Friday, December 10, 2021

Christmas is here again

The Beach Boys sing a song that includes the line, "Christmas comes this time each year..." and it does every year. For a couple of hundred years we've enjoyed an unprecedented amount of religious freedom here. No other country has ever allowed citizens the type of freedom here and as far as I know there is no other country that allows citizens the opportunities we enjoy here. There was a time briefly in the sixties when atheists were becoming vocal about the opposition to religion and religious beliefs. We used to recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning when I was in grade school. We used to honor the men and women who risked everything they had so we could remain free from oppression. Atheists didn't like to hear children giving respect to our country because the Pledge includes the words, "Under God". So atheists claim there is no God and they are comfortable with that belief and of course they have the right to believe whatever they want as long as they don't turn those beliefs into actions that will harm others.

The fact is that there is a God and no one can change that. If a parent has a child they don't want to say the words "Under God" they can teach their child that it isn't necessary for that child to say those words. I don't know how many atheists there were in the United States in 1963, but the only people who I was aware of who didn't recite the Pledge were Jehovah's Witnesses, a group of people who believe in God and won't pledge their allegiance to anyone but God. And that is their right and I never saw anyone make fun of the kids in our school who were Jehovah's witnesses, although I'm sure there were a few bucket heads who did. Atheists? I think there may have been one kid who said there was no such thing as God. I've always been taught, and I still believe that people have an absolute right to be wrong. As long as they aren't interfering with my right to be wrong. And about three percent of the population of America is reported to be atheist today yet they claim the right to tell the rest of us that we can't worship God. Since America has become increasingly cowardly and allows judges to dictate our religious beliefs to us, we no longer sing Christmas carols in public schools or put up Christmas displays in front of or inside of public buildings or in town squares. 

Judges have effectively provided cover for atheists  to bully the rest of the country into abandoning any public display of religious symbols even though the vast majority of Americans still want to sing Christmas carols in school and put up public displays of Jesus Christ in court houses and city halls. I don't think most Christians mind at all a public display of the Menorah or even a Muslim symbol that honors the Creator of the world. Most Americans are not atheists, but believers in God. And most religious people have no problem enjoying the religious practices of other peoples as long as they are respectful of the rights of others and non violent. An example of unacceptable religious practice would be the Taliban. And another is Atheism. The Taliban are violent and intolerant in their core beliefs. And Atheists are just intolerant of the beliefs of others. Atheists don't want to be told that they are free to ignore public displays if they wish, they want to tell the rest of us that we don't have the right to enjoy them. And unfortunately they are winning.

Jesus Christ is the only reason we have a Christmas season. Fortunately if there is an atheist tradition I don't know what it is. I doubt it is anything beautiful, peaceful, or festive. It probably wouldn't be anything at all and they have the absolute freedom to decorate their homes with signs declaring that their is no God if that's what they want to do. They do not have  the right to dictate to the rest of us what we have to believe. I don't know what motivates judges but they have given atheists a great deal of power which is terrible. 

For me Christmas is a time of great beauty. Scenes of snow drifts, Frosted windows, ice skating on frozen ponds, and decorated buildings and trees. It is a time of peace and beauty and should be appreciated by all even if they don't think God exists. How can anyone be offended by beautiful music and lights? Anyone who doesn't like Christmas is free to ignore it.  

The only thing I don't like about Christmas is the increase in commercialization. I'll keep the decorations and the music, but don't expect an elaborate gift from me. And I hope no one is worrying about getting anything elaborate for me. Time with family and friends in a beautiful surrounding is all I need. Let's play some games, sing some carols, eat some good food and remember to be grateful for the things God has given us! 

Whether or not you choose to believe, God lives and He is our Eternal Father. 

Merry Christmas!!

And to my Jewish brothers and sisters A Very Joyous Hannakah!! 

To my fellow Abrahamites, I wish you a happy season too. May God be With you Always!!


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