Tuesday, March 15, 2022


What is wrong with our politicians? They are afraid of WW3? Don't they realize that WW3 has been brewing for years and now a madman in Russia has fired the first live round of the war? No boots on the ground, no American pilots? Have they ever heard of surface to air missiles? Not the Stinger missile which is very effective at destroying low flying aircraft, but can't reach the bombers that strike from altitudes above 15,000 feet. It looks like our dear president doesn't know SAMs don't have pilots. They are largely radar guided and only need enough personnel to make sure they are properly programmed and Ukrainians are easily smart enough to program and maintain those systems. Sure Vlad is going to threaten nuclear war. Will he really be that stupid? Perhaps, but consider the fact that a nuclear exchange is inevitable and now the Russian military is bogged down. They are vulnerable and could be crippled for years, and if they are really evil and stupid enough to launch a nuclear war that would be the end of the Russian bear. Yes it will be horrible, but the world will be reminded once again about the horrors of nuclear war. 

People will survive. And the world will rebuild. And what about sarin gas? When the Russian madman uses sarin gas against the people of Ukraine will we still be afraid of his nuclear threats? Will we still wring our hands and cry tears of fear and watch helpless children choke to death like we did when they were used on the Syrian population in 2017? I don't understand why the country I love, the greatest nation the world has ever known, now stands back and does practically nothing to stop this horrible war. I would gladly send in our military units, 500,000 well equipped, well fed soldiers and Marines could do a lot of good as could a couple hundred military aircraft and surface to air missiles. Freedom is what the Ukrainians are fighting for and the Russians are getting killed and murdering innocent people for the sole purpose of denying them that freedom. 

President Biden is a worthless coward. He thinks he is some sort of genius for realizing that the war in Ukraine could be the beginning of 'World War Three' as he says it. He doesn't realize the world war has begun. Be courageous and stop being a spectator, stop pretending that confiscating the yachts of multi billionaires is going to help. One thing that I love is the number of businesses that have voluntarily left Russia. Virtually every comfort the Russian people enjoy comes from outside their country, and now many of those comforts are no longer available because companies across Europe and the USA have pulled out. I don't know exactly what's in them, but Big Macs are addictive. And Ikea furniture is a staple in many homes. 

People say, "Sam are you crazy? Do you want to start WW3? And the answer is of course not, but neither am I willing to sit and watch the annihilation of a free country desperately fighting against a madman in Russia, and doing a great job. I don't believe the madman in Russia wants to start WW3 either, he just loves watching Uncle Joe crumble and cower at his feet every time he uses the word 'nuclear'. 

And the Ukrainians aren't asking us to commit any soldiers or airmen. All they want is weapons systems they don't have and we do. We could sweep the air over Ukraine clean by giving them surface to air missiles and Patriot missile batteries. They might win anyway, but give them the weapons they need and they will bring Putin to his knees. World War Three has already begun and the best way to stop it is to arm Ukraine. Let that small nation bring Russia down and the world will heave a huge sigh of relief. World war three will have been won by a citizen army in a small country called Ukraine. 

I love America and now I'm truly ashamed of her. We promised them when they gave up their nuclear weapons in 1994 that we would protect them and now look how we've turned our backs on them like the cowards we've become. Putin threatens nuclear war so we let him terrorize anyone he wants to. 

And what can I do? Nothing. All I can do is vote for people who have the guts to do the tough jobs that need to be done. Not smooth talkers like the lying coward Uncle Joe, but someone a little rough around the edges and not always well spoken, but honest and sincere like Donald Trump. Ukraine is suffering because Trump lost the election. 

And what's worse than WW3? Living with the knowledge that we could have helped save a nation from a tyrant and didn't do it. 

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