campaigning for democrats and smearing Conservatives, all they talked about was how honest Stormy Daniels was and how articulate. Meanwhile she probably never said more than ten words in public, and her attorney? Oh what a great man he is. He is completely honest and soooo hard working! And he never ever takes a case if there is even the slightest hint that his client may have done anything wrong in their entire lives. He only takes cases where innocent people are being mistreated and that's that! 

If Michael Avenatti says she's honest, well then that's all the proof you need. She is in fact telling the truth and anyone who says otherwise should be tried for treason and hanged from the nearest Yardarm. And that went on for several months. Not wishing to put the country through another impeachment hearing President Trump offered to pay her to go away. She took the money and ran. Her lawyer went on all of the news programs and solemnly promised that his client had been telling the truth, but was tired of having her reputation smeared by a lying president so she reluctantly agreed to take the money, but rest assured she was honest and she was telling the truth. All of the democrat talking heads praised Avenatti for weeks saying how honest and hard working he was and smart? Hell, there wasn't a smarter or more honest or more hard working attorney than Michael Avenatti and you can count on that by golly! They even said they were going to encourage him to run for president because he was so spotless and smart that no one could possibly defeat him. 

He declined, "Ah schucks. you all are too kind to humble little me, but I'm no politician. I will just keep on looking for innocent people who are being persecuted and I'll help them just like I did poor little Stormy." 

So just where are Daniels and Avenatti today? Nobody knows about Miss Stormy, but Mr. Avenatti is awaiting sentencing by a federal judge after he was caught stealing ten million dollars from five of his clients. I guess that's the end of his crusade to find and help the poor downtrodden masses. 

Of course democrats went ahead with a second impeachment trial. They still needed something to distract voters from the fact that President Trump was easily one of the hardest working and most honest presidents we've ever had. Of course he lied about everything and he violated the Constitution every single day and he had no respect for our great nation at all. All of the so-called reporters on the usual stations railed against him 24 hours a day talking about all of the lies he told and how much he loved Russian President Putin and how Putin must have a lot of dirt on President Trump because, well, he just does obviously, I mean anyone can see it. He just lies all the time. About what? Oh, come on are you deaf? He built a hotel in Russia and everybody knows he wanted to build another one since that's what he does and he just tells one lie after another. You just can't be that gullible, I mean all he does is lie, it's obvious! The man just lies. 

I'm still waiting for someone to say what he ever lied about. One talking head did name a specific lie and it is hilarious. At one of his rallies President Trump claimed he had something like a hundred thousand people in attendance and one of the talking heads said something to the effect that, "Oh yeah, he lies about everything. The National Park Service said there were only about 75,000 people there." I don't get it. Donald Trump has to be the most honest liar Ive ever heard of. Uncle Joe never had more than forty people in one place at the same to time to hear him and most of them were family members who showed up so they could get free food and see themselves on TV. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but Delaware is a hillbilly state made up mostly of racists and other underachievers. I had a chance to interview a few state troopers there a few years ago and I couldn't believe how easily they spewed their racist views to an outsider. 

The second impeachment trial ended in failure as well. Even with the help of Mitt Romney and Liz Chaney  they couldn't impeach the president. And she hasn't explained why, but Chaney hates the president so much that she has joined the democrats in their current farce; trying to prove to the world that President Trump conspired to take over the United States of America with about two hundred unarmed people who were not happy about the lack of transparency in the so-called investigations into election fraud. And a black police officer got to murder an unarmed white woman who he claimed was about to break down a pile of furniture and kill him, or something like that. He murdered a woman in cold blood and instead of taking his gun away from him they put him on a pedestal and praised him for saving 'countless' lives. Apparently democrats can't count to 300 since there were only about 275 people on the floor of the Capitol Building at the time.

Never afraid to humiliate themselves now they have once again enlisted the help of the FBI to present a corrupt judge with a falsified affidavit in order to search Donald Trump's home for documents he shouldn't have. And once again the usual suspects at CNN, and MSNBC are cheering from the sidelines and waving their pom poms and praising the FBI for going after the evil Donald Trump. Their telling us that this time Trump's in trouble for sure, the man's a traitor he is spying for the Russians and the Chinese and his Uncle Mildred. Obviously the man's a liar, just look! The FBI is in his house and he is so dangerous they had to take 50-60 agents with them armed with automatic rifles. And the warrant is rock solid. The FBI doesn't make mistakes this judge is perhaps the most honest and hard working judge in the entire history of judges. He is beyond reproach, there is no way they could ever get this judge sign a sloppy affidavit, why he'd throw it right back at him and throw them out of his office and tell them he never wanted to see them again. Nope, not this judge, he is practically perfect. No one could ever pull the wool over his eyes, no one would even try! You can tell by looking at him that this man is a no nonsense judge. This warrant will stand the test of time. 

