Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Democrats and the National Interest

There are a lot of problems in the world today that pose a clear threat to the world's stability. The Russian government is waging a brutal war in Ukraine that is killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Millions of Ukrainian citizens are homeless and going hungry. The economy of Ukraines neighbors is being severely strained and the world food supply is being negatively impacted. The Russian army has deliberately bombed wheat fields in an effort to damage the crop and they've taken control of seaports where the wheat is loaded onto ships to be transported to other parts of the world. Under their control Russia isn't allowing any shipments of wheat from Ukraine. 

And not to be outdone, the Communist Chinese government is rebooting its efforts to topple the government of Taiwan. Initially the Biden administration wanted to stay out of the war between Russia and Ukraine stating it is not in the country's best interest. He was willing to help the president of Ukraine and his family escape from Ukraine so they wouldn't be harmed when the Russians took over, but Biden didn't think the USA should help Ukraine since the Russian government was a nuclear power and had threatened a nuclear attack against anyone who helped Ukraine. And it would be irresponsible to interfere in another government's war if one of the belligerent's was armed with nuclear missiles. 

I disagree with that assessment, the United States has over the past thirty years frequently intervened in such assaults in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Of course none of the warring parties were nuclear powers and the risk was relatively low. Bill Clinton intervened in the war between Yugoslavia, Albania and Serbia, H.W. Bush intervened when Iraq invaded Kuwait, and G.W. Bush intervened in Afghanistan after the September 11, 2001 attack on the United States which was conducted by terrorist organizations operating out of that country. 
Of course G.W. screwed that up by expanding the war to other Middle Eastern countries, especially Iraq. So historically democrats aren't that much more screwed up than the Republicans. In each of those conflicts the president had a resolution from the United Nations and the support of Congress. In the Middle East it could be argued that terrorist elements had to be stopped and in Eastern Europe it could be argued that the world food supply is very important and that NATO countries are too close to the invasion to just allow it to continue. So it may be a stretch, but there is the appearance of a potential national interest in Ukraine, especially since just about every country in the world is a participant in the world economy.
How it is in the national interest of the United States, especially when our Southern border is under siege and constant attack, albeit so far an unarmed invasion, what is the United States doing pouring billions of dollars into fighting the war in Ukraine?

The United States is no longer a wealthy country. It is a nation living on its reputation and debt. Americans haven't made a rational financial decision for at least thirty-two years. The United States has the potential to become a wealthy nation again, but only with a concentrated effort made by people who care more about strengthening our country than they do about their own political position. Americans have descended into a nation of greed and self satisfaction. President John F. Kennedy admonished Americans to ask what they could do for their country instead of what their country could do for them. The country does a lot for us just by its near fool proof organization. Anyone can succeed here unless government interferes and puts them out of business. 

Americas national interest is furthered when the central government ensures that the infrastructure is sound and people can conduct business across state lines and there is adequate protection of the citizenry via local and national law enforcement organizations as well as an adequate national defense force. 

Emboldened by the Biden administrations failure to pull off an organized withdrawal from Afghanistan,  Putin realized now would be the ideal time to take over Ukraine. Six months later, observing that the United States and NATO are willing to give Ukraine enough tools to prolong the war, but not win it, The Chinese Communist government is beginning preparations to take over Taiwan. Each of those countries are an immediate threat to the stability of the entire world. But the Biden administration seems completely unaware of those threats. They have repeatedly made the idiotic claim that man made global warming is the greatest threat to world stability. Two major world powers, one at war with a neighbor, and the other threatening war with a neighbor are less of a threat than the fake made up threat of man made global warming. And let's be honest; what they are saying is really 'American caused global warming'. 

