Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Real Men are Fighters

If a democrat ever comes up with a great idea you can bet he's been talking to someone with conservative values and some of it stuck. During the 1960's The United States went through a series of culture revolutions fueled by democrats. All of them were bad. Women wanted equality, but have never been able to explain what that means, men wanted to be freed from the draft because they didn't believe in defending their country, both wanted to be allowed to take drugs and 'Free Love' became one of their mantras, along with, 'Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll'. And of course 'Question Authority' and 'Don't Trust anyone over 30!' It was an exciting time in America. True American patriots believed in defending their country. And a large portion of Americans thought poisoning yourself with dangerous drugs was a bad idea. How could anyone on an 'acid trip' be productive? And sure it was good to question authority, but that just became an excuse to be lazy and do nothing. 
Sex, drugs and rock n' roll? Just one more rotten, stupid idea added to the democrat's heap of real stupid rotten ideas. The debauchery was probably largely funded by Soviet Commies. Archie Bunker used to make jokes about the 'Peace Riots' as he stoked conservatism and made fun of commies. And 'All in the Family' was a great television show. It was possibly the highest rated show in its time slot. None of us knew at the time that Carroll O'conner was not a conservative and did not embrace the ideals he portrayed as Archie Bunker. He later said he liked playing the part of Archie Bunker, but had nothing in common with him. 
Sadly, O'conner lost his only child to the 'Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll' club. Real men believe in the concept of taking responsibility for ones self and hard work. Real men believe in God and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ to the best of their ability. They treat women with respect and they respect themselves. Real men don't shirk their responsibility or seek to destroy their own country. They seek instead to make it stronger and instill patriotism. If they think their country is making bad choices they take the opportunity to express their disapproval, but they don't destroy property that doesn't belong to them. They don't burn buildings and police cars. They don't do anything that is destructive. Real men are strong and strong willed. They are not afraid to disagree and they recognize that nothing good comes from rioting and destruction of property. 
When they think their country is going in the wrong direction, they don't try to destroy it they try to educate those around them and convince them what the disagreement is about. They want to build their country up and help make it stronger. Real men are not afraid to defend their country. Democrats have been claiming that men are bad for society and should keep their mouths shut. They claim that men are brutes who only want to fight and intimidate people and abuse women. Nonsense. Even democrats opposed the women's rights movement until they saw a chance to exploit women to their own advantage. Democrat men wanted to be able to have sex with women without any obligation to take care of them if they became pregnant. 
It's her child right? She could have said 'no' but she wanted me as bad as I wanted her. Abortion became very important to democrat men and they benefitted in at least two ways; women looked at men who supported abortion and thought, 'oh how caring he is! He understands what a woman needs!' And she would go to bed with him, mistaking his actions as caring and kind. Abortion is not good for women, it is bad for women. It is good for the man because then there is no chance that he will have to take responsibility for his actions. When the woman gets pregnant he can just say, 'hey it was great! I'll help pay for the abortion and wish you luck!' And that was if she were lucky enough to find a democrat man who sort of cared. Most often he just disappeared and hoped she killed her baby. 
Real men don't do that. Real men recognize that women have feelings beyond the physical, and that it was important to deny certain actions because of the long range implications. They abstain from such intimacy knowing that it is better to exercise self control than to have to deal with damage that comes from irresponsible behavior. Today real men are all but shunned from American society. There are even grade schools that allow teachers to tell children that most of the problems in the world today were created by men. Rugged individualism is decried as men who are bullies and like to push people around and walk all over them. 
Real men are rugged, and strong, and independent. They take responsibility for their mistakes and don't look for someone else to blame for their failures and the are grateful when they succeed. One of the great examples of a real man today is Volodymyr Zelensky. And women seem to love him. He is not backing down or shirking his responsibility. He could leave Ukraine and  live the comfortable of a billionaire somewhere in the world, but he has chosen to stay and fight alongside his people. Is that what democrats mean when they speak of 'toxic masculinity?' 
Because of his example one of the most revered democrats of our day, Bill Maher, actually felt comfortable saying something he has probably wanted to say for years; men are not inherently evil. Of course there have been some very bad men in history, but as he said, and he cited some credible sources, women actually like a strong man. Being a democrat he related it all to sex, and having a democrat audience, the women in attendance loved that. It is true that the problems of pregnancy are pretty easy to address today and sadly that is the direction our society is headed. Self indulgence. 
Real men are fighters. They don't go out looking for a fight, but when faced with one they don't run away either. They are not afraid to say what they think no matter how hard democrats try to shut them down. Real men are getting fired for saying what's on their mind. They don't approve of transgenderism or homosexuality or abortion. They see clearly that men should not be allowed and certainly not encouraged to compete in women's sports. Real men aren't afraid of being labeled 'homophobes' by democrats because they realize that we should all be afraid of the inherent danger of transgenders in society. They don't care that most psychologists have been forced to accept the fallacy that transgenderism is not a mental disorder. Several democrats have asked me how come there is no effective psychological treatment for transgenderism if it's a mental disorder. And the answer is that I don't know. I know that psychological treatment has been successful in some cases. 
Real men know they don't have all the answers, but that doesn't stop them from trying to understand. They are not toxic to a society they are necessary for a society to grow and flourish. And they are absolutely fighters. They defend their families, and their nation. They make life more comfortable and secure. A society without real men is one in decline. Real men are never bullies, they are protectors. 

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