Monday, December 20, 2021


 Okay, you are asleep late at night, or whenever and you hear some miscreant forcing open a door or window to your home. What should you do? Call the police? Handle it yourself? I'd say both. If you have time you call the police then go take care of the problem while the police respond. Your kids are all asleep in different bedrooms of the house and your wife is asleep next to you. Maybe she should call 911 while you confront the bad guy(s). 

You will need a flashlight and the firearm of your choice. I like shotguns or the trusty M4. Pistols are fine as well, but hopefully you've been practicing regularly and can safely handle a firearm even when the adrenaline is pumping. There is nothing more tragic than mistakenly killing or seriously wounding a loved one. If you have a German Shepard that will come in handy too. In fact that loyal dog will most likely send the bad guys packing long before you even open your bedside electronic safe. Personally I'm not a big fan of killing bad guys if it can be avoided. I'm no fan of letting them get away either. We have a God given right to defend ourselves and our own neighbors are trying to take that away from us. Don't let them! The right to self defense is a basic human right. The right to have the police show up an hour after the bad guy has left and you are in the hospital waiting the five hours it takes to receive emergency medical assistance is not a God given right or a basic human right; it is government overreach. 

Telling anyone they can't carry a gun for self defense is a violation of our human rights and a serious one. If a bad guy doesn't want to get shot he can look for a house occupied by a democrat. And the sign nailed to the tree in my yard that proclaims, "I shoot first, check for a pulse, shoot again, then call 911" is not a joke. It's a fair warning. Crooks who break into a person't house are playing the lottery; is the homeowner armed or not? If he or she is, is that homeowner willing to kill in self defense or the defense of other family members? In my case the answer is yes to all of the above and if I hear a bad guy breaking into my neighbor's house, you'll get the same result. She's not a democrat, but she lives alone and her eyesight isn't what it used to be. Sandy is my German Shepard and she is ready when the time comes. Years of obedience training and practice have prepared her to take care of unauthorized visitors while I wake up. 

Our government officials are a mess in many states. Too many of them hate people who own firearms and I really don't understand why. Any intruder has the option of staying out of my house and I encourage them to take that option in the strongest terms. If you haven't been invited into my home stay out. If you take the other option and choose to force your way in, you better hope I'm not there or be ready to leave this frail existence a little early because the only hesitation you'll notice from me is the split-second it takes to get a good sight picture before I pull the trigger and end your pathetic existence. If I'm gone and Sandy is there alone, she has been trained to hold you until I get back and she's good at it. The more you resist, the more damage she'll do to you so just do as she says and when I get home I'll take over. And of course after the police and coroner have done their duty and hauled your carcass away I'll sleep like a baby. 

The Second Amendment to our Constitution guarantees us the right to keep and bear arms. We can have an army and a police force too, but the right of an individual to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Judges are supposed to be smart, but they don't seem to understand the guaranty in that statement. If you're comfortable with the idea of waiting the 15-20 minutes it takes for the police to arrive at your house in an emergency while an armed intruder forces entry into your home that's fine with me, but you don't have the right to impose that option on the rest of the country. 

If people are concerned about the potential for some to use firearms in an inappropriate way the best thing to do is enhance education about what a gun is. The fact is that no gun has ever shot anybody, no knife has ever stabbed anyone, no car has ever run over anyone, etc. All of these things are inanimate objects incapable of accomplishing anything on their own. Of the more than 40,000 incidents of deaths caused by people using firearms each year half of them are from people shooting themselves. Mental health is a huge issue that is all but ignored in this country. A lot can be accomplished toward solving most problems by educating people about things they don't understand, such as firearms. I don't like educating five year olds about birth control, but democrats think that is vital. So if it's important to teach kids about birth control why can't we teach them firearms safety? There are almost 400 million guns in the country and I don't think millions of gun owners in the country are going to just hand them over to whatever government official wants them. If we started educating our young people about respect for firearms there is a good chance they'd be less likely to accidentally shoot someone or themselves and they'd be less likely to use a gun to do something truly evil. 

Democrats may want to disarm all Americans but it is never going to happen so they really should embrace the idea of educating children about guns. I've heard democrats say that the idea of education school children about gun safety and care and storage is a preposterous idea, but they never say why it's a bad idea. Gun safety is way better than gun violence. 

The truth is I like guns and lots of other Americans like guns. I like to shoot targets, sometimes I like to hunt, and if necessary I would use a gun to defend myself or the people I care about from an armed aggressor. The Constitution guarantees all of us that right.

Next year we have a chance to atone for the sins of 2020. Do yourself a favor and only vote for candidates who support our constitution. The rest are just going to strip you of your rights. 

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