To democrats America is the greatest threat to the world as was demonstrated by King Barry's pathetic world apology tour. They can't sell that malarky here because too many of us are simply unwilling to accept the finality of something that simply is not happening. They can claim the oceans are rising, but I've live near the ocean for over fifty years and it's right where it's supposed to be. None of the boats are being swamped and none of the houses along the coast are even partially submerged. If anyone cared to listen carefully, with both ears open and their hearing aides cranked up they'd hear the 'experts' saying that if certain conditions exist the oceans could rise, not will rise, and temperatures could become a catastrophic problem. Only arrogant actors and politicians with mansions along coastal waters all over the world, and who travel alone in business jets the size of 737's, and play in their 300 foot yachts, claim that we have to act now before it's too late. Working class people have to ride public transportation or walk or ride bicycles to work and quit living in 2,000 square foot houses on 8,000 square foot lots with their families or the world is doomed. They hope we won't notice that one person living in multiple 25-100 thousand square foot mansions on lots that constitute hundreds of acres really should't be telling us how to clean up our act. 

They tell us we should not have more than one child, or better yet stop having children altogether. 
For people like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and her gang of four America is a racist country living off the labor of smaller and weaker countries while oppressing certain classes of people at home. And those morons have convinced Uncle Joe that fighting the non existent threat of so-called man made global warming is the only thing that is in America's national interest. People who don't believe in God are making national policy. 

I see you raising your hand and jumping up and down. We aren't living in a theocracy you say? As if believing in God constitutes living in a theocracy. What about the theocracy of the gang of four? Denying the existence of God is a theocracy. Atheism is a religion. They adhere to a belief that there is no God and it is illegal to say there is. So what about the First Amendment to the Constitution? Congress shall make no law... or exercising the free expression thereof. 

There was a time when democrats recognized that the Constitution was the law of our great nation and we had to abide by what it says. Gradually they have chipped away at our rights. Now we no longer have the right to express ourselves because hate speech means our words may hurt some portion of our population. That is nonsense and it is not in our national best interest to regulate speech or religious expression. Never afraid to make fools of themselves some democrats argue that some religions believe in human sacrifice so we do regulate religion. No we don't. We regulate murder. Most democrats recognize that argument goes too far, but no one in democrat leadership ever publicly condemns such foolishness. 

And who knows what Republicans believe? I've noted before that some misguided people in the Republican leadership say that there is no place for hate speech in the public discourse. Who says? If someone or some group has something foolish to say I want to hear it. If there is a group of terrorists in somebody's garage, barn or motor home making bombs I'd like to know about it. If they hate me for whatever reason let them speak. Speech should not be regulated. We do not need a minister of misinformation. Americans should be smart enough to know if someone is talking stupid without a government official telling them. 

I don't think it is possible for a person to change their gender. It simply cannot be done. Democrats celebrate the practice of surgically changing one's gender as if it really is possible. They want to force me to accept that Bruce Jenner is a woman? Almost forty years ago I met Bruce and he is a man. I cannot indulge his fantasy that he is a woman, or anyone else. 

The national interest dictates that we do not engage in activities that create confusion and telling small children they don't know if they are boys or girls can only create a generation of terribly confused people. Who could possibly think that will end well? In Russia, China, and other countries that build huge arsenals and armies of terrorists they are teaching kids the difference between men and women and they are teaching their men how to fight and end wars. Americans are teaching their youth that they don't know what gender they are, and they shouldn't be worried about fighting wars because 'war is never the answer'. More horse pucky. When the North Koreans, Iranians, Russians, and Chinese are raining nuclear missiles down on every country they don't like we will learn that war is the only answer. Our soldiers will be well versed in which pronouns are appropriate and theirs will have been trained on how to kill other people quickly and efficiently. That's right boys and girls war is an ugly business and the only way to ensure peace is to be so prepared for war that nobody dares to test your resolve.

A bunch of soldiers who don't know if they are women or men aren't going to pose much of a threat to those who do. I'm no fan of Republicans, preferring to be Conservative, Constitution oriented. I can't hate Donald Trump because he doesn't fit neatly into either party, I have to admire him because he puts his own country first and that is what is in the national interest of the United States of America. When the USA is strong the entire world is more stable and that is also in America's best interest. I am non partisan. Vote America First.

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