Friday, March 11, 2022

Russian dictator invades neighbor

People don't like Donald Trump because he is direct in his speech. He never learned how to 'sugar coat' whatever he was trying to say. If something is on his mind he just lets it out not caring if people agree or not. He is not smooth or what some people would call polished. He is falsely accused of being racist when the fact is he just opposes illegal immigration and the biggest problem this nation faces from illegal immigration is through our Southern border. He doesn't hate Hispanic people, he wants them to follow the law. And it is not a new problem. Over the years there have been agreements between the United States and migrant workers south of the borders allowing them to cross with work permits so they could legally work principally in agricultural industries. 

It would be hard to accuse Cesar Chavez of being racist against Hispanics, but he was extremely opposed to illegal immigration, calling illegal aliens 'wetbacks' and claiming they were damaging his efforts to get better wages for farm labor. Farmers were willing to use illegal aliens to perform work that Chavez' union members would only perform for a certain wage. Similarly Donald Trump saw that we had a need for migrant labor, but it had to be controlled for a host of reasons. Unfettered illegal immigration does have a negative impact on wages. People here illegally will work for less money, live in substandard housing, and generally lower the standard of living in the neighborhoods where they live. Donald Trump further observed that there are a lot of criminals who come across the border with criminal mischief on their minds and forcing them to immigrate legally would keep a lot of the criminals out of our country. Democrats think that is mean. Americans think it is smart. We have enough criminals of all races living here, we don't need to import any more of them. 

Donald Trump is not a racist. Democrats claim he makes fun of handicapped people. Their excuse for that accusation is a speech Trump made in South Carolina where he referenced a false report filed by a reporter who happens to suffer from a handicap. The man lied about a statement he attributed to Donald Trump after the Twin Towers were attacked and destroyed by a group of terrorists from Saudi Arabia. The reporter claimed that he heard Trump claim he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New York on the day the towers fell. Years later he claimed he wasn't sure he heard the president say that claiming that it had been many years and he couldn't provide any details. Still democrats insist that Donald Trump made a false claim against Muslims living in the United States. And that he made fun of a man because he was handicapped. The reporter in question cannot hide behind his handicap. I would like it if Donald Trump could control the way he speaks sometimes but only because it makes me uncomfortable. The fact is he may have a bit of a hard time controlling the way he speaks, but he is always right. 

And if Donald Trump were still president the brutal mass murderer Comrade Putin would not have attacked Ukraine. Putin would not be murdering thousands of innocent civilians. He wouldn't be deliberately targeting hospitals and nuclear power plants and preschools. And we wouldn't be paying seven dollars a gallon for gasoline, a price that is certain to continue to increase. 

I do oppose sending any American military personnel into the war until the European countries of NATO are fully committed and have their military might fully engaged. American politicians have demonstrated a shameful ability to start wars then allow them to drag on for far too long. American military personnel are brave and committed men and women who are unfortunately led by fat cats in Washington who are cowards and liars. It is my opinion that the leaders of Europe, while very reluctant to commit to a war, once they've committed they allow their commanders on the ground do whatever is necessary to win, Our own political 'leaders' cowardly look for reasons to hold our forces back and even find reasons to accuse our fighting forces of criminal activity for which they can be dismissed from the service or sent to prison. 

I will never support fighting a war outside of the United States until our politicians are fully committed to winning the war. Many of us are embarrassed by the fact that the USA has cowardly run from every war they've fought since WW2. Korea should have been a victory. Vietnam, the thirty year war we allowed to continue for far too long in the Middle East which culminated with a cowardly and embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan. We are exceptionally well equipped, and our personnel are the finest trained in the world. All we lack is politicians who are willing to get the job done.

If a war isn't worth winning we should not go to war. If a war is worth winning we should be fully committed and the ensuing destruction can be addressed after the final round has been fired and the smoke is clearing. Quick and decisive victory is the only option. 

Today Americans are cowering in fear because a madman dictator in Russia is threatening nuclear war. We are allowing him to murder and starve innocent civilians because he wants the resources of their country and isn't willing to enter a legal agreement with them. They are asking for fighter jets and Poland is willing to let them have them, but they want America to assist with the transfer. They also need better SAM batteries to shoot down murderous fighter and bomber aircraft from the madman dictator in Russia. 

The weapons we've provided are excellent, but they need more. They need the Patriot missile system. Any unwanted aircraft entering Ukrainian airspace should be shot down immediately. No military personnel need to be involved. We've already proven that we don't have much respect for our own fighting men and women. They will also need food, water, clothing and shelter. Are we actually going to allow the dictator of Russia to starve them to death? We invaded Iraq to protect a dictator in Kuwait and we committed about 500,000 military personnel. We had a president who was dedicated to winning and the action did not last long. The destruction was brutal and total and necessary. It was also successful. 

The same thing could be done in Ukraine (however our politicians cannot be trusted so we cannot commit ground or air forces to this war which is really a sad thing to have to say). The American people are not cowards, but somehow they continue to vote for cowards unworthy to be called Americans to run their country. Personally I say No to cowards. Vote pro America always. Ukrainians should be allowed to enter the United States as long as the war persists. Some Ukrainians have actually been detained at the Southern border, denied entry into the United States for several hours before being allowed entrance.

Hispanics are allowed to enter, as long as they don't use a port of entry, and stay for the rest of their lives. That is ridiculous. 

Always vote pro America!! Down with cowards. Americans are not cowards. 

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