Tuesday, March 15, 2022


I cheered loudly when the Brandenburg Gate speech was made. I loved Ronald Reagan for his ability to speak and to teach. I loved his statesmanship and his strength. And I loved his commitment to America. He understood that America was the greatest county the world had ever seen and he was eager to share our history whenever he had the chance. He was a great president at a time when we really needed one. Jimmy Carter had presided over a terrible economy and embarrassing setbacks in diplomacy around the world. During his presidency no one respected this country. The last year and a half the USA was held hostage by a murderous group of Iranians who wanted to impose a suppressive religious dictatorship under the Ayatollah Khomanie. The embassy was surrendered to a mob of fanatics after a Marine guard had been kidnapped, tried for crimes he never committed and sentenced to death. 

The ambassador surrendered the embassy to prevent anyone from getting killed. The Marine was severely tortured during his captivity, but he was released within a few days through the efforts of Ambassador William H .Sullivan. Not long after the siege of the Iranian embassy it was stormed again and this time the entire staff was taken hostage and moved to various locations in and around Tehran. Six members of the embassy staff managed to hide inside the embassy and were rescued in a bold move by Canadian special forces personnel and the American CIA. 

The subsequent break up of the USSR was one of the great events of the twentieth century. Millions of people were freed from the oppressive Russian government and new democracies blossomed. In 1991 Ukraine declared its independence and became the third largest nuclear power in the world. In 1994 the world persuaded the government of Ukraine to denuclearize. There was a meeting in Budapest where the United States, the United Kingdom and even Russia pledged to defend Ukraine if they were ever attacked. Now I watch with a feeling of dread as the United States watches lamely doing nothing to help the people of Ukraine. They've provided anti tank weapons and stinger shoulder fired anti aircraft missiles that can shoot down low level, relatively slow moving aircraft such as helicopters and slower moving low level bombers. They are not that effective against missiles. Killing Russian tanks is a great idea and should be encouraged every day. The same for helicopters. They are slow moving and easy targets for the stinger missiles. 

The president of Ukraine has requested fighter jets and more effective surface to air missile batteries. He didn't ask for NATO pilots or soldiers. He made the plea for a no fly zone and our cowardly senate and NATO allies interpret that to mean American and NATO pilots even though Ukraine has never asked for military personnel. Surface to air missiles don't have pilots. Fighter jets do have pilots but Ukraine has pilots. Poland has offered fighter jets that would be routed through a United States Air Force base in Germany, but President Biden said no. The leaders of the European Union are such cowards. As soon as Putin reminds them he has nuclear weapons, they cover their faces and hide. "Oh no, he has nukes! We better just let him murder people if that's what it takes to avert a nuclear war!" Seemingly they don't realize that one day he will be attacking their countries. 

I don't know who's worse; the murderous dictator Putin, or the cowards in charge of NATO and the United States. President Kilensky made a plea today to the Canadian parliament. He asked for more air cover, at least better SAM batteries. He did a great job and he is a very courageous man and after his plea the Canadian leadership took turns making speeches about how much they care and how courageous the Ukrainian people are then shamefully denied his request for better protection against Russian bombers and ballistic missiles. They were very self serving and gave each standing ovations as they solemnly and hypocritically proclaimed their solidarity with Ukraine while wearing the blue and yellow ribbons, the colors of the Ukrainian flag. They see themselves as a special class of very wise and loving people who are keeping the war 'clean' even as they cry for the people being murdered in Ukraine.
"We really want to help, but it is in the best interest of all humanity that we sacrifice Ukraine to Vladimir Putin.' 

I'm going to laugh out loud in a couple of years when Russian soldiers begin murdering citizens in a NATO country and Putin threatens nuclear war as one by one NATO countries fall to his murderous soldiers who will mercilessly kill everyone who dares to stand in their way. I believe most of Europe will fold under the pressure of just thinking that Putin might fire a nuclear missile at some country somewhere in the world. For Europe I fear that bondage is preferable to war. It's 1939 all over again. 
I support the Ukrainians completely. I am ready for my government to call Vlad's bluff and I've sent all of my representatives and the president himself emails telling them to impose a no fly zone over Europe via SAM batteries on every corner if possible. There is no need to send American pilots or soldiers. Surface to air missiles can shoot down planes and missiles entering Ukrainian airspace and our leadership doesn't seem to realize it, but they are unmanned. 

Sadly, there is nothing I can do except do my best to replace cowardly politicians with politicians who are not eager to go to war, but who will not be held hostage by a Russian dictator either.

Anyone who has the USA for an ally better prepare to defend themselves because if their foe has any teeth you can count America out. 

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