And anyway, it was brought to him by the FBI and the FBI has never had an agent tell a lie. They are the highest law enforcement agency in the country. If they have an agent who ever tells a lie they throw him out of the building. They don't even open the door they throw him out so fast, any dishonest FBI agent goes out right through a closed window. They never put up with any shenanigans. Of course the talking heads never mention the four false affidavits the FBI used just a few years ago so they could spy on Donald Trump's campaign, and they forget to mention that this corrupt judge is  an outspoken supporter of Bloody Hilary and he donated to her campaign, and, oh yeah, just a little while he made some very disparaging comments about what a liar Donald Trump is. This judge had an obligation to recuse himself from this whole charade. 

Of course part of what I'm saying is speculation, there is a small chance that the FBI told the truth and Donald Trump is guilty of espionage, but even the most ardent Trump hater won't take that bet. So no, I can't tell everyone to just calm down and take a step back while bad people continue to attack our nation and destroy it from within. I know several democrats who I love and consider to be great people, but they are blinded by something I don't understand. They focus too much on the party of their choice and they are able to ignore what they are witnessing with their own eyes. It seems to me that if a person is going to be accused of lying that person should at least tell some lies, and if they are to be accused of being a thief shouldn't they at least have the courtesy to steal something? Otherwise the accuser looks foolish. 

Years ago Sandy Berger was caught stealing from the National Archives. He was stuffing Top Secret documents down his pants and into his socks, and wherever else he could hide them and the FBI never raided his house. None of the talking heads accused him of spying either. He was just a little careless they said. He was doing research and accidentally put the documents down his pants instead of returning them to the shelf. They said it was an honest mistake, he was tired! Didn't you ever make an honest mistake? 

Instead of being accused of spying Berger was allowed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor and pay a little fine. When Bloody Hilary got caught stealing Top Secret documents by storing them on her private server at home the FBI called her and told her they were going to be investigating her and seizing her computer and cell phones in a few days so be ready. She hired a computer expert to use something called 'bleachbit' to erase everything on all of her computers, then she had everyone who worked for her smash their cell phones with hammers. The head of the FBI, James Comey, went on national TV at the conclusion of their sham investigation and told us all that they had found Top Secret documents in her possession, and that she had violated a number of code sections, but there was no need to prosecute her for her crimes because they didn't want to put a prosecutor through the humiliation of taking such a humble and hard working public servant to trial. 

It's true that sometimes Republican politicians commit crimes, I'm not saying they don't. What I am saying is that no one on any network goes out of their way to make excuses for them and they shouldn't. If Donald Trump is guilty he should face the tribunal and if I'm wrong about the FBI affidavit (Fat Chance!) I'll admit it. 

We need a robust democrat party to keep our system honest and fresh and forty years ago that's what we had. I just hope the democrats clean house. Get rid of the likes of AOC and her gang of four. Get rid of the Adam Schiffs and others who boldly appear on national television and tell lies about honest people. Clean up the FBI and restore its reputation. Support the Supreme Court even if you disagree with their decisions. If you believe that abortion is a sacred right and a great form of birth control then work on getting a law passed so the Supreme Court has something to work with. Just because five unelected judges think abortion should be legal doesn't mean it should be legal in every state. 

And what about the 78,000 new IRS agents? How much money do we really need to spend to make sure some housewife in Wyoming doesn't claim an extra hundred bucks on her tax return? And the truth is that even most employees of the IRS don't understand the tax code. Stop tearing down this great nation. We are not a nation of racists. We are a generous nation. 

And one more thing.; I did pick on CNN and MSNBC for being liars and hypocrites and I didn't mention that sometimes Fox News doesn't always tell the truth either. When reporting on the illegal search of Donald Trump's home some talking heads at Fox claimed the FBI agents barged into the home with guns drawn. The FBI agents didn't do that. For one thing there were armed Secret Service agents on the property and the FBI agents would have gotten their dishonest butts kicked. That report was an over exaggeration to make a point; the FBI was heavy handed, dishonest and stupid. The search wasn't necessary since Trump had already shown them he was cooperating and he intended to continue to cooperate. No, out of courtesy and in an effort to make sure they didn't get their butts kicked the FBI contacted the Secret Service and told them they had a search warrant and they would appreciate it if the house staff cooperated, please, sir. 

I do think those FBI agents should at least have waited until they got back to their office before trying on Melania's clothes and photographing each other. 

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