Friday, February 25, 2022

Are the citizens of Ukraine worried about Global Warming today?

 A hero of the proletariat democrat party of America, John Kerry, recently said he's afraid that the Russian invasion of Ukraine will distract people from the far more dangerous foe the world faces; global warming.  I'm pretty sure the people in Ukraine are not concerned about the mythical global warming threat. Mitt Romney is not right very often when it comes to social views, but we now can clearly see that he was right about Russia being the biggest threat to world peace. The democrat boogie man, global warming, hasn't killed or injured anyone, but the Russian army has. Afghanistan in 1980 Georgia in 2008 Ukraine in 2014 and now Ukraine again. The Russian government cannot be trusted. They are patient, but when they decide to strike they do. And they always choose sides against the USA when they get a chance. 

Unbelievably no world leader is accusing Vladimir Putin of committing war crimes. Clearly he is a war criminal guilty of murdering civilians and soldiers during an unprovoked attacked against a non aggressive nation. The world is in this predicament in large part because the people of the United States foolishly elected a doddering old fool in the beginning stages of dementia to be their president. The first thing Biden did was shut down a vital natural gas pipeline that would bring needed natural gas to our country. He also slowed oil production in the USA and started importing oil from Russia and Iran, two countries that truly hate our guts. Then he showed very poor tactical and strategic sense when he orchestrated a panicked exit from Afghanistan leaving hundreds, and possibly thousands of Americans and people who worked for America at the mercy of the Taliban. Vladimir Putin is a man who recognizes weakness when he sees it and Biden is about as weak as a leader can be. 

Biden wants the world to fear the non existent effects of a non existent natural phenomenon that democrats have labeled global warming, not the very real threats from places like Russia and China. So now the citizens of Ukraine are being driven from their homes during a cold winter while the Russian army advances across Ukraine and is now surrounding the capitol. No one is helping the Ukrainian people. They are on their own. The Ukrainian army is fighting a good fight and the citizens are threatening to carry out a guerrilla war if the Russians succeed in toppling their country. Putin wants to reconstitute the old Soviet Union and Ukraine is resisting. We will know in a few hours if the Russian army is able to murder enough people in Kiev to make the capital fall. Hopefully the civilians will hide behind every wall, every tree, and everywhere with their rifles and kill Russians by the dozen until they get tired of getting killed and go home or just plain dessert. 

There is nothing legitimate about this war. Vladimir Putin is an unhinged madman and needs to be stopped. Any soldier who deliberately targets and murders civilians should be tried for murder. I really hope the civilian soldier hangs tough and keeps killing Russian soldiers until they leave. Democrats can share the shame of this man caused disaster with Brother Putin their comrade in arms. This being an election year democrats should lose badly. They think global warming is the biggest threat to the world, but the truth is it is tyrants like Vlad. Global warming hasn't killed anyone. Tyrants like Vlad have killed hundreds of millions of people.

I'm hoping that tomorrow Kiev's citizens are still fighting and killing Russians by the truck load. One piece of good news that just came out is that the Ukrainian army just shot down a transport plane with Russian soldiers on board. Way to go Ukrainian Army!

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